Reincarnated as a Nuclear Birb in MHA

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 – smort birb? and preschool

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===[Times skip: 4 years]===

It's been years since I've been born into this world... As a baby... 

Still aren't over that fact... All the horror... And humility... Even worse now that I have a huge pride as Okuu... I don't know if the Disco Fairy has anything to do with this, but she definitely does

Ugh, anyway, seem like I've been reborn in the My hero academia dimension, easy to figure out with people talking about quirk 24/7 and All-Might being shown on the TV and not just some store that has an All-Might hardcore fan that only sells All-Might stuff

As my knowledge of it? Well... I only watch till the tournament arc

Don't judge me ok? I'm... I don't know what's up with my taste, I like the anime, didn't really read the manga nor novel except the fanfic... I don't know why I like the fanfic better, probably the same reason as Disco Fairy

I'm currently dressing up for school as I look at a small mirror on my laptop's desk, a white dress that has a hole in it for my wings and orb, a knee-high pink skirt (Mom's choice of making me more "girly") and a set of black wings that's twice my size, I could fly with it with a bit of solar power, without it, I could only glide

That's right, my quirk is classified as a Mutant Hybrid kind of quirkHelp, should it just be mutant, or is this fine? that includes solar power and flight with my Raven wings, it would seem like I got my solar power from my mom while my Raven wings from my dad's shadow crow quirk

They initially named my quirk Eclipse Angel, which after I found out, begged them to change the name into Hell Raven, which work out, I mean c'mon, an angel of the eclipse? Really? I'm a Raven! Not Pigeon!

"Okuu~~! C'mon down for breakfast!" My mom yelled at me from the ground floor as I'm done dressing up


I walk out of my room after getting everything ready, I live in a small two stories house, the upstairs is all bedrooms while the downstairs composes of a living room, Dining room, kitchen, and bathroom with no garage to speak of

I come downstairs and meet my mom in the living room... We don't use the dining room, it has been turned into a Gym, she has black hair just like me, unlike me, and her eyes are yellow sun in color, seemingly to glow a bit as she put my plates down on the table

I look around and scan the room, a two-seated table that has four seats on the very left side of the room with all the foods already on top of it, small flat screen TV on the walls with carpet on the front of it along with a long drawer under the TV, sofa to the right side right next to the door... We don't actually use the sofa much, I and my dad would rather lay down on the carpet as we watch a football game while my mom just gives up on trying to get us both on the sofa

I sit down at the table to eat my breakfast, it's a bowl of fried rice with shredded chicken, and a salty boiled egg, I look around once more as I couldn't see my dad anywhere, so, I ask my mom

"Mom, is dad already out for work?"

"Well, yes, you know how he is, being head security on a mall is hard work to have, especially with the new recruit he's getting"

"Kek, yea, still remember that he's being called in because some of the guys are so incompetent that they have to delay the repainting of the parking lot by 5 hours"

"Haah, you know it, and how does this little brain able to understand the meaning of incompetence, hmm?"

"It's simple logic, mom"

"You always say that"

My dad works as head security, doesn't mean he's only needed to lead the security, he's also needed to manage the maintenance of the mall by calling in the maintenance crew and stuff, the fact that he can summon shadow crow to monitor the perimeter and are competent in his jobs is why he got promoted until that position, he's been offered a higher position but... He's the quiet type, he doesn't like dealing with business stuff

As for my mom, she's working from home as a laundry service, I help her sometimes, and maybe will help her more in the future, initially, she's working as a disaster relief crew because of her solar quirk that basically turn her into a low powered Superman that could fire off laser from her arms, cutting metals, lifting debris are her work before she quit just to take care of me, which is also the reason why the dining room has been turned into a gym, she doesn't want to lose her muscles

I finished my breakfast as my mom dump the dishes in the sink to be cleaned later while letting them be drowned in water for easier cleaning

"Ready for your first day at school?"

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My mom chuckled as we get out of the house and my mom then called for a taxi to grab us with her phone

And for your information, they didn't figure out that I'm a reincarnated person, because although I'm smart, I'm not THAT smart, and my brain is, well, still small, I can't really think much before I start to overheat from too much thinking, and my carefree happy go lucky personality seal the suspicion away, not to mention the debuff I got from having the nuclear knowledge... 

I should probably tell them... I... Really love them... 

I feel guilty about it even though I don't really need to tell them, for once, I have a loving family, although my last one cared, that's where it ended, they only care just enough to not have me grow up to be a troublesome individual... Still better parents than most people those days to be honest

A taxi finally arrived, we get inside and the taxi start driving towards my school

We arrive safely without any incident, I look towards the school, it's a typical-looking school with a huge playground and two school building that offers 4 room each, one of the building is packed full of children and parents that's with them on their first day at school

I followed my mom toward class 1A, and found nothing out of the ordinary, hec I don't even see any of the main cast characters, there were some children that's crying, but the majority of them are all excited about the new friends they could make from all around them

"Now, Okuu, make sure to be a nice girl and befriend those around you ok?" My mom said to me while hugging me tightly

"Hehehe, ok mom!"

Friends huh...

I ponder the benefits it could give, I could make friends and have fun, but then I'll have a high chance to get separated from them by school separation in the future, rendering making them friends meaningless... 

Sigh, me and my... I don't know, experience? Knowledge?... It's really making me feel like it's useless to get out of my way to make friends, it's the same thing with gaming I guess, you don't look for a friend in an online game, you just randomly make one which, could last forever or just a few days

I still remember one of my best online friend nicknamed as Baby Fire Dragon... I really miss talking with her and spreading memes together... Also doing some goofy Roleplay... 

Gah! Whatever! That's future me problem! I'll do whatever I want

Whenever my friends followed me to the U.A or I don't follow them to the U.A doesn't matter right now, what matter is, I have fun, for this birb, is not about to waste her second life

As I'm thinking this, I'm getting a lot of stares from the kids around, they're all staring at my wings, some of them tried to touch them but their parents stopped them before they could

Ga, thank you for reeling him... I forgot that I'm a mutant, a rare one at that... This'll be annoying with people that will try to touch my wings... 

Unfortunately, like in manga and anime, my wings are sensitive as fuck, it'll feel like someone touching your hair and more, just with feathers instead of hair, and is on your back...

The reasoning? Well after seeing the doctors for a deeper scan (That I could finally take since I'm old enough now) my wings are full of... Hmm, would you understand if I said magic circuits? Basically that, but for my nuclear orbs, this means my wings are my main way of absorbing solar rays and other nuclear energy

Of course, if someone were to touch my wings... I'll blast them to kingdom come

Can't blast people with plasma balls nor miniature stars, but I can still blast people's faces with a fireball

The method of shooting a fireball is simple, for me that is, just gather solar energy on my hands then let it out and control them to be compressed and turn into a ball of flame then shoot them out... It should be simple for me to make a plasma ball, it's just the same motion but more compression, energy, and heat, those that I, unfortunately, don't have yet

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