Reincarnated as a Nuclear Birb in MHA

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 – Birb in trouble?

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A long one, cause I can't continue the other chapter, so I merge it, enjoy

... Boring...

That is the conclusion I've come to for this school

Don't get me wrong, those games are nice, but you know... I have an adult mind... Even if it doesn't seem like it

But it is goddamned boring when the actual lesson start, right now, I'm sitting here, with my pen... With the answer sheets filled to the brim while the other kids still trying to make sense of things

11+89 and such... Geez, I'm bored

I then start to draw a nuke... Yes, a nuke, a goddamned blueprint of one with perfect scaling on the side

How could I make a nuke?

Since I have the knowledge, I tried to make a blueprint of one for curiosity... Of course, being Okuu that I am, I did this in the classroom

Thankfully, I finished it quickly and got bored again, so I stuffed it into my backpack... And then I started doing some random advanced mathematics

God this is ridiculous, I did nothing more than wish to be Okuu yet look at this... Beautiful

All the answer is neatly placed like it's a work of art of a magic circle

Hmm? That reminds me... Did the story show that Okuu could write? I mean, she is a dumb dumb when it comes to anything other than nuclear shenanigans, hmm, now I'm curious... 

And so, the school continues on without a problem for me, after a long while, the school bell rang to indicate that it was the end of the lesson for today

I packed up my stuff and sit still... No way in hell I'm throwing myself into that messy crowds

Geez, remind me of the ol time at the train station...

After the students are calm down and nice, I move to leave the room, I'm walking toward the gate... Then I wait... 

Until a taxi pulled over, the back door of the taxi open up to reveal my mom

"C'mon in~ let's go to the mini-market first~"

"Ok, by the way, mom, could we buy some milk?"

"Of course, let's go"

We went on and buy some stuff, after going back home, I ploop myself up into the bed and lay there for a moment, after a while, I sat up then sit down on a chair and boot up my laptop

Argh! I'm bored, thankfully, there's the Internet... But everything is hero related!!

It's like having only Hot Wheels games on the internet, sure it's good and all, but there's a limit on how much you can use the story and gimmick before you need a new one

heck, this one is even worse because it's about a real hero, you can't really imagine any story other than their own, there's no All-Might Alter and stuff because it'll disrespect the hero... It's like playing MMO all over again!! It's just the same story but a few differences in name and flow!!

Arrggghhh! I'mma die, thank you forever! It is frustrating to know there's a technology you could use to do some gaming, yet all the games are shit!

... Hold on, since I'm here, can't I... Make some game or some shit? I mean, bullet hell game is simple all things considered... 

I search on the net with my laptop, and I don't like what I'm seeing

Haahh, of course, the technology here will be biasedly tilted toward hero gadget, I'll need to learn how to code to make a game

It is no surprise, considering quirk has become an All solving problem for most people in today's society, rather than letting the scientist and engineer solve how to scan a quirk's power and potential, they use another quirk for it! Thus making every one of them focus their task on how to make gadgets for said scanning quirk so he can scan things better!

"... Haah"

I decide to go out and buy some drink, and then help my mom with the laundry since I'm bored, and then... Maybe watch something on the TV

"Mom! I'm going out to buy some drinks! Want some?"

"Sure! Could you buy me a panda grass jelly? And 2 packs of detergent, the money is in the usual place!"


Now, it might be weird for a child of 4 years old to be walking around like this without a supervisor, but I'm in an anime world with a superpower, it ain't that weird, plus, this part of the city is a residential area, there's no car around at this hours

It's basically similar to my past home, just... More solid fences around

I look around me, parents walking with their children, one part of the street filled with children playing soccer, an internet cafe filled with teens, a guy selling ice cream on a bike that got swarmed by children... 

Reminds me of the good ol times... Sadly, I don't have the mind of a kid anymore... In the past, I would sometimes usually hang around with adults in the wooden guard's post... Sadly there's nothing like that over here

I walk on and found the convenience store I'm looking for, I buy myself some bubbles milk tea and a can of panda grass jelly, together with 2 detergent for mom as the shopkeeper, miss Tia, walk back to the counter from the back room and notice me

"My! Okuu, you're doing an errand for your mother?"

"Hehe, I'm buying something for myself and my mother!"

Miss Tia is your typical good housewife neighbor with brown hair and black eyes, wearing a green dress and a white apron with a big chubby belly

As I'm putting my stuff on the counter, a green ribbon catches my eyes

That's a lot of different kinds of ribbon... But I obviously want the green one

I grab it and put it on the counter like the other and pay for them

"Hm~ want me to put it on for you?"

"Will you!?"

"Of course! Come here, face that way for a second"

Miss Tia start working with my hair and tying the ribbon in the famous bunny tie style, I look at myself in Miss Tia's handheld mirror and nod in satisfaction

"Thank you, Miss Tia!"

"Ohohoh! Anytime deary"

I walked back towards my house, just to find that the road is blocked because a truck is trying to pass by to my right while a car horn could be heard from the front side of the truck

Well shit... I feel like I know where this is going, even more so knowing that I'm inside manga/anime

I took the street to my left to try to find another route, then I took a right turn, as I'm walking, a group of kids emerge from the side of the vending machine area and halt my advance

Fucking called it

"Hey, you! Who are you!"

"Is that something you should say to a stranger you just meet?" I asked as I scan his group

The group consists of 5 people, and all of them are one head taller than me, so it's good to suspect that they already have their quirk manifestation

"Ohh, look like we got ourselves a brave lady here!"

They snicker as they look at me up and down, and at my plastic bag that also holds money

These fuckers...

"What do you want?"

"What do we want? Of course, it's the toll fee for using our road!"

"Haah, what kind of fee?"

"A 1.000 yen fee!"

Of fucking course

It's not that much money for a working adult standard, but for kids, it's quite a good sum... Still, there's no way I'm going to let them do whatever they want

Let's try the peaceful way first shall we? 

"Haah, fine~~, if you don't want me to use your road I'll just go back to my usual route"

Before I could even turn around, one kid zips right toward the back to block the way with lightning trailing behind him

Well shit, a mother fucking knockoff of Flash, something to do with lightning it seems

"You think you could just go back without paying the toll?"

Haah should've just flown back if I knew this would happen, then again, I do feel like beating up some punks... Didn't think said punks would be so young, don't want to accidentally kill them now do I?

It isn't illegal for me to use my flight as long as it's at a low altitude of the height of a two-story building and not within a private property that I don't own, I'm a birb after all, I'll need to stretch my wings once in a while to not have my wings muscle deteriorate

"C'mon now, pay the toll!"

One of them come closer and tried to grab me, but of course, he fail, I wack his hands away with my wings as I flap at them hard and flew up into the air


"Come back here you bitch!" Said the leader guy

"I'm a birb, not a bitch, bitch!"

And so, I'm now in the air, and start flying back towards my house as a chunk of rock and ice flew by and miss me entirely, another one, this times lightning, hit my wings, but didn't do anything other than giving me a little tingling sensation as a ticked mark appear on my head as if I'm in an anime world

"Fuck off you twat!"

 I cover my arm in solar energy as another rock comes at me, rather than just dodge, I planted my arm on the back of the rock and do a spin and throw it back towards them, hitting the kid with ice power in his stomach, making the other pause... Big mistake

At this point, I have decided to brutally retaliate, I'm not my past self now, no way in hell would I let some kids on power trips trample on my pride as Hell Raven without a fight, especially if the said attack is dangerous enough to kill me, falling from this height and landing wrongly could literally kill me instantly after all

And so, I conjure a fireball, but not one, no, but many, many, palm size fireballs that form a circling storm that could cover a house entirely with the top facing the dumbfounded little shits, I have a lot of stored-up solar power in my orb, I've not had the chance to unleash them for a while after all, I then fire them off towards now panicking and screaming little thugs


"AAAAAA!!!" "MAMA!!!" "AAAAHHH!!!"

All of them tried to dodge, but to no avail, as even that lightning kid got hit, of course, they would, only Reimu and those of similar dodge skills could dodge a Firestorm like that, if only the lightning kid is smart enough and are not panicking, then maybe he'll survive by turning around and start running rather than trying to dodge

Of course, they didn't die if the screaming and crying is of any indication, this is an anime world after all, and I've toned down the solar power to the minimum, don't know if it's actually toning down the lethality of said fireball, but I don't fucking care, the fireball is small, they could take care of themselves and cry to their mom all they want, I definitely going to tell my mom right away of this incident to let her know, to not blindly trust these stupid fuck just like my past parents did

Really, I did nothing wrong yet they still punished me for it, hump! Now let's see if this would count as 'excessive self-defense' even thou it's appropriate considering they could kill me if they manage to land a hit on me when I'm flying like this

From this experience, I would probably fly to my destination more than ever before

And as for my thoughts on the power of flight... 

It's nice to be able to fly... Would've been nicer if I don't have to worry about flying too high or accidentally flying over a private property

It's frustrating that I need to worry every time I fly, I feel more restricted than a caged birb

After a few seconds more of flight, I finally landed in front of my house

"I'm hom-Guak!!??"

As soon as I tried to announce my presence, I'm greeted by my worried mom and hugged tightly

"Are you okay Okuu!? I heard a huge explosion in rapid succession! Are you hurt anywhere!? Are you ok!?" My mom said in a panic as she move and looks all over my body to find any trace of damage

"M-mom... I'm fine! It's just I will explain the explosion"

"You see what cause it!?"

"Well, more like I cause it..."

".... Wut?" My mom asks, with a very Okuu like confusion face

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I... Guess I'm really my mom's clone, just with wings and an orb on my chest

And so, I explain to my mom about what I did and why I did it, she bonks my head with a newspaper, hard, but that's it, that's my punishment for being reckless

"While I'm glad that my brave tomboy Okuu is strong enough mentally to retaliate, that's still a bit too much! Think of the collateral damage!"

"That's what you're worried about!?"

"Of fucking course it is! Just think of how big the bill would be for such a wide area attack like that!!"

"W-well that is true, but still! Isn't it a bit much!? I didn't damage stuff much! I just burned the street a bit, no hole or anything!"

"But you said it was an attack that cover the whole street, didn't you!? Arrgghhh!!! Where the fuck can I get the money for that if cops come knocking on the door and want compensation for it!?"

"Alright, mom! What could I do to help with that fucking bullshit!?"

"Start cleaning this clothing! I'll figure out a way!"

"But what if the fucking cops come in while you're away!?"

"Shit, you're right!!"

We keep on talking back and forth like this, while completely ignoring dad that manages to come home early, at the front door

"... Like mother like daughter, I guess..."

Dad then come in and join the conversation, after about 15 minutes or so did me and my mom calm down, we were now drinking our re-cooled drink when a knock could be heard on the door

"C-coming!" My mom said as she rush to the door, my father come right after while smelling fresh from the shower while I hide on the never used sofa that's have been moved so that the seat's headrest faced the doorway

With that, Mom open the door to find herself facing a policeman, and 4 angry mothers with their children, and so the battle began

∆====∆[BATTLE START]∆====∆

==[Round 1]==

∆[Enemy Turn!]∆

[Policeman use questioning!]

[Super effective against Mom!]

[It doesn't affect Dad!]

∆[Player turn!]∆

[Mom is paralyzed and unable to move!]

[Dad uses answers!]

[Super effective against angry mothers!]

[Super effective against angry children!]

[Super effective against Policeman!]

[Rock kid has split off from Angry Children due to realizing his mistake!]

==[Round 2]==

∆[Enemy Turn - Counter Battle!]∆

[Angry mothers use "My angels never lie!"]

[Dad counters with "Then my angel is the same" Rendering the attack useless!]

[Angry children use "She burn our clothes!"]

[Dad counter with "A small price for my little Raven's life"]

[Rock kid whispers "Yea, it really is... Can you just jail us now?"]

[The Policeman became confused!]

[Policeman called for backup!]

[Back up has arrived!... 14 minutes late]

[The backup breaks up the two-party and starts questioning them individually!]

∆====∆[END OF BATTLE]∆====∆

After battling for about 2 minutes, one of the children, the rock kid, realizes his mistakes, and is now trying to stop his mother from making the damage worse, sadly for him, his plead went unheard by every one of the angry mothers, including his own

Also, is it weird that I've basically become friends with him now? We're sitting outside on one of my neighbor's outside plants, you know one of those plants that are outside the fence and have concrete thingy around it? Yes that one, we sit on it, the concrete I mean

"Again... Sorry I... I just-ack!?" And this is where I slap the guy's back with my hand enchanted by solar powah!

"It's your fucking fourth time saying that dude!"

"I- I know but... It's just... Every time I see my mother being like that, I just..." He look at his mother being questioned by a policeman that noted every word she said into his phone, while another police, this time a woman, keep looking at her phone, seemingly comparing the two side's stories

"I... Didn't realize that you could die if you fall..."

"Well... What can I say? Gravity's a bitch"

"... What's gravity?"

"Huh? Really? You don't know what gravity is even though you're 7?"

"... Yes... I... Kinda... Skip class most of the time..."

I stare at him, then at the other kids

"Because of them?"

"... Yes..."

I hummed a bit as I played out the scene back then, his face looked panicked from the moment I flew up, I thought he panicked because I'm getting away, but I guess it was because his leader told him to shoot me down if I fly up... Which he never thought he would need to do in the first place

"Do you really have no other friends other than them?"

"Well... I... Grow up with them, and when I tried to find some new friends, for some reason, they're always scared of me..."

"... Pretty sure they're scared of your leader, to be honest"

He look at me with a questioning face, he really does look like a pup that'll follow all the orders he's been given

"Really? But he never does anything that'll make people scared... Except for today"

"Dude, seriously? If people are scared of you even if you tried to be 'good' then there's a rumor about you, most likely of you being in a gang or something, because even if you're 'kind' it's meaningless if they're scared of your 'owner'"

And it is one of the reasons why a lot of people become homeless back in my past world, they catch you doing one crime or in one gang in this scenario, and you now have no job as soon as they saw that record, it's a good way to make sure criminal stayed as a fucking criminal! Good for you, store owner, now the guy that you fire has no choice but to steal from you!

"Hmp, seriously, people gonna do people things, you don't have any more friends right?"

"Uh, yea..."

I extend my hand towards him and demand... 

"Be my friend then"

"Uh... Huh!? B-but... I... Almost hurt you"

"And I burned you up, that makes us even"

"B-but I... Don't have a good quirk as you do..."

"Haahhh... Do we have to do this? You have a good quirk no matter what people said, you can make a sword with it right?"

"I-I can't... I can only make the rock look like one..."

"Then work hard on that! You can already move the rock into the general shape of a sword, now you only need to sharpen it!"


"No buts! If all else fails, then you might as well wield a fucking war hammer made out of rock, now, can you be my friend? Please stop resisting"


He finally grab my hand for a shake, so we now become a friend

"The name is Utsuho Reiuji, call me Okuu"

"My name is E-Edward Sojin ... People called me Ed..."

After the handshake I heard my dad's voice behind me, he's looking tired as all hell with messy hair that look like he's been on a Black Friday battlefield

"Seem like you two made up..."

I spin around to face him as I pointed toward Rock kid with my thumb as I speak with my 'unusual' voice

"As you could see, are you done by the by?"

"Yes... Though I might have to ask you since when are you so similar to your mother but more... Aggressive"

"Since the fucking beginning, don't really know if being this way is good or not after all"

"Heh, it's no problem... Just make sure to not explode at every bad joke you'll hear, having your mother punching my face for making dad jokes is already enough"


I watch him walk back towards our house, three of the mom has been cuffed, while the last one hangs her head down in shame, which I assume to be Rock kid's mom

"C'mon now Rock kid, ya want to sleep in the cold or what?"


We then talk a bit more and talk to Rock kid's mom, and talk about the event, after everything is done and a fine of attempt assault, we went back to our respective house

"So... You made a friend out of that shitshow?" My mom asks while she's cutting some carrots for dinner

"Yea... Made one of em into an ally"

"Hehehe, that's how the Reiuji does it! Good job!"

Excuse me, but can someone tell me if I need to add an added family name for Okuu or is this alright? I'm quite confused about this

"... Pretty sure we don't do the protagonist's friendly punch in this family," My father remarks while he's watching the news with his phone up

"Well, now we do!" My mom flicks the carrot up and slices and dice it like a fruit ninja

"... Carrotion, we don't"

Anddd my dad got hit by a flying carrot for that

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