Reincarnated as a Vampire Princess

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

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When I finally awoke my parents were gone. Instead there was the fluffiest maid I have ever seen sitting in a chair next to my crib. She had orange hair and her ears were orange and fluffy. They ended in white tips just like her tail that was happily swaying behind her. She had the typical black maid outfit with a white apron. She had a bright smile as she looked down at me. The first thing I did was try and reach for her ears. I wanted to feel the fluffiness, but sadly my arms were too short. 

“Oh, the princess has finally awakened. I am sorry, but I will have to entertain you as your parents are occupied.” She leaned in close enough for me to almost touch her ears as she began to poke my cheeks. It was truly a tragedy. The ears were so close, but I still couldn’t grab them. I was able to touch her face, and her cheeks were so soft. Her tail started to sway even more. I would be in heaven if only I could grab her ears! “Ugah!” I let out a strange noise and she started to giggle.

“You are quite lively aren’t you, princess.” I finally noticed she kept calling me princess. Maybe I was actually someone important. Actually everything was strange. Her ears and tail were obviously real. Why didn’t I question anything before? Could it be that I am stupid? No! I am just a little slow. With this much circumstantial evidence. How could I not realize I was in another world? My parents also both had fangs, and my mom had crimson eyes. What could this mean? Was this one of those fantasy reincarnations? Nobody told me anything about it. The maid must have noticed the strange noises I was making while pondering. I just kept grunting to myself. 

“Sorry little princess, I forgot to introduce myself! From now on I am your personal maid Yumi.” She did a curtsey that was well practiced, and my immediate thought was why was she introducing herself to a baby? Time passed as she told me about how amazing my parents were. She paid no heed to the fact that I was a baby and shouldn’t be able to understand anything.

My parents were apparently great people. Yumi said that everyone in this Kingdom of Arris respected my parents. They were great with the common people, and they didn’t discriminate against any race. My father fought in a war on the frontlines against a neighboring kingdom that was prejudiced against beastfolk and held them as slaves. Yumi was a child slave in the neighboring Kingdom of Shulk, and she was freed when Shulk lost the war becoming a vassal of Arris. 

The kingdom was forced to free all of its slaves, but several of them chose to move to Arris even after being compensated for their hardships. After all the years of torture as a slave many of the freed beastkin held resentment and bitterness towards Shulk. She was just about to tell me how she ended up in the kingdom when I heard the door to the room open.

My mom opened the door energetically. “Are you telling her that old story? You know she won’t be able to understand you.” Yumi’s face turned crimson as she realized she had been talking to a baby this whole time, and she looked down in shame. “My apologies, my lady! I-I…” 

“Fufufufu…” My mother started to laugh jovially before she waved her hands. “It is okay, Yumi. I was just teasing you… anyways, how has my little angel been!?” Yumi smiled happily although her face was still beat red, and her fluffy ears were twitching. “She is so precious, and a great listener!” Yumi proudly professed.

“Fufu, I am sure. She is my daughter after all.” I couldn’t help, but let out my laughter. It was the pure laughter of a baby, and when my mother heard it she beamed before picking me up in her arms. “Someone is happy!” My mother couldn’t help but rub her cheeks up against mine as I continued laughing. “So Precious!” Yumi whispered from the side. It was quiet, but I could still hear her clearly.

“Well then, I will take my leave.” Yumi bowed before exiting the room. I was quite saddened that the fluffy ears and tail were leaving me behind. One day I will experience that fluff. I vowed to myself. My mother noticed the change in my expression, and her eyes followed mine towards the exit of the room. “Don’t worry, En. You will get to see her again. More importantly, I bet you are hungry!”

Now that she said it I was starting to feel hungry. Oddly I hadn’t been fed at all since my birth, but it was only now that I was starting to feel hungry. Suddenly my mother pulled out a vial filled with red liquid. It appeared out of nowhere in her hands. Magic! That had to be magic! I was elated, and my mother could see that as she smiled warmly at me. “Yes, yes I am sure you are hungry now.” No! That wasn’t it!

My mother obviously couldn’t hear my internal thoughts as she popped open the vial. Immediately, my nose was assailed with a metallic scent. The scent brought with it an even stronger sense of hunger as I stared at the open vial. It was then I finally realized what this was. It couldn’t be more obvious that the liquid was blood. Even I could realize that, but the fear of drinking blood was drowned out by my hunger as she brought the vial to my lips. I expected it to taste awful as the blood warmed my tongue, but instead the taste was refreshing. I couldn’t help but want more, but as soon as it started it was over in the next few seconds as I gulped it down.

I felt newly invigorated. I initially wrote off my parents' fangs and every other sign, but now it couldn’t be more obvious. I really did reincarnate as a vampire princess.

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