Reincarnated as a Vampire Princess

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

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A few weeks have passed, and I can say that being a baby is boring. I also haven’t been able to grasp anything about magic or mana, and believe me, I have tried. I figured out my full name. I am the first princess and heir Enala Von Arris. Everyone just calls me En or princess though. When I say everyone I mean the only 3 people I have met since coming to this world. My maid Yumi, my father Night, and my mother Elise (El for short). 

I still haven’t been able to feel the heavenly fluff of Yumi, but today I am making that my goal. My father and mother were off doing whatever kings and queens do, and I was currently being tended to by Yumi. She learned her lesson last time about trying to explain complex subjects to me, and now she is simply talking to me in baby talk. The baby talk has gotten pretty annoying, so I chose to ignore it. It was simply me and Yumi in mine and my parents room.

Speaking of the room it was fairly large. Most things were decorated in red or black, and a large mirror sat in the corner with red trimming. There was also a decent sized black wardrobe. I have seen myself in the mirror before when my mom picked me up, and I was quite the cute baby. I had my mother’s beautiful silver hair, which had yet to grow very much. I shared her soft features, but my eyes were the same stunning purple of my father. 

As I zoned out staring at Yumi, I remembered my task. Today would be the day I would feel heaven. “What is wrong, little princess?” She stared into my eyes, and I reached up as high as I could, stretching my tiny body. But my hands fell short and they could only grasp her face. “Hehehe, does the little princess want to touch them?” She finally noticed I have been reaching for her ears this entire time. “Ugah!” The sound that left my throat was one of excitement. After all of this time she finally noticed! It has been weeks of me reaching for cloud 9, and she finally just now noticed. I could almost cry tears of joy! 

“Okay… I can’t believe I am about to do this…” Do what? She twisted her head to the side and lowered her head enough for me to finally be able to reach one of the holy ears of fluff. I wasted no time as my hand shot up at the speed of a baby. The moment my hands grasped the ears was instant bliss. I felt more relief than someone who was stranded in the desert finally finding a water source. 

The sensation was unlike any sensation I had felt in my past life, and the fluff was beyond measure as I started to rub away at her ears. I closed my eyes in ecstasy at what I was feeling before the fluff left me. As soon as I rubbed the inside of her ears her head quickly shot up. I opened my eyes to see Yumi, who was now redder than a tomato. Her breathing became irregular, and she was now trying her hardest to return it to normal. Oops, I think I just messed up big time…

Once she was finally calming down, the door to the room shot open, and my mother stood there staring at the bright red face of Yumi who’s tail and ears shot up. Yumi instantly turned her head away from my mother. “What happened? Is everything alright, Yumi!?” My mother appeared next to us in an instant, and she tried to look at Yumi’s face.

Yumi immediately flailed her arms, almost dropping me. She pushed me towards my mother. My mother took me in her arms before Yumi tried to run out of the room in shame. Mom shifted me to her left arm before using her other arm to grab hold of Yumi. “Yumi, what happened!? Did something happen to En!?”

“N-n-n-no, it’s n-nothing!” Yumi tried to free herself, and eventually my mother freed her from her grasp. As soon as she did Yumi collapsed on the floor before standing up and sprinting out of the room. My mother immediately looked down at me inspecting me. I turned my eyes away from her, and once she found nothing wrong with me she let out a relieved sigh.

“Haah, I wonder what happened to her. That was so unlike her.” To be honest I had no idea what was going on either. She reacted way too strongly to me grabbing the inside of her ear. Unless… Maybe her ears were extremely sensitive. That had to be it. There was no other explanation for Yumi’s actions, but then, why did she let me touch them to begin with? 

“I will have to question that girl later. For now though… How is my little En?” She looked down at me before nuzzling her face against mine. I let out a giggle as her hair tickled my cheeks. She started giggling as well before attacking me with tickles. It didn’t take long for her to tire me out. 

She started to sing a lullaby to me as my eyes struggled to stay open. I tried to think about Yumi. I wanted to apologize to her, but obviously that's impossible. My baby mouth couldn’t even form words yet. It simply wouldn’t obey me. Eventually though I could think of nothing but sleep as I drifted off.

My dream was full of nothing but fluffy clouds, and all around me were heavenly orange foxes that danced around me. They would brush their fluffy tails against my face, and each and every one of them would come up to me giving me a lick on the cheek. Eventually the heaven had to end as my eyes opened and took in the sunlight filtering through the window. To my surprise Yumi joined me at the side of my crib. “Good morning, little princess.” She greeted me like nothing had happened as I gripped her finger that was now poking my face. 

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