Reincarnated as Strongest Lycan With System

Chapter 11: Ch. 11 – Power Up

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Rei woke up and gasped. His heart beating so hard, sweat drenched his tunic till it was soaked.

He sat on the edge of the bed and gulped down the whole jug of water that was provided by the chambermaid previously when he was asleep.

Rei tried to figure out who was the person that beheaded Oswald. He only knew that man’s name was Henry. But he couldn’t recall his look and appearance.

No matter how hard he tried to recall the dream, he couldn’t remember the details. Henry’s appearance was shrouded by shadows inside Silas’ memories.

He went to the sink to wash his face and daydreamed when he looked at his reflection in the mirror and he realized his face was pale white.

"Sigh… that dream again, what are you trying to tell me?"

Rei doesn’t want to be overwhelmed by a mere nightmare. He had a big duel tomorrow and his neck was on the line. No one knows how it goes in the arena. He decided to take a stroll to cleanse his mind. He changed his tunic shirt onto a Grey Elven Gown that was made for male. Although the gown was simple, it was proper for him to keep a low profile.

When he saw his reflection in the mirror, he was satisfied with how he didn't look too stand out but still looked classy. Rei admitted that his new look was quite handsome, his silvery hair and fair white caucasian skin was truly splendid.

Not to mention his muscular body and well built arm and wide back. Thanks to Silas' bloodline as Lycan, he didn't need to train his body like hell to reach his perfect shape.

"I wonder if that Elf Princess would fall for me with this look of mine?" Rei's narcissist thoughts began to dillutes his mind and he smirked wide as he imagined having an affair with Princess Lillana.

He quickly averted his mind and shook his head from such obnoxious ideas, Rei was aware that his mind was being affected by Silas' memories which he could say that Silas was quite a scoundrel figure per say.

"I better be off outside this room before something big rises up and I can't control it!"

Rei opened the door and tip-toed through the hallway and went outside the tower without anyone noticing. Rei took a deep breath after he was outside and looked at the sky. The moon that he gazed at was several times bigger than the Earth’s moon. The crater at the surface of Ezeroth's moon looks like a giant hand that claws the moon's surface. Rei began to wonder what caused that cosmically huge crater to look like that.

Rei continued his night stroll and went to the City Hall area where most Elf in the Silverwall gathered. He really admired the Elf's sophisticated engineering of their houses and buildings, especially the massive clock tower in the middle of the City Hall. To his surprise, there was a unit of time that determined the time of the day in Ezeroth. Everything was massive and tall to accommodate their partnership with their dragons and other domesticated beasts that they use for their daily basis, such as carrying heavy freight from one island to another or as their communal transportation.

When he counted the number on the clock, there were 30 units that circled on the big round clock. His jaw dropped when he realized and his mind was almost blown.

Although the night was still young, Rei didn't see many Elves around when he took a stroll to the Silverwall City Hall. The windows of the elves' houses were closed.  There was even one Elf who quickly closed her window when she saw the Lycan who walked leisurely inside the city wall.

Clank, Clank, Clank

The bells on the Clock Tower rang loudly to mark their night time and the other elves who were still on the street hurried their pace to enter their homes. Within brief moments, Rei was left alone in the middle of the street.

"Was that their night curfew?" Rei pondered and a little bit confused and suddenly a breezy wind blew downwards and covered Silverwall with thick white mist everywhere. That explained why the elves hurried to their houses.

Not so long after that, he saw a glimpse of dozens lantern's light and he heard clunking noises from steel boots that marched in unison.

"They must be the city guards, better get out from here before things become problematic!" Rei quickly ran amidst the cover of darkness and the guards never saw his appearance.

With his sneaky move amidst the shadow and his stealthy steps on the house's roof, Rei avoided the city guards and made his way to the western part of the city. The trees became denser, and Rei wasn't aware that he entered their Sanctum Forest where the elves kept their domesticated beasts.

Right at that moment, he sniffed a prey within the vicinity and triggered his Lycan Bloodline System.

[There is prey nearby!]

You are reading story Reincarnated as Strongest Lycan With System at

[You can drink its blood to refill your Bloodrage!]

Right after the notification disappeared, Rei suddenly felt immense hunger. His heartbeat rises and beats violently over time.


His primal instinct kicked in and almost got his sanity. But luckily, Rei’s mental fortitude was strong enough to restrain his rage.

Although he finally handled the situation, the hunger still remained and urged him to eat something, his mouth begging for blood and meat.

He couldn’t restrain the urge anymore and jumped out through the window. After a few jumps Rei arrived in the forest area.

In the west part of Silverwall, there was a lush forest which contained various animals, trees and herbs. A small sanctuary that provided foods and resources for Silverwall itself.

Atop of a big tree branch, Rei could smell and hear various creatures, from insects on the leaves, until those weird rodent animals that burrow below the ground.

Everything was clearly visible within a hundred meter radius.

As a hunter those abilities that he got were something that every hunter on Earth could dream of.

 Rei sniffed the air and tracked down a doe that was grazing in the middle of the Sanctuary.

The bluish full moon moonlight shone the Sanctuary. Rei could feel his power increase multiple times. Legend has it, Lycan, Werewolf, and Vampire were creatures that their power was the strongest in the Full Moon Night.

His Lycan Power combined with his skill as a hunter was so effective.

Rei blended in with the shadow and slowly closed in to his prey. He picked his position very carefully and matched the direction of the headwind so he could minimize the chance of his odor reaching the doe and spook it.

Rei's sneaky approach wasn’t detected by the doe’s keen sense. When he was close enough to his target, Rei’s claws grew longer and sharper, his hands bulking partially and shapeshifted into Lycan's arms.

He pounced on the doe mercilessly and snapped its neck with a single strike.

Rei took a bite and tasted the blood and hacked its meat like a beast with his sharp claws. Bite after bite, his hunger was almost insatiable.

When the moonlight dimmed down, Rei came back to his senses. He looked at his hands that were already drenched in blood.


[Bloodrage is refilled]

[All stats are Increased by +5]

[You Learned new skill!]

[Shadow Strike Lvl 1: Deal 5% more damages when in Stealth Mode]

[Strength : 16]
[Agility: 16]
[Endurance: 22]

After that feast, Rei could feel his overall power increased. Although he was still far from 2 Star level, he was confident to take 3 Star Level head on.

Rei’s worries about the Power Level gap between him and Erwyn were settled once and for all.

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