Reincarnated as Strongest Lycan With System

Chapter 10: 10. Grueling Past

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"No, but for the sake of this world. There are some really bad people who can already wield these artifacts. We can not afford these artifacts to fall into the wrong hands anymore."

However, he could smell something fishy in his reasoning, a hidden plan behind Arua's words. Rei leaned his elbows on his thighs, he looked into Arua's eyes before answering.

"Fine, but before that… I need to take over Northendale. Without further ado, it seems you already know what happened to my town."

"Yes, and I also believe The Holy Church is after you right now. Torky, Erwyn and Lilanna will help you."

Erwyn immediately stood up from his chair, his forehead furrowed until his eyebrows almost met with each other. He puffed out his chest and looked at Rei with a very sadistic and angry look.

"Arua-elda! Sorry for my impudence! But I object to helping a Lycan! Especially from a descendant of a Carnielle! Did you forget they sided with the humans to slaughter our people. Even our King and Queen died during the Holy Crusade because they helped  humans attack Silverwall! 150 years ago?!"

"Calm down! Erwyn! We already talked about this!" said Princess Lilanna.

"No, I challenge Silas Carnielle to a Blödhren Víg!"

Arua took a deep breath.  He felt sorry for Erwyn who lost his family during the Holy Crusade a hundred years ago.

 On the other hand, he also felt sorry for Silas who didn't know anything about his own family.  After careful consideration, Arua granted Erwyn's request.

 "If that's what you're asking. How about you Silas? Do you accept this challenge to a duel to the death?"

 Even though Rei knew little about the Holy Crusade, the great war that took place in Ezeroth a hundred years ago at least Rei understood that losing a loved one to war was a very sad thing.

 Rei rose from his chair and accepted the challenge.  "I accept the challenge,"

 "Tomorrow at Noon! You better be prepared. There will be no mercy once we are in the arena!"

 Princess Lilanna's face immediately turned pale, she tried to restrain Erwyn and persuaded her to cancel the challenge.

 "No! Erwyn please!"

 However, Erwyn's pride as a man wouldn't be easily crushed just because of a princess' words.

 He exited the room violently, making the atmosphere of the room awkward.

 Princess Lilanna looked at Arua and Silas in turn and then immediately followed Erwyn out.

 "Welp, thats escalated from 0 to 100 pretty quick!"  Rei said with a shrug.

 "You are not afraid of dead?"  asked Arua.

 "We all are gonna die, eventually. It's just a matter of where and when."

 Torky grinned widely, Lycan's sense of humor beside him was quite something else indeed.

 Meanwhile Arua started stuffing tobacco into his smoking pipe.  With a flick of a finger his cigarette pipe lit up and he puffed thick smoke into the air.

 "Torky, bring Silas to his room. I believe there is an empty room on the second floor."

 "Yes, Arua-elda."

 With that, Torky and Rei exited Arua's room and headed for the second floor.

 "Is he always like that?"  asked Rei.

 "That happens from time to time. After the Holy Crusade, Erwyn was completely different person than before."

 Rei nodded in understanding, Torky's words explained why Erwyn was always explosive when he was close to him.

 At the same time, Rei also realized that the psychology of an Elf was not much different from that of a normal human.

 "And this is your room," said Torky when they reached the door.

 "Thanks!"  said Rei.

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 Torky replied by lowering his head and placing his right hand on his left chest politely.

Rei’s room was quite humble, not spacious nor too small. It was enough to accommodate him momentarily.

First thing first, he checked the bathroom to clean himself and relax after grueling days that almost took his life.

Then, he checked the wardrobe and found a set of clean clothes which prepared before he came.

After refreshed himself, Rei finally could decompress his stress. Rei lay down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. What had happened to him over the past two days was completely beyond his comprehension.

He tried to close his eyes to calm himself. However, the memories that belonged to Silas when the castle burned down replayed in Rei's head. Rei's soul seemed to be transported to Silas' memory realm and saw everything from a third point of view.


The Northendale castle was burning massively, blood was everywhere, and flocks of raven circled above the castle in the full moon night. Anguish, desperation, and cries were permeating in the winter cold air.

When all the employees were being slaughtered by people in white robes with red crosses on their chests, Silas hid in the basement with his personal Butler

“We are save in here for now,” ucap pria paruh baya dengan pakaian pelayan.

“My Castle! My land!” Silas was hysterical after losing everythings after those marauders.

“Master Silas! Get yourself together!”

The Butler tried to calm down his Master. But Silas was already shocked after everythings that happened.

Silas lived a lavish life for his whole life, until those people raided Northendale and butchered the whole House of Carnielle.

In the world with Rule of The Jungle, which strongest prevailed, faced such devastating moments and his powerlessness made his psyche crushed into pieces.

Duk! Duk! Duk!

The basement's door, which was made from thick forged steel, was pounded relentlessly by a blunt weapon, if not by a humongous sledge hammer.

Silas' Butler quickly opened a secret door in the crevice and snuck Silas inside there.

"Come Master! Follow the passage, this tunnel will lead you to Southern Wilderness. You have to survive! You're the last hope of Northendale!"

"But! What about you! You have to come with me!"

"No, Master. I have to stay to buy some time to escape, it's been my pleasure to serve you," said the Butler with a benign face.

The hinges of the door couldn't withstand the brute force and broke into pieces.

Brakk! Clank!

After the door breached, dozens of well geared soldiers barged in with torches on their hands. Among them, there is one well built and bulky Knight wearing shining armory.

"Hehehe! Oswald, there is nowhere to run! Where is that boy!"

The Butler readied his stance and pulled out a pair dagger from his inner pocket on his sleeves.

"Henry, it's a shame that we met again in this state," said Oswald.

"Well, we were once brothers in arms. But right now i'm here just for the good business. Move away and I shall spare your life!"

"Never! Master Silas! Run!"

"By decree of The Holy Church. Those who committed Heresy shall not be spared! Kill him!"

Henry brandished his longsword and swung mercilessly, beheaded Oswald's head and the head of the Butler rolled in the ground. Silas couldn't process what just happened.

Terrified, Silas ran amuck and crawled through the small tunnel, till he got out in the middle of Southern Wilderness.

He ran and ran, through the lush jungle until his chest was impaled by a Silver spear.

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