Reincarnated as Strongest Lycan With System

Chapter 9: Ch. 9 – The Elder Elf

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A few minutes later, they landed on the base of the tower.

"I thought I was a goner up there!" Rei couldn't help it and held his thumping chest. That sudden maneuver was too much for Rei as a first timer.

"Hahaha, I bet you're about to throw up by now!" Erwyn laughed and pointed at Rei with his mockery, sickening laughter when saw Rei's pale face.

Rei was very agitated and raised both of his middle fingers to Erwyn and made the latter dumbfounded because Erwyn doesn't know the meaning of middle finger.

However, Erwyn knew that Rei was insulting him. He almost lashed out once again, but Torky held the latter's shoulder so the fight could be halted a bit longer.

Rei sled down first and he offered his hand to help Princess Lilanna down from the saddle.

Thus, Princess Lilanna accepted his offer. To her surprise, Silas Carnielle doesn't look like the bad rumor that she heard. Even so, he was really gentle, civilized and knew the Elven etiquette.

After a brief moment, Few dozen well built and geared Elven Guards lined up to greet their princess, they bowed in unison when Princess Lilanna and the others get closer.

One of the guards opened the big twin wooden doors for them. Rei gasped and tilted his head to the tall ceiling above him.

"How you built all of these places?" Rei asked and he walked on Princess Lilanna's side.

Princess Lilanna slowed her pace and hesitated a little to answer.  The laws of the Elves stipulate that all of their magical and scientific techniques are secret. Princess Lilanna cleared her throat before finally answering Rei in a riddle.

 "We sing a song to nature, then nature heed our call and grant us the power to build and aid us,"

 Rei frowned and rubbed the corner of his forehead.  From the knowledge he gained from Silas' Carnielle, Rei slightly understood how the Elf gave an explanation. Elves never and cannot lie, because of their belief in and bond with the nature.  However, that doesn't mean Elf can't convey confusing and swirling information.

 Rei finally gave up and saved his curiosity for later the four of them then stopped at a large circular floor with a white crystal ball floating in the center of the floor.

 "Is this an elevator?"  Rei guessed when he looked up and saw the hallway that goes up.

 And Rei's guess was right.  When Torky placed his hand on the white crystal, metallic sounds and gears clanged against each other. The floor then rose slowly, and then got faster until it reached the door of the top floor.

 They arrived at the door of a simple room and made Rei's hair stand on end. Whoever was in there, Rei could feel an immense power.

 Princess Lilanna knocked on the door several times and said, "He is here, Arua-elda,"

 "Let him in," said a voice from the inside.

 They all get inside and stand before an Elder Elf.  

Although it looks quite small from the outside. The Elder's rooms are actually spacious enough for five people and they can fit in comfortably. Thick books were arranged neatly in the bookshelf.

The room smelled of tobacco and herbs' and made Rei's nose tickle and almost sneezed aloud but he held his sneeze and covered his face with one hand.

"Ah, Pardon me, I forgot that Lycan has a keen nostril," said Arua as he put out his pipe on the ashtray.

He wore a white robe and he had a long braided beard. Although his face was quite old, his eyes were still sharp like an eagle. Arua rose from his chair and greeted them, bowing slightly while his right hand on his left chest.

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 Rei followed the rest and greeted him back in such a manner.

 "Welcome to Silverwall, o Son of the Wolf!"

Arua looked at Rei from head to toe. The Elder Elf shook his head as Rei's disheveled and modestly dressed appearance made him look like a white rat that just came out from the gutter.


Arua snapped his fingers and the rope in Rei's hand loosened on its own. Rei felt very relieved and rubbed his wrists ached wrist.

Rei nodded once in gratitude.

"Please, have a seat. All of you," Arua offered them with his gesture.

With a slight movement of the finger, three chairs floated up and arranged in front of his desk. There were no spells, or strange moves. Arua moved the chairs with his mind.

Rei and the three others sat in front of Auro's table. Even Princess Lilanna who always had a haughty and dignified face looked like a child in front of Arua.

Just from the simple ability that Aura showed, Rei understood that the Elder Elf in front of him was no ordinary elf.

“You’ve been through a lot, haven't you?” Arua asked with his hoarse old voice.

Rei felt somewhat a strange feeling, he felt Arua was also asking his true identity directly. It's not just Silas. He replied, "Yes, more or less. My castle is on fire, hunted to death and ended up in front of you.”


Arua got up from the chair and gazed far away at the wide view outside the window. After a while he began to speak in a sad tone. 

“I have a vision about you, recently."

“About me?”

“Yes, I had vision that you are the one who will lead revolution in Ezeroth.”

Rei raised his eyebrows when he heard Arua's statement. He at least knew that Ezeroth was ruled by tyrants and corrupt monarchies who trampled and bullied the weak. Even so, he didn't care at all about the conditions out there except for his own city, Nothendale.

Rei shook his head, he couldn't believe that he came all the way to the world of the Ezeroth continent just to listen to the ravings of that old Elf. Even though he was very upset, Rei still tried to maintain his manners.

"You will undergo a grueling fate. Yet, you are still far too weak. Therefore, I have a quest for you."


"Find The Eden's Artifacts. The most ancient power that could rewrite the fate of Ezeroth. Those artifacts were scattered throughout the world. Legend has it, if you are able to obtain and harness its power, you could multiply your power billions folds!"

Rei opened his eyes wide. It was the first time he had heard of this. His adventurous spirit instantly raised within himself.

"So, you expect me to embark on an Adventurous Journey to collect one of those artifacts on behalf of Silverwall?"

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