Reincarnated as the Villainess’s Pet

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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Please choose your three(3) main of the seven(7) genetic compounds to be based off of:

  • Basilisk
  • Dragon
  • Gorgon
  • Hellhound
  • Hydra
  • Lesser Demon
  • Vampire


'Huh?' As I stare at the floating....screen?, in front of me, I quickly realized the darkness that surrounded me.


'Where am I? Ju- wait!! How come I can't talk!?!?' With this thought, I instantly tried to check what was wrong with my mouth, only to then find out that I had no hands! Actually, 'Where's my body!?!?


Now knowing that I had no body, panic began to swell deep within my "chest". If I had a heart, it would surely pounding furiously! 'Ca-calm down, Jasmine. Ca-ca-calm...down.....' Like a broken record, I kept on repeating this mantra deep in my "head", doing my best to actually calm down. Eventually, however, after an unknown amount of time, I finally did calm down enough to take note of my current situation.


No matter how many times I try to look, I can't see anything but the endless darkness, the screen in front of me, and there were still no sign of my body anywhere. During my "Calming Down" period, I had tried to rationalize my situation. 'This is a dream.', 'This is isn't real', I even went as far as thinking that this was an elaborate prank, but as I faced whatever reality this was, I finally got around to the floating screen.


Please choose your three(3) main of the seven(7) genetic compounds to be based off of:

  • Basilisk
  • Green Dragon
  • Gorgon
  • Hellhound
  • Hydra
  • Lesser Demon
  • Vampire


Whatever reality this is, the only way out of wherever this is, is this damned screen. With no other choice, I began to consider my options. I didn't really get what it wanted me to do, but all I could get from it is that it wanted me to pick three genetic compounds from the seven to be "based off of". What does it mean by that exactly? The "genetic compounds" bit was a clue, I think. It at least didn't seem like it was making me choose something that I would have to fight, because if that was the case, them I'm dead no matter what. 


'Genetic compounds....based off of...' This single sentence really wasn't helping me at all. There weren't enough context clues, and that's the reason why it took me so long to choose, but eventually, with the silence of the darkness and my paranoia slowly coming back, I finally chose.


'The strongest three would be the dragon, hydra, and basilisk, right? If what I know about these creatures are right, the hellhound is automatically the weakest, and among the remaining three, I don't know which is the weaker one. The lesser demon is among the weak group since it has "lesser" in it's name, but hopefully the lesser demons won't be actually be as strong as dragons. Compared to the three strongest, vampire doesn't seem so good. And lastly, a gorgon is basically a human-ish basilisk, just weaker.' After taking in what I knew about these seven creatures, I chose [Basilisk], [Dragon], and [Hydra], hoping that there wouldn't be a screwed up logic involved that would actually say that these three are the weakest out the seven.


[Basilisk], [Green Dragon], and [Hydra] have been chosen as the main genetic compounds. The remaining unchosen ones will become auxiliary genetic compounds.


Seeing as nothing bad popped up, I sighed in relief, glad that I hadn't fucked myself over.


Name: [Unregistered]

Rank: [Unregistered]

Race: -To be registered- Chimera [Basilisk, Green Dragon, Hydra] (Gorgon, Hellhound, Lesser Demon, Vampire)

Gender: [Unregistered]

Health: [Unregistered]

Mana: [Unregistered]

Magic: [Unregistered]

Adaptability: [Unregistered]

Dexterity: [Unregistered]

Endurance: [Unregistered]

Magic Power: [Unregistered]

Perception: [Unregistered]

Strength: [Unregistered]


Another screen appeared in front of me, and despite it still being a confusing situation, I was more familiar with what it was.


'Isn't this a Status Screen!?!? And what's with all the [Unregistered]!?!!?' However, as I was trying to find out the reason for whatever this was, a new screen appeared.


Body formation will now begin.


'Body formation!?! Wait!?? What's this all about!!' As I panicked, the darkness that had originally surrounded me suddenly began to engulf me, and as I "yelled" in fear, I slowly lost conscience. 


«Third Person's POV»


Deep inside a ravine known as a "Beast Nest", not so far away from a large, fortified city, was an underground laboratory. Inside were glass capsules of varying sizes, and in them were Chimeras. There were beasts with different limbs, different organs, and different genetic structures mixed, stitched, and attached to them. It was a terrifying sight, especially as all of the chimeras were all dangerous beasts, from hellhounds, ogres, goblins, ghouls, lesser demons, wyverns, and many more.


However, there was something different from the rest. In a spot that was obviously more secured than the rest lay an egg as large as a human torso. It definitely looked out of place, but in truth, it was the most prized project of the laboratory. Chimeras were beasts usually made by humans by mixing a certain limb or part of a beast to a different kind of beast, with the exceptions of the like of the griffin, a beast of miracle, as some scientists say, so this egg was the success of extensive and heavy research and experiments poured into creating a "Natural" Chimera. Of course, this was most definitely not "natural", but it was the closest these scientists can get to the likes of Griffins! And today was the estimated day the egg would hatch!


The massive metallic door to the lab began to groan as it lifted itself up, slowly revealing a group of scientists, and two differently dressed people, with one of them being a child who would surely grow up into a beauty and a handsome man that seems to be in his late-20s. As the scientists went to different locations surrounding the egg, one scientist and the two others went closer to the egg. 


"It definitely gives off a rather interesting aura." The man commented, noting the intimidating feel that was emanating from the egg.


The scientist with them grinned, excited to take his cue to speak about their work. "After years of research and failed experiments, we were finally able to create a Chimera from the ground up using a total of seven genetic compounds. After a year of finding the maximum amount of genetic compounds we can use to even theoretically create our chimera, and after multiple failed combinations, we finally created a Chimera in the borders of natural and synthetic." As the scientist proudly explained this, the young girl simply regarded the egg with curiosity.


"Seven, huh. Tell me what beasts you have used among the hundreds I have provided for you." As the man asked this, he gave his daughter a pat on the head, stopping the child from moving closer towards the egg.


While rubbing his chin, the scientist listed out what the man had asked for. "A green dragon, hydra, basilisk, gorgon, lesser demon, hellhound and a vampire." Hearing the chimera's "parents", the man was most definitely satisfied. 


The scientist, after finishing, saw the man nod and give him a look. As he was being urged to explain more, the scientist obliged. "Actually, before this chimera, we created a chimera with six genetic compounds in hope to gain a better understanding, and not only did it help us create this chimera with seven genetic compounds, it helped us understand it's magic-types. In general, to create a successful chimera with more than three genetic compounds, the genetic compounds used must have a connection, may it be through their species or even their magic-types." The scientist took a breath, but seeing as the young girl had gotten interested in his explanation, he continued with vigor.


"The chimera with six genetic compounds that we made was made using water-type magic based beasts, it was a success that fueled our hope. However, we questioned, would we be satisfied with just that? "We already created a chimera out of six beasts, but what about a chimera with more than one magic-type!?", was a question that helped us push our boundaries. So now, we have a chimera with fire magic from the hellhound, poison magic from the hydra, plant magic from the green dragon, dark magic from the lesser demon, water and earth magic from the basilisk and gorgon. The vampire was added since it strangely had binding property that allowed all these genetic compounds to successfully combine." After his long winded explanation, the scientist coughed, somewhat proud.


"Hahahaha!!! A beast with six magic-types!? If this chimera is as successful as you say, then I'll definitely raise this laboratory's budget!" With this announcement, the scientists exclaimed in joy, hoping for more materials for the future. However, their celebration came to a halt as alarm notifications appeared on multiple computers.


"Sirs! The egg is hatching!" As one of the scientists stated the obvious, the three people closest to the egg immediately ran away from the egg, with the girl being dragged by the hand by her father. As the three crossed the one of the two lines encircling the egg's location, a glass wall was quickly erected from said line just as the egg itself began showing signs of cracking.



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«???'s POV»

'Huh? Why do I feel like I'm in water?' This was the first thought I had as I regained consciousness, unknowing of my current situation, and before I could dwell more on the current matter, a screen appeared before me.


You are the very first Chimera with seven genetic components to be created, the Goddess of this world has gained an interest in you.


'....okay....' Having already gone through an existential crisis....earlier?.... I was strangely calm right now. Although whatever situation I was in was confusing the hell out of me, I had finally resolved myself to stop fussing about every detail from now on. And speaking of details...


'...this definitely doesn't feel like a human body....' Although I couldn't see jackshit, I could tell that this body of mine wasn't in the least bit human. As I tried to get a better grip of what my body was, I felt something solid, and before I could stop myself, not like I could, I pushed some part of my body against it. To my surprise, a crack appeared. 


'Don't tell me...' Resolving myself, I began to flail my body around, and eventually, more cracks appeared and later on, I broke free.


Now that I was able to see clearly, I quickly went to check on myself, only to confirm two of my previous thoughts. There, right in from of me, was the body of a snake, my body, to be precise. And the thing I broke out off was definitely an egg.


As my senses began to right themselves, I was finally able to hear shit. "..wa...a..." "" ""


Turning around, with my eyes finally getting used to all the lights surrounding me, I regarded the people around me with caution. From the looks of it, these people are scientists, and from the clues I can get from the...system?... I am a Chimera they created. Seeing as I had nowhere to go with all this glass that surrounded me, which I guess would be very durable, I had no choice but to remain here and get as much information as I can and plan for the worst.


«3rd Person's POV»


As the scientists began to quickly do their part, preparing and observing the snake-like chimera that coiled around itself, the man, the funder of this whole operation, was slightly disappointed. Seeing this, the head scientist quickly said his theories aloud, hoping it wouldn't cause their boss to retract his earlier announcement.


"Since snake-like beasts were the more dominant genetic components out of the bunch, it seems the chimera has gained a corresponding form. Although.... Jeff! Get me a closer look on the chimera!" Having been ordered, one of the scientists, Jeff, quickly went to a different computer from what he was using and afterwards, a small circular door opened near our chimera, where what seemed to be a camera came out of.


The head scientist expected the chimera to attack the camera due to its defensive stance, but was pleasantly surprised that it hadn't, allowing him to open up a nearby computer that showed what the camera was seeing.


"Ahaha! As I've thought, although the scales look smooth, it's definitely dragon scales! And the eyes! Look at the eyes! It has two nictitating membranes! This is definitely a basilisk's eyes!" The head scientist desperately tried to take note of features from the other genetic compounds they used, not wanting their boss to think this was a failure. Since they haven't started any tests yet, they couldn't fully understand the chimera's abilities.


Hearing the head scientist's explanation, the man simply nodded, making sure to keep his expectations in check.


«???'s POV»




"Beautiful...." Upon entering this laboratory, I've been faced with one ugly chimera after the other. I understand that we deal with illegal chimera production, they could have at least created more beautiful ones. And after clearing out the gunk and the egg shells off of itself, I finally got to see something beautiful. 


Although Father was quick to judge the chimera, my [Analysis] skill allowed me to see not only the chimera's outer beauty, but also the beautiful potential it had hidden inside.


Name: [None]

Rank: C

Race: Chimera [Basilisk, Green Dragon, Hydra] (Gorgon, Hellhound, Lesser Demon, Vampire)

Gender: Female

Health: 10,000

Mana: 8,100

Magic: Fire | Water | Plant | Poison | Dark | Earth

Adaptability: 60

Dexterity: 61

Endurance: 93

Magic Power: 75

Perception: 86

Strength: 64


Petrification (C-)

Regeneration (C+)

Charm (E+)

Venom (C)

Intimidation (C-)

Heightened Senses (D)

Magic Born (D)


'To be born with so many abilities, even baby dragons born from S-rank dragons would only have four abilities at most! Her stats are unbalanced, but definitely at the level of C rank beasts.'  [Abilities] aren't something one can gain so easily, as [Abilities] are also called [Race Skills] for beasts as their [Abilities] would usually be exclusive to their race, and for humans, [Abilities] are something that we could only gain as a blessing from the Goddess! The highest ever recorded amount of [Abilities] a beast can have was eight, and that's only when a beast had reached S rank! But for this Chimera to have six [Abilities], then by the time she reaches S-rank, she would most likely have around 11 [Abilities]! 


"What do you see, Genevieve?" Father, surely having noticed what I was doing asked me while patting my head once more.


Although his head pats were slightly annoying, I answered nonetheless. 


"C-rank, six abilities, and she has all the magic-types the head scientist said." Once I revealed this information, I could see the head scientist visibly sag in relief, while the other scientist simply exclaimed in astonishment, which I have slowly gotten used to. My [Ability], [Analysis], allowed me to see the status of everyone, with the exception of those who are far, far more powerful than I. With my [Analysis] ability, along with my [Family Ability], an ability that usually appears by blood-relation, [Beast Taming], I was quickly introduced to the family business of Beast Taming and Illegal Beast Trading.


Now, having a confirmation of the chimera's worth, Father smiled widely, eyeing the chimera with dollar signs for eyes. However, "Father, I want her."

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