Reincarnated into two bodies

Chapter 1: Prologue : Waking up

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"Man... This party sucks..."

I'm currently at a business party at floor 7 of our office. The building is dirty and full of cracks due to our boss neglecting the repair cost in favor of a more "profitable" investments, only the lower levels of the building is regularly cleaned for appearance sake. That means the floor that we are currently having a party in, is gross at best.

Our boss decided it's a good idea to celebrate his marriage by not inviting us to his wedding, but by giving us a party at the office building. The snacks included are stale cookies, stale sandwiches and some fruits, accompanied by canned beer you can buy for cheap at the supermarket next door. Most who attended this party is only here because the party is mandatory, most just chugged the cheap beer to party blindly because of the lack of entertainment. Our boss isn't even here, he's currently enjoying a honeymoon in Korea and won't return for quite some time, i know because i am his secretary. I assume he arranged this party for us so that we can't complain about his long absence from work, "You complain about me going to Korea? Didn't i just arrange a party for you? Huh?!" I can even hear his retort...

Right now, i'm thinking about quitting this job. I worked hard to reach this spot in the company, but all i got is a small raise and triple the work. Now that the boss is gone, my work is quadruple the amount than it is before. I'm stressed, i can't handle this anymore, but i can't exactly quit now. If i quit now, my title as the boss's secretary will probably fall to my junior, Luke, and i don't think he will be able to handle my workload if he instantly got the title without proper training, so maybe i'll quit after i train him.

Right as i think that, i see my junior flirting with his girlfriend in the balcony with no one to disturb them, both of them leaning on the fence enjoying the night. That fence looks like it's about to break though...

Wait... It IS starting to break!!

"Man, this party's the best!"

I  said as i drink my free beer away with my girlfriend. I am leaning with my back against the fence enjoying the night sky, it's a beautiful night. The building itself is... Gross at best... But the night sky is still beautiful, even more beautiful now that i have a girlfriend to enjoy it with.

"I want to grab a apple, want me to get you one?" said my girlfriend

"Sure, but not now... I want you to be with me a bit more..." I answer while drunk...

"Oh~ Sure, the sky's beautiful huh..."

"Not as beautiful as you~"

"Oh Luke~"

While we were busy flirting away the night, i heard a "CRACK" somewhere... Must have been the wind. And immediately, my senior flung open the balcony door and started to run towards me...



"What's your senior screaming about?"

And immediately as my girlfriend said that, we fell backwards.

Dammit! I can still make it!

I jump towards them and managed to grab a hold of their hands



"Hang on! i'll pull you both up!"

In actuality though, i'm barely able to hold them due to my weak physique, but i still tried to pull them as best as i can. We were in the balcony, a bit far from the party, so no one can see us here.

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"Help! Anyone! Heeelp!!"

No one came. They're putting the music too loud dammit! If we get noise complaints, i'm not paying! ...Argh, now's not the time! I need to somehow do this on my own. I pulled as hard as i can, pushing the limits of my body. I managed to pull them up a bit, enough for their other hands that i'm not holding to grab on to the floor. They managed to pull themselves up after that, and i was relieved.

I never felt so relieved, i look up at the beautiful night sky and wonder if i've grown stronger somehow, my body feels numb yet the wind feels so strong i feel like i'm falling...

Oh, i am falling..

Me and my girlfriend managed to pull ourselves up. I was shocked that Rio managed to pull us, he was never strong physically. I really thought i was going to die here, but Rio saved us. The shock from the danger is still there, and my heart can't stop pounding. But i still need to thank Rio properly.

"Ha... Ha... Rio... Thanks..."

He didn't respond to me, he seems to be looking at the sky...


Rio, still staring at the sky, started falling to the gap from the broken fence that i fell through.


I immediately jumped to grab his hand as he fell, but i failed.


I woke up. My vision feels weird, i see that i am in a modest wooden house, but somehow also see that i am in a luxurious house complete with a chandelier. It feels like i am in two different locations at the same time, it's a weird dream...

At the corner of my eye, in the luxurious house, there is a person, she seems to be wearing a maid dress. The moment she noticed that i woke up she immediately rushed through the door and yelling for someone.

But also at the corner of my eye, in the wooden house, there are two people standing there, a man and a woman. The woman noticed me waking up and immediately hugged me.

"Feeeeyt! Thank god you're okay!"

"Good thing his injuries aren't bad, right dear?"

But also at the same time, the door swung open in the luxurious house, there stood a man and woman, wearing what seems to be a medieval noble's outfit at some set play.

"Carine! Are you okay my dear!?" Screamed the man

"Dear! I'm so glad you're okay!" The woman said with tears while running towards me


"...Huh?" Both of my bodies said at the same time.

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