Reincarnated with the author

Chapter 31: CH 31

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Arriving at the slum, they stopped once noticing that there wasn’t anyone following them. Knowing that they are safe, Luke’s shadow morphed into a man-like shape before washing away, revealing Lawrence who looked around.

“What…happened?” he asked after noticing that they are in the slums again.

“You were getting influenced by the moon goddess. If it wasn’t for Luke, you would probably lose control over yourself” Catalinna explained

“Thanks Luke..” Lawrence looked over Luke who is sitting on the ground. Panting excessively like he just ran in a marathon

“It’s no problem boss. Aghh..that was too tiring” Luke replied before sighing. He gazed at the golden-hilted dagger in his left hand before sheathing it.

“We should probably head to a nearby inn. It would be extremely suspicious if someone sees us loitering around in the slum” Catalinna pointed out as everyone agreed. Heading back to the inn, a couple of adventures can be seen sleeping on the table and on the ground. The smell of alcohol emanated from the adventurers as Catalinna can’t help but pinch her nose in disgust. The innkeeper was busy removing the wooden beer mug and plates from the table as she noticed a group of people standing near her counter.

“Ah! Adventurer! Are you here to return to your room?” the woman greets her respectively as Catalinna nods.

“Is there an extra room for my two companions over here?” she asked while glancing at both Lawrence and Luke.

“Of course! I will arrange the room right now, please wait” the innkeeper immediately dashes to the second floor with some cleaning items.

“What did you do?” Lawrence dubiously asked

“I just gave her one gold coin. It’s already night time and I have no plans to head outside just to exchange some currency. She said that we can stay here as long as we liked”

“You do know that we won’t be staying here for long right?” Lawrence replied

“I know I know. You don’t have to nag me.”

“Maybe I should just collect the money back seeing how wasteful you are”

“I like to see you try” she smirked

“D-don’t fight. The adventurers might wake up” Vania worriedly stopped them

“Fine but I won’t be returning the money.”

“As long as you don’t waste it.”

“Sir and madam. The room is ready” the innkeeper returned with sweat covering all her aged face. Catalinna nodded as the group headed to the second floor after receiving the key to their room. Catalinna and Vania stayed in the 2nd room while Lawrence and Luke entered the 3rd room to find the room clean and having a sweet smell of flowers. Luke immediately crashes to his bed as Lawrence sits on the leftover bed. He pondered just what happened and why he was oddly fascinated by the moon itself. With a sigh, he lays on the bed only to find out that the mark of the silver moon that runs over his chest was gone. Lifting his shirt to make sure, he can’t believe what he saw as it was truly gone.

“Finally, I’m not under that goddess.” he celebrated only to find the mark still attached to his back. Still, the mark was not defined as before. If someone saw his back, they wouldn’t notice the mark by how small and transparent it was. Still, he felt that the uncomfortable feeling that lingers around him is gone.

“So it isn’t completely removed. That was stupid of me to assume that the goddess’s mark would be gone just like that. Still, this is enough. It seems to be in a sealed state. I wonder…” Lawrence tried using the moonlight beam only for it to not work. There wasn’t any light that was emitted and there wasn’t any mana that move to his hands. As if he lost his ability to cast that spell.

It wasn’t far from what he thought as he decided to sleep for now. It wasn’t a large problem for now since he gained the Gungnir relic with abilities that he only has a vague understanding of. He closed his eyes as he immediately falls asleep.

Meanwhile, a luxurious carriage followed by a caravan with knights riding on war horses guarding is marching towards the Sekai Kingdom. A middle-aged man holds his wife’s hands as she slept on his shoulder calmly.

His red fiery hair flowed with the breeze from the sea as he looked at the sun rising. It has been a long time since he went to the Sekai Kingdom ever since he become the head of the Aenir Family. He is tasked to participate in the grand selection of the order. It is an event where the sword saints of different kingdoms and the Empire chooses a new batch of talented swordsmen to be part of the order of swords. The order of swords is a military force that only comprises the most talented swordsman in the land. They don’t belong in a specific kingdom and only work for the good of humanity. Most of them are located in the northern wall, guarding the north against the monster wave created by the demon king. They can be found in the first and second walls of the northern wall as most of them are 4-star warriors while some are 5-star warriors.

The reason he always declines to participate is that he is needed by his Dukedom but now that it has stabilized. He decided to participate as the event is held in the Sekai Kingdom. He hoped this would calm them down as the past few weeks have been miserable and stressful for him and his wife. With their son still missing and being hunted by the Swordwin Empire as a wanted criminal. They needed this time to relax and compose themselves. While hopefully find traces of their son since Leonard knows that the Sekai Kingdom has a port that hosts massive ships that can travel to different continents.

“Duke Leonard. We have arrived” one of the knights told Leonard as he nodded before waking up Sharina by gently tugging her as she yawned before gazing at his eyes.

“What is it?”

“We have arrived” Leonard warmly smiled

Waking up groggily, he slowly left the bed while stretching. Lawrence looked through the window to find that the sun is already in the middle of the sky. Luke also woke up upon noticing movement in the room.

“Good morning boss” Luke greeted

“Good morning” Lawrence replied before leaving the room with Luke as they head to the first floor to find Catalinna and Vania surrounded by adventurers. Their leering eyes gazed at Catalina’s body as the fire flickered in her fist.

“Morning, bbbeautifullllllady. Are you ffree tonight?” one of the men winked with a smile as the adventurers cheered and laughed.

“No, can move your ugly face? It’s damning my mood today” Catalinna replied as the men scoffed before grabbing her by the wrist. It’s obvious that the man is still drunk as he slurred his words and he is still half-asleep. Lawrence and Luke were about to stop the man but it was too late. His arms burst into flames as he screamed and dropped to the ground in pain. The nearby adventurers gazed at Catalinna with shock before flashing their weapons as the screaming man wriggled on the floor in pain.

“Come! Let’s fight bitches!” Catalinna shouted as flames covered her body. Her grin deepened as the adventurers were intimidated but they stand their ground. Confident in their strength and number.

“Calm d-down Catalinna. We would get arrested” Vania tried calming her down but Catalinna looked like she was about to burn the inn to the ground.

“What is with the commotion around here?” one knight asked with a commanding tone as Catalinna locked gazes with the knight. A peculiar insignia is etched on the knight’s armor as a sword with a green hilt is attached to his belt.

“You seemed to be familiar? Have we met before?” the knight ask as Catalinnas’s flames died down.

“HAH? What do you mean?” Catalinna argued with the knight. She crossed her arms and glared.

“Nothing…just tell me what happened here?” The knight gave up and just sighed. He is tasked to patrol the nearby area to make sure that the place is safe from trouble. Although their duke doesn’t need their protection, it is still needed to make sure that the Duke doesn’t get inconvenienced by the general public or by the ruffians.

“THAT WOMAN BURNED MY ARM!” the man screamed as the knight winced upon seeing the man’s burnt arm. Tears flowed from the man’s eyes as he glared at Catalinna who scoffed at him.

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“Is there a need to do that? You do know that it’s illegal to hurt a fellow citizen?”

“He’s disgusting. Here, for your compensation” Catalinna throws some gold coins on the floor in front of the man. The man widened his eyes before gritting his teeth and grabbing it.

“See? He accepted my apology. Now you can leave right now Mr. Knight. As you can see, there aren’t any troublemakers here.” Catalinna smiled as the knight nodded hesitatingly. Leaving the inn, the knight wondered who the man behind her that looked oddly similar to young master Lawrence was. He wanted to return only to find Catalinna blocking the door with a warm smile while waving her hands.

“Is it young master Lawrence? Maybe? I don’t know, I have forgotten what he looked like so maybe it’s just my imagination” the knight sighed. He was away from the dukedom for years as he returned to his hometown to take care of his dying father. After his father died from old age, he decided to return to the dukedom to repay the duke for giving him a pouch full of gold to use for his father’s sickness. Although his father died, it would help his sister enter the academy.

“Lennon! What the hell are you doing?!” the captain shouted upon noticing the knight just standing in front of the inn.

“Ah, sir! Nothing sir. I was just thinking about something” Lennon replied

“Then think later! You have a job to do” the captain demanded as Lennon hurriedly nodded before heading back to the mansion where the Duke is temporarily staying.

Inside the inn, silence pervaded the surroundings as Catalinna scoffed before leaving the inn together with the rest of the group as they head back to the slum. They avoided the places where knights and guards patrolled. Using the alleys to bypass the road, they reached the slums. There, they stopped in front of Keiren’s pub as they opened the door to find Keiren talking to a violet-haired woman wearing a brown cloak over her body and a man wearing full plate armor. Sensing the group, the violet-haired woman nodded at Keiren before the both of them passed by.

“Oh you’re finally here..” Keiren responded before grabbing something from the counter. In his hands is four identity cards the citizen use to confirm their identity. He slides this towards Lawrence who grabbed it. The others followed suit as they looked at the identity information written on the card.

“That is an A+ identity card that you are holding. Each cost me about a hundred gold coins. I can null everything written there unless you do something for me” Keiren said

“Hmm…what is it?” Lawrence replied while Luke accidentally dropped the identity card on the floor as Lawrence picked it up.

“Tell me the information of what you stole in the auction house”

“You can’t do this! We gave you the information that you needed.” Catalinna argued

“I’m simply telling you that the identity cards that you are holding are too expensive for me. I can replace it with a C identity card for the information you gave me. This is only optional. Meaning if you want those cards then give me additional information”

“Tsk, what a greedy asshole” Catalinna cursed as Keiren simply smiled

“I’m just being a businessman”

“What are the benefits of this A+ card?” Lawrence asked

“The witch will change how you look for free that corresponds with your identity. Additionally, every identity that you are currently holding has some influence in this kingdom. So it’s certainly isn’t for show” Keiren proudly informed

“Fine, I accept. It’s the flaming gauntlet and a tablet” Lawrence replied

“That’s it? I doubt that’s it”

“I see, so a lot of people are interested in the tablet. It’s a tablet that seals one of the primal sins.”

“I see…interesting. That would fetch quite an amount”

“Of course, if they try stealing it away from me. I won’t hesitate to release it.” Lawrence replied with a smile. Keiren widened his eyes while Catalinna glared at Lawrence.

“If you do that, you will certainly become a traitor of mankind” Keiren warned

“That’s why you should add it to the information. Especially for the violet-haired woman over there” Lawrence smirked before pointing at the table that has no one near it. Suddenly, they heard the clicking of a tongue as the violet-haired woman and her knight appeared out of thin air.

“What a bastard. I was quite confident in my invisibility you know” the violet-haired woman appeared at one of the tables, sitting calmly. The knight beside her wielded a claymore in a posture ready to strike.

“And you” she pointed at Luke before smiling “your eyes are beautiful and quite dangerous”

“Well, I will accept that…compliment?” Luke smiled awkwardly

“It’s a compliment” she replied with a smile before drinking alcohol from a wooden tankard.

“I guess it’s time for business. Hand that over to me or you will all die” she threatened

Keiren interjected “Fighting isn’t allowed in this bar. If you break the rule, I won’t be doing any business with either of you.” The woman stared at Keiren while Lawrence ignored him.

“You think i’m bluffing?” Lawrence smiled as the violet-haired woman looked at him for a second.

“He isn’t, he will certainly do it…” Keiren replied

“Lawrence!” Catallina shouted, appalled by what Lawrence is going to do.

“You win! I give up. I’m not crazy enough to try and fight a primal sin. Lutharos, let’s go. At least we have an idea of what they stole.” the woman slammed the wooden tankard before dropping a few coins on the table. The knight nodded before the both of them left the place. As Luke opened his eyes before closing them after noting that they have left the slum using some kind of portal.

“Thanks” Lawrence said to Keiren who in turn chuckled.

“It seems that you know what my ability is,” Keiren said while heading to the table with the dirty wooden tankard and some silver coins laid on the wooden table.

“Of course, I need to know who my seller is”

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