Reincarnated with the author

Chapter 32: CH 32

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“What does he mean?” Catalinna asked, looking at Lawrence and Keiren confusedly.

“I lied. I have no plans of releasing it. Luckily, Keiren helped me convince that woman. It seems that you are wise at picking who’s more valuable for your business” Lawrence explained with a nonchalant smile.

“Well, I just hope that you have the information I wanted” Keiren replied solemnly.

“It depends. What can you give us?”

“Whatever you want” He replied immediately

“Work for me then. I want to create an organization here in this Kingdom” Lawrence proposed.

“Hmmm….tell me what this organization will be” Keiren was skeptical about this organization. The only thing they have is an abundance of odd knowledge but other than that, they don’t have the money or even enough strength.

“It’s natural to have doubts. Don’t worry. We only plan to protect the world as best as we can. As for money, it wouldn’t be that much of a problem.” Lawrence responded as Keiren didn’t sense a single lie in his words.

“Even the 7- star paragons can’t protect the world. What difference would you make?”

“We have information that even you can’t fathom. Locations of relics, martial books, and information outside of this world. Can you see this spear?” Lawrence said before Keiren looked at the golden spear floating behind Lawrence’s back with its tip facing the sky. He inspected it for a while before a golden brilliance manifested around the spear as a kingly aura surrounded Lawrence. Lawrence looked more aloof and disregarding. Both of his eyes changed as the right one glowed bright gold while the left one is completely white.

“Do you believe my words?” Lawrence’s voice boomed with command as Keiren widened his eyes. The spear behind his back is a true relic that can be said as priceless no matter which continent someone tries to buy. Noticing Keiren’s shocked expression, Lawrence reverted back to normal as he showed a prideful smile.

“Of course, if you told this information to anyone. You can forget about the information on how to heal your daughter” Lawrence added as Keiren nodded.

“I know…“ he pondered for a while before replying.

“Fine. I’ll join your organization. So what do I do? Remember that I don’t fight nor kill anymore. I forsaken that path a long time ago. I have no goals other than healing my daughter and her having a normal life.”

“Just provide us some information that we don’t have. Additionally, I would like to use your influence to head start our business. Lastly, I want you to invest in this business and hold on to the profits that we made.”

“Is it alright for him to do that Catalinna?” Lawrence looked at Catalinna who remained silent.

“As long as I can get a portion of the profits. I won’t mind what you do regarding the business” she replied

“For the two of you?”

“You’re my boss. Of course, it’s fine~”

“Y-yes. You’re the boss. We don’t mind”

“Well, I’m happy that it’s settled. " Lawrence smiled before gazing at Catalinna who cocked an eyebrow.

“What business are you talking about?” Keiren asked

“I’m planning on creating medicine for the red rot and maleosis. The ingredients are cheap but the procedure of creating them is hard and arduous. Still, the payout is large since the demand has skyrocketed.” Lawrence explained.

“Indeed. No wonder you were confident about this business. There are no other suppliers or competition so we can sell it for sky-high prices. Still, the kingdom wouldn’t stay silent and will try to buy the information on how to create this medicine no matter the cost or the effort.” Keiren warned.

“Don’t worry. I have a plan for that. Now, do you have a binding contract?”

“Of course” Keiren scoffed before going back to his counter to find a scroll. Putting it on the table, he grabbed a feather pen and some ink before writing his own name on top before passing it to Lawrence.

Lawrence looked at the contract before writing his name on the space given to him. Suddenly, it glowed and floated in front of them.

“I, KeirenEverglow. Promise to always follow Lawrence VonAenir and assist him as best as I can”

“I, Lawrence VonAenir. Promise to heal KeirenEverglow’s daughter and provide them a bright future to look forward to.”

The parchment burned magically as Lawrence and Keiren looked at each other before shaking their hands.

“I hope this isn’t something I would regret” Keiren sighed

“Don’t worry. I don’t abandon anyone” Lawrence replied

After a short conversation regarding the direction of the witch’s mansion and finalizing some plans regarding the organization and the business. They left the slum to head to the residential area of the Kingdom where the witch lives. This is someone that didn’t appear in the novel so Lawrence can’t help but be worried. After hiding from the knights and avoiding places with a lot of people, they tried looking around for a mansion with a dark interior and a large front porch where flowers scattered everyone. Luckily, they didn’t have to look around for a long time since it’s definitely eye-catching. Arriving in front of the gate, they were confused about what to do since no one was around.

“Um, boss? What do we do?” Vania asked

“Let’s wait,” Lawrence replied as the gate slowly opened. Hesitant, they all went inside as the gate closed on them. In front of the mansion, there is a small marble table with chairs surrounding it. A masked blonde woman sits in one of the chairs as if waiting for them to come to sit beside her.

“Welcome to my lowly mansion. I guess you’re here for the ability of mine to change your appearance” the witch’s soft voice ranged as Lawrence nodded.

“ seems that Keiren is working for you. Interesting. I might join you if you have the information I want” the witch added. Lawrence pondered for a while before shrugging. If he doesn’t have the information, it’s fine but if he does. He would have a witch on his side. There is no disadvantage to hearing the witch out.

“What is it?”

“The information about the mask of damnation.” the witch replied

“YOU! Do you think we would tell you?!” Catalinna glared at the witch.

“So you have the information I needed. Understandable. I am willing to join your organization..”

“Didn’t you hear me? I said that we wouldn’t say it!”

“I did” the witch replied while tilting her head.

“Wha? I mean, why would you join us then?”

“If I work hard, I might get it” the witch replied

“That..that doesn’t work like that. Do you know what that mask is?” Catalinna is confused. Why is the witch so insisted on joining them despite having a low chance of obtaining the information? Besides, it’s only the information. The task of actually getting it is harder than defending the northern walls in the first and second walls while having the strength of a 3rd-star warrior.

“Yes. It is something that our ancestors passed down to us. It’s one of the treasures of my family. If I have that mask, I would be accepted back to the family” the witch revealed with a sincere tone.

“That’s it?! I mean that mask has the ability to destroy everything and turn someone into a demigod of madness! It’s dangerous and it should be destroyed!” Catalinna argued, her tone is full of anger.

“I understand-

“You don’t. Now do your thing. We’re quite busy you know” Catalinna interrupted the witch. She doesn’t have any time arguing with an idiot, more so a destructive idiot that wants the cursed relic that nearly wiped the humans.

“that you’re worried. I have the blood of an angel running over me.” the witch grabbed a small needle out of nowhere before prickling her finger as white blood flowed from her wound. Amazement covered Luke’s expression while Vania widened her eyes. Lawrence also pondered about this. It means that an angel can mate with a mortal. Also, their blood is different from that of humans.

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“So? What is it? Am I supposed to be impressed? Your ancestor was blinded by power that he fell from grace. If he can’t even stop himself what can you do? Please, your family’s acceptance isn’t worth the lives of the innocent that would die” Catalinna snapped back with sarcasm with a smirk. Belittling the witch. She’s insanely angered, that someone would be that selfish to risk other people’s lives. She knows what the chaos one did and the destruction he created. The continent of humanity was split into two and millions died. This allowed the demons to gather and plan their ascend, starting on humanity’s continent. Most of the humans died and the continent become the property of the demons. Catallina also died in that fight. After they defeated the chaos one, the demons ambushed them, resulting in Cain being able to escape alone while the rest sacrificed themselves. It was absolutely necessary for Cain to survive as the following arcs surrounded Cain’s revenge and anger.

“Yes, my family accepting me is more important. Why would I save someone who I never know and cared about? For what? to be remembered as a hero? Why don’t they save themself?” the witch asked as if she was completely confused. There wasn’t any sign of malice but just confusion in her tone.

“I wouldn’t get anything from saving them, do I? Besides, I’m not interested in money or prestige,” she added as Catalinna was about to punch her in the face. Lawrence grabbed her wrist as she glared at him.

“Please..Can you explain why you would want your family’s acceptance?” Lawrence asked

“What?! Don’t tell me you are planning on letting her join us. Besides, remember that I held that knowledge alone”

“Why? Why are you asking that question?” the witch tilted her head. As Lawrence ignored Catalinna.

“I’m simply curious” He smiled.

“So I can get the celestial angelic art. It would allow me to become an angel or so they say” She replied honestly but he has no idea what it was. He looked at Catalinna who crossed her arms.

“What? I have the right to ignore you too”

“Please…we need allies that can help us.” he gazed at Catalinna sincerely.

“Fine! It’s a fake body art that would allow the angels to siphon the celestial energy that mortal obtains for their own benefit. You would become a human nutrient pill for the angels”

“Really? I didn’t think of that. Tell me, is it possible for me to become an angel?” she accepted it pretty quickly which surprises Catalinna. Is she naive and gullible? Since she immediately trusted Catalinna’s words.

“You believed my words?”

“Did you lie?” the witch asked with a soft voice

“’s true. Wait let me get this straight. Your goal is to become an angel?”

“Yes, what’s wrong with that?”

“A ton. You have to follow strict orders from the creator and you have to be his servant. You have no choice but to enforce justice and punishment. Well, out of the three powers. They can be considered as the best ones”

“I see…then. Is it true that they are beautiful beings?”

“Yes..wait why are you asking?”

“My face is so hideous that no one can even look at my face without screaming in fear” she caressed her mask gently. Sorrow is clear in her tone as Catalinna sighed.

“Can’t we take a look?”

“NO! I mean…I can’t…It would harm all of you”

“Have you been hideous? I mean look hideous ever since?”

“No, i was cursed by the enemy of my family. Ever since then, my face become disfigured and mangled. I…can’t even look myself in the mirror”

“So you’re true goal is to become beautiful?”

“Yes…I have someone I admire..deeply. But I can only steal glances at him.” she said softly as everyone can see her ears getting redder every second.

“What a maiden’s love. Pure and innocent. Is it possible to help her?” Vania asked, hoping for an answer. The witch glanced at her to find her having a mask like her too.

“Are you in the same situation as me?” she asked Vania who shakes her head.

“No, I have to hide my face for safety…”

“I see…” the witch replied

Out of nowhere, Lawrence heard the clicking of a gun. It was an unmistakable sound as he heard it when watching an action movie or playing video games. But a gun shouldn’t exist here so maybe he heard it wrong. He was about to turn around only to feel a muzzle touching his head.

“Why are you here..” a man’s cold voice resounded before pushing the muzzle on Lawrence’s head.

“Buddy, whatever you are holding right now. I advise that you stop that” Luke’s voice followed. Both daggers are aimed at the man’s neck. The man merely glanced at him.

“Answer me” ignoring Luke, the man responded again.

“Because i can travel and walk” Lawrence replied calmly.

“Don’t try to be funny with me. Tell me why are you here? This isn’t the Rebia Kingdom.”

“Drop the gun, or i will kill you!” Catalinna threatened as the man looked at her in surprise.

“You actually know what this is? You aren’t the Catalinna I know. Anyways, let’s see if my bullet is faster than you.” the man replied

“Geiryst? What are you doing here?” the witch asked, her ears red like a tomato.

“Samantha. Why are they here?”

“Keiren asked for my help to change their appearance”

“Why is that?”

“Since they are being hunted by the empire”

“Weird. Lawrence wouldn’t have the balls to do that” he muttered to himself.

“Don’t threaten them! They can help me” the witch Samantha said to Geiryst who sighed.

“What kind of help? I can help you, don’t worry”

“It’s a secret. I can’t tell…you.” Samantha replied

“Fine..just tell me if you need my help. Now for these guys. How do you that this is a gun? Why are you here?”

“You? Are you a reincarnated person?” Catalinna asked, her fist is full of white flame as Samantha is worried about what would happen. Geiryst looked at her, his eyes gleaming with apprehension before putting his gun down.

“Yes. I assume you are too”

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