Reincarnated with the author

Chapter 33: CH 33

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Lawrence realized that Geiryst only knows that Catalinna is the reincarnated one. He determined that it was wise for him to act accordingly to his character. Turning around, Lawrence gazed at Geiryst with annoyance before launching a punch straight to his face. Surprised, Geiryst used his gun to block the punch before jumping back.

“You dare point that thing on my head?! Do you want to die?” Lawrence glared, arrogance spilling all over his face.

“I see…i have nearly forgotten. You’re supposed to die” Geiryst cocked the white railgun as blue lines traveled all over its body before aiming at Lawrence. Luke charged forward to tackle Geiryst but a pistol manifested on Geiryst’s free hand.

Boom! A white beam escaped from the muzzle of the pistol but Luke dodged it with the help of his eyes. His dagger flashed towards Geiryst’s throat only for a faint violet barrier to stop the dagger. Lawrence wielded Gungnir as he stabbed forward. Geiryst scoffed at the slow speed of the stab as he parried it with the railgun to the side. Only for it to move backward, avoiding the railgun and stabbing once again at a blinding speed as it destroyed the barrier before hitting Geiryst’s stomach. Blood pooled below his feet as he widened his eyes but Lawrence already pulled back the spear sneering.

“Nothing but a weakling. You are not worth my time” Lawrence grinned but deep inside. He was amazed by the spear. He didn’t do anything besides stabbing it forward but the spear moved like it has a life on its own. If it’s true that the spear would allow him to hit anyone like in the myths. The problem of having the need to train his spearmanship would be gone.

“Bastard…” Geiryst glared at Lawrence. Luke also stopped attacking once he noticed that Lawrence put the spear behind his back to let it float.

“That was too close buddy. I nearly lost my head” Luke chuckled while sheathing the wolf fang’s dagger and the Carnwennan.

“Wh-what are you doing?!” Samantha the witch rushed towards Geiryst before giving him a potion with green liquid inside it.

“Thank you..” Geiryst replied with a smile as he drank the potion. Everyone saw Samantha wincing as the blush on her ears deepen.

“What the fuck was that?! Lawrence?!” Catalinna shouted at Lawrence. Seeing this, he merely gave a shrug.

“Come here” Lawrence gestured at Catalinna to come near him as she followed. Whispering, he explained to her that it’s better for Geiryst to not know that he’s a fellow reincarnated.

“Why? I mean, it would be better if he understands that the Lawrence now isn’t the same as the Lawrence in the novel.”

“Since he might want to kill a fellow reincarnated. Didn’t you say that you can’t trust me since I have the information about the plot and the location of the relics? That I’m the most dangerous villain? It would be easier to check if he has some devious plans”

“Ah..I see” she nodded before walking away. Lawrence was expecting something from Catalinna such as ‘so I’m the bait?!’ but she accepted it rather quickly. She seems to be pondering over something but Lawrence shakes his head. It was none of his business.

“Forgive Lawrence for me alright? He’s…you know” Catalinna smiled

“Dammit…When did he get that strong? Also, why does he have a relic… Did you give it to him?” he narrowed his eyes at Catalinna suspiciously.

“I’m not strong. You’re merely too weak! Besides, if you’re jealous just say it” Lawrence laughed before walking away towards Luke.

“Asshole! Want me to blow your head off?!” he shouted back

“Is that a threat?” Lawrence turned around, he faced Geiryst who glared at him.

“Stop! The both of you please stop!” Catalinna shouted as she is getting a headache. This Geiryst guy is too aggressive and always wants to fight Lawrence. Still, it’s something she understands.

“Sorry, i just can’t control myself. That asshole’s face is too punchable” Geiryst clenched his fist while glaring at Lawrence’s back.

“I know..anyway. No, Lawrence followed me and he accidentally finds a relic together with Luke. The one with his eyes always close. Just remember to don’t antagonize Lawrence and he wouldn’t mind you. So what do you plan that you found someone who reincarnated?”

“I mean, I’m just gonna stay here and protect Samatha. Cain can handle the world protecting stuff”

“Why would you like to protect Samatha?”

“I mean, she helped me settle in this world. She is the first one to take care of me when I was confused about what to do. I’m gonna die here, protecting her.” Geiryst smiled as he gazed at Samatha who returned to the table while fiddling her fingers.

“Oh, so you’re just planning on waiting for Cain to save the world while seeing the world burn?”

“Is that so wrong? I’m just a normal citizen back on the earth. I can fight with the use of my relic but other than that. You can’t expect me to kill the demon lord right? You can do anything you want as long as you don’t harm Samantha. I don’t have time to play hero with you.” Geiryst lifted himself up before walking away but he was stopped by Catalinna.

“Samantha will be following us”

“WHAT?! Samantha! Did you agree to follow them?” he asked Samantha. Who was surprised by the rise of his tone. Seeing this, she nodded weakly. If they can return her face back to normal, she wouldn’t mind following them.

“Don’t you know that they’re dangerous?! They will bring you to places that no one dares to enter”

“I know but they have something I want”

“What is it? Don’t worry, I can help you”

“No…you can’t. Forgive me”

“What….I mean…I literally know everything there is to know on this world” Geiryst can’t believe it. What do they have that he can’t give. He had read the novel until its hiatus so he knows what will happen next. He trained his gunmanship to near perfection to protect Samantha. He gazed at Lawrence who is talking to Luke and a masked woman before pondering what to do. He gripped his fist before sighing.

“I’ll follow you”

“There’s no need” Catalinna responded

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“WHA? I mean I am willing to work with you. Isn’t that something you wanted?”

“Butttt….you just got your ass kicked. Other than that, what can you do?”

“No! I didn’t! I was ambushed. Didn’t you see? It was a 2 v 1 situation!”

“The enemy wouldn’t care about your excuses. We aren’t cowards unlike a certain someone” Lawrence butted in with a wry smile, pissing Geiryst off.

“If I fight Lawrence one on one. Can I follow you?” he asked Catalinna who pondered for a while. It’s only now that she realizes that Lawrence is the one who mainly decides what to do. He was their unspoken leader since he’s better at planning but it wouldn’t come from her mouth. Lawrence would gloat and it would piss her off. Still, she decided it would be best to have a fellow reincarnated in their organization.


Everyone backs up to give space to Geiryst and Lawrence as Samantha can be seen carrying a bag full of potions of a different color. She was too worried that the potions started cracking from her immense grip. Catalinna grasped her hand with a gentle smile as Samantha calms down. Still, her eyes burned in front of her as both Lawrence and Geiryst readied themselves.

“I might not kill you but I’ll make sure to break some of your bones”

“With what? Your glowing stick? Please…don’t make me laugh”

“Are both of the fighters ready? Remember. No killing and avoid giving your enemies a serious injury.” Catalinna said to both of them as they nodded.

“You’re nothing against Cain! I’ll one hit you too” Geiryst aimed the pistol in front of him. Lawrence smiled peacefully that he didn’t even wield his spear. A loud boom followed as a small portal appeared in front of the white pistol before multiple small portals surrounded Lawrence. Multiple light beams crashed toward Lawrence as a cloud of smoke appeared where he was standing.

“I didn’t actually kill him right?”

“It was a so-so attack.” Lawrence replied through the cloud of smoke as the bullets stopped before it even hits his skin. A wide smile appeared on Lawrence as he finally reached adept gravity manipulation. His repulse and attract have gone stronger and if he used them together, it would allow him to create a barrier that he can control freely. He wondered if he can take an attack of a four-star enemy but he can only wait. He accidentally activated this gravity barrier during their escape from those three individuals in the trials so he tried doing it again and luckily, it worked.

“It seems that I wouldn’t have to worry about anything. I can go all out” he sighed before waving his hands as 5 white railguns manifested in front of him as a bright light appeared inside the muzzle. Lawrence, sensing the danger from the railguns pushed his hands forward as an unrelenting gravity slammed towards Geiryst but he sidestepped, dodging the invisible gravity wave with ease as his eyes seems to be mechanized. A red circle adjusted its size inside his iris as if checking Lawrence. Using the lighten on himself, he started running away from Geiryst who can’t help but show a smirk on his face.

A hundred blue portals appeared all over Lawrence as it was completely silent. The muzzle of the railguns exploded and disintegrated while hundreds of light beams rained on where Lawrence was. There was silence as the aftermath resulted from the rain of Geiryst’s rail gun was a scorched ground full of holes. There wasn’t any blood or any pieces of clothing. He was confused before getting pushed to the ground by someone kicking him in the back. He tried turning around to find Lawrence stepping on his back with a cold and aloof expression.

“He should be quite useful. He can bombard our enemies if we needed to destroy buildings” Lawrence responded as he stared at Catallina who nodded. He simply used his necklace of invisibility and ring of teleportation to arrive at Geiryst’s back to kick him to the ground. Still, he was amazed by the abilities that Geiryst possessed. He can multiply his weapons and bullets while possessing the ability to create a portal which bullets can pass through. He also has enhanced eyesight that can detect the change of gravity.

“What..what is happening?” Geiryst was confused. He was sure that attack of his would hit Lawrence but not only did it miss, but it also lead to his defeat. Additionally, the change in Lawrence’s attitude was something he didn’t expect. He also seems to be the leader of the group.

“Lawrence…is a reincarnated. Just like us” Catalinna explained

“Oh, I see..what really?!” he blurted with a shocked expression as Catalinna nodded

“I…lost..Does it mean that I can’t follow Samantha?”

“You can but you have to sign this contract” Lawrence replied before giving both Samantha and Geiryst a parchment. It’s the same binding contract that he got from Keiren. Samantha immediately signs her name while Geiryst hesitated.

“It’s alright. I can protect myself. You have already done enough, you have repaid me” Samantha said with a gentle and soft voice while taking the contract away from Geiryst’s hands but his hand didn’t budge.

“Fuck it, I wouldn’t do something I would regret ever again.” Geiryst hurriedly put his name in the contract as both of the contracts started floating in front of them.

“I, Samantha Ciel. Promise to follow and help Catalinna and her companions in any way shape and form. "

“I, Geiryst Len. Abide that as long as Samantha’s wish is completed, I would follow and help every witness of this contract and help them in any way, shape, and form.”

“I, Lawrence VonAenir. Promise that as long as I can. Will guide and help Samantha and Geiryst reach their goal”

The two contracts burned in a flash of bright light as everyone looked at each other. Wondering what to do next.

“Well, another set of couple birds has joined us. I hope this wouldn’t affect anyone in our organization.” Lawrence sighed with a wry smile

“W-what do you mean!” Geiryst screamed in embarrassment while Samantha turned around while covering her mask, hoping that the mask would hide her blush. Luke can only awkwardly scratch his cheek while Vania chuckled.

“Stop teasing them. We should change our appearance. Samantha, do you need some time to prepare?” Catalinna clapped her hands to gather the attention of everyone before looking at Samantha who shakes her head.

“I have everything that I need. I always do this job for Keiren so I always create a potion in advance for changing appearances. This is different compared to other witches since it would last for a month and anyone who drinks it can change their original appearance and back to their new appearance anytime they want and vice versa.” Samantha grabs a couple of vials containing black liquid. She handed it to Lawrence, Catalinna, and Luke before gazing at Vania as she was about it hand a vial to her.

“Try it. It might work” Catalinna responded as Vania nodded. She turned her head around before lifting the mask slightly. She drank the vial only for her to spit it out. She coughed and coughed as Luke hurriedly went next to her.

“It’s not poison.” Samantha immediately said to everyone.

“It’s not…my body just rejected the vial…I’m fine” Vania replied as Samantha calmed down. She was anxious about what might happen, she might not get her appearance back without the help of these people. Her body also rejected the vial so Samantha is assured that Vania has a curse similar to her.

Seeing that everyone was fine, Lawrence took the liberty to drink the vial first as he started thinking about what appearance he would want.

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