Reincarnating into Naruto’s world because of bad luck

Chapter 10: CHAPTER 9 – 2 years (Part 1)

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“Are you ready?” Pakura asked, sitting on the windows at Daisuke’s house. On her back was a single backpack filled with whatever she might need, as well as some storage scrolls she brought with her.

“Yes.” Daisuke nodded as he grabbed the slightly bigger backpack. His outfit was simple, dark-blue sweatpants with a simple long-sleeved white shirt carrying the symbol of Sunagakure on the back; on his forearms were two protectors which had weights added to them, same with his shins, which had also had two protectors filled with weights for training. Albeit only a single kg each one, which was enough for him, as he would be using these constantly, and it was a weight he could carry without any problem thanks to his stronger-than-normal constitution.

“Great, then let’s move out!” Pakura grinned as she turned around and jumped out of the window, Daisuke following right behind.

They soon made their way outside the village, showing a Mission Scroll to the night guards, who nodded and saluted respectfully to Pakura. Once outside the narrow entrance to the village, Pakura and Daisuke started to rush northeast, looking to get out of the desert first thing tonight before starting their way toward the northmost border posts.

“Oi, Bakura! Where are we going first?” Daisuke asked as he followed behind Pakura, who had to adjust her speed to her student.

“Stop calling me Bakura, you brat!” She slowed down to hit his head, which almost made him fall face-first on the sand, though he thankfully held on. “And first, we’re getting out of the desert, our destination, for now, is Kazedama City, the last big city before reaching the border with the Land of Rivers. After that, we’ll slowly move north through the border while we regularly stop to train.” She said as Daisuke was rubbing the sore spot the earlier hit left him.

“What are you going to train me, anyway?” He asked, giving her a slight glare. “Couldn’t you just do it in the village as you’ve been doing these last couple of weeks?”

Pakura shook her head. “You’ll learn about the Land of Winds, while I’ll be teaching you what you’ve been missing from the academy.”

“Why not just put me in the academy though? I have the age to join.” He tilted his head.

“Suna right now doesn’t have enough resources to hold too many students, and I prefer to teach you myself, after all, you’re not at the level of an academy student anymore.” Pakura shrugged. “While you certainly lack the foundation knowledge, you’re still far too advanced to waste your time in the academy.”

“Right.” Daisuke nodded, after all, he currently knew three C-Rank jutsus, which was too much for someone at the academy. 

Except for students like Kakashi and Itachi, who were geniuses, learning even a single C-rank jutsu was something truly amazing, and even they left the academy at a really young age, Kakashi graduating at 5 and Itachi at 7, Daisuke’s current age. If that was all, Kakashi even became a jonin at 11, while Itachi massacred his clan at 13. 

{Damn monsters…} Daisuke thought for a moment, ignoring the fact that he was a similar kind of monster, if not a worse one, considering that he had a cheat that gave him an even bigger advantage than Itachi and Kakashi.

“By the way kid, have you ever learned maths, trigonometry, and other subjects like those?” Pakura asked as both of them kept their way, almost out of the desert at this point.

“No.” Daisuke shook his head, lying. “I was too small before I could even start to learn those, I just know how to read and write, though. My mother taught me.” {Well, that’s not entirely a lie, she did teach me, seeing that I was quite a premature and intelligent child…} He thought. 

From the memories he got from the previous consciousness, the kid was quite premature and intelligent, which prompted the mother to, for whatever reason, teach him how to read and write. It was more impressive that he managed to learn it, even without the memories of his previous life.

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{Good job, old me.} Daisuke patted his back in his mind.

“Well, we’ll need to cover those, hopefully, you’re not too much of an idiot and can learn in these two years.” Pakura said with a smirk as she glanced at him over her shoulder. “After all, while not completely necessary, it’s quite a boost to some skills, specially shurikenjutsu and other throwing weapons.”

“Tch. You’ll see, I’ll learn those in a moment!” Daisuke shouted at her. {After all, I learned quite a lot of it in my previous life.} As someone whose bad luck was at a divine level thanks to the curse, he had tried to learn any skill or knowledge that would allow him to create a successful business, and among those, some of the classes he took in college included trigonometry, advanced maths, logarithms, and others. Maths were a heavy part of any engineering class, even in Systems Engineering and Computer Sciences. {And to think that I failed after all that… Ha… Fuck that curse. Even a ground-breaking app was completely lost by a fucking out-of-nowhere fire in three buildings…}

One of the strongest shows of bad luck, was when Daisuke, previously Dylan, worked hard to create a completely new and advanced application that would revolutionize the field of mechatronics and biomechanics, only for all the data and progress to be lost to a fire that happened in not just one, but three buildings at the exact same time. Funnily enough, he used three buildings to keep all that data protected from any hacking, which would be a sure thing if he used any cloud platform to store his data thanks to his luck and to prevent the physical loss of everything if something happened to one of the buildings.

{I better let all that go.} He sighed. {This is a new life and one without the you-must-die mode on.}

They kept running for most of the morning, leaving the desert behind and entering one of the forests that surrounded the Desert of Vast Solitude. Just as the sun was rising, they managed to reach Kazedama city, which was one of the bigger cities in the Land of Wind.

“We’re here.” Said Pakura as she slowed down, walking now towards the entrance of the city with Daisuke in tow.

Daisuke nodded as he looked at the city. It was certainly a big contrast from what he remembered of the cities in his past life, after all, while there were high buildings, they were barely four or five-story tall at most. Something to notice was that it wasn’t completely built with wood, clay and stucco were also present on the buildings’ infrastructure, giving the city a slightly rough view, albeit nothing like Sunagakure. {They probably don’t waste too much wood because of the lack of big forests to get it. I bet that the wood comes from another country.}

It wasn’t much of a problem to enter the city, it was quite easy, thanks to Pakura’s presence and the mission scroll; it would normally be a little bit harder, with some questions asked. Although civilians could easily go in and out, ninjas were different, after all, no one would like an unknown shinobi to enter their big cities without being sure it won’t cause a disaster.

“Listen, brat. We’re finding an inn to spend the day here, after that, we’ll get something to eat and will start your classes. Let’s get the boring stuff out of the way first.” Pakura said as she guided him towards the entertainment area of the city, where it was easier to find somewhere to stay the night.

“Do you think a single day will be enough to learn everything I need?” Daisuke frowned, which made Pakura snort.

“As if. I’ll just show you the basics, and that’ll do for now. Then we can go more in-depth about that stuff while we move. We have two years after all. I’ll be cramming your dumb head  with knowledge any rest time you have after training.” Pakura said.

“Tch. You’re the one with a dumb head here, Bakura!” Daisuke retorted, before meeting Pakura’s fist once again.

“Fucking brat, doesn’t know how to appreciate his talented and beautiful sensei.” Pakura said with a snort.

{These are going to be two long years…} Sighed Daisuke as he rubbed his head to soften the pain.

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