Reincarnating into Naruto’s world because of bad luck

Chapter 9: CHAPTER 8 – Out for training! 2 years of travel!

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After being accepted as part of Sunagakure, Daisuke had to go through a few legal procedures, which weren't really strict at all, but it was necessary for him to stay inside of Sunagakure legally.

A couple of days later, he was officially a citizen of Suna and was given a small apartment that barely fit a room, a small bathroom, and a kitchen. In his own words, it wasn’t much, but it was certainly better than a cave.

Once he was set inside his new apartment, with the help of Maki, who was Pakura's student, he started his initial training with Pakura.

“Now, brat. I need to know what you know and where you stand.” Pakura said as she stood in one of the multiple training grounds of Sunagakure, which like the rest of the place, had quite a rough look.

{This is like freaking Tattoine.} Thought Daisuke for a moment, before looking at Pakura. “Well, I know a little bit about training my chakra control by sticking a leaf in my body, and by meditating while slowly rotating the chakra in my body.”

“Well, color me impressed, brat. You certainly have the basics for chakra control. What about Taijutsu?”

“I hit fast and hard.” Daisuke said with a shrug. “I also know how to swing a sword, nothing fancy though.”

“So pure brawl and no technique, huh?” Pakura nodded. “What jutsus do you know to do?”

“From Water Release I can use the Water Pellet, Wild Water Wave, Water Puddle Technique, and Water Puddle Transportation. From Wind Release just Wind Release Stream and Great Breakthrough.”

“Mm… I guess not bad for someone that has no proper training or where to actually learn. He. You got lucky with those bandits, huh?”

“Yeah.” Daisuke nodded. “Most of those I learned from some genins turned into bandits. Or well, the scrolls they had around. I also know how to walk on trees and water.”

“I see, that’s good for chakra control training too. Mmm… I assume you haven’t checked properly your chakra nature, right?” Pakura asked as she rubbed her chin.

“That’s right.” Daisuke nodded.

“Well, let’s start with that.” Pakura said as she took out a paper and gave it to him. “That’s a chakra paper. It’s made from a really special tree, and it will help us determine your affinity properly.”

Daisuke took the paper, looked at it, and then looked back at Pakura. “So, do I just infuse my chakra here?”

“Well,” Pakura grinned. “Aren’t you a smart one? Yes. That’s what you have to do.”

Daisuke snorted and proceeded to infuse his chakra into the paper. Immediately after, the chakra split in half. One half of it dampened, while the other cut once again in half.

“Well, that confirms it, water and wind affinities for you, kid.” Pakura nodded.

“Didn’t we know that already?” Daisuke raised an eyebrow.

“It’s always better to be sure. Who knows, if you were lucky, you might have a third affinity, but well, seems that’s not the case. Don’t worry though, that’s quite great already, not everyone has more than one affinity.” Daisuke nodded at it, it’s not like he didn’t know about his affinities, or felt bad about them, after all, thanks to his cheat, these affinities were not simple at all.

“Well, now what?” Daisuke asked.

Pakura grinned, and Daisuke could feel a chill going up his spine. “Now. We start your training.”

“W-What are w-we going to train?” He asked, afraid of receiving the answer, though he didn’t have any idea of why.

“Well, seeing as you’re quite proficient in Ninjutsu, we need to cover your base. And what better base to cover than your Taijutsu?” She smiled, her eyes curving upwards. But no matter how much Daisuke looked at her smile, the only thing he could feel was fear. Pure, unadulterated fear.

{I’m going to die…} He thought. {Would it be too late to join Danzo’s root?} The temptation suddenly knocked on his mind’s door.


Weeks passed by as Pakura trained Daisuke, some times Maki would join them during the training, but the rest of the time it was just Pakura and Daisuke training on Taijutsu and exercises to increase his endurance, strength, and speed. The training was certainly gruesome, but his new physiology certainly helped him go through it.

While training and sparring with Pakura, he once again got a hint of how adaptable his Dragon-like physiology made him, a few sessions was enough for him to start adapting to Pakura’s fighting style, and a few sessions later, it would turn into actually learning her fight style, which caused shock and surprise to Pakura, who decided to change her fight style after he completely adapted to the first one

“Damn, brat. How can you be so resistant!?” Pakura asked as she kicked Daisuke at the end of their day’s training. “Hitting you is like hitting a freaking wall of bricks.”

“Urgh… it just proves that you’re brutal enough to go around hitting walls… Bakura…” Daisuke groaned as he tried to stand up, his body hurting everywhere after being trashed around by Pakura.

Pakura snorted. “Anyways, this is it for today, brat. I need to go talk to Lord Kazekage, you go and do whatever you want.” As she said that, she disappeared from the place.

“That still looks cool as hell no matter how many times I see it.” Daisuke, who was finally on his feet, muttered as he looked at where Pakura stood moments before. “I need to learn that shunshin as soon as possible…” He said with a sigh. “I’ll ask my idiot teacher later, for now, let’s go home and take a bath.”

As they usually did, Pakura and Daisuke trained until quite late, mostly because of Daisuke’s inhuman stamina, which Pakura used to push him to the very limit during every training. And now that Daisuke was returning home, the sun could be seen at the horizon, setting behind the walls covering Sunagakure.

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{I guess it wasn’t so bad to come to Suna with Bakura.} Thought Daisuke as he looked at the sunset, making his way towards his house.

Meanwhile, inside the Kazekage-s office.

“You want to leave for two years?” Rasa asked with a frown.

“Yes.” Pakura nodded to him. “I’ve been training Daisuke for a few weeks, and the kid is growing at an outstanding rhythm. I won't take him to travel around the Land of Wind with me.”

“Why not just keep training him here?”

“I suspect that the more he experiences and the more he fights, the best he’ll grow up. Taking him on this trip will help him explore different places, and learn more about the Land of Wind.”

“...” Rasa thought for a moment with a frown. “You know that we need you here, right? You going outside will put us in a difficult situation.”

“I know, that’s why I’ll focus most of my attention on the border between our country and Iwagakure.” Pakura said.

“Huh?” Rasa raised an eyebrow.

“While I would like to go to the southern and western parts of the Land of Winds too, I will keep our paths close to our borders, especially those at the north. I’ll keep a close eye in Iwagakure, that way I’ll be able to notify of any strange movement at the borders.”

“I see…” Rasa nodded. “I’ll allow it. From now on, and during the next couple of years, you, Pakura of the Scorch Release, shall be on a mission pertaining to Sunagakure’s defense at the borders. You will move throughout our borders and keep any enemy shinobi out of them. If there’s any strange movement from our enemies, you’re permitted to engage in combat or retreat if you feel it’s too dangerous. Is that clear?”

“Yes!” Pakura saluted.

“You can go, then. I need you moving no later than tomorrow.” Rasa said with a wave of his hand, before going back to his reports and documents. With a nod, Pakura disappeared from the place. {Training, huh… Maybe, if I Gaara…} He thought for a moment, before shaking his head.


“Mm…” Daisuke muttered as he looked at the scroll in front of him. Another empty scroll was beside him, the same with some writing tools. “It truly is like a mix between programming and normal writing. Though, it still looks quite rough, using full command lines of text, instead of simple script-based commands… the question is, would I be able to use a different language than this one?”

While it’s true that Fuinjutsu looked to be using commands to work, just like how a script would do, the way it wrote those commands was completely different than a normal script, or it could be said that the language was completely different. It was in Japanese, after all, and the fuinjutsu users quite literally used complete commands instead of the small concise ones used to write a script.

{I guess I could always test things around, maybe this works like Harry Potter with intent and will be the deciding factor of whether it recognizes the language used.} Thought Daisuke as he rubbed his chin. “Well, I guess I first need to practice existing seals.” With a shrug, he decided to first try to replicate the seal with normal ink instead of using a chakra-infused ink or his own chakra, which he still didn’t know how to use for seals.

But before he could even start, a knock on his windows caught his attention. “Huh? Pakura-sensei? What are you doing here?” He tilted his head at Pakura, who was standing outside his room’s window. He stood up and opened it, after which, Pakura entered the room, looking at the scrolls on the table.

“Fuinjutsu? I didn’t know you were interested in that.” Pakura asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Well, it’s quite interesting. After I got my hands on a storing scroll, it helped me a lot, and I’ve fought against some bandits using explosive charms, so it’s quite interesting the things you can do with seals, I thought that maybe learning some wouldn’t hurt that much.” Daisuke shrugged.

“Mm… Is that so?” She rubbed her chin. “You know, Maki is actually a seal user. She uses a Suna technique that makes use of cloth as a medium for the sealing techniques.”

“Huh? Really!? Maki-senpai knows fuinjutsu?”

“Yes, the technique is called Cloth Binding Technique, and it’s quite useful to catch your opponents and make it impossible to escape, they apply further seals into the cloth to avoid any type of summoning ninjutsu to free the enemy.” Pakura nodded. “Though her fuinjutsu ability isn’t that developed, she can still show you a few basic aspects of this.”

“That’s great, I’ll ask her to teach me.” Daisuke nodded excitedly as he stored the scrolls and prepared to go to look for Maki.

“Well, not so fast, brat.” Pakura stopped him. “You won’t have time for that, I came to tell you that we’ll be leaving Suna the earliest tomorrow.”

“Huh? Leaving Sunagakure? Why?” Daisuke was extremely confused.

“I have a mission that will take a while, and we’ll use this opportunity to train you.” Pakura said with a shrug.

“Huh? So you’re just dragging me to do your job?” Daisuke frowned, which caused Pakura’s eyebrow to twitch. “Ouch!” Which further resulted in a punch to the head.

“I’m telling you that I’ll be training you for the next couple of years, you brat! You should be grateful!”

“Right, right!” While rubbing the top of his head to stop the pain, Daisuke just accepted it. {Damn brute woman! Let’s see how you do this after I grow up!} He thought to himself before another hit landed on his head. “OUCH! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?”

“You’re thinking of something rude, brat.” Pakura smirked. “Now, stop playing around! Pack your stuff. We’re leaving at 2 in the morning.” She said as she left the place through the window.

Daisuke just look at her leave for a moment before shaking his head. “Why can’t people here use the doors, like really, that’s not why windows were invented…” Daisuke muttered while he started packing his stuff. {And training outside of Suna for a couple of years… Who do you think you are? Jiraiya?} Daisuke snorted. {I’ll change my name for freaking Naruto, now, where’s my tsundere fox to give me tons of chakra?} As random thoughts went through his head, he kept packing, soon, he was going to leave for quite a while to train under Pakura.

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