Reincarnation From The Bottom

Chapter 5: Chapter 4: History

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The history of the world is... deep.

Looking at the book, I was without a doubt getting a headache. This map alone was huge, and the language in this book was very complex. Luckily, I held a dictionary right next to me so that I could learn even more words. Even words from other languages that I haven’t learned that I wouldn’t be able to put to use yet, I wrote down just for future reference.

I took a deep breath.

So this is why they didn’t want to give me this book…

It's incredibly lengthy in addition to being deep. Without a question, this was a novel that should only be read by adults. I should not have read this book at the age of four. I was, however, blessed in other ways, and I was able to read this book in its entirety.

I kept turning the pages since it was getting easier to read and I was becoming more interested in world history.

I went straight back to the first chapter and read aloud the first page.

"The only things on the land one million years ago were trees, grass, animals, and very few people. Despite not having a fundamental understanding of the earth, humans made every effort to survive with the meager resources at their disposal. They had no idea what animals were, no idea how to make tools, and no knowledge other than the fact that they would eventually pass away. He simply revealed that information to them."

I tried to make sense of that line at the very end. Who is  “he”? Is he the God of this world? Is he some type of higher-being? There was very little information on who this "he" was, but it made me curious. Every book that said "he" had no information on him. So, regardless of how hard I tried to get information, there was absolutely nothing.

I flipped, read, flipped, read, and I repeated this for several hours, days, and weeks. I read every single book, and there was no information on him despite the books supposedly building off of each other to give more knowledge on the world.

The closest I could get, is the very end of the final book.

He revealed himself, stepping down from the staircase which lead up from the heavens, and he took off his crown, revealing a face which was so bright that it burnt the very souls of every human on the planet.”

This made it seem as if he was some type of god, or higher-being.

However, these texts barely covered 300,000 years of history. From the beginning, 1,000,000, to the point where the books left off, 700,000, to the present age, there is still so much to be revealed.

The history hardly touched on the War Age and only scratched the surface of the Stone Age and Divine Age. The volumes appeared to be virtually incomplete, but my father insisted that they were done.

"In the Divine Age, a higher deity created the earth... Despite the fact that nothing is known about this higher being, it has been revealed that it created a being to keep the earth in place and give it its laws to abide by. It's almost as if a Supreme Deity lives even above this realm there, holding the Gods' realm..."  Read the book.

It brought curiosity.

Which curiosity brought questions.

"What is this Supreme Deity, exactly? Why did they design this universe? It claims to hold the realm of the gods. Does that imply there are other planets in the universe...?" I whisper my question, and then flip the page.

Despite having read every book, I couldn't help but return to them repeatedly in an effort to learn even more. Every time I completed reading a book, I experienced a sense of incompleteness. The terminology seemed fine to me, but the words were still quite difficult for me to understand and some of it seemed rather ambiguous.

The first book that genuinely piqued my interest was this one. The novels I read in school and prison even in my previous life weren't enough to pique my curiosity. In this instance, though, researching might keep any man or woman up at night because I'm learning about a whole world and enjoying it. Even I, a person who has lived in a prior life for almost sixty years, may be extremely intrigued by this.

"The supreme deity is a very hazy entity. There isn't much known about it other than the fact that it was responsible for creating the modern world and that it has the power to destroy it at any time. It has chosen to let us enjoy our wonderful lives, though."

I flipped the page.

"There stood two people..." One of them, fully armored in black, wielding a coldness sword...He was responsible for many people’s deaths, controlling the undead and charging forward, killing many. He was supposedly a hero at some point, but he took the wrong path in life, and became a devastating king of the dead... The other person, dressed in completely holy armor, even wielding a blade of holiness, clashed blades with him... However, this man of holiness had lost against the unholiness of the King of The Dead."

"I see... I wonder what the goal of the fight was... To save humanity? Or was it, in truth, two best friends fighting because one took the wrong path while the other continued on the path of righteousness."

I look up to the ceiling.

I would like to learn more about these two individuals if I could travel back in time and see their bouts. They could not have been fighting without a justifiable cause. Every argument has an origin.

What I thought, had been true.

Even I, had an origin for the pain that I had caused.

"Standing tall and glancing down at the holy man, the King of the Dead laughed as he referred to both of them as weaklings. The King of the Dead was never seen again for some strange reason."

I stretch back.

“So he’s still alive somewhere…”

This was unquestionably true. Without a confirmed death or something similar, someone doesn't just vanish. He's still alive, someplace. Although it is uncertain where he is, it is at least certain that he is alive.

My chest felt lighter, yet at the same time, it made me anxious. This man could eliminate almost everyone if he reappeared at some point. I mean, that's what I imagine. He must be powerful if he is someone from the Divine Age.

I take a deep breath before stretching and looking back at the book.

My eyes, though, were getting heavy. I put the books back up after closing them because I had been awake for far too long and was getting rather weary. I was then getting ready for bed.


“I love everything… All and everything in my eyes, is lovable, something that I cherish… However…”

I pick up a voice as I drift off to sleep. I slowly open my eyes to discover that I am submerged in pitch-blackness. It was chilly, probably much colder than the wintertime night, and it gave me shivers. I looked about, but all I found was perfect silence, which intrigued me.

I nevertheless had the distinct impression that a being was there, lurking in the shadows.

I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t feel anything other than the cold, and I couldn’t smell or hear anything. It felt as if I was dead once more.

It felt as if everything that I had gone through, was a dream, and it was something that I shouldn’t have expected…

“Why you have been brought here… I haven’t a single clue… However, I suppose now that you are here, I can use you to my advantage…” The voice speaks once more, in a more sinister way. His voice was matching my surroundings. Dark.

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It had surprised me. However, it was partly expected as well. Regardless of that, I sit back down, and I take one short deep breath trying to calm my heartrate down. It was racing… It was the fastest it had been in a long time.

"I had no idea a mortal would visit my territory. I've been by myself ever since that holy knight tried to kill me, ever since the humans tried to kill me, ever since I turned my land into a sea of gloom. Because I am the absolute embodiment of evil, I cannot be held responsible. There is some evil in everything I do. Even if I hug someone, it will only be for my own narcissistic needs. In the view of some, selfishness is evil."

Hearing the voice, and understanding what he said, my eyes widened a short bit.

He’s just like me in some ways…

Everything that I had done in my past life, was because of my own selfishness and greed…

"Young man, what is your name, what is your desire, and what is it that you wish from me? You do not seem hostile, and you rather seem to seek knowledge about the unholy king that had long ago clashed with the holy knight… The King of the Dead... What is it that you want to know about him? Why did he do it? How is he still alive? Anything that you ask, will be answered…"

Suddenly, my voice feels lighter, and I can speak out to him.


However, when I tried to speak to him, I couldn’t even think of what to say.

Though, it was almost as if he read my mind, as he answered what question I would ask if I could.

"I don't know why I did everything. Even I, the one who really did it, am not entirely sure why. For what purpose did I destroy everything in my path? There is a tiny part of curiosity deep inside of me that wants to know whether what the god of this world claimed was real. They told me that I didn't have a reason for doing what I did and that I just did it because I could…”

After he said that, I stand back up, and I blink a few times before extending my arm out forward.

“I, perhaps, am only four years old, but I believe that I can answer your question… However, that’s only on one circumstance.”

I knew the answer to his question, and it was something that I could only say if I saw him face to-face. However, I knew that he wouldn’t reveal himself. If he did, he would have to kill me, which is something that he didn’t want to do.

What I had thought was true.

He did it because he was manipulated in some ways, but there’s more to that than what comes to the head. The very thing he was manipulated was because of "he" and there was nothing that this knight could do to protect himself from such manipulation.

While a part of me wanted to laugh in his face, another part of me felt awful for him. The Knight went down the wrong road because he was too shallow.

He chose the path of death.

The holy knight, an old friend of his, chose the route of love.

They resemble yin and yang in certain aspects, but yin prevailed while yang perished.

"No matter how badly I want my answer, I won’t reveal myself to you… Not while in your dream, at least."

"Well, then, I have one final question for you before I wake up."

I felt that I was going to wake up anytime now, and I had to cut the conversation between him and me very short.

While the skull is circling around my wrist while I am in my dreams, it disappears. However, this was the only time that I was dreaming, so it was only a theory that I had to prove.

"The skull that circles around my wrist, is it from you?"

"Skull…? "No, I would never do such a thing to a young man."


My theory was shot down instantly.

It made me dizzy, and I tilted my head, trying to figure out why it exists in the first place. However, the more that I tried to figure out, the more that I seemingly couldn’t seem to understand why it was there.

I had believed that he had made the skull and that it served as a channel for communication with me. If that weren't the case, I would merely need to examine further.

"Just be aware that nothing in your life will turn out the way you want it to, young man. I can tell that you have a strong desire to have a happy life. However, whether you want them to or not, terrible, dark, and evil things will still occur."

That was his last statement to me before I gradually came to and entered the real world.


My eyes were blurry when I awoke...I yawned, and I put my hand on my throbbing head.

It seems I had a dream... But for some odd reason, I can’t seem to remember it. I don't remember much of my previous life, except that I died in a prison cell for something I did when I was fifteen...

My head was throbbing, and it was something that I couldn’t help. But I got out of bed and walked into the other room, which had a fountain of water that I could use to get something to drink.

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

My two parents speak to me, and I nod my head before getting a drink of water.

More specifically, I can’t seem to remember my old name or anything else.

I take a deep breath, my headache slowly drifting away. I realized I couldn't remember anything, which was very concerning, but as I am now, I can't do much about it other than focus on my current life... I couldn’t tell my parents about it, or I would be sent to some mental health therapy... At least that’s what I thought.

"Hikaru, today we're going to the kingdom of humans. Are you prepared? We want you to have the chance to get to know your family and even some of your friends." I kindly nodded my head in her direction in response to her question. Although it wasn't my major goal, I knew that seeing my relatives and making acquaintances would make me feel more at ease.

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