Reincarnation of a special agent

Chapter 4: Chapter 1.3 – love story of the past

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Around the same time, Tatiana turned around towards Anderson's tent. The twelve shelter guards following her also came to a stop. They had arrived at a front of the tent now. At this sort of distance, At this time, no danger of being overheard.

Tatiana smiled deeply and signalled to the first shelter guard next to her with her chin.

“Hey, Tusk? Blow up the tent”!

“Should I blow it all up?” 

“That’s right. But, don’t blow it up completely, okay? We can't let them dying just yet…

Ben,who was the second guard,then asked her

“First lady", is there a reason to beat around the bush like this? Why don’t we just blow them at once and get going right away?”

Tatiana’s expression crumpled and glared at the other guards. There was no need for her to maintain the fake smile now. At least that was one less thing to worry about.

“M-my bad.”

Ben averted his gaze in fear, Tatiana TSK, tsked.

“i can't just let them die so easy, after what they did to my son, I must make them both suffer a pain so that they will be on their knees begging for death”

"I’m sorry,I don't know that what you are thinking"

Third guard butted in.

"First lady, since we are on that subject…. Wouldn’t the patriarch found out if we delay more time? If so, he might ends us himself.”

“Do you mean that creature, who wasn't phased by his son getting beaten up by a rural peasant. If you guys are scared, go back but remember going back means your family will be dead before you gets home, you won't be seeing them ever again.”


They all muttered in fear.

Tatiana smirked deeply.

“So go ahead and Blow up the tent, so we can go and give them death that they will both beg for”

They all nodded their head as if they had finally understood the plan.

“Yes, my first lady”

First, second guard and Third guard replied as a blinding light began to gather on the tip of their fingers.



At that moment, Marie heard a lot of noise at the entrance of the tents and was about to check who was it that was making that much noise  since she sent Anderson to the shelter's market for groceries

Then, ‘it’ happened.


With a loud explosion, the tent suddenly caved in.

The shock waves sent Marie's back a few meters.


Uh, uh? Ahhh!!”

Marie cried out in pain as her body was burnt and one side of her body disfigured, but then she looked at her stomach area to found out a thick stick has pierced though her.


“Oh, no”



Few hours before Tatiana raid 

Anderson was outside after he was done with the house chores which wasn't stressful for an ex special agent but if it were an ordinary kid, he would be exhausted by now 

Marie saw Anderson standing and looking at the sky as wyvern and different types of creatures were cruising

“Anderson, what are you doing outside”

“I am watching the sky"

" come here, let me tell you a story"


Anderson was happy since it has been three year he had listened to his mother's tell a story which was thrilling.

Similar to the days he does read children's book in his past life, while he will ask his mother questions which she will answer with a smile 

Anderson went in and stay close to his mother as his mother begin to tell the story. 

A few minutes later, as the story went on, he slept off.

“I see, it was rest you needed, but you couldn't tell me, sometimes I think maybe you are an old man. Well, sleep tight, my boy”

“I love you, mom”

Marie was shocked as the statement came out of her son's mouth, since this is the first time in a three year he has said that to her 

Then she smiled.

An hour later before Tatiana raid

 Marie was preparing for the night meal since it's six past five in the evening, she wanted to apply ingredients to spice the food as she tasted a bit of it with a spoon, but checking the ingredients orb 

"What?,it's all gone"

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“Yawn” yawn”

“Anderson, you awake?”

“Yeah good day mom”

 Anderson was feeling awkward when he woke up, like his old mom is calling him, since it's strange to dream about his old mother for the first time in this world, he couldnt understand what it's meant,so he brushed it off 

“Yeah, good day son'

Marie required a specific ingredient to spice the meal so if 

she went to the shelters market her self the food might get burnt, so he sent Anderson to go get them.

So, Anderson left.

On the way to the market, Anderson was having that same awkward feelings like—something will happen to his mother if he left her and went to the market, but he brushed it off again.

“Why do I keep feeling weird?, maybe I shouldn't have gone, but what will mother used to get the food right, still why do I keep getting a reminder of the event I just dreamed, well I should just sprint and be back quickly”

He begins to run ......




On his way back, Anderson was holding a dark glass with the spices ingredients in it since he sprinted he thought he could get back early 

but suddenly, With a loud explosion and a huge dark smoke gassed out from the direction of his tent 

He began to run thinking about, what happen?, could that place be his tent?, is his mother alright?, all the questions he could think of keep popping up in his head, not knowing it was a mess that was caused by the fat boy that can't work his shit… he ran towards the direction of the tent 



After, the explosion, Tatiana and her shelter guards rushed into the collapsed tent. As soon as spotted the injured Marie few metres away, their expressions became dumbfounded.

“What the hell? Marie uzumaki”

Marie, who was still in shock as everything she saw,was a blurry image, but she recognized that voice.but she couldn't move since the stick pierced her spinal

“What are you doing here? Tatiana abyss!!”

 Tatiana smirked as she takes a look at Marie and saw she has been pierced, and she is at death door. She walked to her and begin to twist the wooden stick in her stomach area 

“To think,it was your son who injured my son” 

“Argh!, why are you doing this?after taking everything from me, now you are here to kill me and my son”

As Marie shouted in agony, she begins to remember what happened in the past while Charles and her in happy moments 

“What?, take everything from you, you were the one who stole my first love from me”

“Crazy woman, Charles didn't love you, it was I he loved, but because you know he loved me, and I was pregnant with his baby, you decided to kill him to punish me”

As Marie was speaking, she was bleeding so much from her mouth and from the pierced spot , as Tatiana was twisting the wooden stick

“That's right, if I can't have him, no one can't, so today I will be killing you and your son”.

Tatiana twisted the wooden stick harder and harder as she remembers what happen that night between her and Charles in anger

“Feel that agony, feel the despair, feel the heartbreak, I felt that day when he told me he never loved me, after taking my virginity” 

Maria cried out and keep protecting Charles name while blood and her intestine begin to gassed out 

“That is a lie, when Charles came back from a raid, he found you sleeping with his best friend…you are the one at fault…you psycho bitch!!”

Tatiana gazed at Marie with intense malice and take out the wood stick with great force as Marie intestine gassed out like a hose been removed from a water pipe


and she dies while muttered a word .

My son, I love you …please live on!

As Marie dies, Tatiana fell to the ground with a messed up  hair and begin to repeat certain words,

“No he loved me? , I loved him!! , it is me he loved ?, no you are the one who is a psycho”

As she behaves like a mad woman for a while

As the twelve shelter guard saw as she kicked Marie dead body and muttered between themselves

“What a messy world”

In that brink of a second, a wooden sharp stick pierced through one of the shelter guard back head, and he dies instantly


As the guard fell to the ground, this notifies the other guard

“Who the hell is that”

 “A kid?”

"A five years old"

Anderson was full of blood as he has already killed five guards…

I will kill every guard here, then hut down your family, old or young, they will die by my hand

Anderson gazed at them with intense malice.

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