Reincarnation of a special agent

Chapter 5: Chapter 2 – The voice of the world

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10 minutes earlier 

Meanwhile, after getting to the tent, he saw shelter guard and saw his tent has been destroyed

With extreme anger and stress about his mother, Suddenly he heard a voice

There was that mechanical beep in his head!"


"Huh,what is that?"

[An Emergency request has been given.]

‘An Emergency request?!’

[You have been granted strength for 30 minutes!]

He didn’t even say anything about wanting to ask anything about where the voice came from since his mother was on the line of death, yet the voice begins to speak out before his ears without his consent.

Now that was a first.

[Emergency request: Kill all the enemies!]

"Huh,Who is that?"

]There are lifeforms holding murderous intentions towards the ‘You’. Kill them all to secure your safety. If you do not follow this instruction, a corresponding penalty will be given.]

[The number of enemies left to kill: 13]

[The number of killed enemies: 0]

Anderson’s mind opened wider.

‘To complete the request, all guards must all die?!’

It was then, a beam of light flashed right before his eyes. The light beams left one of a bald guard hands, who saw him and flew straight at Anderson.


Flung away by the explosion, Anderson’s figure flew at a frightening speed and slammed into the rock.



A portion of the rock collapsed and fell on top of Anderson, making the orbs of ingredients to break.


“He should be died!!”

The guard begins to walk away to the tenth slender guard

The slender guard asked while looking at him

“Who was that?”

“It was an annoying pest trying to watch, so don’t sweat over that since I killed him"

"Why are you in my head..."

[Emergency request from the voice of the world: Kill all the enemies!]

[There are lifeforms holding murderous intentions towards the ‘&*@##’. Kill them all to secure your safety. If you do not follow this instruction, #$%^%$#$%^!&*#$%^$.]

[The number of enemies left to kill: 12]

[The number of killed enemies: 0]

"Stop ringing in my head...ahh"

The voice spoke again

[Emergency request from the voice of the world: Kill all the enemies!]

[There are lifeforms holding murderous intentions towards you. Kill them all to secure your safety. If you do not follow this instruction, your heart will stop]

What a threat that is, I have to kill them without the threat.

If I didn’t finish the request as intended, my heart will stop instead.

‘Ah, I have forgotten, this is killing or be killed, it has always been like that, I thought I could enjoy this sweet life for a bit?’

Suddenly,a green aura enveloped him 

"Uh… isn’t this sensation…. that?’

That moment, Anderson feels his heart began to beat faster and faster.he begin to feel overwhelming strength and power

Anderson finally remembered that the world he is from and right now is all about survival, but still Anderson’s happiness didn’t remain for long.

No, his joyful mind rapidly morphed into anger and malice Even he found it hard to believe, but that was the truth.

There is no longer a need to hold back from killing or enjoy a tasteful life 

Anderson slowly got up from the rubble, took a long piece of sharp stick close to where he fell>

"I am a special agent 01 the last survivor of the special team"

One of the bald guard who were leaving was shocked that Anderson wasn't on that rock anymore.

"What the hell, he was there anymore, I thought I killed him”

Intense malice filled up Anderson’s eyes.

He began walking towards the bald guard

“What the heck?”

“What’s going on here? He’s still alive.”

“But, the bald guard looks like a dead fish, though?”

“What an embarrassment this is. A top guard couldn't deal with a kid?"

 Slender guard scratched his chin.

“Hey, why Ahriman, didn’t you finish him properly the first time?”

Ahriman face reddened somewhat.

“Yeah…. I should’ve.”

But, this wasn’t right.

He really did pour his all with that shot.

He had spent over a third of his overall magical energy, yet how could this kid stand back up? Could the attack not connect properly? But then, there wouldn’t have been sent back so fast and explosion. If that was the case.

 Anderson run toward the bald guard and swiftly turn his back and pierced him in the back of the neck. Then flicked


The bald guard and his pierced neck fell to the ground.



The slender guard eyes trembled like an earthquake.

“Wha-what the hell?!”

“That sharp stick, just when did he, how did he….

Before he could finish his statement, he was stabbed in the middle of the head and his neck consecutively since this guard is a bit stronger

Stab! Stab! Stab!

Blood dripped from the tip of the blade.

That way, he silently killed three more guards before they could know who did it under the last guard at the door. Which cause the rest to be aware. 


Anderson swept his gaze at the guards like a predator eyeing his prey. 

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“What happen to the guards”

Asked by the tusk to the second guard 

“I can't sense them, which means he killed them”

The second and third guard were shocked and surprised about the event that had taken place

How can a kid kill a top shelter guard like it was nothing, with just a sharp stick?

Tusk scratched his chin, and was pissed with guard of how weak they are to fall for a kid

Anderson spoke with a dry voice.

“… You’ve sufficiently resolved yourselves, right?”

Tusk, let off a snort after hearing that.

“What the hell is this kid even saying, if this kid was the one who killed the guards that mean he was the one who beat sir jack so badly"

After Tatiana heard that, she came out of the tent and saw the child of Maria uzumaki as he was full of blood, 

Tatiana swallowed her saliva. She was already pretty surprised by the kid appearing in that manner, but more importantly, she was also shock by the death of a guard in front of her.


The voice rang in his head again.

[The number of enemies left to kill: 7]

[The number of killed enemies: 6]

‘Seven left.’

‘How can't a kid kill a shelter guard?am very disappointed in all of you"

Tatiana turned to Anderson and smirked

"To think, you will come back so late, but nonetheless I will have to kill you since I have already killed your mother…haha”

Anderson looked at her in anger, and calm himself since if he overreacts, he could be his death.

Tusk had no idea what kind of trick the kid used, but from now on, underestimating his opponent was definitely forbidden. No, he had to be very meticulous here. Tusk gave a signal with his eyes to the fourth and five guards.

"Amos, both of you hit him one more time."

They both lightly nodded his head.

This time, he wouldn’t make the same mistake again! 

[15 minutes remaining]


Anderson muttered. 

Both of the guard told themselves such as lights began gathering in their hands again. But, even before the arrows of light could leave their fingertips, Anderson appeared right in front of third guard first and lifted himself up

Uh? Huh?!”

The third guard’s jaw hit the floor.

The light in Anderson’s eyes gleamed coldly, and pierced his forehead to multiple times.

Stab Stab Stab 

He struggled and died instantly

Anderson had finished his calculations already and looked coldly at the third

He stabs the third guard in his leg to lower him and stabbed straight through the third guard neck.



The third guard tried to cover the hole in his neck and collapsed to the floor.


“let's Kill him!!”


With that as a signal, the tusk and the second guard rushed towards Jin-Woo at once. Anderson concentrated his senses to the maximum and calmly focused on the movements of his enemies. 

All sounds disappeared and time slowed down. 

He then blocked or evaded sword spear, being thrust at him from the very short distance.

The eyes of both the remaining two guards became incredibly large.

H-how can a 5 – year old kid move like this?!’

‘Too fast!!’

‘I can’t hit him at all.’

The complexions of the tusk and second guard became ashen.

Indeed, speed was a subjective thing. To their eyes, Anderson’s movement was absurdly fast. 

Meanwhile, Anderson waded in among the two guards and calmly stab into their vital spots, one at the time,even if he can't fight properly in his small body,if not for that mysterious voice granted him power and strength but still he still struggle to move in a small shell to stab  and kill the guards


“Wha-what the hell, has this kids awakened?!”


They both screamed and crumpled down to the floor in no time at all.



Blood drops from Anderson body. 

[2 minute remaining]

The voice said.

“Huh, so only 2 minute to the time limit of my strength, but that enough to kill my mother's killer”

Anderson shifted his gaze over to the last remaining survivor.

And that was none other his mother's killer, Tatiana. She still underestimated him as an expression of determination formed on her face and bought out a knife since she thought he must be tired from fighting all those guards.

She then loudly roared out.

“You must be tired from fighting little kid, do you know I was once a Hunter, your father loved”


Tatiana, the kicked the ground and rushed forward.

Thump, thump, thump, thump!!!

Her mind raced as he ran forward as she thought.

Although that kid seemed to be very agile, judged from his quick movements, there was no way he’d possess enough power to penetrate past Tatiana with ‘knife with mana"

You can’t fatally wound me with a measly little sharp weapon.’

Their distance closed up in the blink of an eye, and Tatiana extended with her arm With the knife embedded with mana

Anderson bends down and placed his leg in-between her legs and used all his remaining strength and throw her to the ground


But then, her entire world seemed to spin around, and before she realized how, she was staring at the sky 

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