Reincarnation of the Abused one

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Just another day, or is it?

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Shoji woke up from his bedroom. He sighs as another day of highschool is about to begin. He starts to get up and fox his bed as his gaze falls on his room. It was a lightly lit room with lots of anime posters and figurines, some of whom were hovering above his computer. He starts walking past his collection of manga where he has collected a good amount, He put on his glasses as he went to the bathroom to start the day off like any other day

After washing himself he walks down towards the kitchen. There was a note there left by his older sister who had cooked his lunch and breakfast before she had left for work.

Shoji was born in a family of 4 which consisted of his mom, dad and sister. Sadly, shortly after his birth, his mom passed away and their father left them because he couldn't handle raising two kids. His sister, who was 18 at the time, was the one who picked up the tap and nurtured him to who he is today.

He then pans his view to a picture of his once completed family showing a happy mother and father carrying him as a baby with sister smiling brightly to the camera, happy her new baby brother was born.

"Mom…… wherever you are, I hope you're happy at Shizu for taking care of me, and dad, even though you ran away, I forgive you and hope you come back one day…" he said to himself solemnly as he gazed at the picture.

After he ate his breakfast its time to go to school where another hard day lays ahead of him. He grabs his backpack and puts on his rounded glasses and walks to the train station.

On the way he reminiscences about the times he had been bullied because he is considered the nerd of the class. He never had many friends because he was shy and was another reason why some of his classmates bullied him.

Once he reached the station he got on the train and awaited to be subjected torture in the hands of his bullies all over again.

Another day of school came and went like it was a flash. Shoji is currently packing his things as fast as he can so that he could get home and be spared from the bullying. But before he had the chance to zip up his bag.

"Hey nerd! Trying to skip out on us now?" That voice was all too familiar to his mind.

His gaze shifted upwards towards the source of the voice and to his despair it's his long time bully Nomura Ryozo. His two goons flanking him on either side with their hands crossed looking like your typical highschool bully.

"What do you want, I just want to go home" Shoji said as he placed down his bag.

"Going home to your pillow case you love to hump at night right" Nomura replied as his friends laughed at his funny little joke.

"Can we please just not do this, I'm tired of it" Shoji just wanted to go home, and not deal with this. He just wanted to read the manga he was supposed to finish last night.

"Well I'm not and what are you going to do about it nerd. Go cry to your sister? Ha so pathetic" He replied with his usual prideful dementor.

"Don't get my sister into this" I was standing my ground which I already knew was a death sentence.

"Oh so acting tough now are ya? Well let's see if you can put up with that act after this!" He yelled as he snapped his fingers. His goons that he call his friends started to surround me as he approached me in front grabbing the top of my uniform with his fist aimed at my stomach.

"You'll always be a pathetic nerd. You can't even fight back against a couple of guys like us, that's why strong guys like us will bully the weak like you" He continued as he started punching my stomach.

I grab hold of my stomach in pain due to the blow it sustained as I bend down with my eyes wincing.

"Oh no, we're not done yet" He motions to one of his goons to lock the door and he follows it. What happened next is the usual beating He would get for the past 12 years.

After it was all set in, the three left the building in a hurry while Shoji collapsed on the floor with his bag beside him. He slowly got clutching his stomach as his left arm went limp. He was used to this so he got up again, grabbed his bag and slowly started walking out of the school.

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There was no one around since it was already late in the afternoon where his classes were done so he silently walked down the hallway by himself with only the light from the setting sun to accompany him.

He walked out of the school and slowly walk toward the train station where he'll be riding it home. Once he was waiting for a train a thought came to his mind.

'I can't keep living like this. This will keep happening over and over till I graduate, but even then there is no telling that there will not be any more in college.' he thought to himself as he waited for the train. Then a lightbulb moment happened and his bruised face wearing cracked glasses lit up.

'maybe I can take martial arts classes so I can defend myself, yeah my sister would approve since this was already a growing problem'

He was deep into his thoughts about images of wiping the floor with Nomura that he didn't notice panicking people started running towards the exits.

Before he had an idea of what was going on, a out of control train moving at high speed slammed into the station killing all the passengers and him, his body was struck with so much force it killed him on impact. 

When news got out that it was a terrorist attack and a grenade was smuggled on borad the train and detonated while the train was moving. Authorities were already apprehending the suspects but a few days after the incident people came to mourn the losses of their loved ones. The most affected of them all was Shizu, Shoji's sister. The lost of her last family member charged her hatred toward the people who were bullying her brother.

One night she caught the 3 bullies in an alley with a knife in hand. She killed all 3 in cold blood as the police came to arrest her for the charge of multiple accounts of murder. She was a little bit satisfied because in her mind, the death of the bullies means that Shoji could rest in peace.

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