Reincarnation of the Abused one

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: A Beautiful Encounter

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Shoji opened his eyes and was met with a dark environment, so to speak. When his vision slowly focused, he noticed that there were bright little dots that painted the scenery. One by one, he slowly noticed that some of the small dots were actually disks that swirled towards a bright, luminous center.

Then he had a thought—he was in space. 

He started panicking because he thought he would run out of oxygen and started flailing his arms while desperately trying to keep the last remaining oxygen in his lungs, or so he thought. His face turned purple, and he eventually let out the carbon dioxide that was trapped in his lungs. He inhaled, hoping that oxygen would enter his lungs like back on earth, and, to his relief, he found that he was able to breathe in the dark vacuum of space, which surprised him.

"How the heck?" He questioned himself as his gaze fell on his body.

He noticed that he was wearing his torn school uniform. while a gentle, white-glowing aura had enveloped him. He came to the conclusion that the aura was the reason he was able to breathe in such an environment.

"You sure are adjusting quite fast to your current predicament." A voice rang up from behind him.

"Who's there?" He then turned his body to face the voice he heard.

What he saw was a being that is the direct personification of the word beauty. long white hair that dropped to her knees, which glowed a dim white, as well as blue eyes that would put the sky on earth to shame. She wore an equally beautiful white and golden dress that complimented her hair color and had a golden star just above her chest. Her complexion is similar to a mother looking at her young children from afar. watching them play in the sunset

"B-beautiful…." He silently muttered, but was picked up by the woman.

"Well, thank you," she replied with a gentle smile. Shoji suddenly blushed and looked away, which earned a little giggle from the lady.

"S-so where am I?" Shoji composed himself and asked while setting his gaze back at the lady in front of him.

"Well, to put it briefly... "You died," she answered, with a bit of sadness in her voice.

"I—I died," Shoji repeated with his voice in utter disbelief.

"Yes, a terrorist attack caused a train to crash into the station at full speed, leading you to die on impact." She never left her sad expression while elaborating on the cause of my death.

"W-well… What happened to my sister... "Is she alright?" Shoji was worried about his sister; after all, she was the one who nourished him when his father and mother could not.

"I'm sorry to say that she is currently in prison," she explained with a sad expression. 

That left Shoji in shock, Shizu? His sister? The most gentle person he knew in prison Surely this cannot be true. 

"What did she do that landed her in prison?" He asked, trying to keep his composure, but slight tears were starting to accumulate around his eyes.

"She killed the bullies who brought pain to you; her reasoning is that if they remain alive, then you can never truly rest in peace," she answered slowly.

Shoji couldn't take it anymore and started crying. Why, of all people, did it happen to him? His life was full of nothing but sadness. The only thing that made him push through the pain every day was the love of his sister. 

"Why me…. "Why did it happen to me?" He started questioning himself as he wiped the tears from his eyes. A few seconds later, a warm feeling spread around his body, like a warm blanket in the winter. He opened his eyes to see the lady hugging him with her sorrow in her eyes.

"That is why you are here—for you to have a second chance." "To live on your terms and not be hindered by any bully." She slowly whispered in his ears as they slowly got up.

"You mean to say I'm getting reincarnated?" He asked, wiping away the tears that were still clinging to his cheeks.

"Yes, I, Solaris, goddess of stars and galaxies, offer you a chance to start over on another planet, inside a different galaxy." She introduced herself in a kind of motherly fashion as Shoji's face slowly lit up.

"Will I ever achieve the things I wanted to do?" He asked, which earned a smile from the goddess known as Solaris.

"Of course, if you're willing to strive and work your way towards achieving it." Shoji was in disbelief. He thought that those reincarnation mangas were just fictional, but seeing it happen in the flesh left him in awe.

"Will I have the memories of my past life?" He asked what was sometimes a big plothole in some mangas and media about reincarnation.

"Well, you cannot have your memories but only fragments of them." It's because it would break some laws of the cosmos for you to be reincarnated with your memories fully intact. She answered, and Shoji's smile suddenly disappeared for a moment. He would forget his sister if he gets reincarnated, along with some of his experiences from his past life.

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"I see, then I accept the goddess Solaris." He cast away his sadness because, deep in his heart, he knows that if his sister were here, She would urge him to take the deal from the goddess. 

"Then it is settled. You are to be reincarnated on planet Humia inside star system Glacier 44, which is inside the galaxy Alpha Sirius," she announced, giving the details of the planet and its accompanying galaxy.

"How about my gender?" I asked, which earned a giggle from the goddess.

"You're going to be a girl, because the laws dictate that a reincarnated person shall be the opposite gender of his or her original life." She answered amusedly as she positioned her hands in a praying manner. Magic circles started appearing near Shoji as a bright pillar shot up like a quasar from a black hole.

"Through there's the door to your new life, a new beginning and new adventures." "Anything you want to say before leaving?" She floated beside Shoji, waiting for his answer.

"All I want to say is thank you." for giving me a second chance at life. "I cannot be anymore grateful." He thanked the goddess and soon turned to a dot, which he hoped was the solar system. He then shifted his view slightly to the right to try and look directly at Earth, even though it was not visible from his view.

"Shizu, Thank you for everything. for taking care of me and being there when mom and dad couldn't. I hope you live a happy life after you get released from prison and always remember to visit me on my birthday. Unbeknownst to him, his little message reached his sister, who was inside a jail cell. She started crying as she heard his voice for the last time.

"I will…." She said to herself with a small smile on her tear-streaked face.

"It's time to go," the goddess beside him said, and he turned his vision toward the pillar of light.

With confidence in his steps, he slowly walked towards the beacon of light, and before he could enter its area of effect, he looked back to see the goddess waving at him, wishing him luck in his new life.

He waved back with a slight tear in his eye as his final thank you and crossed the border of the magic circle. His body is consumed by the light, and before he knew it, he had left the endless vacuum known as space.

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