Reincarnation of the Transmigrator?

Chapter 4: Body Cultivation and Fiance?

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Body Cultivation, it is the way nurturing and strengthening one's body to the extremes. In the beginning stages you simply strengthen your body creating a foundation for the purpose of merging your body with your dao.
Those who cultivate their body alongside their spiritual qi are almost always stronger than those in the same realm .

So, you must be wondering why 'past life me' who had fused the paths of will, soul and qi cultivation did not include body cultivation to my oh so great cultivation method? Well little timmy that's because it requires a lot of resources(which I didn't have) and also I'm not a f*cking MASOCHIST!!

Ahem, to further explain this association between body cultivation and masochism, I must explain how one cultivates their body.

"Body cultivation can broadly be categorised into two types: first one and the most commonly used cultivates the body to copy the physique of a spiritual beast or some other creature by consuming their blood essence or pills made of it's body parts, such as the 'Thunder scaled draconic lizard body refinement arts ' is said to make you fast as creature it imitates and increases your affinity with lightning and comprehension of dao of lightning.

The second type of body cultivation methods tries to form a physique based on a certain concept such as my 'True Yang Sun-flame Refinement Arts' in this type of cultivation you comprehend the concept within the technique and consume treasures and resources related to the concept....." Thankfully my grandfather did all the explaining for me.

Now you must be wondering how is all that related to 'loving the way it hurt', well you see to refine your physique you have to push your body to the limits(AKA get beaten black and blue like a pig) before taking a relaxing medical bath(that feels like millions of insects crawling and biting all over your body), not something a 'normal' person would like-

"Are you even listening to me? " My grandfather's words brought me back from my thoughts.

"Yeah yeah, I am listening"

"Doesn't seem that way to me.... Anyways I will seal your fire spiritual root to stop the conflict between your spiritual roots and deduce a qi cultivation technique for you. Until then you will refine your body using the dao of life and water as base while expanding your comprehension of dao of fire, water, life and death"

"Alright...." I answered with a dark face as if the premium A5 wagyu steak I was about to eat turned out to be hard, chewy and tastless leather.

On Xin family's Amethyst peak, a youth that looked to be around 10 years of age could be seen swinging a sword alongside moving in such a way that it resembled a dance, as he moved his sword illusory flowers begin to move along him dancing with his blade. The youth had abyss like black hair, amethyst eyes and was wearing black clothing with azure embroidery of a dragon.

"Phew...." I wiped my sweat with a towel as I ended my sword practice. Three very long(and painful) years have passed since the day of the ceremony, in this time I had diligently(unwillingly) practiced body refinement arts, this technique's base has been created by grandfather and improved by me over time but still isn't perfect(still far better than most of the other techniques). Due to the presence of dao of life and water being the major constituent in this technique my body is now filled with vitality. Also my face looks even prettier and my skin is as soft as silk and my muscles have become well defined, it makes me question whether this technique is meant for beautification instead of strengthening my body.

Other than that, I have been studying all of the sect's manuals, comprehending the concept on which various techniques are based and listening  to dao discussions. In these three years, grandfather and I have been able to create a spiritual cultivation manual for me till the core formation realm although I have yet to start qi cultivation. Well as a former grand elder of the best sect, it should have been super easy right. right? No, it was fucking not!!

While the Myriad Dao present in the world itself hasn't changed(thankfully) but the spiritual qi has, in my previous life spiritual qi used to be much harsh, hard to wield but now it has become much more benign. To give a simple example, previously it was like a tsundere that hits you in the face when she's embarrassed, then now it was more like a caring wife who helps you in any way she can. Okay... I might be exaggerating a bit, but it is still far better than in my past life. Which unfortunately caused all the techniques I had studied in my past life to be obsolete since they were meant for that damn tsundere. Seriously where's my cheat? I didn't get one in either of my lives. Well I can still utilize the knowledge I possess for refining my own dao I guess?

Also due to my relentless sword dao heart, I have been able to condense sword qi, the relentless sword dao heart can be considered a manifestation of my will Or more accurately a sub physique based on will power. Even though sword qi is the most basic sword intent, even the best genius in the way of sword would only be able to condense sword qi at 14 years of age and I am just 8. Seriously being talented is amazi-


Suddenly my survival instincts start screaming, as I dodged with everything I had so that I can live another day. I turn around in annoyance and glared at the person who just attacked me.

"Old man, have you gone so senile that you would try to kill your own grandson?" in reply my crazy crazy sadistic madman of a grandfather gave a toothy grin.

"Oh, you exaggerate so much, I was just testing your reflexes" Said the madman while giving me shit-eating grin.

'This fucke- alright let's not go that far he's still my grandfather after all'

"Anyways, why are you here so early? " I made no effort in masking my annoyance(and why should i?) .
"Do I need a reason to visit my one and only grandson? "

"Yes"I answered without hesitation.

"How cold of you...... Sigh,you used to be so sweet when you were younger" Xin Dongyang made such a sad expression that if I didn't know him I would have felt concerned for him.

"Stop with that facade and tell what you came here for" I hurried him with an annoyed expression.

"Haaa...I came to inform you that we have decided upon a fiance for you."

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"What? " My annoyed expression was gone faster than a toupee in a hurricane, and replaced by a shocked one.

"She's quite the pretty lady you know, there were so many praises about her graceful appeara-"

"Wait a second! so you're telling me finalized my engagement without even telling me? "

"Well the engagement is not exactly official yet, there will be a meeting between you and your fiance in 2 days . But it is pretty much a done deal between two clans. "

"Haa... So Whats her name " I sighed giving up.

"She is the daughter of Yin family matriarch's fourth daughter Yin Xifeng, they say she's one of the best talents of this generation and considered one of the most beautiful one as well. "

"One of the 3 great families huh.... " I began to contemplate.

"Is that the part you are concerned about? " Grandfather looked at me as if I was some strange creature. I mean this is my third life already, why would I care about some brat who hasn't even had her coming of age ceremony.

"Obviously. Two of  the three great families getting united by a marriage alliance willl definitely gain the attention of some undesirables"

"Sigh, that's for us adults to handle there's no need for you to worry about it Yu'er "

'They are doing this for me......aren't they '

The yin family is known for their Water qi mystic arts and soul related methods, both of which I need. The concern of my family towards me...... their care, it gives me a warm feeling in my heart. In my past life whenever someone showed concern there was a motive behind their action, even when the concern was real they expected me to be someone dependable not someone who will need their help and before that the closest thing I got was pity, pity towards something unsightly, nothing more than that.

"Th-thank you" I said in a shaky voice as tears started welling up in my eyes without me realising.

"Haha there's no need to cry you know"

"I am not crying!! " I turned around as I tried to hide my tears. Tears that I held in for so long without even knowing

"Hahaha.. " Grandfather started laughing out loud as he watched my attempts.

I guess this kind of life isn't that bad huh.

------Yin family, Jade Phoenix Palace---------

The soft voice of a young girl could be heard in a large room devoid of any other person.

The girl sitting on her bed while holding onto a Jade slate used to store information. Suddenly a voice escaped out of her lips.

"Two days, huh........... In two days I will see you again. "

Saying this she fell silent and suddenly held the Jade slate in her hand tightly.

"This time, I would not let you......."

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