Reincarnation of the Transmigrator?

Chapter 5: Cardboard Cutout and Another Chance?

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'Name -Yin Xifeng

Age - 9 years 

Talent - extremely high

Spiritual roots - heavenly fire roots(high purity) 

Comprehension - very high

Cultivation path - qi cultivation

Qi Cultivation level - 7 realm of qi condensation

Qualities - Hardworking, genius, graceful, brave and sensitive'

‌"Seventh level of qi condensation huh... That's quite an achievement for someone who isn't even 10 and she has a high level of comprehension to top it off. But those qualities.... they seem kinda fishy.... Hardworking is probably a euphemism for being reticent. Genius is pretty simple, but could also mean that she is proud. Brave probably means reckless or arrogant , as for sensitive, it could be easily irritated or annoyed....." Xin Jianyu muttered to himself as he looked at the information in the Jade Slate that rested upon his hands. This jade slate was a special artifact that didn't require spiritual sense to browse through, although it couldn't contain too much data. Although it's perfect for me right now.

(AN- You thought it was a system, but it was me Dio WREEEEEEEEEE!!) 

'She is the only child of the Yin family matriarch's fourth daughter who had died in an incident. She is favoured by the Matriarch Yin Meili due to her resemblance to her fourth daughter who died in an incident. She was personally named by the Matriarch herself. The matriarch is very protective of her, which caused other family members to be cautious of her due to there being no heir apparent in the family. '

"So basically, on the outside, the marriage is for her learning the Fire spiritual cultivation of Xin family, while the real intention is to give her the protection of two of the three great families so that she won't be harmed. Well, it's better this way anyway. After all, if the trade is too beneficial for one side, there will be additional demands later on." Jianyu put down the jade slate as he pondered for a minute, then sighed out loud.

"Sigh, well I guess I will see her for myself in two days."

----------------Two Days Later-------------

In the sky, an immortal boat could be seen flying towards the Xin family's territory. The immortal boat had an azure serpent carved on it that seemed alive, especially its golden serpentine eyes. This boat belonged to none other than the Yin family, who were going to meet the Xin family to discuss the engagement. In the boat there were many servants and guards of high cultivation level, but the most important individuals were Yin Xifeng and her second oldest aunt, Yin Wenqiang.

Yin Xifeng was sitting in front of a mirror letting her maid comb her hair.

"My lady, your hair is always so smooth and silky, it makes me so jealous. "

'we will soon reach there......and then..... Will I be able to control my emotions when I see him again?' Yin Xifeng lowered her head and tightly grabbed the sides of her robes with her little hands.

"Hm? My lady, you don't need to be nervous, you are the adorable granddaughter of our matriarch after all and this is just a simple meeting to make you acquainted with each other." Yin Xifeng looked at the maid who had been taking care of her since she was just an infant and gave her a slight smile.

'Well, I guess I am a bit anxious.'

"There's no need to be worried, I am just a bit curious about the meeting today. "

Suddenly, the door to the room opened and the second daughter of the Yin family Matriarch, Yin Wenqiang, entered the room. She had silver-blue hair and silver eyes.

"Feng'er, are you ready? "

" Yes, Aunt Qiang, I am ready." Yin Xifeng answered with a smile.

"Feng'er... if you have any objections to this engagement, just let your aunt know. I will do anything I can to help you, alright?" Wenqiang had a deeply concerned look on her beautiful face.

"Thank you for your concern, aunt. I'll be sure to ask you for help if I ever need it ". Yin Xifeng gave her 'beloved aunt' a reassuring smile.

"En, then I will go and make some final preparations" Wenqiang said as she walked away.

Yin Xifeng stared at her aunt's back with an unsettling glow in her eyes.

'This bitch'


"How much longer do we have to wait?" I muttered, as I had grown tired of waiting for my 'fiance' to arrive.

"Yu'er, it's our duty as the host to give our guests a warm welcome" My mother said as she waited alongside.

"I know....but mother, there's no need for you to wait here, is there? After all, you're the future head of our family. Whereas our guests are simply members of the main lineage of the Yin family." 

"I am here not as the future head, but as your mother. I must see this fiance of yours with my own eyes." Mother answered with a slight smile, leaving me with no room to argue.


"Also they are here already."

"Where? Oh I see it now, how uselessly grandiose " I commented as I looked into the distance at the approaching immortal boat.

"Wait till you see our family's immortal boat" Mother chuckled at my comment and we started to chat for a while.

The Yin family's immortal boat landed. And two figures could be seen coming out of it. One was a woman with silver-blue hair and silver eyes, the other one was a girl with fiery red hair and amber-shining eyes.

"Yin Wenqiang greets senior Yingyue and young master Jianyu"

"Junior Yin Xifeng greets senior Yingyue and young master Jianyu". Both of them gave my mother their greetings. In response, my mother simply nodded.

"Xin Jianyu greets lady Yin Wenqiang and miss Yin Xifeng" I greeted them with an innocent smile. In response, Yin Xifeng remained expressionless while Yin Wenqiang nodded with a stiff smile.

'Did she get pissed off since I didn't refer to her as a senior? Also, why is that girl glaring at me?'

After concluding our greetings, we moved to the plum blossom manor which is used to host  guests who have a closer relation to our family. Afterwards, most of the time, it was just the adults discussing among themselves or mother asking Yin Xifeng some questions, whereas I was just sipping on my tea while looking at the plum blossoms outside.

'why is she glaring at me?'

"Why don't we let the children get to know each other while we discuss some matters by ourselves" mother's sudden words almost made me choke on my tea.

"Ah, y-yes" Yin Wenqiang stiffly replied.

"Well then, Jianyu, why don't you take little Xifeng and show her around?"

"Alright, miss Xifeng, let's go "I said, while extending my hand to her.

"Hm" she nodded, then took my hand while lowering her head.


We both kept walking in the plum blossoms quietly.

'ugh.....this is so awkward '

"Ahem, as we are to be engaged, I think we should get to know each other better."


'At least say something more!'

" there something you like to do, lady Xifeng?"


"Anything else?"


'Dafuq!! You seriously don't have anything better to do!' 

"Is there something you like to eat?" I asked with a strained smile.

"I like to eat sweets and tea" she said with a stiff face.

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'Phew, thank God she didn't say elixirs.'

"Well, how about we eat sweets made by my immortal chef later?"

"Hm" she said as she nodded.

' She's really not interested in this engagement, is she?'

"Um... Let's do our best as future partners, I guess?" I stretched out my hand with an awkward smile as I said this bullshit.

'hm? This....'

"Ah, y-yes let's do our best" she said as she hurried, grabbing my hand.

'Even if it was brief, I am sure I sensed a hostile intent.'

"Well then let's go back ". Saying this, we went back to where my mother and her aunt were.


After my 'fiance' had left, I sat down and began to ponder about the hostile intent I felt coming from Yin Xifeng.

There's definitely something weird about her.....but I can't really do anything about it. This engagement is quite useful for both the family and me.

Well, I can be sure that she doesn't want this engagement and she doesn't like me......


She doesn't like me(young master), who is handsome and cares(?) about her.

She has the personality of a cardboard cutout.

She's a cold jade beauty.

She is in an engagement that she doesn't like.

She's super talented and has natural arrogance.

Isn't this.....a lot like those heaven blessed bastards' foolish brainless harem members, ugh... there's no way that's it right? But if that's true, then doesn't it mean I am the young master who gets faceslapped by the heavenblessed, ME!!

Shit!! Why do I always get the short end of the stick?! Argh....!! 

Wait a second, I can't be too sure and even if my assumption is right, also, if I play my cards right, I'll always have an edge over the heavenblessed.

Alright! Let's control public opinion in the sect and portray myself as a gentle and heroic youth. So that the blame for a broken engagement falls on my fiance.

----------Earlier in the morning ---------

POV: Yin Xifeng

"Feng'er... if you have any objections to this engagement, just let your aunt. I will do anything I can to help you, alright?" Wenqiang had a deeply concerned look on her face.

'How disgusting you just want me to break this engagement so that I would be kicked out of the race for the position of family head!!'

"Thank you for your concern. I'll be sure to ask you for help if I ever need it ". Yin Xifeng gave her 'beloved aunt' a reassuring smile.

"En, then I will go and make some final preparations" Wenqiang said as she walked away.

'This bitch.....'


When I saw 'him', I froze. I couldn't think of anything but him. I only came back to my senses as my aunt gave her greetings to Lady Yingyue. I hurriedly gave my greetings.

Then we went to the plum blossom manor surrounded by plum blossoms that never wilt throughout the year. As the adults were discussing amongst themselves, I stared at Jianyu as he looked out of the window with his beautiful amethyst eyes, while sipping on his tea . I wished to engrave this view on my very soul. But lady Yingyue noticed my intense gaze at her son and smiled at me. 

'H-how embarassing....'

"Why don't we let the children get to know each other while we discuss some matters by ourselves" Lady Yingyu- no mother's words made me feel a bit flustered.

"Ah, y-yes" My aunt(that bitch) stiffly replied.

"Well then, Jianyu, why don't you take little Xifeng and show her around?"

"Alright mother, miss Xifeng, let's go " Jianyu said while extending his hand.

'Aaaahh! What should I do ?'My heart started beating faster than ever, as I looked at him.

"Hm", I nodded, then took his hand while lowering my head, so that I could remain sane.


We kept walking through the plum blossoms as I kept my head lowered.

"Ahem, as we are to be engaged, I think we should get to know each other."


'Aaahh! I should have said something more!'

" there something you like to do, miss Xifeng?"


'Nooo!! Why didn't I say something else?'

"Anything else?"


'What do other girls like to do? Should I say embroidery but, I don't know anything about it!!'

'Alright, let's not say anything. After all, he hates liars, yes let's do that.' 

"Is there something you like to eat?" I asked with a strained smile. 

'Alright, this one's simple, I can just answer vaguely. '

"I like to eat sweets and tea" she said with a stiff face.

'He seems a bit more relaxed now. Good thing I didn't say elixirs'

"Well, how about we eat sweets made by my immortal chef later?"

"Hm" she said as she nodded.

'Yes!! Now we can spend more time together'

"Um... Let's do our best as future partners, I guess?" He stretched out his hand with an awkward smile as he said those words that meant the world to me.

'This time I would not let anyone get in between us. I will kill 'that bastard' who fooled me and used me as a tool against you. I will kill that bitch who made me break our engagement......' I realised that I unintentionally let out a bit of hostile intent 

"Ah, y-yes let's do our best", I hurriedly grabbed his hand as I tried to cover up the situation and looked at his handsome smile.

'Phew.... Looks like he didn't sense it..... I have to be more careful from now on.'

"Well then let's go back " he said, as we started going back to where the others were.

'Now that I have gotten another chance, I will definitely be the one to support you and protect you in this life' I thought, as I resolved myself to not repeat my mistakes.

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