Rekindle Project (A LITRPG Series)

Chapter 38: Chapter 38 – The King’s Mage! (Intermission 2, V)

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Dunal led us to the same chamber we had entered earlier for the prince’s… lectures. The doors were wide open and had been propped back with some rather expensive-looking vases with golden patterns running from the bottom to the top. They had some strange slender tall-looking plants growing within, which I assumed must have been from some exotic corner of this world.

Before taking a better look inside, I glanced back to see what they had done with the entrance. It had also been propped open but had been decorated with more fancy things, along with a thick red carpet that ran the entire distance to the main chamber. There were many guards now patrolling the perimeter. Some were standing still by the doors ensuring the guests that entered were, in fact, invited.

I turned my attention to inside the chamber once we set foot within its grasp. On both sides, long rows of tables had been placed along with fancy wooden chairs that were no doubt fit for the nobles. The centre of the chamber had been left open the way a nightclub would have a dancefloor in the centre for its patrons to congregate for various activities.

A few bards plucked the strings on their lutes and chanted melodies about some bygone age in the far corner of the room, nearby where Edmund sat upon his ‘throne.’ Near him, a smaller, more extravagant table had been placed along with some even better chairs. The prince noticed our arrival and motioned with a wave of his hand for us to come forth.

The chamber was still rather empty, with only a few small families, who were dressed to impress in their expensive-looking attire, conversing with each other before noticing our arrival. They gave us some observant gazes as we made our way to the prince, most likely wondering who we were and why a strange-looking green monstrosity was with us.

Dunal bowed to Edmund, “Your grace, the lords Krossa and their companion as ordered. If you don’t mind, I have much work to do to ensure the event goes to plan. May I be excused?”

“Thank you as always, Dunal. You may get on with your work.” Edmund replied before Dunal nodded his head and made his way back to his subordinates. The prince turned his attention to us, “Look at you all. Looking all smart.” He turned to face Atreyu and Lanakis, “It would be a shame if you ruined your fancy new clothes while intoxicated beyond belief.”

I think that was more of a warning than anything else, as he didn’t want to seen associating with people who would end up causing a mammoth of a ruckus. I sure hope they keep their alcoholism at bay.

“You won’t have any issues from me, your grace.” Atreyu bowed his head, to which Lanakis just gave an awkward shrug like he wasn’t going to give one flying fuck.

Edmund turned his attention to me, “Ali’Creed, I want to speak to you in private about a few things if you don’t mind. The rest of you, please take your seats at the table here and appropriately help yourselves to the wine. We’ll be back soon.” He motioned to the table near his throne before motioning me to follow him.

My heart sank like a rock, and my brain was confused… did I do something wrong? I was just hoping this wasn’t going to be one of those scolding lectures the other nobles had received during the last time we were in this chamber, and the whole black goo situation I had inadvertently caused with my stupidity. Well, he remembered my name… that was a good thing, at least… sort of.

He took me to the side of the chamber where a small wooden door rested, producing a key from his pocket, and he unlocked it before taking me in. A couple of his guards had noticed and made their way to the door and stood there at attention. He made sure to lock the door behind him, as I doubted, he wanted what he was about to tell me to get out in the open. Maybe the reason for all this was something else completely.

After walking through a small corridor, another large room presented itself, where candles flickered all around like they had been left not too long ago. Piles of books were littered across the room, like he was in the middle of some kind of research project. There was a single table in the corner, but instead, he took me to the one in the centre of the room, which was much larger, with about ten seats neatly placed around it. This looked like a boardroom where many private meetings must have usually taken place.

“Take a seat,” He motioned before sitting at the end of the table. “We have a few important things to discuss.”

He looked calm and not agitated… unless he was really good at hiding it before ripping people a new butthole. I just stayed calm and decided to break the tension, “Nice little room you have here.”

“Indeed,” Edmund smiled, “this is where every decision for Nasrock is made when idiots are not left in charge. I feel really stupid for that decision, and the nobles know it all too well. I should have appointed the twin’s father, but he was busy running the mine back then. In the end, it really didn’t even matter as the mine fell to the goblins.” He sighed, “The entire island is a mess, and I don’t even know where to begin. I bet our enemies are laughing at this whole thing.”

“I understand… that must suck.” I tried my best to sound empathetic to his situation, but I was never really good at that, so I decided to change the subject. “At least the mine is back in our control. It won’t be long before we’re ready to take the bandits out.”

“I like your attitude to all this insanity. If only everyone else thought like that, this situation would have been resolved in its infancy. Another thing that’s concerning me right now is this strange thing you encountered. As you can tell, I’ve had my nose dug in these books for any information about it, but it’s been useless so far. Which is one of the reasons I brought you here.”

“I don’t understand… I know as little as you do apart from fighting it with Sparky and coming out on top.” I tried not to sound boastful… just stating the facts. That entire encounter was still pissing me off, how could I have let it get away?

Edmund laughed, “I’m not talking about what you know but rather what Evess, my father’s court wizard, may know.”

“Oh… To be honest, I’ve not exactly met any other magic user apart from Lanakis… he sure turned out to be a crazy drunk. Will this Evess fella be coming to this… function?” It would be ideal if I could talk to this Evess.

Edmund burst out in a fit of laughter, “Evess is not a man… she’ll burn you into a pile of ashes if she ever heard you say that… and no, she will not be attending as she is with my father back in the main royal palace.” He paused and removed an object from under the table and placed it between us.

I came in for a closer look. It looked like a blue sphere the size of a tennis ball and rested atop a gold hexagonal-shaped holder. “What the heck is that?” I asked, scratching my head. Is this some kind of weird communication device?

Edmund then removed a ring from beneath the table and placed it on one of his fingers. It too was gold and had a little circular gem in the centre that gleamed in an orange magical presence. “I brought it with me from the capital to keep in contact with Evess… in the event of an emergency.” He tapped it at the top with the ring, “just watch what it does.”

The orange haze spread throughout the sphere before the magic began to reverberate all around it like a hurricane. My mouth was wide open as a hooded figure emerged from it in a spectral form, the same way that strange lady materialized when we had defeated the frost drake. The spectre had been constructed from that same orange magic contained within the ring and removed the hood once the magic settled, revealing the perfect, most female face… I had ever seen.

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“Your grace,” she greeted, bowing her head before shifting her mesmerizing gaze toward me.

My mouth was still wide open, and my eyes— gawking at her perfection. My heart began to thump heavily, and I felt a strange feeling flow throughout my entire body. If I could give her a rating from one to ten, it would be beyond what the scales could offer.

Edmund noticed my intoxication at her beauty and coughed to shift the attention, “Evess, it’s great to see you. How have you been?”

“I’m busy… what do you want?” She scoffed before crossing her arms and giving him that ‘why are you disturbing me?’ look.

“Relax, I’m sure you can get back to your stuff later. We have a bit of a strange situation here that requires the attention of someone better equipped with your sort of knowledge.” Edmund explained.

She frowned and shook her head, “Get on with it, then. I don’t have time to waste on small talk.”

“I think you should watch your tone before I tell everyone the truth about that time you set the…” He sounded almost threatening and seemed like he was trying to blackmail her with some dirty laundry.

“That’s enough. Sorry to his grace for not talking in the correct tone but let me remind his grace that he was also involved with that incident… in fact, made it worse.” She replied sarcastically with a cheeky grin planted upon her face, she sure seemed smart and more than capable of fending Edmund off.

Edmund held his head with the palm of his hand, “… I’ll just get on with it. So… Ali’Creed here stumbled upon a strange creature that could very well cause the extinction of the human race on this Island… potentially the entire world. I’ll let him tell you more about it.” He finished motioning towards me.

I was still stuck in a trance, staring… more like drooling at her beautiful figure. She turned to face me and noticed before releasing a drawn-out sigh.

“Hey! My face is here.” She pointed before scoffing, “What is it with you men…”

“Sorry…,” I nervously apologized, “so… I was wandering in that forest to the north of where I was camped... northeast of Vern. I stumbled upon some strange ruins that looked thousands of years old and decided to see what was inside. I ended up running into some undead elves and goblins afflicted by this strange black goo. I found some notes from an elven archaeologist named Eldrin, who discovered this weird tablet containing evil magic that turned him into a giant black goo monster. Long story short, I managed to defeat it with Sparky, but it got away due to a silly situation. I went back in to see what this tablet was all about, and it gave me a really cool ability to slow time.” I took a deep breath to fill my lungs again.

“These notes… may I see them?” She asked, walking closer. This just made me a bit more nervous and flustered... and I didn’t want any random jugs to hit me in the face, as that would cause some serious clean-up missions later healed in a mountain of embarrassment. This new body was young, but it also came with the problems of being young as well. I removed the notes from my [Inventory] and passed them over before she began an inspection.

“They’re written in elvish…” I added, trying to be helpful.

“Obviously, Eldrin was an elf… do you think I’m stupid?! When I was studying magic at the elven academy, he was one of my professors of magic… it’s a shame what happened to him.” She sighed with a look of loss on her face as if she had lost an important figure in her life. “Now, what are you waiting for? The tablet… I want to see it.”

“That might be a little problematic… I kind of left it there in the ruins.” I scratched my head.

“You did what?! You’re telling me you found this magical tablet that contained vast amounts of ancient magic, and you left it there in the ruins?! You must be the dumbest person I have ever met. You men are so stupid!” She scolded me but to be fair, I think some of that was aimed at Edmund as well.

“I can go back and get it if that would help.” I offered to try and calm this lady down, but for some reason, she looked even hotter when angry. I wasn’t sure if I should piss her off more at this point… she can burn me into a pile of ashes anytime. Wouldn’t mind that at all…

“There’s no point now… I’ll have to get there. I need to see these ruins for myself to be able to do the correct research on this thing. You’re saying you defeated this thing before, so it shouldn’t be a problem dealing with it again.”

“About that… There’s another more powerful version of this entity that has afflicted a small army of goblins along with their king. We have two months before they get through the silver mine and overrun the Krossa village.” I added before she looked over to Edmund. I managed to sneak a quick look at her bottom while she did that before giving Edmund a smile.

Edmund shook his head, “You do realize she can see everything here…” before trying his best to hold in his laughter. “Alright… Evess, make your way here so we can figure more stuff out about this creature. Meanwhile, we have a feast to attend.”

“You owe me for this, Edmund… and I expect to be rewarded generously. Keep these diary entries safe… we’ll be needing them later.” She finished before the spell began to fade, and her body vanished.

I grabbed the entries and put them back into my [Inventory] before letting out a deep breath, but before I could even utter a word, Edmund interrupted, “Don’t even think about it… she’ll hang you out to dry.” He warned me like he had found out the hard way in the past. “Anyway… our guests should all be here by now. Come on. Let’s get back.” He finished before putting the communication artifact back and motioning me to follow him back.

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