
Chapter 19: Momo Agrees To Be Your Girlfriend, Hypno-BJ from Mitsuko, Dates with Chanette & Reiko, F*cking Kimiko Doggy

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You wake up to the sound of your phone buzzing, from somewhere off to the side of your bed, where your pants were abandoned before you fucked Noriko silly. You gingerly remove your arm from around Noriko's neck, to try to go collect your phone without rousing her, but the moment you do so, she rises. "Good morning, Nanashi."

"Ah, morning. Were you awake already?"

"I was. I was unable to escape from your grip without waking you, and I presumed that the reason for your hold was a desire to keep me near you for the entirety of your sleep." She hops off the bed, going to the door to your bathroom and unlocking it. Her thighs are clearly stained with sticky cum. "I am going to take a shower," she explains, shortly before you hear the water start to run.

You hop out of the bed and collect your phone, finding your standard early morning texts from Terumi.

Do you think your mother can give me more lessons? ♡

Being taught by her was very sexy... ♡♡♡

I didn't mind any of it, by the way, Master!

Not even the part where you used my body to slake even baser than normal needs. (♡v~)

(I thought it was sexy, too! Passing out serving you is hot!)

I love you, by the way, Master! ♡♡♡

You get dressed properly before opening the door to your room, finding a plate of cookies covered by plastic wrapper. There's a small, handwritten note attached to them.

Since you had your door locked, I just made these and left them for you. Enjoy, Nanashi-sama!

- Setsuko

Hm. These are a lot of cookies, and Noriko's in the shower right now. You decide to take them with you to Minori - they might make a good conversation starter. You'll just make sure not to eat all of them before offering Noriko some.

You heft them up and carry them to Minori's room, finding her on the bed in a little dress, quietly reading some book or other, leaning away from the doorway. She turns her head as you enter the room, and her eyes light up. "Wow, cookies? Can I have some?" She wears big puppy dog eyes as she asks.

"Sure, that's why I brought them." You sit down on the bed, peeling off the plastic wrapping, and she quickly seizes a cookie in hand, excitedly nibbling on it. "Setsuko made them, so be sure to thank her when you see her next."

"Mhm," Minori mumbles around the cookie.

"Sorry for not spending as much time with you as I used to," you say, gently reaching over to tuck her hair behind her ear. "How are things at school?"

"Mfofay," she says. "Oh, I got a new boyfriend!" She says, excitedly. No... no! "He's really cool."

"Tell me about him."

"He's smart, and cool, and very, you know, calm and collected, just like my future husband should be," she explains. "Very, um," she crosses her arms. "Hm. That's interesting. Let me handle that for you," she says, in an artificially deep voice.

"Tell me more about him. What does he look like?"

"Well... he's a couple inches taller than me, and he's slender. He wears long sleeves but he seems fit. He wears glasses, and plays with them a lot. He's really handsome and cool and has that kind of vibe of, you know, 'I'm cool and I know it and that doesn't make me less cool, heh.'"

"Any interests, hobbies?"

"Um... well we just started dating, we haven't even kissed yet. He's really into romance novels, I think."

You nod along. "How are things with Momo?"

"We're doing okay. She's not beating up my new boyfriend, so that's good." Actually, it's bad! You want Momo to beat up all of Minori's boyfriends and scare them off!

"What attracted you to him?"

"Huh?" Minori takes a second cookie as she considers the question, nibbling it. "Well, like I said, he's cool," she says, "and handsome, and tall, so," she says. "I mean everybody thinks he's cool, you know? So obviously it would be good to have him as my boyfriend." She says it with a kind of child's understanding of romance, that you just date whoever is cool and handsome and show them off.

"Well," you say, wrapping the plastic back up around your plate of cookies. "Protect your chastity, okay, Minori?" Minori blushes, and you hop up off the bed, heading to Momo's bedroom.

Momo is jumping on her bed when you enter, doing what looks like it might be a dance or a wrestle with Tora. She quickly stops, however, so you can't quite say for sure. She's blushing as she sees the pile of cookies. "H-hi Nana-kun," she says, nervously playing with her hands. She finally stops standing on the bed, hopping to sit down. "What b-brings you here?"

"Well, I do have some treats," you tease, "for a sweet little sister that I only want to make happy."

She blushes vivid red, biting her lower lip and looking up at you nervously. "I would like a cookie..." she says.

You sit down next to her, peeling off the plastic wrapping again, and she quickly takes a cookie, stuffing her mouth with it so she has an excuse not to talk.

You put the plate to one side, and grab her in a big bear hug, hefting her into your lap. She squeaks a bit as you do so. "So, how are you doing?" You ask.

"Fine," she says. Then she fills her mouth with more of the cookie.

"Have you been thinking about what we talked about earlier?" She nods. "Well, what were you thinking?"

"Y-you're my brother... you're not supposed to do that kind of thing with your brother."

"If you want to do something like that, and I want to do something like that, then who's it really hurting?" You pause. "Is there some other boy you like more?"

"No!" She says it quickly, then blushes red.

"Do you want to marry some other guy when you get older?"

"N-no," she says.

"So why not?"

"I-it's weird to do it with your brother!"

"Weren't you thinking about this before I approached you?" She nods, bright red. "Then you should definitely become my girlfriend."

She's practically beet red as she shovels the last of the cookie in her mouth. When she swallows, she lets out a tiny mumble of an answer. "...okay."

You twist her head so you can kiss her on the lips, including a bit of tongue. She squirms on your lap, rubbing her cute little butt against your very hard cock, but she doesn't try to stop you. When you pull back, you speak. "As my new girlfriend, I want to take you on a fun date. How about that upcoming kickball game on Sunday? We could go watch and have fun."

"Okay," Momo says, still blushing. "U-um. The next episode of Lady Victory is tomorrow night... you could watch it with me, if you want..."

"I'd love to," you tell her, with a warm smile. She reaches for another cookie, and eats it with a nervous smile of her own.

Then you put her down. "See you later," you tell her, as you gather up your cookie tray and leave her.

Noriko is quietly watching television in the hardwood floored entertainment room while her mother cleans. Setsuko is in her cute maid uniform. "Thanks for the cookies, Setsuko," you tell her, and she blushes and smiles.

"You're welcome, Nanashi-sama. Since the door was locked... well, I decided on cookies. I hope they were good."

"Delicious," you tell her, offering one to Noriko as you take a seat next to her. Noriko takes it. She's watching some nonfiction show about how they make furniture.

She chews her first bite. "It is very good, mother," she says. "Thank you."

"You don't need to thank me for making you food, sweetie," Setsuko says with a gentle smile, still on her hands and knees on the floor.

"You definitely deserve to be appreciated," you say, with a smile. "Here, come on," you say, leaving the cookies with Noriko for the moment, taking Setsuko by the hand into the adjoining bathroom. You flip up her skirt, push aside her panties (the black lace ones you bought her), and press your lips up against her sex, making her shiver and squeak as you warm her up with your tongue.

"A-ah, Nanashi-sama," she breathes, as you eat her out. You make sure she comes once that way before bending her over the countertop, putting your fingers in her mouth (both to play with her tongue and to keep her quiet), and fucking her brains out.

You lean over her and whisper in her ear. "I appreciate you, Setsuko. I think you're sexy. I love you. I want to take care of you." You give her numerous sweet nothings like that, wanting to reassure her as you fuck her silly. When you're finally at the point of no return, you flip her around and put it in her mouth, blasting a hot sticky load on her tongue that she gets to taste. "A little return breakfast treat, for the delicious cookies," you tell her, with a smile.

"Mmfank foo," Setsuko slurs out.

You take extra care with her, cleaning off her thighs of her juices with paper towels before tossing them in the toilet and flushing. "I hope you enjoyed that," you tell her. "I know I don't have that much time to spend being with you, but I do want you to enjoy every second of it."

She smiles. "I liked it a lot, Nanashi," she says. "I think I like the... what did you call it? The licking thing. It's fun, I think."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," you tell her, gently brushing her hair to the side and kissing her on the lips, hard, your tongue sliding into her mouth. You hold her like that for a good minutes, her tits smushing against your chest, your fingers groping her ass. "Now, I need to get ready for school."

"Oh, of course, Nanashi," she says, still blushing a bit. "Thanks. I appreciate that you spend time with me," she says, in the kind of way you'd expect of a woman who's used to being treated like crap.

"I love spending time with you," you tell her, sincerely. "You're a very wonderful woman. But I really do need to go."

"Go, go," she says, blushing at your compliments. You do so. You take a shower, put on your school uniform, collect your homework, and get in the car with Noriko.

"Did you have sex with my mother in the bathroom?"

"Yes," you tell her, "and now I'm going to have sex with you in the car."

"Ah," she says, a faint pink shade to her cheeks.

You unzip your pants, pulling out your cock. "Get down on your knees and suck me off."

"Very well, Nanashi," she says, obediently descending between your knees and starting to suck. You run your fingers gently through her hair, closing your eyes and just sighing.

"Your mother is very interested in cunnilingus. It seems like Goro didn't ever do it for her." Noriko just nods, your cock currently buried in her throat, her eyes half-lidded as she sucks you off. Some drool splashes down from her mouth as she sucks you off eagerly, looking up at you as she does so.

When you finally blow your load in her mouth, she's only come three times, though she giddily swills it. You mentally snort at the idea that she's "only" come three times giving you a blowjob. This world is really fucking with your idea of sexuality, though you suppose that's natural and even good.

When you arrive at school, Noriko still has your cum in her mouth - she only swallows it when you actually enter class. You sit down in your seat and tap Reiko on the shoulder. "Hey, Reiko," you say.

"Hey. Looking forward to watching the movie tonight?"

"Yeah," you say. "When's the class president election again?"

She laughs. "You really don't pay attention to Amaya-sensei, huh?"

"I mean, I'm focused on my studying. The material is below my level."

"Right. Well, the elections are next Friday."

"So the 26th?" She nods.

"It's probably gonna be a landslide, really," she says. "That is, assuming I've got your vote," she adds, teasingly.

"It's just you and Kyoko, right?" She nods. "Then yeah, I think so."

"Cool," she says. She leans back in her chair, offering her fist to you, and you bump it back. "See you tonight," she says, repositioning herself towards the head of the class.

Amaya-sensei soon begins class, you get to studying, and soon enough it's lunch. At that point, you go head over to Mitsuko's class room, rapping at the door as you hold it open. "Mitsuko-san, hey," you call out to her. She blushes, glancing around, getting a little squeezed in. Okay. Maybe she's more shy about this than you would have thought. You stride in and squat next to her chair. "Want to have lunch together again?"

"W-with all those other girls?" She says, her voice stuttering, but overly loud, as if to reassure everyone you're not her boyfriend, she doesn't have a boyfriend, okay?! "Sure, lunch with friends sounds good," she says, again, a little too loud.

"Great," you say. "Same place as last time," you tell her, standing up.

A few minutes later, Terumi's delivered your lunch to you, Noriko is sitting on the countertop quietly eating with her legs kicking, and Mitsuko is blushing in her chair as she occasionally looks over in your direction.

"I went to the opera last night," you say, to Terumi, as you take a bite of her handmade meal. "Mm, good," you tell her, and she bursts into a smile. "We saw The Vengeance of the Onna-Bugeisha Kikuno. Do you know it?"

"Oh, yes," Terumi says, nodding rapidly, clearly a fan.

"How about you, Mitsuko?" You say, trying to draw her into a conversation.

"Ahm... I read a light novel series based on it?" She says, wincing a little as she does. "Only Serika is a man named Sotomo, and there's like three guys in the revenge plot that Kikuno balances between before going to the afterlife for the revenge and, um, well," she trails off. "...then she keeps playing them off one another, and adds the ghost of Sotomo to the pile." She says it in a small voice. "And also the person who got Sotomo executed in the first place."

"That sounds... different," Terumi says, clearly not a fan of that take on the story.

You decide to wheel the conversation in a different direction. "That asshole Masahiko isn't bothering you, is he?" Mitsuko shakes her head no. "He's an idiot. He got tunnel vision the moment he got a girlfriend."

Mitsuko giggles along, blushing a bit, then nervously tries to egg you on. "Y-yeah. I mean, he is pretty cute though, you think?" She tries. It's obvious to you that she's attempting to provoke a response. Terumi, on the other hand, seems more shocked that she would dare suggest another man is cute.

"Is this not the man who attempted to molest you?" Sumiko says. Mitsuko blushes red at her failed attempt to foster more shittalk backfiring.

"Cute or not," you interrupt, before Mitsuko can get too embarrassed, "he's got no perspective, no vision, no future. Just a stupid brat, really. What you deserve," you say, fixing her with your gaze, eyes staring into her soul, "is an intelligent, successful young man with good prospects. Like me," you say, reaching for her hand and putting yours atop it. She blushes bright red, clearly a little giddy from having gotten you to act like this.

"Y-yeah," she agrees. "It was really cool when you beat him up. If he came after me again, you'd beat him up for me, right?"

"I would, but I doubt he would try anything after I showed him his proper place on the pecking order."

Mitsuko all but swoons at that. "Ah... you're so nice, Nanashi-san."

"Please. Just Nanashi," you tell her, and she blushes at that. "Of course, I can help you with other things too," you tell her. "Tutoring, maybe? Or just wanting to hang out? Or..." you let your words hang in the air, "something more intimate? You're such a cute girl, I can hardly resist your charms."

She blushes, her glasses actually fogging up and occluding her eyes as she does so. "A-ah, that's so nice, N-Nanashi," she stammers out.

"I noticed you weren't really eating with anyone. If you need friends, I'm sure Terumi, Noriko, and Sumiko would be happy to get to know you better," you suggest.

"A-ah, thank you, Nanashi, you're so kind." You still can't see her eyes, but her cheeks are a warm red. She finally removes her glasses and hurriedly wipes them off on her school jacket. "Sometimes they fog up," she says, sounding guilty or worried you'd hate it, before replacing them.

"Yeah, it's hot in here," you say, unbuttoning the top button of your school shirt. Her eyes are drawn to it almost immediately, as you undo another button, and another, showing just a hint of your bare chest as you come to a stop above the blazer. Her glasses start to fog up again. "Here, let me take those," you tell her, gently plucking them from her head. You undo your school blazer, and blow on either side of her glasses before cleaning them off with the bottom of your school shirt. She's just staring at your chest as you do all this, a little drool on her bottom lip. "Here you go," you tell her, placing them back on her face, and that startles her out of it, making her cheeks turn pink as she realizes she was staring.

"Th-thank you, Nanashi," she says, quietly, staring down at the ground.

"Do you think Nanashi's chest is attractive?" Noriko asks, and Mitsuko blushes bright red at the question.

"Answer the question, Mitsuko," you say, your voice firm.

Mitsuko jumps. "Ah, yes, it's attractive," she replies.

"Then you've got good taste, and are in good company."

"Would you like to see more of Nanashi's chest?" Noriko asks, and Mitsuko nods dumbly as you take off your shirt again. Sumiko and Terumi steal glances as well, while Noriko keeps her focus on Mitsuko. "If you like his chest, touch it."

Mitsuko reaches out again, fingertips running along your chest tentatively, eyes flicking up to you. Her hands run along your chest, exploratory, and her eyes go back down to it, and she bites her lower lip as she feels you out. You flex again, wanting to encourage her further. She keeps going, her breath heavy as she molests you.

"Use more than your fingertips," you order, and she places her palms on your chest. You scoot your chair a little closer to her, so she can get at you more easily. "Run your hands further down." They go down to your stomach, and her cheeks are red. Her glasses fog up again, and she pulls them off, putting them to the side, just staring at your chest. "Further down," you repeat. She blushes, but does so, until her hands are on your pants, running along your cock. Her eyes are big as she looks up at you. "Is it larger than Masahiko's?"

"Y-yes," she stammers out. She swallows.

"Do you like touching it?" She nods quickly. "Would you like to see it?" She nods again. "Remove it from my pants, then," you tell her. She turns her gaze back down to your pants, undoing the button, unzipping them, and letting your hard cock pop free. She breathes heavily as she stares at it, a little drool pooling on her lower lip. "Stroke it," you order. Her hand obediently begins to stroke it, running up and down slowly, gingerly, as she stares, as though her brain was completely turned off and just waiting for further orders from you. She doesn't even seem to remember that three of your girls are in the room with her, watching her jerk you off.

"Examine it more closely," you order, and she leans over in her seat. You twist to face her, offering her an up close view of your cock, her head at chest level, your dick a few inches from her mouth. "Take in the scent." She sniffs. She really is acting just like a doll, as if she wasn't thinking at all right now, just mindlessly obeying orders. It's kind of cute. "Taste it." She leans further forward, her tongue running along your slit, and she just stares mindlessly at it, going cross-eyed as she licks you. You glance over at the other girls and smile knowingly.

You run your fingers through her hair, and her eyes flick up to you, the spell briefly broken. "Taste further down," you order, and she obediently turns her gaze back down, licking your cock slowly, eyes lidding as she runs her tongue all the way down to your balls. You keep petting her, nonverbally reassuring her that she is doing it right.

You let her lick your cock for a while, running your fingers through her hair. She seems to be moving on autopilot, and you gingerly direct her up and down your cock, enjoying the way she seems to just absently suck and lick, her brain emptied out and completely focused. "Get on your knees, it's easier," you tell her, and she quietly extracts herself from her seat, letting you direct her as she kneels before your cock. Her tongue continues its lazy licks up and down your length, as you pet her. "Take off your top."

Her brain is apparently mush right now because she just does it, not even really blushing as she does so, pulling off her school jacket and setting it aside as if she were hypnotized. You gently guide her up to the top of your cock as her fingers start undoing each subsequent button on her blouse, her purple-red eyes staring vacantly down at your cock. She pulls off the blouse too, leaving her wearing just a pink little bra, which she soon shucks off as well, leaving her topless.

"Open your mouth and take my cock inside," you tell her, and she does so, her mouth falling open and simply sliding forward on your dick. Your hands reach down for her breasts, gently playing with them, not quite wanting to break her out of her spell. She hums softly, your cock in her mouth, and you glance over at Terumi, then at her pocket. She manages to get it after a bit of pointing on your part, and pulls out her phone, setting it to record the current scene, Mitsuko on her knees, your hands on her tits, your cock in her mouth. "Take it to the base." She nods, expression blank, and simply slides down your cock, eyes closing as she slurps you up.

"Enjoy yourself," you tell her, your voice soft. "My cock in your mouth feels good," you tell her, and she nods, twisting it inside her mouth. You play with her nipples a bit, making her moan, then she finally orgasms for the first time, with her nostrils in your pubes, moaning and jerking. "Use your hands. Massage, play with, worship my balls," you order, and she jerkily nods, sleepy eyes staring up at you as she comes. When she finishes, her hands come up, running along your balls, playing with them, simply passively accepting having your cock stuck in her throat, sputtering a bit as she starts to asphyxiate. "Pull up," you order.

Your verbal orders are the thing that controls her movements, now, as you play with her petite breasts. She moans in the occasional orgasm, as you tell her to lick and suck and slurp and worship, as you tell her to feel good, that your cock on her tongue feels good, that being on her knees feels good. "You're not going to go back to Masahiko, are you?" You ask, and she shakes her head stupidly, eyes lidded, still in the afterglow of an orgasm. "That's right. He's garbage. I'm much better. You like me better." She nods. "You're mine, now," you tell her, and she nods again.

It's like her brain's completely shut off by the whole situation, even as she repeatedly orgasms - she just sucks obediently, not thinking, not speaking, not objecting in any way as she's told just how to please you. "Suck faster. Suck harder." She starts to bob up and down, sliding up and down quickly, slurping on your cock, some spit flying out here and there as she does so. You let go of her tit, absently playing with her hair. It's an exhilarating kind of power - Terumi and Sumiko obey just as thoroughly, but for them it's more voluntary and conscious. Here, Mitsuko just obeys blankly, like her mind was whited out by being ordered around. There's something incredibly sexy about that.

"Now that you're mine, I'll take care of you." She nods stupidly as she bounces up and down your cock, the soft glug-glug sounds she makes as you penetrate her throat erotic. "I'll also take care of any other guys who try to make you theirs." She nods again. "Sucking my cock is amazing to you. You enjoy obeying me. You enjoy sucking me off." You start to repeat the command, and you can see her nipples grow harder, some of her juices dripping down onto her thighs. She's already pretty aroused, but you want to push it further.

You just play with her hair as she sucks you off, watching as she orgasms from blowing you. "You like sucking me off." She nods. "You want to come from sucking me off." Another nod. "You want to suck me off when I tell you to. You want to suck me off how I tell you to. You want to orgasm on command. Orgasm, Mitsuko," you command, and she does so, surprising even you with how readily it happens. Her eyes unfocus completely as she continues to suck you off, hopping up and down your dick.

Finally it's too much, and you pull her up so that just your cockhead is in her mouth, her body vibrating, a moan escaping her throat, her hot breath teasing your cock. "Hold still," you order. "Suck," you order, and she slurps, cheeks hollowing, her eyes still lidded, vacant and empty as she stares forward. "I'm going to come. You want to taste my cum. You want to swill my cum on your tongue. You want to enjoy the taste of my ejaculate." She just dimly nods, and finally you release, splashing your cum all over the inside of her mouth with a groan. When you finally finish, you pull your cock out of her mouth, and she just absently holds your cum in her mouth, her breath soft through her nostrils, her eyes empty.

"Swallow," you order, and she does so on command. "Come on up into my lap," you tell her. She does so again, and youu gently run your fingers through her hair, petting her like an obedient dog. "You did very well," you tell her, rubbing her belly softly. "You're a good girl," you say.

You don't want to jerk her out of her current state - it is kind of cute - but eventually she does blink, as if waking up from sleep. At that point, she blushes bright red, glancing between the three girls. Terumi had the presence of mind to put away her phone. "A-ah, um," she mumbles.

"It's fine," you tell her, softly. "Don't worry. You did a good job. I'll take care of everything, don't worry." Your soothing voice seems quite effective at calming her, and she just leans against you quietly, resting her head on your shoulder.

You cuddle with her for a while, before finally asking her a question. "What's your phone number?"


You give her your own in return, and she just nods. You kiss her forehead. "Thank you. You should probably get dressed and head to class."

"Okay," she says softly, getting out of your lap and collecting her clothes.

There's something about her that you can't quite put your finger on. She just does whatever she's told, more or less. That's probably why Masahiko decided to prey on her in particular. Well, you can protect her from that. Once she's dressed, she leaves you and your girlfriends alone. You pull on your pants. "Thanks for your patience."

"It is fine, Nanashi-sama." "I loved watching, Master!" "I also enjoyed watching, Nanashi." come the voices of Sumiko, Terumi, and Noriko, reassuring you. You smile.

"Still, I'll have to make it up to you later." You smile at them, and the four of you soon return to class proper. You whiz through what material remains before class ends.

Chanette surprises you by approaching you. "Today's our date," she says, firmly, her lower lip quivering a little. "We're going ice skating. You didn't forget, did you?"

"No," you say. "I'm ready."

"Good. I'll show you how a real woman ice skates," she says, puffing up her chest in confidence in a way that also makes her tits exaggeratedly large. "You'll see!"

"Do you want to go together or separately? My car could drive us there," you point out.

She bites her lower lip. "Together, but no funny business in the car, okay?"

"Definitely," you agree.

The two of you are soon seated, and she's fidgeting and blushing a bit. "I bet you don't know anything about ice skating, huh?" She finally decides on. "Well don't worry, I'll teach you! I ice skate all the time!"

"I can't even remember the last time I did it," you tell her. "I'd appreciate any advice."

"Well, make sure to keep your balance and keep close to me, huh? I can definitely show you the ropes," she says, with a certain smugness in her tone that feels more genuine than when she's bragging about getting fucked in the butt by a hundred guys.

"I won't get hurt if I do fall, right?"

"No more than if you fall normally," she explains. "Anyway, don't worry. It's like riding a bike. You just need somebody to hold your hips while you figure out how to hold yourself, you know?" She gives a wiggle of her eyebrows. Any nervousness is fading in the feeling of security she has in her ice skating skills, it seems.

You manage to coax a story of her ice skating with her big sister when she was little (and little in the chest, too, she mentions), and learning how, and fumbling for a while before tumbling and dragging her older sister Marietta with her. She's kind of embarrassed about it, but also kind of proud, because "I'm way better than that now, and you'll be the fumbling little girl!"

Then you arrive at the place. The rink is in the middle, with a handful of arcade machines, vending machines, and a little food stall mixed in on the periphery. Chanette pays to rent both of your ice skates without a second thought. Wesmeri dating standards? Being nice? Not thinking about it? "Come on, let's skate," she says, grabbing your upper arm.

You follow her to the rink, taking off your shoes, putting them in the cubbie, and putting on the skates. She guides you along with her into the rink. Her hand grips your arm by the wrist, holding you tightly, and she seems genuinely and sincerely confident for the first time, as she drags you around with her. She skates elegantly and easily; you manage to keep from flopping over, mostly due to your own labor, but you're not exactly competition on this front.

Her fingers keep a tight grip on your wrist as she guides you around, and at one point even accidentally makes you sail right into her. Rather than getting angry, she just gets giggly. "Save it for after the date, pervert," she teases, before pushing you off and then guiding you back around to follow her. You take a break from the rink, then, and she sits down with you at one of the tables, having purchased a pack of potato chips and a can of soda. The hiss noise of the pop is followed shortly by her taking a heavy couple swigs. She burps, loudly. "Enjoy yourself, Nan-chan?" She asks, smirking. "I think I did a good job of holding you up."

"I don't think I would have fallen without you present," you say.

"Maybe, maybe," she says. She seems really damn pleased. "Or maybe you would have flopped around like a fish."

"Maybe. You know, it occurs to me that I don't even know if you were born here or in Wesmere."

"In Wesmere. Buffaleene Tekyas, born and bred!" She exclaims it proudly, though you have only the most tangential understanding of which province Tekyas is which is mostly based on the fact that it sounds like Texas... even that's no guarantee though. It sounds as much like Colorado or Georgia.

"How long have you lived in Kurogaya?"

"Oh, I've gone back and forth," she explains. "Um... I was in Tekyas until I was five... then Kurogaya until I was nine, then Tekyas again until thirteen, then Kurogaya since." She puffs some hair out of her eyes, the tangled blonde mass leaning forward as she crunches on some potato chips. "It's sad."

"How so?" You ask.

"All these Kurogayan guys are the only one who get to experience my breasts... and they're all gross pervs," she explains. "Tekyans would appreciate them properly!"

"How do you properly appreciate them?" You ask out of curiosity.

At that, Chanette's expression grows blank, as though she'd never considered the question before. "Uh..." she trails off, uncertainly, then hurriedly drinks some of her soda to provide an excuse to not speak for several seconds. "Anyway, my mom and dad do business with their family companies, so we keep going back and forth," she explains. "Plus it means that both sets of grandparents get to see me and Marietta."

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"Well, I do appreciate them. I'm sorry if I don't do it properly."

"At least you don't stare," she says, puffing up her chest angrily. Does she really not realize what that does with her tits?

"Have you decided what you want to do after graduation? Your ambitions, dreams, that kind of thing?"

"I'll probably work with Mom's company back in Wesmere. They ship a lot of beef. Plus the family connections and knowing Kurogaya will help with all that kind of thing."

"Like a liaison?"

"Yeah!" She agrees, nodding rapidly.

"Cool." You glance at the small pile of food the two of you have finished eating. "Want to get back to skating? I'm sure you can show me some cool tricks," you tell her, with a warm smile.

"Alright, yeah," she says, hopping out of her chair and half-rushing back to the rink. You get your skates back on too, sliding nervously behind her. "Check this out," she says, glancing over her shoulder at you before flipping her body around, sliding backwards on her previous momentum. "Pretty cool, huh?" She flips about again, just in time to deftly avoid some other skater. "C'mon!"

She shows off a bit - at one point she even does a pirouette, or glides on one foot for a good twenty seconds, even turning that way. You follow after her, managing not to fall but definitely not equalling her skill. When she and you exit the rink again, she's smiling pretty brightly. "So, I'm pretty impressive, right?" She asks, cocky, as she pulls off her boots.

"You're pretty and impressive alright," you tell her. She blushes. "You were amazing, really," you tell her, with a smile, rising to your feet as you put on your shoes. You're almost exactly the same height, so you're at eye level with her. "How'd you get so good?"

"Lots of practice," she explains.

"You ever go skating with Raya like this?"

"Nuh-uh," she says, with a shake of her head.

"You should. Heck, we should all get together and do it some time."

"Yeah, you just want a less experienced girl to fumble around so you can feel all big and strong, right?" She teases.

It's actually unclear to you whether that's meant to be innuendo or just straight up commentary. "I feel plenty big and strong already," you decide, by way of response. Given she doesn't blush, you think she missed the innuendo. "Does Marietta do this too?"

"No, she's a big wuss who only blows out everybody's eardrums with her TERRIBLE music!" You smile at her hatred of Marietta's musical stylings. "No skating for like, five years or something!"

"That sucks," you say. "Not being able to spend time with your sister, I mean," you clarify.

"Pfuh! She's a slacker. Like I want to spend time with a loser like that!"

"Come on. She's your sister. You have to love her, right?"

"Just because I love her, doesn't mean I like her!" She crosses her arms. "She plays awful music that killed my pet bird, AND she's so lazy and does nothing but sit around at home all day, playing her AWFUL music!"

"Does she not like it here? She certainly doesn't seem like the kind of girl who has no friends."

"Oh, she's got friends! She's got a whole stupid girl band, that all play terrible music together sometimes, you should hear them! It sounds like this!" She makes a squeaky, screechy noise that sounds like a dying cat for around ten seconds, then coughs several times. "See? So bad it hurts even to make pretend!"

"Does she have a boyfriend?"

"Pfuh. She's got boyfriends, like six of them, you know?" She shakes her head. "She's that kind of girl," she explains, with a whisper.

"Aren't... you... also?"

She blushes as she realizes. "It's totally different what I do, okay? I have lots of guys that I have fun times with, right? There's nothing wrong with it! She's just taking advantage of the guys for their money!"

"Ah. Like a gold-digger?"

"Yeah! Totally different!" She crosses her arms defensively.

"I see." You pause. "Wait. What was that about her music killing your pet bird?"

"McBett was a parakeet we'd had ever since I was little, and I did most of the feeding of him. Two days after she got those STUPID speakers because some JERK boyfriend of hers bought them, he dies. COINCIDENCE?! No! Her stupid music literally killed poor McBett! Yeah, he was old, but did he deserve to be murdered by her bad music? No!"

"I'm sure you gave him plenty of love and care up until that point. Tell me about him," you ask, politely.

She practically has logorrhea when discussing McBett. She talks about playing with him, and feeding him, and helping him when he was sick, and a hundred other meaningless stories. You can barely get a word in edgewise, really. You try to get a sense for how she feels about Marietta killing McBett sincerely - whether this is just more bluster - but every time you try, she just angrily rails on Marietta's bad, murderous music.

Eventually your phone beeps with an alarm - and informs you there's been twenty-two new Terumi texts - and you realize you need to get going if you're going to make it to Reiko's date. "Hey, sorry Chan-chan," you say. "I need to go. I've got a thing."

"Oh." She pouts a bit, stomping over to you. She stares you right in the eye. "Well, thanks for listening."

"No problem," you say, with a casual smile.

She leans forward, her lips briefly connecting with yours, then pulls back, bright red. "T-there! Thanks! That's my thanks! Bye!" She turns away from you and practically runs off.

You kind of want to chase her, but you're pretty sure she doesn't want to be chased, so instead you just call up Shiiro and drive to the mall you're going to watch a movie with Reiko. You don't even know what movie she picked out.

When you arrive, you find Reiko waiting at the mall food court in front of the movie theater. A pair of tight-tight pink jeans and a similarly colored tube top. Again, back on Earth it would be slutty, but here it's just kind of sporty and friendly. She smiles whe she sees you. "Hey, there he is," she says, punching your upper arm.

"And there she is. So what movie are we watching?"

"Night at Yokohana Village," she says. "It's a murder mystery. Don't spoil it for me if you know who did it," she adds, seriously.

"Haven't seen it yet," you tell her. "Sounds like it'll be good. Your outfit is amazing."

"Thanks," she says, with a smile. "Can't wear this kind of stuff in school, but it feels nice and free, you know?" You just nod along.

"Let's get some drinks and such," you tell her, and she nods. Two tickets, two sodas, and one cannister of popcorn later, you're in the theater to watch Yokohana Village.

It's not quite the kind of murder mystery you expected. It's almost a slasher flick, though it doesn't really play it for horror like a traditional one, more like tension. None of the murders are on screen. The plot is that there's a storm that leaves the roads in bad condition, several travelers stranded, and a few houses destroyed as well, meaning people in the village (who aren't dead) have to sleep in the same household.

Then one of them is brutally murdered in their sleep. The villagers suspicions naturally turn to one of the travelers, who was behaving in a suspicious manner - but when he's killed, they discover among his things an ID, declaring him to be a member of the Special Investigations Division, sort of the Kurogayan equivalent of the FBI. Some of the documents suggest he was on the trail of a killer, but those that name the suspect are suspiciously torn and missing. But why would the killer leave the rest?

The group huddle together for safety, running through the events of the last day again and again, interrogating each person there. Around the interrogations go, slowly forming a timeline in the viewer's mind of the last day, trying to figure out exactly who had the opportunity to kill both the first victim and the second. Someone has to go out to refuel the generator, so they send out four people: a traveling pair who are husband and wife, and two younger folk from the village who have a budding romance.

The husband and wife return to report that the girl was killed by the boy, who fled into the wilderness, kicking up quite a storm of arguing and difficulty with the boy's family, who are very suspicious. Ultimately they all decide to go out to the murder site, whereupon the wise elder of the village notices a suspicious trail of blood, but doesn't say anything initially, with the group returning to the site. He then asks two of the stockiest, strongest men in the house to come with him to "check on his wife's urn" - a reference that is obviously a coded signal, given that earlier in the film he mentions he was never married - and they follow the trail of blood to find the boy's body, freshly buried under a couple inches dirt.

The final confrontation is shockingly nonviolent, really. The men come back, pretend to be all smiles, wait for the husband to separate from the wife for a bit, at which point they take the wife and knock her out, tying her up and gagging her to keep her from screaming for help. With the whole village united at that point, the husband doesn't have a shot.

The epilogue is narrated by a SID agent sent to clear up the whole mess, and she explains that the husband and wife were a duo, with the husband doing the killings proper and his wife helping to clean them up and provide an alibi. She's interrogated in one of the final scenes, showing the same kind of vindictive sadism as her husband. "A match made in hell," muses the agent. The first kill was just out of absent boredom; the second, because the SID agent present was spooked; and the last two to try to cover their tracks. They got overconfident, and it ended their killing spree, which apparently counted almost twenty victims total.

"Whew," Reiko says, as the two of you exit the theater. "That was pretty intense," she says, giving a bit of a smile. "Was good though, I think?"

"I liked the solution, and the tension towards the end was very thick," you tell her. "Though, I felt like the ending was a bit of an infodump. They could have seeded that all through the movie instead."

"There were bits and pieces. That stuff's sort of like a check your work thing, I feel like," Reiko explains. "It makes all the things that happened fit together, forces the writer to not just rely on you forgetting shit and go along for the rid, you know?"

"I can see that," you say. "Sadism is a bit of a copout, for the first murder."

"Eh, once you got to two or three kills, you have to have a reason besides the instrumental."

You check your watch. "I've got time before I have to get home. Want to grab a bite to eat at the food court?"

"Sure," she says, with an amiable smile. "Let's hit it up." She winds up buying a rice bowl, while you get a Kurogayan pizza, which is very very different from your typical American style. The ingredients are basically completely different except for the bread and the tomato sauce, and even there, the emphasis is different. It's tasty, though, in that somewhat plain way most Kurogayan food is. The little dish is only 6" across, but for one person it's a decent meal.

"Mind if I steal a slice? Am always curious what that stuff tastes like, but don't really want to splurge if it sucks."

"Sure, go right ahead," you say, pushing your plate forward a bit.

She picks up a slice and chews thoughtfully once, then nods. "'s pretty good," she proclaims, her mouth half full.

"Glad to hear it. You just into murder mysteries, or you like any other kinds?"

"Mm," she mumbles around her pizza, then puts it down. "Sometimes I'll watch harem flicks, or reverse harem ones. Try to figure out which girl the guy's gonna get with in the end."

"What about more than one?"

"Ugh, I hate that," she says, waving her hand. "It's a copout. You set up, say, two or three girls, right, establish personalities, goals, dreams, all this kind of stuff, put a guy up against them, make him choose for the love of good writing. Those endings actively siphon tension away from every other film in the genre, and I hate it because I'm trying to guess who's best and hurr durr it's all of them."

You nod. "What about in real life? I understand you have a bit of a reverse harem yourself."

She snorts. "It's totally different. Real life's not a movie." She takes another bite of pizza.

"You seen My Life With Iris?"

She shakes her head around her pizza. "Mfno," she says. "Didn't seem like my kinda thing."

"I saw it last week. AI installed in facility meets man, falls in love, they fight corrupt company together..." you trail off. "I won't spoil the ending, since you like trying to work that stuff out yourself."

"Thanks. Doesn't really sound like my thing, though. I like them with the puzzles to solve."

"Is that your aspiration? Investigation, analysis, that sort of thing?"

"I... guess?" She squints. "Kinda."

"Mind if I sneak a bite of your food?"

"Nuh uh," she says, before going back to eating the slice of your pizza. You scoop out and eat some of her rice and seasonings. It's pretty tasty.

You chit-chat about not much before your date comes to an end, Reiko giving you a pleasant wave before heading home on her own. You go home too.

You search out Fumiko, finding her fencing against a test dummy, her focus laserlike on it, not even noticing as you enter the room. You give her a couple minutes of practice before she takes a break and finally notices you, popping off her helmet as she does. "Evening, Nan-chan," she says, her face a bit slick with sweat. "What's up?"

"I haven't seen you in a few days, so I wanted to check in on you. Want to go a few rounds?"

"Sure," she says, popping some ice into her mouth. "Gesh your shuff on."

You get on a fencing suit, acquire an epee, lay out the mats, and then it's on. You fight three brisk matches. She's a bit slow, obviously favoring her left leg, presumably because she normally leads with her right and has been working herself quite a bit. First match goes to you, second to her, third to you again. The second's almost a fluke, bad positioning on your part making you fall off balance that lets her poke you and claim her point fair and square.

When the fighting's over, she pulls off her helmet, groaning loudly. "Fuck, been practicing too hard to get so owned by my little brother."

"You won one."

"C'mon," she says, with a little smirk. "You know you just fucked up your footing and that's the only reason I won." She leans back, her skin shiny with sweat. "Fuck, I gotta take a shower, man, and call it a night, I think." She starts unzipping her fencing suit, soon leaving her in just a sports bra and short-shorts.

"Mind if I join you? Could offer a massage, even, if you need those creaky joints worked on."

"Yeah, maybe a foot massage," she says, absently, as she enters the bathroom. You soon get disrobed as well, and arrive inside as the shower hisses down over her. "Oh, you really did come," she says, smirking a little. "Thought you were joking. Well, come in," she says, opening the door to the shower stall. You peel off your sweat-sticky clothes and hop in after her. "Since you came, you gotta deal with my fucking legs," she says, taking a seat on the side of the fairly large stall, pushing back the stuff. She's stark naked and shows little sign of embarrassment, even with her modest breasts perky and visible. She kicks up her right leg, offering her calf to you. "C'mon."

You obediently kneel in front of her, your thumbs pressing against tired muscle, and she sighs, craning her head back a bit. The water washes absently over you as you work, watching her expression as she sleepily accepts your probing fingers, as you gradually work her over and soften her up.

"Nice," she says, with a sigh. "Okay, now the other one," she says, kicking her left leg up, pulling down her right.

"You're not working yourself too hard?" You ask, with a hint of worry in your voice, as you massage her leg. She just closes her eyes and shakes her head. "Taking breaks properly, looking after your health..."

"Yeah, yeah," she says. "Pushing myself a bit but no pain no gain, Nan-chan. You know this. If I'm gonna be the best, I gotta earn it."

"If you think you're good, I'll trust you, then," you tell her.

She rubs her face. "Alright, good work on my legs." She flops them down, then stands up, getting in path of the shower head. "Thanks for the assist, Nan-chan."

"I'm always happy to help my big sister, you know that," you tell her, with a warm smile. "Say, absent curiosity - do you know Chanette's big sister? Blonde hair, blue eyes, big metal fan, a little shorter than you, and a figure like whoa," you say, miming an hourglass figure. "Marietta, is her name."

"Mm... sounds familiar. Might've been at a mixer or two I attended. Don't know her besides that, though. Don't think she goes to college, if I remember right."

"How have the mixers been going? No luck finding a guy?"

"Nah, haven't been to one since that one with Chou. I mostly go as wingman," she explains.

"I see. I'm proud of you, and how hard you push yourself. If there's anything I can do to help you, I'll do it."

"Thanks. Mind washing my back?"

"Sure," you say, running your fingers along her back as she twists to let the shower run over her back and your hands both. She leans against the wall to do so. "How are things at school? With fencing?"

"Good, good. I'm doing better than normal, been pushing myself to the limit. Feels freeing, with the whole, having you maybe take over, thing. Less antsy about stuff."

"That's good to hear. Anything interesting happen?"

"Not really," Fumiko replies. "Just practice and one real match. Was a good one. I won, barely."

"Good to hear," you tell her, with a smile.

"Should've won by more. I can think of like four or five things I could've done differently."

"I'm sure the other guy-"


"I'm sure the other girl can think of twice as many. You won, yeah? Sure, run over it again, figure out where you screwed up, but you can't beat yourself up about it. You're fantastic."

"Thanks for saying," she says, turning off the water. She takes a towel and starts drying herself off. "And for the massage and the washing my back, too. Nice work."

"No problem," you say, with a smile, getting out yourself and toweling off alongside her. "If you need a sparring partner, don't hesitate to ask. And, hey, if you ever need a date and don't mind the humiliation, feel free to ask me out," you tell her.

She swats you with her towel. "Dork." She pulls on her sports bra and short-shorts and heads off.

You head towards your mother's room, but take a moment to review your texts from Terumi.

It was really hot watching Mitsuko suck you off.

Would you like me to roleplay like that, Master?

Me sucking you off like my brain was shut off.

My mindless obedience.

Total obedience.

Absolute obedience.

Empty-headed obedience.

As if you controlled me.

As if I had no thoughts of my own.

As if I existed to please you.

As if my thoughts didn't matter.

As if only your thoughts mattered.

My mouth on your cock.

Your cock in my throat.





Worshiping your cock.

No thought in my mind.

Except worshiping your cock.


Nothing but obedience.



Would that be hot, Master? I was really trying to hit the right cadence for brainwashed love slave. ♡

I'm going to masturbate to it, Master. I'm going to masturbate to being your brainwashed love slave. ♡♡♡

I came six times, Master. ♡♡♡♡♡♡

At that point you're in front of Kimiko and your father's room.

You send her back a single text:

Hot ♡

Her effusive reply is predictable.

I'm glad to hear that, Master! ♡♡♡

You leave your phone in your pocket as you head into your mother's bedroom. It buzzes with several more texts before quieting.

Kimiko's lying on the bed in that nightie-camisole thing, hugging an impromptu pile of blankets and pillows. She hurriedly abandons them when she sees you're there. "Oh, hello, Nan-chan," she says, smiling.

"Hello, mother," you tell her, closing the doors to the bedroom and locking them.

She smiles, biting her lower lip. "How do you want Mommy to take care of you, sweetie?"

How can you put it... hm... she likes being in charge, but it's almost more like she likes being giving than being dominant per se. She doesn't really mind when you flip her over and start fucking her once she loses control of her legs. She just wants to be good for you. "I really need you," you tell her, and she nods, waiting on your every word. "I want to do it where I'm on top. I want to fuck you like that. I want you to bend over and show me your gorgeous butt," you tell her.

Surprising you, she does so, her hands sliding off her panties, leaving her in just her camisole-nightie. She grasps her butt cheeks, spreading them wide, looking over at you. "Come on, sweetie. Fuck your Mommy. Go ahead. Use her to make yourself feel good."

You remove your pants, your hard cock popping out, and get up behind Kimiko, running your cock along her slit, teasing her with your cockhead for a few moments before finally thrusting into her. She pants as you enter her, filling her up, in a single long, slow stroke. You hold yourself inside her for a long second, groping her ass cheeks, grinding against her a bit, your balls slapping her thighs. "Do you like having your cock in Mommy, Nan-chan?" Kimiko asks, clearly wanting to urge you on, to encourage you. "Do you like having her bent over so you can fuck her?"

"Yes," you groan out, before finally starting to pull out. You're slow and sure as you start to fuck her, your cock sliding in and out in steady strokes. She's incredibly wet and warm, and she shivers each time you bury yourself to the base inside her, your balls slapping her clit. Her hands remain in their position on her ass, holding her butt cheeks wide, keeping your entrances easy.

"Go ahead, Nan-chan," she says, urging you on. "Don't hesitate for Mommy, I want you to fuck me hard as you can, get it all out, get all that cum out in your Mommy," she half-breathes. You start to thrust a bit harder at her encouragement, fucking her in earnest, now. She moans as her first orgasm rushes through her like that, her cunt constricting around your cock to try to remove every last drip-drop of ejaculate from you. You hold on, though, humping her hard, watching her little nightie-camisole slowly slide up her belly.

At the sight, your hands leave her beautiful firm ass to shove it up higher, pulling it off entirely, forcing her hands off her ass and making her cunt seem almost to suck you in. Her eyes roll up in delirious pleasure, and you groan as well at the feeling of her wet sex getting so tight, so fast. Her fingers dig and clump at the sheets beneath her while you pound her like a wild man, fucking her brains out. This is your mother - in this life, at least - and she's coming beneath you as you pound away. Your hands grasp her tits, groping and mauling one in either hand, fingers digging into doughy flesh, making her squeak in pleasure, her cheeks glowing red. You slam into her again and again, aiming to make her come hard and fast, breathless as she orgasms over and over again.

"I love you," you grunt into her ear, leaning over her. She just squirms and moans, her cunt squeezing around your cock. "I love you so much, Kimiko." Kimiko, not mother, the woman, not the relationship. Your fingers dig greedily into her breasts and you let go inside her with a groan, filling her with a thick, creamy load, burying yourself to the base inside her. Predictably, she comes herself in sympathetic orgasm, her eyes rolling up as you groan out your ecstasy.

You don't stop just for that, though. You keep going, nibbling her ear, biting at her shoulders and neck, teasing her supple, pale flesh. Dominating her, using her body, her fingers still clawing at the bedsheets as your own claw at her breasts. Her cheek slides along the bed, her gaze dimly focused on your face as you fuck her, as if fascinated with your expression. "I want to knock you up, Kimiko," you whisper in her ear, a dirty little secret that makes her come. She spasms, flushing red at having such an embarrassing orgasm, her cunt trying to achieve your desire even if it's impossible since you're on the pill.

"All those other girls need to come learn from you how to please me, need my sexy mother-wife," you slam her hard at that word, "to explain just how to properly pleasure me. They'll come one by one to learn at your feet, to be taught by the superior woman, totally under your power to mold for your special young man." She quivers in ecstasy, orgasming again at those words. One hand leaves her breasts, grasping her hair and yanking her up by it, kissing her hard on the lips, your tongue slithering into her mouth as she limply moans into you. Her body slides along the bed at your control, your power over her obvious now, though you wonder if it's obvious to her.

You end the kiss, pressing your forehead against hers, your glasses halfway to being perched on her nose. "I've saved up so much cum just for you, none of the girls at school could compare to you. You're sexier than every last one of them," you tell her, and she moans as she comes again. You give her another dose of your ejaculate, enjoying as her cheeks flush with arousal at the feeling, her whole body quivering in pleasure.

You fuck her solidly for a good hour, just pumping her cunt up with load after load, until she's completely limp and pliant beneath you, eyes rolled up, tongue lolling out. Any thought of domination or control has vacated her brain, as has probably any thought other than the feeling of your cock in her cunt, your hands on her tits. You admire her sensual body in its current position, naked, sweat-slick, and pleasure-delirious, before finally coming one last time inside her. She moans at the feeling, her hips pumping against you even as you come to a stop, trying to urge you to keep going, but you can't, for all her cunt tries to milk you.

You finally pull out, and your cum practically spills out of her clogged cunt, falling down onto the bed in a sloppy, goopy mess, her plentiful juices mixing with it as she gurgles a bit on the bed. You lie down next to her, dragging her against you, forcibly placing her head on your chest, your arm wrapped around her, and you remove your glasses, putting them on the night stand and falling asleep like that, your mother-wife atop you, unresisting and completely out of it.

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