
Chapter 20: Morning Cowgirl With Mom, Amaya Date, Stealing Momo’s Virginity, Becoming Mommy’s Man With A Verbally Dominating Blowjob

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Your phone buzzes a bit from the bedside. Your mother is still curled up against you, full firm tits pressed into your side, her fingers delicately running along your chest, almost pensive as she runs her fingers in little circles. She notices your waking, and leans up to kiss your cheek. "Morning, Nan-chan," she says, with a small smile.

"Morning, Kimiko," you tell her, reaching your hand around to grope her ass. It gets you a slightly naughtier smile.

"It's nice to be able to wake up with you," she says, snuggling against you, her arm wrapping around you, as she puts her chin on your collarbone. "Your father would barely ever stay in bed to just cuddle for a while. Mariko, work, you know," she says, before resting her cheek on your chest.

You lean forward, kissing the top of her head, running your fingers along her thigh and just teasing her sex. "I have a confession to make." Kimiko turns her head up to you, a somewhat tired, but expectant and patient expression on her face. "Setsuko is also one of my girls. I kept it from you because I wasn't sure how you'd react, and I didn't want you to throw her out."

Kimiko sighs, her breath tickling your chin. "She's actually contributing to the household, why would I throw her out just because you fuck her? If anything, it's good. Makes her more loyal."

"I don't know. I just want to protect her. She's been through a lot." Kimiko nods. "I remember you mentioned needing to have a clear goal when fitting my girls into my life. I think they all have a lot of talents, but I'd like your help working out how best to fit them in. Maybe invite them over next weekend so they can meet you and learn more about what I do?"

"Terumi, Noriko, Setsuko, and... who was the other one? Sumiko?"


She rubs her eye, leaning up on the bed. "Obviously Setsuko is a fine maid, and I think Terumi has the right temperament to make a good nanny, given her comments. Assuming she's not completely deranged, which is something you'll probably know by the time you've knocked Yuriko up. Noriko and the other are the only ones I really need to speak to to get a good feel for them, if you want my recommendation on how best to incorporate them. All I know about Noriko is that she stares a lot and is quiet."

"Noriko is a very unique girl," you admit. "But she does have her talents; she's good at engineering, and she's very loyal. I think the two of you are rather alike, in a lot of ways."


"You don't have very similar personalities, but I think your values are pretty close. I'm glad you're okay with this. There might... be a few more girls before I can schedule dinner, though."

She laughs. "Just how many girls are you planning to fuck, Nan-chan?" Still, there's a certain lust in her eyes at the thought, as if knowing her son was so virile was arousing to her.

"If things go well, my relationship with Yuriko will be a done deal soon."

"That's good to hear," she says, with a smile. "But you did say 'girls,'" she points out, running her fingers down your chest towards your crotch, gently stroking you. "Tell Mommy how many girls you think you'll collect inside the next week."

"Besides Yuriko, one or maybe two in the next week, but I'm working on some very high class prospects," you explain.

"Oh? Do go on," she replies, shifting a bit, so her tits press into your chest from above as she shifts so she's at an angle to you, her hand still jerking you off.

"Amaya-sensei," you explain. "Former biochemist for the government, already retired with millions in savings before she's hit thirty. She seemed particularly interested in me for the mix of wealth and intelligence, and I have a date with her after school."

"Mm," she breathes, her eyes lidding. Her fingers tighten on your cock a bit.

"I'm feeling a little backed up, but I'm tired from last night. Why don't you get on top?"

She smiles wickedly, crawling on top of you. There's still some stains of cum on her thighs from last night, as she directs your cock directly into her tight, wet, hot sex, engulfing you in a single slow stroke. She licks her lips. "How does Mommy feel, Nan-chan?" She asks, eyes staring down at you lewdly, her expression already a little delirious.

You relax, keeping your eyes on hers, and smile up at her. "Amazing," you tell her, and she starts to pump up and down. "I'm going to be bringing in a lot of candidates for your special young man's cock," you inform, and her smile gets a bit more wicked, a bit more eager. She licks her lips as she bounces on your dick, and your hands reach up for her full breasts, groping one in either hand. "It'll be up to you to assess and approve of them. Even train them, if you like." She hums thoughtfully at that, eyelashes fluttering, and orgasms for the first time on your cock, her cunt squeezing and milking you as her juices gush out onto the bed.

She runs her hands along your chest, pushing up your shirt, and licks her lips as she gets a nice look at your toned torso. Her eyes flick back up to yours, an erotic smile on her face, as she comes down from her orgasm. "You're going to give Mommy a whole lot of grandchildren, aren't you, Nan-chan?" You nod, squeezing her tits for emphasis, and she breathes heavily, eyelashes fluttering. "That's right, mhm," she hums, to herself, closing her eyes. "My special young man," she says, borrowing your phrase, making your cock throb inside her as she gently bounces up and down your dick. "Oh, you like that, hm?" She teases, smiling wickedly. You thumb her nipples appreciatively as you nod.

"You like being Mommy's special young man," she breathes, leaning forward and kissing you on the lips, her tongue sliding invasively into your mouth, slithering about, teasing and playing with your own tongue, running along your teeth, your palate, everywhere. You reply lightly in kind, teasing her own tongue, making her hum a bit before she orgasms like that, moaning into your face, her tits still in either of your hands, grinding the backs of your hands against your chest as she sucks face while coming. Drool splashes down either side of your lips as she orgasms hard atop you.

When she pulls back, still bouncing, leaning up to resume her previous cowgirl, you run your hands appreciatively along her taut stomach before grasping either ass cheek in your hand, making her bite her lower lip in pleasure, eyelashes fluttering. "Thanks so much for this, Kimiko," you tell her. "I really appreciate what a wonderful mother-girlfriend you are." At the word mother-girlfriend, she comes again, closing her eyes and panting as her cunt squeezes your dick.

"Sumiko, she's a really muscular girl, talented in a fight, even taller than me." Kimiko pants, eyes wild. "I'm thinking she'll make a bodyguard. She'll be easy to teach, she's even more submissive than Terumi, likes to be used as an object. Sat on, held in position, fucked while she just moans and takes it," you tell Kimiko, groping her ass. "Noriko's more an engineering, math kind of girl, maybe something at the company would work for her. There's a few prospects I'm working on, still," you tell her, with a smile. "One girl, when you tell her to do things, she just does them. Sucked my cock like her brain had turned off." Kimiko just rolls up her eyes and comes again, her cunt squeezing your rock hard dick.

When she comes down, her voice is an erotic pitter-patter, breathless. "You want Mommy to help train your sluts, don't you?" She asks, with an erotic smile. "Teach Terumi, Noriko, Setsuko, Sumiko, Yuriko, all of them, just how to please you." You nod. "Mmm," she sighs, eyelashes fluttering, her eyes rolling up, and you give her ass a squeeze. "Line them up and fuck their faces one by one, while I correct for form, I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you?" You groan and nod, and Kimiko orgasms again, her cunt squeezing you tighter, trying to milk you dry. "Come for me. Come for Mommy," she breathes out, in the throes of orgasm.

You oblige, ejaculating inside her again, making her enter a second sympathetic orgasm in the midst of the first. "I really want to knock you up, Kimiko," you tell her, fingers digging into her ass, holding her down as she thrashes in pleasure, her nipples hard, a little drool escaping her mouth as she comes. "I want to make the smartest, sexiest, best woman I've ever met bear my child," you explain, still ejaculating inside her.

When you finish, she sighs, panting, her hands on either side of your body, her hips still working you a little, her eyes lidded. "That's, sweet, Nan-chan," she breathes. "Maybe... when you're older..." she adds.

You lean up and give her a kiss on the lips, tender, before gently lying her down. You take a quick shower, get dressed, head back up to your room to put on clean clothes, take your BC pill, and generally get ready for school. You have a hot date with Amaya-sensei planned after school, so you grab a nice jacket to wear over your school uniform when it ends, fold it up, and put it in your pack.

You drive to school, Noriko seating herself on your lap and quietly grinding her cute little ass against your cock in your pants, until you finally reach school. Your class is mostly empty, save for Raya and Kiyomi.

As Noriko takes her seat behind Kiyomi, you squat down in front of her, hands on your knees. "Hey," you say, softly.

"H-hey," Kiyomi stammers out, fidgeting a bit. "H-hi," she says, when you don't immediately continue the conversation. "U-um," she fidgets uncertainly, stumbling for a conversational topic. Her eyes stay on you, rather than glancing to the side or down.

"I've been helping Chanette and Raya study. Is there any subject you need help with? We could do it as a group thing, I know Kyoko loves study groups. It'd be a neutral setting."

"A-ah, um," Kiyomi stammers, "o-okay." Her fingers nervously play with each other. "A-at Kyoko's house, would that work?"

"Sure. How does tomorrow, around noon, work for you?"

"O-okay. Yeah. U-um. I'll ask Kyoko about it."

"Great," you say, with a gentle smile. "I was reading some more of your stories recently. Do you have any recommendations? Ones you think of as your best work."

"O-oh. Um..." she closes one eye, thinking it over. "I guess, Charred Flesh, maybe... it's one of my longer works, and one of my highest rated."

"I'll check it out," you tell her, with a smile.

More students start filing in, and you take your seat, occasionally giving long looks to Amaya-sensei in between studying your own materials. When class ends, you step forward to the desk, making idle conversation about the material as you wait for the other students to all file out. Then they all leave, and you let your discussion about mathematics trail off. Amaya-sensei's the first one to break the silence. "What were you planning for our outing?" She asks, obviously trying to maintain calm.

"I got us reservations at the Ito." She quirks an eyebrow, apparently not recognizing the name. "It's a fairly classy club halfway across the city. No one's liable to know us there. I can give you the address," you add, taking out your phone, and she scribbles down the address herself, before stripping it out of her notebook and folding it up into the breast of her jacket.

"I'll meet you there, then," she says, standing up.

"See you soon," you tell her, and the two of you depart the school your separate ways - you in Shiiro's car, her walking to the subway system.

You arrive first, of course, and switch into the nicer jacket you prepared for just this occasion. It takes a good ten minutes before she arrives, her shoes clack-clacking along the sidewalk before stepping up to you. "Sorry to keep you waiting," she says.

"Anything for such a beautiful, brilliant woman," you say, with a charming smile, and she blushes a bit. You take her hand, guiding her inside. "Reservation for Kusakabe, party of two," you tell the server at the door, and are soon guided to a quiet booth towards the side of the club. The two of you settle in.

"Your work is a point of great interest to me," you tell her.

"Oh?" She asks, tilting her head curiously.

"Obviously you achieved something quite amazing, to make as much money as you did. I both wonder what it is, and what drove you to achieve so much, so young."

"I'm afraid I can't tell you what it is," she replies, a melancholic tone to her voice. "Because of the nature of my work, and the contracts I signed with the Kurogayan state, it would be a crime," she explains. "As to why, well... it wasn't really a 'why' thing, for me. I was good at what I did, and so I achieved quite a bit, on our project. I didn't even really think about what I was doing, I just pushed through what was in front of me, and when I looked up, well, I was a millionaire." The waiter comes by, and the two of you quickly order drinks and an appetizer.

"Ah. I just ask because I want to accomplish significant things for my own family's company."

"I'm afraid I don't have too much to offer on that front," she says. "Just do the work isn't too useful advice, I don't think."

"Doing the work is very useful advice, even if it's simple. It's the sine non qua of accomplishing things, after all."

She smiles a bit at that. "Yes, exactly. You can't get anything done if you don't hunker down and work."

"It's a shame, though, that you can't discuss your achievements, especially given that knowing it's a mystery just makes me more curious. I won't press you, though. Is there anything you're passionate about that you can share?"

"Teaching," she replies, simply. "It's satisfying, to watch a student slowly grow and develop under your guidance. You know, the best teachers leave a mark for life. I hope to manage that for at least one of my students," she explains.

Your drinks, as well as your appetizer - a plate of these sort of cheese cubes with some soy sauce on the side to be dipped in or poured over them - arrive at that point, and Amaya quickly takes a toothpick, spears one of the cubes, dips it in the sauce, and bites in, looking incredibly satisfied by the taste, practically sucking on the toothpick still in her mouth.

"You look really cute when you're enjoying your food," you tell her, and she blushes a little. You take a toothpick and pop it in a cheese cube, dipping it lightly in the sauce like she did, and offering it up. "Another bite?"

She takes the bite between her lips, tenderly sucking it off, popping it into her mouth and chewing. She licks her lip, then spears another cheese cube, dipping it, and offering it to you. You take it, enjoying the delightful and unusual taste, and the way she gazes at you affectionately.

"You know, I've been tutoring Chanette and Raya," you tell her.

"Yes, I've heard from them," she comments, before you offer her another bite of cheese and she takes it in her mouth, baring her tongue to you as she does so. "Chanette's doing better in math," she tells you, after she finishes chewing.

"Yeah, I worked pretty hard with her. She's a very sweet girl, I put a lot of effort into it," you explain, and Amaya nods along. "One problem she was having difficulty with, she was so confused because she couldn't get the answer in the book. Turns out she was misreading a multiplication sign as addition."

Amaya-sensei snorts. "That does sound like her."

"It's nice to be able to talk with you in a more casual setting," you tell her, and she blushes. Before she's forced to respond lest there be an uncomfortable silence, the waiter comes by and takes your orders for your main course. "I'm happy to be able to talk with you like this."

"It's nice for me to be able to speak to a man who isn't a drooling idiot," she agrees, taking a sip of her drink.

"I hope I'm a bit higher in your estimation than 'not a drooling idiot,'" you tease.

"Mm. Drooling genius?" She suggests, with a little laugh. "I have seen the way you occasionally look at my legs," she points out, with a small smirk.

"I can't help but admire such a beautiful woman's body," you admit. "What about you? Any questions for me?"

She thoughtfully takes another bit of cheese in her mouth, chewing over the question as she does. "Where do you see yourself in, mm, ten years?" She decides on.

"I'm planning on taking over the heirship from my sister Fumiko, so she can follow her dreams of being a professional fencer," you tell her. "I'll probably be COO or some other high level executive, in direct line of succession for my father when he retires." You pause for a moment. "I'll probably be married to Yuriko, and have at least one or two children, both for inheritance and because I want kids."

"Married to another woman?" She wears a smile at that. "Let me guess. More than one girl in your life already?"

"Yeah," you admit.

She nods thoughtfully. "I figured Noriko had an interest, and Terumi too, which makes three with Yuriko," she explains. "I don't mind staying boyfriend/girlfriend, if you're concerned about that," she says, taking a drink. "Mingling finances always seemed like the worst part of a relationship to me."

Your meals arrive, and you start to eat quietly, some well-prepared noodles for both of you. "I don't want to be a workaholic like my dad, though. Work to live, not live to work."

She nods. "Fair enough. Can't complain, having effectively retired before I hit thirty."

"You retired into dealing with a bunch of rowdy, hormonal teenagers?" You ask, with a smile.

She snorts. "It's a lot easier than you're implying."

"I don't want you to think that you'd be 'lesser' or something," you say. She blinks a bit in confusion, looking up from her food, slurping it up. "I just mean, if we were boyfriend/girlfriend, then I'd like you to eventually move in with me."

"Oh, right," she says, with a nod. "Yeah, we're on the same page there." She takes another slurp of her noodles, and you remove one shoe, running your socks along her calf, making her blush a bit, offering you a small smile as she finishes the slurp before speaking. "Getting frisky?"

"You did say you didn't 'mind staying boyfriend/girlfriend,' don't see why we shouldn't do a couple boyfriend/girlfriend things."

"Like playing footsie under the table?" She replies to your own foot with hers, and she's not wearing socks, her delicate toes pushing up your school slacks to run along your own calf. She's wearing a warm smile as she does it.

You play footsie under the table with her, your eyes on hers, your toes eventually toying with one another beneath the table. "Tell me about your family," you say. "Siblings, parents?"

"One sister, parents are on the other side of the country," she explains. "Little sister, Mai, she goes to college, she does track," she continues, with you nodding along. "Nice girl. What's your family like?"

"One older sister, two younger ones. Already mentioned the older one, Fumiko. Minori is a history buff and Momo's more sporty. In a couple of years, they'll will be going to Tsunikomo High. I hope they get you as a teacher."

She smiles, blushing a bit, her gaze turning down to her noodles. "Sweet of you to say."

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"I mean it," you tell her, sincerely.

"Well, if I see them, I'll be sure to work twice as hard," she tells you.

You chit-chat about various things as you finish off the noodles, playing footsie all the while. Once you're done with the food, you talk for a few more minutes before you finally put your shoe back on and stand up. "May I have this dance?" You ask.

"Very well," she says, with a small smile. She takes your hand, and you guide her to the rather small dance floor, pulling her in close to you and dancing with her properly, sending her in little circles round and round, occasionally grinding against her, helping keep her upright when her balance gets a little tripped up. She clearly isn't much of a dancer, but you can more than compensate, making her occasional loss of balance look like nothing.

When you finish with the dance, you pay the bill and walk with her outside. She gives you a chaste peck on the cheek. "Thank you for the wonderful time, Nanashi," she says, smiling.

"And thank you for your wonderful company," you tell her, taking her hands in yours and kissing her on the lips. Just a brief kiss, but she's smiling girlishly when you pull back, a blush on her cheeks. "Let's do this again. Maybe after school on Monday?" You suggest.

"Sure," she says, with a smile. "See you then," she says, before heading off.

You call Shiiro and have him pick you up, driving you home. Mariko's in a tank top and sweat pants when you arrive, lounging on the couch. "Hey," she says, turning off the television and getting up with some stretching. You get to watch her toned body twist and turn as she bends either way, arms wide, showing off her toned abdomen several times before she rolls her shoulders and stands up straight. "Looking dapper," she says, ruffling your hair as she walks past you, towards the outside.

The two of you get into the car, which is soon tumbling along towards your destination, a local laser tag arena.

"You're sleeping in your mom's room?" Mariko asks, nonchalantly.

You manage to maintain control. "Yeah. Why?"

"No reason. Just think it's sweet. She sleeps with him every night so she probably needs a cuddle buddy with him off in Yangfang." She sighs through her nostrils. "I'm missing him too, you know."

"I could pop in and cuddle you from time to time," you offer.

She snorts. "No, not like that. We're still, y'know," she waves her hand. "I mentioned sending him pictures," she reminds you. "Anyway, he never slept in my bed, really, so I'm used to it."

"Ah. Maybe some other kind of company?"

"We are going to play lasertag," she says, with a smile. "Unless you want to fuck your dad's mistress," she says, with a teasing laugh, reaching over to boop your nose, "don't see much else we can do."

Given the context, you don't think flirting back would be too wise, so you let it lie. "Well, I'll endeavor to be an excellent laser tag partner." As is, with the dynamic between Kimiko, your father, and Mariko, you don't think Mariko's quite up to jumping into bed with you. You'll need to change that dynamic before she'll do that, and she probably has the idea already in her head from accidentally jerking you off that time.

You make some small talk before you hit the laser tag arena, whereupon you and Mariko are assigned to the same team, with ten other players total, for two teams of six. The rules are explained in detail as you stand awkwardly next to your dad's mistress in the room.

The game's fun, brisk, with your close relationship to Mariko pushing the two of you to play together. The team balance seems pretty bad, given the final score is 43-14 in your team's favor, and you and everyone else are put in the back of the line while another two teams play out in the arena. Mariko leans back, sighing. "Fun," she says. "Reminds me of basic."

"I never imagined basic being fun," you admit. "Tell me about it."

"Well, it wasn't all fun, obviously, but we'd do combat drills, basically practice fights. Nice, competitive atmosphere, lot of fun whether you won or lost, you know. Hanging with the guys."

"Other than the combat drills, how was it?"

"Oh, mostly fucking awful. Early mornings, constant exercise routines, everything regimented. Only upside is eventually they hand you a gun and teach you how to shoot it. Hell of a lot of fun. When you're out and in the army, it's mostly patrols and basic exercises to keep you in shape and the occasional PR stunt. My unit helped with the hurricane in Surodawa," she says, referring to a Rodwan island. You nod along. "Anyway, wasn't that great, which is why I left in the end, took my money and stored it away. Got a job, well, you know, and from there I've already told it," she says.

The current group in there finishes out, and this time, you and Mariko are put on different teams. She smirks. "Don't go easy on me," she tells you, with a somewhat firm tone of voice.

"Funny, I was going to tell you the same thing," you tease.

"Well, don't worry, I won't," she says, with a cocky smirk. You sit through the rules lecture again, before the group of you head inside.

Your team is mostly younger kids, and you give some brief advice as the two teams begin to advance towards one another in the complex scape of the arena. You get in a few hits before being hit for the first time yourself, and then find a sniper perch you use to rain down fire from above. You spot Mariko, and choose to particularly harass her, stalking her like prey, with her exchanging fire right back. The back and forth is playful, exhuberant, and the two of you score quite a few points off one another before the round ends (you score more than her).

When you're both outside again, Mariko rolls her shoulders and grunts. "Good game," she says, clapping you on the back. "Impressive you managed to beat me, but I guess you are a genius." She stretches. "Agh, damn those rounds really last," she says, with a heavy sigh. Her phone beeps, and she pauses, taking it out. She wears a little smirk when she sees what it says. "Hang on a sec, Nan-chan," she says, heading over to an isolated corner.

You follow her from a distance, keeping out of sight. She glances around, but doesn't spot you, then leans against an arcade machine, pulling her tank top up to show off her bare breasts, giving a victory sign with one hand while the other snaps a selfie. You can't see her expression, but by the way she moves when she's done with it, her top back on, she's pretty pleased with herself.

You can't wait until she's doing that kind of thing for you, it's incredibly sexy. You suppose you can do it with Terumi or Sumiko, but there's something different about taking an actual military woman and getting her to strip on demand for you. Mariko comes over. "Hey," she says, clapping your back.

"Hey. Texting with my father, I assume?" You tease.

She snorts. "Busted. Yeah. You know. Ways to keep in touch." She sighs. "I'm getting a bit exhausted with this. I already exercised today. Want to call it here?"

"If you like. Want to snag some dessert on the way back?"

"You read my damn mind," she says, with a smirk.

Soon the two of you are in the car, and you yawn. "All this work to take over as heir has been really cutting into my free time. Having a date like this was fun," you tell her.

"Oh yeah, the heir thing," she says. "Good luck with that, by the way." She smiles.

The two of you pick up some ice cream on the way home, and Mariko chit-chats about her day, her life in the army, just general bullshit. At one point, she drips a glob of white vanilla ice cream onto her collarbone, and you try your best not to stare as it slowly slides down, like a drop of cum. In time, she notices the drop and runs her finger over it before slurping it up, a lewd sight.

Fuck, you really want to screw her, but you need to change her relationship with Kimiko and/or your father first. Get her in a mode where she sees you as her new employer.

You find Momo in the entertainment room, watching some cartoon about a talking cat. "Hey, Nana-kun," she says, excitedly, then blushes as she realizes how excited she was. She tries to tone it down as she continues. "Lady Victory is after this, in ten minutes," she explains.

"Let me just get changed and make some popcorn real quick," you tell her. She nods, turning her attention back to the television, and you go and switch into what are basically your pajamas before heading downstairs and popping a quick bowl of popcorn, coming up to Momo. You grab her and plop her in your lap, pulling blankets over her own. She blushes a little as she feels your hard cock rub against the crook of her butt. "Give me a quick summary so I'm up to date?"

"Okay," she says, nodding. "Lady Victory is the chosen scion of the Goddess of the Moon, sent to protect and serve Earth. Her soul was born into the body of the high school girl Chihiro, and grants her incredible powers once her memories were reawakened. Um, they were in suspense because the God of the Dark Side of the Moon sabotaged the Goddess," she adds, hurriedly. "Anyway, she has to fight the agents of the Dark Side of the Moon, shadowy aliens. She has some friends, and a cute older boyfriend," she explains. "Um, there's a lot of magic stuff, it's kind of complicated."

"Right, I get the gist," you say.

The episode in question looks like a breather (or maybe filler) episode, centered around another girl's birthday party, secret preparations, and the surprise itself. There's a subplot where Chihiro thinks her boyfriend, Hirohito, is cheating on her with the other girl, only it turns out he was hanging out because she felt like all her friends were ignoring her (to secretly prepare her birthday party). The 'next episode' bit at the end features Chihiro in her Lady Victory outfit, and it's practically a tube top and short skirt, for all it covers. Very sexy.

By the time the episode ends, Momo is completely comfortable in your lap, ignoring your erect cock as her cute little butt rubs against it.

"Lady Victory is pretty, but I think you'd look even prettier in that outfit," you tell her.

Momo blushes bright red. "C-c'mon," she stammers out.

"Really. You're very cute." You kiss the top of her head. "Are there any episodes we can watch whenever? Maybe a favorite of yours?"

"Oh, there's a good one I have recorded," she explains, grasping the remote, making her butt twist and grind against your cock. Your hands gently rub her stomach, teasing her pubic mound, and she just blushes but pretends not to notice as she fiddles with the controller. "It's one all about Hirohito, sort of taking it from his perspective," she explains.

You nod. The episode is kind of interesting, showing an intelligent young college student living a normal life, except for the strange things that happen surrounding his girlfriend, which he alternately investigates and ignores. Your hands start to roam Momo's body a little, rubbing her pubic mound more thoroughly, practically groping her butt and little tits, and she just squirms and blushes as you do so, not resisting for a moment. When the episode's over, she's not even really paying attention, just breathing heavily, eyes closed, a little drool running out of the corner of her mouth.

You tip her chin up and kiss her on the lips, letting your tongue stretch into her mouth, making her pant a little as your tongue enters her mouth. Her own is uncertain, having never tongue-kissed before, so you do the lion's share of the work, playing with the inside of her mouth, teasing it, slurping noisily on her face, making her eyes roll up as you play with her. She shivers and comes like that, her little body jerking atop you.

When she comes down, you whisper in her ear. "I want to take you to your room," you tell her. "I want to lie you on the bed, and get on top of you, and make sweet, tender love to you. Do you want that too?" She nods quickly. You heft her up and carry her, bridal style, to her bedroom, lying her down in bed. You lock the doors to her bedroom and get atop her, staring down into her big blue eyes.

You slide down on the bed, pulling off her panties, and then kiss her cute little clit. You run your tongue slowly up her sex, getting a taste of her - almost like a banana milkshake, her juices delicious on your tongue. You slurp noisily away, making her pant and squirm under your oral assault, reaching for one of her pillows with either hand and just gripping it, fingers squeezing them tightly as her eyes close. It takes just a few laps of your tongue inside her to make her orgasm, your noisy slurps meaning you get a nice big taste of her juices. She moans blearily on the bed, panting in the afterglow.

You pull away from her wet sex, leaning over her, kissing her on the lips. Your hands undo the buttons on your shirt, then toss it aside, leaving you topless. She moans into your mouth as you slurp noisily on your tongue, pulling off your pants and underwear, leaving you naked above her, while she's fully clothed but for her missing panties. Your cock is hard, pointed at her stomach, and you pull back, admiring her lewd little body, already a bit sweaty from earlier. Her eyes struggle to focus on you, your own glasses slipping down. She nervously reaches up to poke them back into place, and you smile sweetly at her.

"I'm going to take your virginity now, Momo," you tell her, and she nods, her big eyes even bigger. Your hands reach for her own, twining your fingers together with hers, simultaneously making the moment more intimate and pinning her beneath you so she can't squirm away. You look down, her cute light bush just visible with the way her skirt has been pushed up. Then you slowly push into her, aiming your cock carefully, slipping into her slick, wet, and warm hole. The first man to penetrate her, and also going to be the last. You feel her hymen resisting your cock. "Hold on, Momo," you tell her, and she bites her lower lip, nodding as she closes and nods.

You push in and past it, making her gasp and whimper a little at the penetration, but the pain is soon eclipsed by pleasure, her breath hot and heavy as you slowly stroke in and out of her. You lean over her again, kissing her on the lips, suckling on her little tongue, as you fuck and claim your half-sister. You feel as she orgasms beneath you, her cunt squeezing, a delirious moan escaping into your mouth as you regularly pump in and out of her. Her body arches, her little tits pressing into your chest through her shirt, her nipples scraping against you and telling you she's not wearing a bra, making you groan, your cock throbbing.

You finally remove your hands from hers to hurriedly remove her shirt, fucking her all the while, and when it's finally off, you lean over it, kissing her collarbone, then her bare, small breasts, then her perky little nipples, looking up into her eyes as you grope her ass. She just moans, eyes rolling up as another orgasm runs through her.

With how much you've worked her up, you think now's a good time to really get going, and you lean up, kneeling, lifting her butt up and grasping her by the hips, forcibly fucking her up and down your cock like she was an onahole. "A-ah, N-nana-kun," she moans, her voice vibrating from the force of your thrusting her. You're not even moving your hips, instead taking advantage of her light little body to use her like a cocksleeve. Her eyes roll up and her mouth flops open as she just pants on the bed beneath you, her expression delirious.

You fuck her like that for a long while, admiring how sexy she is, her shirt pulled open, her skirt flopping about, her cute little body displayed lewdly. She comes again and again, her juices gushing down onto your thighs, squirting your chest, and just generally staining the whole area with a banana scent. Sweat starts to make her shine, a little drool running out from her lip. You lean over her, licking up the drool, and start whispering in her ear, your hips getting into it too, effectively doubling the force of your thrusts into her tight little body. "You're mine, now, Momo. My girlfriend. I'm going to protect and take care of you, and you'll never need another man as long as you live." She nods, eyes rolled up, orgasming again at those possessive words, and you release inside her with a groan, ejaculating hard in your younger sister's tight cunt.

She breathes on the bed as you sit above her, catching your own breath. When you finally do so, you move over to her face, gently grasping her hair and moving her mouth to suck on your cock. With how fucked silly she is, her eyes just blindly stare forward as you penetrate her throat for the first time, using those pretty lips and tongue of hers to clean your cock. She comes as your balls slap against her cheek, her throat bulging with your still-erect dick, as you use her tight little mouth like a cleaning aid.

When you finish, you lie her back down and snuggle up behind her, holding her as your little spoon. "I love you, Momo," you whisper in her ear, and she smiles a bit at that, still breathing heavily. "I love you lots."

You snuggle with her for a while, holding her tight. "Thank you for making me feel good," you tell her. "What made you feel good?" She's bright red. "What did you like?" Her cheeks become even brighter shade of red. "Would you like me to try anything for next time?" At this point she's about as red as you can get, the flush even reaching to her neck.

She stammers through a response. "I-I dunno," she manages.

You tease her ear with your lips, then finally pull away, kissing her forehead and tucking her in. You put on your clothes and find Setsuko and Noriko in their room together. Setsuko's looking through the outfits you recently bought for her and rearranging them, looking as if she can't believe that she has so many that show off so much cleavage. Noriko on the other hand is quietly reading in bed. "Oh, hello, Nanashi," Noriko intones placidly. "Are you here to fuck me and my mother?"

Setsuko blushes at the question. "Yes, I am." Setsuko's wearing a small dress that shows off her tits and thighs, and you have the two women press their chests against one another, pulling down their panties, pushing up Setsuko's dress and pulling off Noriko's skirt. You put your cock between their cunts, fucking them both simultaneously for a while, frotting with their clits, before finally starting to fuck Noriko, then her mother, then back again, until unloading twice in either woman.

Then you tuck them in and head off to find your mother, who's lounging in bed, reading a book. You lock the door behind you, and she looks up at you, pushing her glasses up a bit and setting aside the book. "Hi, Nan-chan," she says, with a warm smile on her lips. "Come to get Mommy to please you how all those other sluts can't?" She asks, almost teasingly.

"No, I'm here to spend time with my amazing mother-girlfriend," you tell her, sliding into bed next to her and cuddling up to her. "Even if my other girlfriends could please me as well, I wouldn't give up this time with you." She smiles warmly, and blushes as you kiss her cheek.

"That's very sweet, Nan-chan," she says, not quite sure how to respond.

"I love you as more than just a mother," you tell her, sincerely, staring her right in those beautiful blue-purple eyes. "You're also an amazingly beautiful, sexy woman, who I want to be my lover for the rest of her life." She blushes, a nervous smile appearing and disappearing from her lips. You grasp one of her hands in yours. "I hope you love me as more than just a son, too."

She looks down at your hand, swallowing. She looks up at you. It's a threshold she doesn't want to pass, but she does love you, loves you passionately and sexually, you've known since you made her come from that massage. She hesitates. Her voice is small, but oh so sweet. "I do."

You lean towards her, kissing her on the lips, slurping on her tongue as she slurps on yours for a long few moments, practically dominating her with your mouth, before finally pulling off, the two of you breathing heavily. "I want your mouth, Kimiko," you tell her, and she nods. She slides down on the bed, and you sit up a bit, as she finds her place between your thighs. She caresses your cock through your pants, before pulling them down, revealing your hard cock to open air. Without a word, she simply slurps down your dick, closing her eyes as her glasses press into your groin. You pump fruitlessly a bit, your balls slapping her chin.

You reach down for her head, holding her in place, grinding her against you, her nose smushed up, the cool metal and lenses of her glasses tapping your bare skin here and there. "Fuck that's good," you hiss out, breathless, and she moans as well, orgasming from the mere sensation of being held down on your dick, her whole body jerking. "Can you taste the other women on my dick? I fucked three since the last time I washed, you know." She mumbles around your dick. "Cherry-strawberry, lemon-lime with a hint of strawberry, and banana milkshake." She gurgles, eyes rolling up a bit, orgasming again, her thighs shaking.

"How long have you wanted this, I wonder? Since that first handjob? Before? How long have you wanted to be mine, to be first and foremost not my mother, not my father's wife, but my woman?" She sputters around your dick in an attempt to reply, her eyes delirious, but you hold her in place. "When we went dancing, did you want to get down on your knees and suck your special young man's cock?"

Finally, her eyes start to lid, crying, choking on your dick, and you pull her up. She pants around your cockhead, sending waves of pleasure through it. "Remember that talk in the shower, about how I need to take care of my women? Well, I took it to heart, and I'll be sure to take care of you," you explain, petting her. "Now and forever." She blushes, and you push her glasses up a bit so that they're in the proper position, rather than perched on the tip of her nose.

You let go of her head, gesturing for her to go on, and she starts to gently hump your dick, slow, arduous strokes, her head twisting from side to side, her tongue slithering about inside her mouth and making your toes curl. She orgasms like that, and you sigh, leaning back, closing your eyes, just enjoying the fellatio your mother is so willingly performing for you. She moans on your cock, she hums, she takes it in her throat, and she comes again and again, just from sucking you off. This beautiful, buxom MILF - your own mother, in this life - is sucking you off and orgasming from it, an incredibly erotic sensation that makes you groan, especially as you can see her nipples harden against the thin fabric of her little nightie-camisole, as you see the liquid dripping down her thighs, the thick flowery scent reaching your nose.

Then you speak again, reaching down to pet her, adjusting her glasses where they've gone askew. "I'm the man of the house, now," you tell her. "And you're my lady. Not my mother-wife, but my wife-mother." You groan as her tongue slithers around your cockhead. "I need you so badly," you growl, grasping her hair in an impromptu ponytail and starting to fuck her face. She gurgles, the glug-glug sound of your cock slamming into her throat making it erotic, her repeated orgasms to the sensation of your balls slapping that pretty chin of hers, her glasses going askew then flying off to one side adding to the beauty of the scene, a powerful, beautiful, intelligent woman on her hands and knees, her first priority your pleasure.

She doesn't resist, doesn't try to stop you. "We're closer, now. Closer than ever before," you tell her, your voice forced out as you fuck her face. "Our bond is stronger and deeper than anyone else's ever will be." Her eyes roll up as she comes yet again, and you reach down with your free hand, groping one of those nice big firm tits of hers.

"Your body's mine now, you understand that, right?" She moans and nods on your cock, doing interesting things as it repeatedly plugs up her throat. "Mine. Not my father's. Mine alone." She orgasms at those words, her thighs quivering as a fresh splash of her juices rains down. "I'll take care of you in a way he never did, I'll always be there for you, someone you can rely on." Her expression is delirious with ecstasy, and you give her titty another squeeze through her shirt, enjoying the way her nipple scrapes against your palm.

You shove her down your dick, plugging up her throat, holding her down, your balls slapping against her cheek, her nostrils pressed up against your groin. "This moment," you groan, ejaculating a thick load straight down her throat, making her gurgle and sputter on your dick, "marks you," you feel your whole body shudder, and she comes in a sympathetic orgasm, moaning wantonly around your cock, "as forever, mine," you breathe out, as the last few spurts release into her stomach.

You finally pull her up and off your cock, and she pants heavily, drool slobbering out of her mouth, her expression incredibly erotic for just how out of it she is. An ordinarily calm, collected, intelligent woman, drooling and panting from the ecstasies she received from such a dominating facefuck.

You pull her up, into your embrace, pressing her head into the crook of your neck, so your chin rubs against her lovely dark hair. You hold her like that until she starts to recover, at which point you take her chin, forcing her to look up at you. "Whose are you? Mine, or my father's?"

She blushes. Her eyes look down. But she says it. "Yours."

You kiss her forehead. "I love you, Kimiko," you tell her, with a smile.

Then you fall asleep like that, her head on your chest.

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