Return of the Battle

Chapter 1: Return of the Battle

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Chapter 1: The big secret!

Olivia's Pov 

''Come now Olivia let's move it!!!'' my mom exclaimed. ''Come on Mom when are we going to be done? I'm exhausted,'' I said to her. ''Okay then maybe let's just go for some karate then we will be done,'' said mom. "No Mom please I'm so tired we have been training for some hours now," I said. ''Okay fine enough training for today. You did well dear don't give up! But let's go home now besides we have a family meeting,'' said mom. 

We went to Aunt and Uncle's house. ''Oh so we visiting Aunt and Uncle?'' I asked her. ''Yeah dear. We all have a meeting here together,'' said mom. Just then dad joined us. ''Oh hey Dad,'' I greeted him. ''Hey Olivia how was training today?'' he asked me. ''Well I'm really exhausted, but I'm getting more skilled day by day thanks to Mom,'' I said. ''Great! You will need it,'' said dad. Then we knocked on the door. And they opened for us. 

These past few days mom has been taking me for all different kinds of training which I know is good for me, healthy for the body, increase in strength and flexibility. But what was the catch? I have done a few of them since my childhood such as karate but this time mom made sure that I do training most of my time and she would mark me on it and then I would practice with dad at home. 

Inside the house...

We sat around a large table but everyone was quiet. They were all looking at each other and that's when I knew something was up. ''Guys what's wrong? You are acting weird,'' I said. ''So who should tell her?'' my aunt asked my mom. ''You do it please,'' said mom. ''No I can't,'' my aunt said. My dad sighed. It's like everyone knew what was happening except for me. ''Tell me what?'' I asked them. I looked at my cousin. ''Do you all so know what they are talking about?'' I asked Zardie. ''Well yeah,'' she said. ''What is that then?'' I asked her. ''Umm...'' said Zardie. It was like she was hesitating to talk which was so weird. Zardie has never hid a secret from me we tell each other everything. ''I would rather let someone else tell you,'' said Zardie. ''So you mean you are hiding something from me?'' I asked her. ''It was not my choice. Olivia I had to,'' said Zardie. 

Just then my mom held my hand. ''Okay dear don't worry I will tell you,'' she said. ''Olivia have you ever heard of werewolves?'' my mom asked me. ''Well yeah but the ones I know that were here before are now long gone right Mom?'' I asked her. ''No that is not the case,'' said mom. ''Wait what??? So you mean there are still werewolves amongst us?'' I asked her. ''Well yes. I won't lie to you but you must promise me all've us this is top secret that you won't tell anyone,'' said mom. ''Oh so that is the secret? Well don't worry I won't tell anyone,'' I said. ''And that's not all but there is more. But like seriously it's important that you keep this top secret otherwise you will ruin everything and might not get the chance,'' said mom. ''The chance to be what?'' I asked her. Now I was so confused. ''The chance to be a protector,'' said mom. ''So we can we trust you?'' asked dad. ''You can count on me Dad!'' I exclaimed. ''So just like Queen Aria as you know she was a protector and so were we. Some of us even worked with her protectors with her,'' said mom. ''Oh wow awesome! And when you say we how many of you are protectors?'' I asked her. 

''Well here it's all've us except for you and Zoey,'' said mom, ''but you will be joined the team soon if you pass the test and if you are chosen,'' she said. ''Okay but then how come all've you are protectors already? I mean like even Kayden,'' I said. ''It's not about age or anything Olivia just the time has to be right,'' said mom. ''And what about this test how does it work? How do they know me and who handles it exactly?'' I asked. ''Well let me just say it's the Master. No one knew it but when they need a new protector they go around and observe people and they choose the number of people who should go and one is chosen,'' said mom, ''but don't worry after one week you will go for the test everything will be clear to you the Master will explain everything,'' she said to me. 

''Yeah Olivia,'' said Zardie, ''we wouldn't want to spoil it for you. Trust me it will be so interesting when you see everything unfold for yourself,'' said Zardie. ''Yeah all we can tell you now is that keep training and in one week's time you will be ready for the test,'' said mom. 

That was a long talk indeed. After dinner I went to my room to process everything. Just then Zardie knocked on my door. ''Yeah Zardie,'' I said. ''Olivia I know this alot for you and I know you need time to process it but I just want to say that I'm sorry. I know we tell each other everything but this I wanted to I really wanted to but you know, it was not within my power please understand,'' said Zardie. ''It's okay Zardie I understand,'' I said. ''Really? So that means you are not angry at me? You are still my best friend?'' she asked me. ''Of course! Why not? Best friends forever,'' I said. I gave her a hug. 

The next morning...

''I can't believe we will now be going to the same school,'' I said to Zardie as we walked in the school. ''Yeah and you are going to love it! Trust me,'' said Zardie. ''Yeah I bet I will. Besides we are going to the same school now!'' I exclaimed. ''Yeah. Enjoy cousin,'' said Zardie. She wished me goodbye and went off to her class. I went to my class. Not knowing where to sit I decided to go to sit straight infront. On the front desk a girl was sitting there and another chair empty. ''Hi. Is anyone sitting here?'' I asked her. 

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