Return of the Battle

Chapter 2: Return of the Battle

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Chapter 2: First day at a new school

She looked at me for a while. ''Well yes you can sit here no problem,'' she said, ''No one is sitting here. Hey I'm sorry about that, I just get shy around new people,'' she said. ''Me too. Besides I'm new here,'' I said. ''Oh you are welcome!'' she exclaimed. ''Yeah thank you. I'm Olivia and you?'' I asked her. ''Isla,'' she said. We continued talking for a bit. ''Hey the teacher is about to come now,'' said Isla. 

At break I walked with Isla she showed me all around the school. Then we went to meet some other students. ''Hey new girl! I'm Nora pretty sweet and I can be a good friend of yours. Just do me one favour don't mess with my man,'' said Nora. ''Your man?'' I asked her. ''Yeah there,'' she pointed to the guy at a distance. ''I must say though you are so pretty. What is your name?'' asked Nora. ''Olivia,'' I told her. ''Nice name love it,'' said Nora. ''Thanks I like yours too,'' I said. 

After that talk with Nora, Isla and I continued walking. ''Well that's Nora,'' said Isla, ''don't be afraid of her that is not even her man it's just her crush,'' she said. ''Oh really?'' I said laughing. ''Yeah,'' Isla laughed. Two girls joined us. ''Sorry for the interruption but we overheard your conversation. Isla is right Olivia that is not her man just her crush,'' said Layla. ''Yeah almost every girl's crush in this school,'' said Sophia. ''Oh I see,'' I said. 

I hanged out with Isla and her friends the whole day. They were such a great help to me. They led me to all my classes and showed me how everything was supposed to go so it was not such a tough day at my new school. 

Isla's Pov 

It was afterschool it was so nice getting to know Olivia such a nice girl. But I felt like I was forgetting something, but what could that be? Just then my brother came. ''Welcome back from school!'' he exclaimed. ''Thanks,'' I said. ''Did you bring that book?'' he asked me. I gasped. So this what I had forgot! ''I'm sorry I forgot it,'' I told him. ''Isla! But you know how important it is! Now what are we going to do?'' asked Gavin. ''I'm sorry bro but I don't have it tomorrow I promise to bring it,'' I said. ''Okay you will tell Dad that,'' said Gavin. We went to the lab and met dad there. 

Olivia's Pov 

After school I went straight to train. The test was close and I had to pass it! I really wanted to be chosen as one of the protectors. After an hour Zardie joined me and we trained together. ''How do you feel?'' asked Zardie. ''Tired but it's totally worth it,'' I said. ''That's the spirit! I like your attitude. It sure is worth it that way you will be ready on the battlefield when we face the werewolves,'' said Zardie. ''I still can't believe the werewolves returned,'' I said. ''Me neither but we will win this battle. They could be strong but we are pretty smart too,'' she said. 

After two hours of training I went home. I should now get used to live with my cousins, I almost went to my home to mom and dad's house. Yet they were away for now. I still had to process everything. What would the werewolves be looking for exactly? What is their mission? And most importantly why would they start this whole battle? Could we maybe have wronged them somewhere? Somehow? I can just imagine myself  telling this to my family they would obviously think I'm crazy! The werewolves are the enemies they are the ones not wanting peace! But everyone has a reason for doing something right? This whole battle is not clear. 

Suddenly, I heard a knock on my window. I went to open and see but I only found a piece of paper. It seems someone had written a message for me there. It said: " Nice training keep it up! And keep up the spirit!" but who could this be? And why would they run way that fast after sending me this?

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