Return of the Battle

Chapter 5: Nora and Blake

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Isla's Pov 

''Darling what's wrong?'' my mother asked me. ''Nothing mom just felt like hugging you,'' I said to her. She knew very well that I was lieying. Something was wrong and my face could show it. ''That is so sweet dear but...I know when you are lieying okay,'' she said. ''Yes mom. I know you know. But I'm just going through some things okay please don't mind me it's nothing much really something small,'' I said to her. ''Like what?'' my mom was curious to know. 

Suddenly my dad entered the room with my brother. ''Oh dear you are already here with your mother huh?'' my dad acted as if he had not seen me earlier. ''Where are you guys from? Seems you also met earlier before you could come home,'' said my mom. ''Yeah darling. I decided to fetch Gavin from varsity today and I also wanted to fetch Isla from school but she wasn't there. It seems she already came home,'' my dad lied. ''You know,'' he was now starting with his dramatic voice, ''Since I never get much time with my children because of my job sometimes I miss them so much that I really just want to fetch them from school and spend some quality time with them,'' said dad. ''Aww dear aren't you the sweetest?'' my mom asked my dad, ''but my dear Isla does not feel so well,'' said my mom touching my forehead. 

Dad looked at me starting his pretence again. ''My dear Isla what's wrong? You know you can tell me anything right?'' he asked me. ''Yeah dad but it's nothing don't worry,'' I said. ''Oh come on now don't give me that! Now dear maybe let's talk alone for a while,'' he said then  he turned to mom. ''Do you mind?'' he asked her. ''No of course not,'' she said, ''I will give you a minute,'' said mom. She left with Gavin and then it was just Dad and I. 

''So Isla what's wrong again?'' dad asked me but I could tell he was irritated. ''You know,'' I said to him. ''About the werewolves?'' he asked me. ''Yeah dad I'm so stressed. Even if I learn more about them but how will I then know who the werewolf is?'' I asked him. ''Don't stress too much Isla. You know I'm doing this for all've us for the human race but you guys can't understand. Okay,'' he sighed, ''let me help you.'' He gave me some kind of crystal. ''Dad this is just some type of crystal,'' I told him. ''Are you sure? Not just any type of crystal I'm lucky I found it. Hey please keep it a secret except you can show Gavin if you want but I won't tell you what it is. Isla please go read about it and see what it can do it will help you find who the werewolf is,'' said dad. 

Olivia's Pov 

The next day at school...

Nora begged that I help her get a date with Blake but honestly I wasn't the one who was that close to Blake he only sat with Isla and I that day in the library. Speaking of Isla I wonder where she was. She usually comes very early to school. ''I can't believe this! So you mean Nora wants you to get her to go on a date with Blake?'' Sophia was laughing. ''You can imagine,'' I said to her. ''Well Blake is very hard. I mean like you can even see Mila is struggling just to get him,'' said Layla. ''Who is Mila now?'' I asked them. ''Oh she is in the same class as Blake. And everyone knows she has the biggest crush on Blake,'' said Layla. ''And Nora has the biggest crush too,'' I said. Soon Nora joined us again. She held my hand. ''Come Olivia let's go!'' she exclaimed. I followed her. 

''Did you tell him?'' I asked her. ''Yeah and guess what?! He said yes!'' Nora cheered. ''Wow that's good news! But how?'' I was curious to know. ''Let's just say I told him that it's a friendship date,'' said Nora. ''A friendship date?'' I asked her. ''Yeah. I think I will start it slow then I will see where we go from there,'' said Nora. I could see she was really serious about this and I just hope Blake was excited as she was. ''Just help me to put the make-up please,'' she requested. ''No problem Nora but now it's almost class time,'' I told her. ''We will do it afterschool, but come let me show you and let's see what you think,'' she said. She showed me her make-up and her outfit. ''Nice outfit! You will totally look beautiful in it!'' I complimented her. ''Aww really? Thank you,'' she said. ''Yeah but that's way too much make-up,'' I told her. ''Oh you really think so?'' asked Nora. ''100%! Unless you want to look like a doll,'' I said. Nora laughed so hard. ''Okay girl I get it! But do you really have to...'' she continued laughing. 

We went to class. Finally I saw Isla. ''Isla! There you are!'' I hugged her. ''Where have you been?'' I asked her. ''I just arrived few minutes ago,'' she said. ''Oh,'' I said, ''I was so worried about you,'' I told her. She looked surprised. ''R-Really?'' she stuttered. ''Of course!'' I exclaimed. ''Wow thank you,'' she smiled. I don't know why she seemed surprised we are friends right? 

Isla's Pov 

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I am not one who makes alot of friends. And the few ones I have I truly appreciate them. But I don't think I have ever had a friend like Olivia who cared about me so much. She was always excited to see me. ''I was so worried about you. I care about you,'' I have heard all that before. But they were just sayings from friends to probably make me feel good I guess but I don't think my friends who said those words really meant them. But when Olivia said them it felt...different. Like she meant them. But I don't know. People lie I guess. 

Olivia's Pov 

In class Isla looked like she was deep in thought. She's always deep in thought. Sometimes I wonder what she will be thinking about. But I have never asked her. Although it's normal for everyone to be deep in thought sometimes but her case was worse. So I dared to try and ask her. 

''Like the topic?'' I asked her. ''Yeah it's quite interesting. I mean what is better than science?'' she asked. ''Nothing probably. It seems you love science very much! I also do! I love all the science subjects,'' I said to her. ''Oh I see,'' said Isla. ''Now tell me,'' I continued not caring if she was annoyed or not I just needed to get this off my chest. ''Why are you always deep in thought?'' I asked her. ''What do you mean by that?'' asked Isla. ''You know,'' I said to her, ''it's like there's always something that you are thinking about,'' I said. ''Oh? And so is there anything wrong with that don't you ever get lost in thought?!'' oops it looks like she didn't like the question. ''You think I'm weird right?'' she continued arguing. ''Look Isla I'm sorry,'' I sighed, ''I can see I annoyed you with my questions but I was just asking,'' I said. 

For the rest of the day Isla avoided me. I guess she was really angry. I wish I didn't ask her that question but still it was just a question I couldn't see the problem with it but you never know maybe I offended her. Soon it was afterschool and I helped Nora put her make-up and get ready for her date. 

Nora's Pov 

After Olivia helped me get ready for the date I went to the restaurant. I couldn't wait for this I was so excited! I waited for Blake he promised he would meet me there. A few minutes passed he had not arrived yet where could he be? I hope he didn't ditch me. I was now getting worried so I decided to give him a call. ''Blake?'' I called him. ''Yes Nora,'' he replied. But his voice was sounding like he was so close. ''Where are you?'' I asked him. ''Turn around,'' he said. ''What do you mean by that I...'' before I could finish my sentence he interrupted me. ''Just turn around,'' he said again. I did as he said. I turned around and only to find him standing there. ''Blake?'' I called him. ''Yeah I'm here,'' he started laughing. 

I felt so embarrassed. ''Come on Blake you answered my phone call making me think you were not here yet you are here,'' I told him. He laughed even more. ''Okay okay I'm sorry. I saw that you were worried,'' he said. ''How do you like my dress?'' I asked him. ''Did I tell you that I like it?'' asked Blake. His question was kind of harsh almost feeling like heartbreak although we were not dating. ''Why are you quiet now? You didn't take that seriously did you?'' I think he was teasing me. ''I was just joking,'' he laughed, ''I like your dress very much,'' said Blake. ''Oh really?'' I was now blushing. ''Yeah it definitely looks good on you,'' said Blake. As he continued complimenting me I continued blushing. ''So tell me you said this is a what? A friendship date?'' asked Blake. ''Yeah just a friendship date,'' I replied. He laughed. ''Such a thing exists?'' asked Blake now putting on his serious face. ''I think it does. I just want to hang out with a friend,'' I said to him. 

''A friend? So am I your friend? Or you love me?'' asked Blake. I burried my head in my hands and started laughing. I held his hand. ''Would you love me back?'' I asked him. ''Hmm,'' is all he said. ''Come let's continue this in the art gallery,'' I said. We went to the art gallery next but it was like Blake was sensing that I took him on this friendship date so I can get closer to him. Next time it will be a real date and I know for sure Blake will love me soon. 

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