Return of the Battle

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: The test!

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Blake's Pov 

I was a little bit late because of the traffic. It caught me on the way because I came late after the date with Nora. Well, what she calls a friendship date! And I shouldn't have gone on this date because I know exactly what Nora wants. I finally reached home my brother was there waiting for me. 

''You are late,'' said Marcus. ''Yeah I know,'' I said. ''Why? Because usually you are never late,'' Marcus started annoying me. I was not even too late. Just a little bit! ''Just a little bit,'' I said to him. ''Yeah but still.'' He carried on nagging. Gosh! Marcus irritates me sometimes! ''So will you tell me why you are late?'' asked Marcus. ''Will you please stop your nagging?'' I pleaded with him. He didn't seem to take it. ''Okay fine you got me! Some girl in my class asked me to go some friendship date with her,'' I told him. ''Friendship date?'' asked Marcus. He started laughing so hard!  ''Okay okay I'm sorry if you love her but is there such a thing as a friendship date?'' he asked still laughing. ''I have no idea. Don't ask me,'' I said to him. ''What is her name?'' asked Marcus. ''Nora,'' I told him. ''So she likes you?'' asked Marcus. 

''Of course she does! She was just pretending that it's  a friendship date so she can get close to me I know,'' I said. Marcus laughed. ''And do you love her back?'' asked Marcus. ''No. I just went to what she calls a friendship date with her,'' I told him. ''Oh so you just wanted to be nice?'' asked Marcus. Gosh his questions were endless! ''Let me say yes. Besides I wasn't in the mood of telling her no and that I knew what she was up to,'' I told him. Marcus continued laughing. ''You think this funny don't you?'' I asked him. ''What is funny?'' asked Piper as she came in. ''You like news Piper!'' exclaimed Marcus. ''If you ask me both of you like news.'' I rolled my eyes. 

''Blake Blake!'' my baby sister called me in a cute voice. ''Aww Clara there you are,'' I said to her. ''Come here baby!'' I called her opening my arms wide for a hug. 

Olivia's Pov 

The week had gone by fast and now it was the day for my test! I was so nervous. I just hoped for one thing...that I get chosen! But I had to pass the test first. I was talking with my mom on the phone. 

''Don't worry Olivia I believe in you. You will do great!'' she encouraged me. ''Thanks mom I hope I pass the test,'' I said to her. ''Don't you even worry about it it's not good for your brain to worry right before your test. You will do great and I know it! Your aunt has been telling me that you have been training,'' said mom. ''Yeah mom I have. Thanks for the encouragement mom I need to now prepare to go it's now almost time for my test,'' I ended the call. 

I got ready and my aunt and uncle dropped me there to do my test I entered inside and it was first normal until I met the master.  I started getting nervous again but I knew I had to calm myself down. I took a deep breath. The master finally spoke. ''Please make yourself comfortable. Olivia right?'' he asked me. ''Yes...master,'' I replied. It's ''master'' I almost called him sir but the master says he liked to be called master. ''Are you ready Olivia?'' the master asked me. ''Yes Master!'' I replied confidently. ''Great! Let's begin. This is how we will do it. I will first ask you a few questions and then you will show me some of your skills,'' said the master. I agreed. 

The test started. ''Remember you won't need a paper and a pen this is not a school test,'' said the master. I laughed. ''First question Olivia what makes you want to be a protector?'' the master asked me. ''To fight for justice. I want fairness and truth to be shown between the humans and the werewolves. I have always dreamt of fighting for people for what is right and this is the right opportunity for me also I think I can bring a difference a change. I am ready for any challenge that comes my way I think that's what makes a true protector,'' I said. ''Wow,'' he said, ''lovely answer. Before you signed up for this test do you have what it takes to be a protector? '' asked the master. ''It takes alot. I know it won't be easy but as I said before I am ready for any challenge that comes my way and I will give it my all,'' I replied. 

''Do you know anything about the history of the werewolves and if so what is the most important rule?'' asked the master. ''I do know about the history of the werewolves. The most important rule is the forbidden relationships between the werewolves and the humans,'' I replied. ''Perfect! No any type of connection is allowed between the humans and the werewolves. Now I think everyone is very clear of that and it's worse for the protectors. If you are a protector and find out you are friends or any other type of relationship with a werewolf if you know it is a werewolf you should end that relationship immediately whether it is friendship, love, or anything there are no exceptions. But if you know and decide to continue the relationship with the werewolf anyway you will therefore be banned to be a protector!'' the master emphasised this point. ''Yes Master,'' I said. 

He continued asking me the rest of the questions and I answered them. Finally it was time for me to show my physical skills I had trained and so I did my best. 

''Well done Olivia how impressive! You can go home now. You will get your results soon and don't worry it won't be long since you are the second last person we just need to do one more then we give out the results,'' said the master. I wanted so badly to ask him if he thinks I have a chance of being chosen as a protector but I didn't push it. 

I went back home but I only found Nathan there. ''Hey Nathan,'' I greeted him. ''Oh Olivia you are back! Welcome back!'' he welcomed me. ''Thank you,'' I said to him. ''How was your test?'' asked Nathan. ''It was cool I was just nervous a little bit,'' I said. ''Oh don't worry about I'm sure you did great,'' said Nathan. ''Thanks Nathan I hope so too,'' I sighed, ''but where is everyone else? Zardie, Kayden?'' I asked him. ''They went for training,'' said Nathan. ''Oh okay and you?'' I asked him. ''Oh I trained earlier,'' he said. ''I think I should go train too,'' I said. ''Now come on, you just came from the test. So why not relax with me?'' Nathan asked me. ''Okay cool,'' I said. ''Yep! Say do you have a boyfriend?'' asked Nathan. ''A boyfriend no and I have never had one,'' I said. ''What?!'' he exclaimed, ''no you are lieying!''  ''I swear,'' I assured him. ''A beautiful girl like you and no boyfriend?!'' he exclaimed. ''Yeah,'' I laughed. ''Hey cousin I can get you a boyfriend!'' exclaimed Nathan. ''Get out!'' I cried out. Nathan started laughing so hard. 

He opened the door on his way out. ''Are you coming?'' he asked me. I followed him out. Nathan showed me around and we even bought some ice cream probably the first time we were this close. Sure he was my cousin but we were not close as friends as I was close with his sister Zardie. We were just cousins. But he seemed to be cool too. Then we met his friend Alexander. 

''What a beautiful girl you got there who is she Nathan?'' Alexander asked Nathan. ''Oh hey Alex this is my cousin Olivia,'' he introduced me to Nathan. ''Your cousin? No way man you must be lieying! She's too beautiful to be your cousin,'' said Alexander. Nathan and I started laughing. ''Better believe it! She is!'' Nathan convinced him. ''Well hey there Olivia I'm your cousin's friend Alexander but you can call me Alex if you like,'' said Alexander. ''Well nice to meet you Alex I'm Olivia,'' I shook his hand. 

''So where are you guys off to?'' asked Alexander. ''Oh I was just showing Olivia around. She is staying with us since her parents are away,'' said Nathan. ''Oh I see. How interesting! I guess we will get to know more about each other,'' said Alexander. ''Keep to yourself bro don't you remember you just came from a breakup!'' Nathan reminded him. ''Don't tell me that! They are more fish in the sea,'' said Alexander. 

He was crazy. We chilled and Alexander took us to the movies. I guess it was a relaxing day for me after the test! Just then I saw Blake...

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