Return of the Battle

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Werewolf in sight!

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Olivia's Pov 

''Hey Blake,'' I greeted him. "Olivia hi," he replied. "Aww and who is this cutie?" I asked him as I touched the little girl. "Oh this is Clara my little sister," said Blake. "Aww she's so cute," I complimented her. "Hi," said Clara in a cute voice. She was truly adorable. 

"Clara this is my school friend Olivia."  Blake introduced me to her. But am I really? Well...I guess that's the way to introduce to the kid I mean like what should he tell her?

Suddenly we heard a funny noise. "What is that?" I asked Blake. "I don't know but it sounds like..." It was sounding like a werewolf. We took a closer look and I couldn't believe what I just saw! A werewolf out of nowhere and in this daylight? Not to mention I was with Blake and Clara. So how many more people saw this werewolf? 

Clara was so scared and started crying endlessly. ''Wolf! Wolf!'' she screamed. ''Don't worry Clara he won't touch you. Blake and I are here to protect you,'' I said to her. ''Yeah dear it's okay,'' Blake comforted her. ''But he's so scary,'' said Clara. ''Don't worry we will fight him!'' I convinced her. ''Let me go and talk to him,'' said Blake. ''No Blake please be careful.'' Shame little Clara was so worried. ''Don't worry Clara I will be fine. You just stay here with Olivia okay?'' he said. 

Blake's Pov 

I approached the werewolf. Damn this guy Steve is so stupid! He just appears here in his werewolf form in this daylight. ''Don't you come near me! Or I will finish you!'' Steve raised his voice. ''Quiet Steve!'' I exclaimed. ''Wait how do you know my name?'' Steve asked me. ''Of course I know your name you fool! It's me Blake,'' I said to me. ''Oh Blake I...'' I put my hand on his mouth before he could make a noise. Like what is wrong with this guy?  I put him in my car. ''Stay there!'' I exclaimed. ''No why?'' he was now refusing. ''Steve I'm warning you.'' I made myself clear. I went to check on Olivia and Clara. "Blake! There you are! How did it  go with the wolf?" asked Clara. "I left him in the car," I told her. "In the car?!!" Clara screamed. "Blake are you crazy?" asked Olivia. "Guys I know I sound crazy right now but..." before I could even finish we heard like a beast howling or something. It was  a werewolf! We were now getting closer. 

Steve was now running away. ''He is running away!'' I yelled. ''Guys we all need to work together,'' said Olivia. What did she mean by this? I tried speaking to her that what about Clara but Olivia was confident about this so I had no choice but to agree in the end. I just had to watch both of them now when we were on our way to face the werewolf. 

Olivia's Pov 

''Are you sure about this Olivia?'' asked Clara. ''Of course dear stay by my side and copy my moves okay,'' I said to her. She sighed. ''Okay that sounds better,'' she said. We finally got to the werewolf. ''Come with us!'' Blake commanded. ''Listen Blake I'm not going anywhere you understand?!!'' the werewolf made himself clear. ''He knows your name?'' Clara was confused and so was I. How does he even know Blake? ''Relax guys I told him my name,'' said Blake. ''Makes more sense now,'' I told him. We fought the werewolf using the skills we know I mostly used karate and Clara copied me as I told her. She was very fast in learning so we could easily dodge the werewolf and finally Blake caught him. Finally we got him now! ''I'm going to take you somewhere,'' said Blake. ''Let me steal my powers!'' the werewolf exclaimed. ''Wait what?! Why would us humans be interested in taking your powers?'' I asked him. ''But isn't that what you want from us the werewolves? You hate us for who we are and that is why you are jealous!'' the werewolf exclaimed. 

''No,'' I said to him, ''we are not interested.'' 

Blake's Pov 

Steve had a point though what did the humans want from the werewolves exactly why are the both of them enemies? I played along but took Steve to our secret hide-out. Then I called my older brother to come and pick Clara. ''I'll see you later Clara sorry we couldn't go to cousin's house but Olivia and I still have unfinished business to do,'' I said to her. She went off to our older brother with no question I guess she didn't want to stay either since she saw Steve. ''Hey I just wanna say I'm so proud how you handled this situation of the werewolf. I have never seen anyone that brave or I mean rather heard of anyone that brave except for Queen Aria and her team of course. You have a good battle IQ,'' I complimented her. ''Aww thanks Blake you too,'' said Olivia. I took her hand and we stared in each other's eyes for a while. ''Hey about what we saw today can we please keep it to ourselves?'' I asked her. ''Of course no one should know,'' said Olivia. 

I hope she really meant that because if more people got to know it would be such a big mess! 

Olivia's Pov 

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The next day...

That night I swear I didn't sleep peacefully. After my test then seeing a werewolf with one of my school friends. Or so that is what he calls me. I didn't even have the energy to tell my family not even Zardie I needed to process this. It was hard to pretend to be okay though. 

The next day...

Not hanging out with Isla made me feel worse. I spent the day with Layla and Sophia. Then went to practice Karate I decided to join. It would give me more practice. 

Blake's Pov 

All day my heart was jumping up. ''Will she tell will she tell?'' is all that came to my mind. I had to be close to her so I make sure this secret doesn't go out. Wrong time. Not Nora coming to me. 

''Oh hi Blake,'' she said wanting to hug me. I pushed her away. ''Why?'' she asked me wanting to cry or should I say pretending to cry. ''I'm sorry Nora but I'm just not in the mood.'' I told her. ''So where are you running to?'' asked Nora. ''I want to find Olivia. Have you seen her?'' I asked her. ''Oh so you run to Olivia now?'' asked Nora. ''Come on Nora just tell me,'' I said. ''First tell me why!'' Nora demanded. As if she was my girlfriend. ''I don't owe you an answer. Will you help me or not?'' I asked. She sighed. ''Fine she's practicing karate,'' Nora finally told me. ''Thanks Nora you are the best! Catch you later.'' I said to her then ran off to find Olivia. 

In the karate class...

I saw Olivia versing someone they were training and damn she was good! No wonder she knew how to handle the werewolf when we were dealing with Steve. With no extra equipment even. The guy who was versing her got tired so I went up and trained with Olivia. I was now versing her. ''Oh Blake you also do karate?'' asked Olivia. ''Shh. Olivia, we are not allowed to talk that much here,'' I told her. ''Oh okay,'' she whispered, ''are you worried about our secret? You know the one about...'' I interrupted her. ''Yeah that one.''  ''Oh don't worry I didn't tell I won't tell,'' she whispered. 

''Quiet!'' the coach yelled, ''and concentrate!'' After that we didn't talk again we just kept on training. 

Olivia's Pov 

After the training I met Isla on the door it seems she had been watching. ''Isla,'' I called her name softly. ''Olivia!'' she hugged me. ''I missed you so much! Please I'm sorry for the way I acted that day its just...'' she didn't finish. ''Just what?'' I asked her. ''Oh don't worry about it I will tell you another day. But please I need you in my life. Please be my friend again,'' Isla pleaded. ''Of course Isla! Wait I was always your friend I didn't stop did you?'' I asked her. ''No but I just thought because of the way I acted you would stop,'' said Isla. ''No Isla I would never stop. Why would you think so?'' I asked. ''You are just...'' Isla fell in my arms. ''You don't know how much you mean to me!'' she exclaimed. 

So Isla and I were back on track and I was glad! I'm so glad I mean alot to her because she means the world to me. 

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