Return to 2004

Chapter 7: Chapter 7

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"Sure, but are you sure?"

"Yes. The location is fine and with a bit of creativity I could turn this place into a landmark. Everyone who visits the state would want to come here." I told Matthew.

I could tell that he didn't believe me, but that was fine. I'd just have to prove that my idea was one worth listening to. Besides, no one else had to invest in me, I had the funds to do so myself.

"Alright then. How about we take a look at a few others as well? It never hurts to check them out in person."

I agreed with him on that and said we could look at three of the other lots that caught my eye.

"What are you doing? Get in, no need to use your own car for this. It'd be a waste of gas."

I told Matthew as I saw him heading to his car. He nodded and came to the passenger side of my challenger. After he sat down and buckled up we headed out.

First we headed towards the place in Madison Heights. The change in appearance was apparent, everything looked new. Even the streets looked fresh compared to the city we were just in that had potholes in bunches. Construction work was ongoing so traffic was kind of bad but not unbearable.

When we made it to the lot I felt like something was missing. I wasn't sure what it was though. Sure, the land was big being 85 acres wide and the area around it was nice. However, it didn't not cut it for me nor my vision.

After seeing my disappointed gaze we swiftly headed to the next location. It was safe to say this place also did not charm me.

I wondered if it was due to the trees and grass, but it did not look like anything special. Also this lot was not off the highway, we had to travel down a few streets to reach it. If I did build here then my employees might find themselves slowed down by traffic or construction. There was also only one way to enter, which could be fixed but I shook my head.

We finally headed towards the last place. It was located in Flint, a city that I grew up in as a child. At least from the ages of from when I was born until I was thirteen years old. After that we moved to a better area and Flint went down hill. A shame, considering I encountered a lot of great people in that city.

"You mind if we stop by somewhere first?" I asked Matthew as we drove down US-23.

He shrugged. "I don't have anywhere else to be today. Where are you going?"

"I want to visit my old school."

He opened his eyes wide a bit then they narrowed. "Ahh, reliving old memories huh? I did not know you grew up here, is that why you wanted the land here?"

I shrugged. "I'm not too sure. I was mostly in it for the vast amount of land that was available. But it could also be due to my attachment to the city."

"I understand. You shouldn't make a decision based off feelings, but it's always good to remember where you came from. What do you do for work by the way?"

"I invested some money in stocks a while back. It worked out in my favor."

"Lucky you. I was thinking about doing that, got any tips?"

I smiled. "Nope. I was just lucky. But I'm trying to use what I have to create something, you know?"

"Yeah. My father always used to hound me about taking our company to the next level. Maybe I should have listened to him, because look at me now."

"What's wrong with you? You look great!"

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Matthew burst into laughter. "Yeah, thanks. But my wife constantly tells me otherwise. But that's a story for another time."

I glanced at him but he was gazing out of the window. It seemed he was carrying around a lot of weight, I hoped things worked out in his favor. Considering he would get a cut out of whatever land I decided to buy I should br glad that he was not pushing me towards the most expensive places. He seemed like a nice guy, but then again you never know.

We soon made it to my old school. Masterson Elementary. It was in what everyone deemed the hood, but there was never any problems in the area. It wasn't until after the school was shut down that the area became bad.

I checked the time and it was already a little after 2:00 pm, meaning the children were about to be let out. I could see the age on the building looking at it now, but as a child this place was everything I wanted. A fun loving staff, a great gym and decent food. The principal was stern but understanding of the students.

I wondered if I returned here at a later date would I see myself. Did I even exist as a child here? I was curious but also scared to find out.

"So this is where you went?"

"Yeah. It was a long time ago though and I doubt anyone I knew is still around."

"Maybe, maybe not. Are you going in?"

I took the car out of park. "No, I just wanted to see it again."

As we were leaving the area the kids rushed out of the doors. Some started doing flips showing off others walked in groups. I could see the principal at the entrance observing everyone.

He caught my eye because he was a tall bald man in a suit. I was old, but my memory was still good. That was him, my old principal.

I chuckled a little as he was still slim. About time I graduated from here he gained a lot more weight. Still, it was nice to see him again even if I did not speak directly to him.

"You must have had some good memories here. If that's the case then this school did good."

"Yeah, you could say that. I guess this is also a reason why I want that land. Not for the city, and not even for me. But for them. They should be able to look forward to a lot more in life, and this city doesn't have much. I think with a little love it could go a long way. I just want to give back and give these kids chances I've never had."

"That's admiring, but you plan on doing that by opening a business here? How will that benefit them?"

Matthew asked me.

"More jobs here create more opportunity, at least that's how I look at it. It'll give their parents an opportunity to seek employment here which will increase their pay, and in turn may help the child. People just need food, shelter, and stable income. But you'll see that there are a lot of people lacking in one of those departments. Prices are going up, not down and without a stable income many will find it hard to keep their homes or food in their belly. I'm getting off topic, but I'm doing this for the parents to help their situation. As for the children, I plan on donating to the school too. Give them better programs, a library and more." I explained.

Matthew listened to me but did not say much after. We made it to the lot that was right off of US-23 giving us easy access to it. It looked like all the other places, but I felt it. This place just felt right to me.

"So, this is it huh?"

"Yeah, this is the one."

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