Return to 2004

Chapter 8: Chapter 8

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I was ecstatic now that I owned a large plot of land. All that was needed now was a layout of the buildings and a construction crew to work on it. Now I needed to find someone that's able to draft me up a sketch of how my future studio would look. More than that, how this cities new heart would look.

In my head I already had the idea of creating what would feel like a town within a town. Restaurants, theme parks, apartments and hotels along with some stores. I wanted a lot and I would try to get everything done in a timely fashion.

Currently I only needed three buildings, well actually two. One being the studio where the movies would be made, the second being a building to create my game. As for the third building I wanted it to be an apartment complex that could house my employees and their families.

In my head I figured these three projects would take around two years to finish. Which was fine for me considering the script still needed to be written, and I had to find a writer.

About time the building was completed the final version of the movie scripts should be completed. At that point I could hire people that needed to be hired and begin movie production.

The same could roughly be said about my game. That would need a plot, character, classes, a world and so much more. My future would be very busy and I loved it.

For now, I had a meeting to attend so I had to put everything in my head on pause.

I entered the room and noticed large pieces of paper scattered across the tables. They were blue in color and as much as I wanted to take a look at them, the woman I was meeting called for me.

"Mr. Scott, back here!"

She was in one of the back rooms with the door wide open. I followed the sound of her voice and spotted her standing over a large blue piece of paper with a pencil in her mouth and a pen behind her ear.

"One second, I just need to make sure these measurements are correct." She told me as she took the measurements. I peaked over her shoulder and was in awe at her design.

"That looks fantastic."

She did not reply to me right away, but I was ok with that. Her eyes were fully focused on her work.

"Thanks, I hope my clients like it as much as you do." She said as she sat her pencil down.

"So, what can I do for you?" She asked me.

This woman was not super beautiful but still had a charm about her. Her messy black hair complimented her black rimmed glasses. I could not see any makeup on her face either which surprised me a little.

As she spoke she had to look up towards me because I was six feet tall and she was around five-six.

"I saw the catalog of homes you've built and they caught my eye. You've done some amazing work and I was curious if you are interested in drawing me up a design."

"I would not say that they are amazing, average at best. There are many people who could have done the job much better than me. But, thank you for the kind words. As for a design I can do that, but my schedule is busy for the next two weeks. What sort of home were you trying to build?"

I shook my head.

"No, not a home exactly. I want you to design me a studio and game company."

The woman coughed a few times as if she were shocked to hear what I had said.

"Are you ok Miss Paige?"

"I'm fine, but that is a big ask. I'm not sure if you know this but I design homes, not large corporate buildings. I can recommend you to a friend if that's what you are needing."

"Really? I've done some research and found out that you've helped design the GM plant and George Brown said you worked on the plans for a hospital."

She looked down as she grabbed her chin.

"George said that? Tsk, he was never one to keep his mouth shut." She grumbled.

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"So I take it he was right? I actually visited him first but he's older now and getting ready to retire. He was the one who told me about you. He said, 'Samantha never liked to take full credit for her work and always wanted new challenge. She's a woman, but a damn good one! Others look down on her in this field but let me tell you, I've only met six people who have skills on par with my own, and she's one of them.' Which is why I'm here now."

Samantha started to wipe away her imaginary tear. "Awe, that old geezer knows how to be kind afterall. He wad always hounding me, turns out he was just jealous of my skills."

"Umm, I don't think he was? At least not from how he spoke."

"Oh hush, don't go crushing my dreams now. But that still doesn't mean I should accept your request. I've never taken on a project this large by myself and even if I did, I know nothing about how a studio should look."

"Do whatever you want with it. We can work on it together and share our thoughts on it. This is my first studio and I want it to turn out well. As for the game company it doesn't need to be large, a building that's able to have meeting rooms and separate rooms for each department is all that's truly needed. Some companies work in a single room with six people, so you can't go wrong."

"If you put it that way, then I can do it. I'll only be able to work on it after I'm finished with my ongoing projects though, and what sort of timeline were you looking for?" She asked me.

"Anywhere from five to six months time. Since you are accepting this, I want you to keep in mind the idea of expansion. Essentially I want this place to be home to many and a hot spot for tourist."

"Umm, I thought you wanted to create a studio and gaming company. Why would there be tourist?"

She was right, if I planned on only having those two buildings. But, I was looking for something more grand.

"Because I don't plan on stopping at those two. They are only the start. Picture this, a town within a city. A place where magic happens."

Samantha did not seem to fully understand what I was saying but nodded her head.

"I'll have my lawyer send over the contract later. The price can be discussed with her as well. Before I go, what was that on the table by the entrance?"

Samantha looked confused at first then surprised. She smiled. "It's something my dad was working on before he passed. He said it was his lifeline but never finished it."

I didn't know her father worked in this field or that he passed away. I told her I was sorry for her loss but she just gave me a flat thanks. She did not seem too bothered by it.

"Care I'd I take a look?"

"Go ahead."

We both headed into the first room and Samantha removed all the papers on top of the one I saw. That's when the design became clear. It was a hotel design that seemed to be twenty stories high with multiple attachments to it. Under it was the layout of a small city with each section being clear as to what went where. Most of it was unfinished and the names in each section was attributed to one of his designs.

"It's nice isn't it?"

"Yeah, who was he making it for?"

"No one. It was just an idea he had and wanted to pitch to the mayor. He died of cancer long before it was completed though."

"Oh, my aunt died of breast cancer a while back. It's a sad thing to think about, but before we go down the rabbit hole of sadness I have a question. Why did you not finish it?"

Samantha shook her head. "I couldn't. This was his work, his legacy. I don't want to ruin it with my mediocre designs."

"I think he'd be happy if you did. Do you really want to always wonder what if this was completed? Because I want to see it come to life."

I saw the look in her eyes and opened my mouth once more. "I want to buy his designs, and I want you to finish his dream. Can you do that for me?"

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