Return to 2004

Chapter 9: Chapter 9

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I was in my challenger driving to the university of Michigan to check their art program. The university was not the best when it came to art, but I did not feel like traveling to another state at this time. Thus, I started heading to the next best thing.

I was hoping to find someone that could work with me on my game. Potential employees.

As I drove down the highway, I sighed as I thought of Samantha. She rejected my offer to purchase her fathers designs for his small city. She was fine with me obtaining the blueprints to a few of his finished works, but that was all. In all honesty, it was probably for the best. But, it still left a bitter taste in my mouth.

When I arrived on campus I saw the students walking as they chatted. This place brought back memories as I was planning on attending this university before I graduated high school. No one looked at me any special way, to them I looked like another student.

I spotted a young man walking by himself and smoking a cigarette. Since he was coming my way I decided I would ask him for directions. Getting out of my car I put up my hand to draw his attention. 

"Hey, have a moment?"

"What's up?"

"Do you know where I can find the art students or even those aiming for graphic design?"

He pointed towards a large building to the right of us. "Probably in that building. Most of them are hanging around in the lounge."


I headed towards the building after bidding the guy farewell. Inside students were mostly silent as they were busy having their eyes glued to their textbooks. The only ones I saw conversing with one another was a small group in the corner. Three girls and one guy.

As I walked through the halls I peeked through the glass windows to see what was going on inside the rooms. From there I could see the professor or the teachers assistant going over work. It took my twenty minutes but I found the room I was searching for.

Inside were people fully focused on their artwork. I saw insane designs, and lifelike portraits. I knocked on the door twice which startled the people inside. After a moment I opened the door and walked in.

"Hello." I said to the old man seated at his desk. He looked to be in his late sixties but one could never truly tell.

"Hello, you are a bit early, I wasn't expecting you until three." The old man said.

"When we spoke the other day I couldn't wait to meet the students. Should I come back later?"

"No its fine." He said as he stood up from his seat.

"Attention class, this is Alex Scott, you probably don't know so I'll tell you that he is the future of our art program here. He's kindly donated all the new art supplies you are all using today, so give him your thanks."

The students said a few words of thanks and I just smiled. It was not that big of a deal, as the amount I gave to this program was a small amount. Still, it felt nice to be thanked.

"He is here today to examine your art, however, he is also the founder of a newly found company. Which if he finds your work to meet his taste he is willing to offer you a job there."

"Woah, are you for real?"

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The students after having learned why I was here became excited. Some kept their cool, and many raised their hand to ask questions.

"What kind of company is it?" A female with black hair asked me. I spotted her when I entered and saw the tiger she was painting.

"It's a video game company. We are seeking young talents that are wanting to improve their skills, while also pushing the gaming industry forward."

I replied to her.

"Is there any specific style you are looking for? Because I can only do realistic paintings." This time a young man with glasses asked a question.

"Not really, I'll know it when I see it." There actually was a style I was going for, but I did not want anyone to try and change what they enjoyed for me. I'd never want that.

"Can I ask what sort of positions we'd fill if we were hired? Or how much we'd be paid?" Another young man asked.

"Positions vary and it depends on a lot more than how well you draw. For pay, you can say the lowest paid position starts at $15 an hour."

"Holy crap, that's like three times the minimum wage. Where do I sign?" Someone burst out saying that.

In 2004 the wage of employees were considerably low but I was trying to make my company more appealing to my employees. Thus a high base pay and huge benefits would do my company well.

"How about I take a look at all your art. If I like what you've done I'll inform Professor Johnson about it."

With that said the students started to show off their artwork one by one. I went around the class talking to them to get a feel for how they were. Many of them were shy but once the ice was broken I could tell they were more relaxed.

Sadly I only spotted one style I really enjoyed. It was a fantasy creature called a Wraith done in black and white, on a thick piece of paper. The artist was ahead of her time, but I also knew that no one really considered fantasy creatures true art. Mostly because it was difficult to make a living by selling fantasy pieces.

She was a bit larger than the others and wore these big rimmed glasses, but that did not matter. She was truly skilled and I took note of her name. Amy Bernard.

I stuck around for the entire class and chatted with everyone. They were interested in what type of game my company was going to make but I kept it under wraps. When class ended I stayed to talk to the professor and then the next class began.

I didn't leave the campus until six at night but I managed to find four people that caught my eye. The professor would inform them about my decision and pass along my number. If they reached out to me I was more than willing to offer them a position at my company.

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