
Chapter 11: Chapter Ten. Ilisa

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As usual on the pirate craft, for security just one air lock was in use and to this Tyrone headed.

Already there was Quintas, talking with his usual cheerful manner to Ilisa who was listening most cordially. Tyrone studied both her and the area carefully. Good, Extsu had the guards still alert, although they were all glancing at Ilisa.

He turned back to Ilisa. It was his experience that no entity did anything without a reason, usually for their profit and even though Ilisa was always polite and cordial to him he had no reason to trust, not her, not anyone. So Tyrone took a moment to study her. Where had she come from? Why was she in this backwater hellhole? Her unusual features and coloring would secure her a husband on ten thousand different planets, a top position in politics or a position as mistress on any of the empires more than one hundred and twenty five thousand worlds.

Tyrone did not ask why she was at their space ship, he knew. She wanted a way of this rock before the empire reduced it to its atoms. The question was would she be a danger to the ship and its crew? She was a mystery and Tyrone did not like mysteries. One more thing to consider, Ilisa had been branded unlucky by the pirates.

Hearing a sound behind him, Tyrone turned and looked “At last, what kept you?” Devano and escort had arrived. 

“We picked up a transport cart in case.”

“Good move.” Tyrone turned to the engineer, “Quintas! Get going and get those spares as quick as you can! Devano and crew will keep you safe.”

As the six men moved off, Devano had taken one of the airlock guards, Ilisa watched them leave with a small smile playing on her lips. “Don’t be concerned, I am sure that they will be fine, what with all that heavy metal they are wearing.” She assured Tyrone, “Why Devano alone has enough gold around his neck to buy his own ship.”

Extsu seemed bemused by both Ilisa and the comments. Tyrone’s growl, sent him back to his post with the remaining three guards. Tyrone now turned to his current problem, standing at his side.

“Why so tense, Tyrone? All I need is travel to a star system that you will most likely be going to anyway?”

“I don’t decide who comes with us. That is Thurgods’ and Jennas’ decision.”

The bay shook slightly. Someone was in a hurry, Tyrone thought, taking a quick look around the bay. The owners of the base frowned at such departures. However perhaps they were making their own departure instead of policing the bays. More concerned for their skins at this time no doubt he considered without rancor, turning back to Ilisa. Where is Thurgod anyway, he wondered.

“So I will await upon his return.” Ilisa smiled. “Let us hope we will not be kept waiting for long.”

Seating herself on a convenient stack of containers, Ilisa calmly surveyed the scene around them. Uncontrolled pandemonium would be a step up from the chaos of the loading bay.

From as far as one could see in each direction, entities of every oxygen breathing race were frantically loading, stacking and unloading supplies, equipment, machinery and packs of every sort. Others were disassembling and reassembling machinery, vessels and equipment of different sorts. The chaos was so intense Tyrone wondered if he had sent a strong enough escort with Quintas.

“I said don’t worry Tyrone, I am sure that Quintas will be just fine.”

The words brought his attention back to his present quandary. Studying Ilisa with as much discretion as he could manage, Tyrone suddenly noted that she was wearing a dress!! In this place and a very short, provocative, bright yellow dress at that! Bemused by this he cleared his throat to speak.

“All is well?” The group had arrived from their conference.

“Thurgod! Good, you are here!”


Behind Thurgod Jenna regarded the obvious embarrassment of the weapons master with almost hidden amusement. Tyrone glowered back at her as he waved his massive hand at Ilisa and informed the crowd, “We have a passenger request.” The consternation the three pirates showed was his revenge.

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Recovering, Thurgod spoke to Denner Venkriller, “Extsu will escort you on board. Put him in the cabin next to Fastos, Extsu.”

“Will do. Follow me.” Extsu waved to the professor, who had not stopped staring at Ilisa.

Jenna watched Thurgod studying the provocative picture of Ilisa before him, as he considered this potential guest. Not likely she thought, trouble all the way! And without a word being spoken, Thurgod turned to her…..

“No.” came out flatly from Jenna. With a shrug, Thurgod turned to Ilisa.

Before he could speak Fastos did. “I disagree, we have seen how Ilisa can control things in the bar so I do not think that there would be a problem on the ship. With the assault crew paid off, space is not a consideration. Besides I think there may be another benefit.”

Drawing the two officers apart, with a smile of apology to Ilisa, he spoke in a low tone. “Consider this, no one knows from where she came, not her background, her education, nothing. Her identity is almost certainly a construct, the best that I have ever seen. She seems at times helpless yet she disposed of that idiot quite smoothly and I still do not know how. I am sure that she is important and I think that it is best if we keep her close.”

“If true, want you say makes an equally good case for keeping her far away” countered Jenna, “I mistrust her and, in any case who will tell Lista?”

 “I do not trust her myself, but she has chosen us and I think that is no coincidence. Would you have her following us in another ship? No, better to have her where we can keep an eye on her. I doubt that she is an agent of the Legion. No, they would have been here long before this if she was. As to Lista…” He shrugged.

“I am not yet convinced, there could still be trouble, legion or no legion.” Thurgod’s voice trailed off. It took no genus to see that he was thinking of three females, each dangerous in their own way onboard the ship. He looked again at Ilisa considering. She looked calmly back at him, saying nothing. It was that calm look that decided him. Fastos was right, she knew something and he had to find out what it was.

“Jenna, put her in the empty room beside you.”

Jenna stiffened, fire in her eyes, hand on her sword. Before she could speak, Thurgod turned to Ilisa, “You may board but you will breathe space if there is any trouble.”

A nod of the head indicated acceptance. Ilisa looked at Jenna with her usual smile; a grudging wave of the hand that had her following Jenna towards the lock.


A far from satisfied Thurgod turned back to Fastos, “Do not give me cause to regret this!”

Fastos returned Thurgods’ brooding look, “She knows something. Of this I am sure and I am equally sure that what she knows is twisted in with Venkriller’s story. I have watched her, and not for the same reason the rest of you do.” He paused and pointed. “Look, Quintas is returning.”

The relief was obvious. For more than one reason Thurgod thought as Devano approached. “That was quick.” 

Devano gave a lazy smile. “Laser rifles get you a certain respect.” He paused “We are ready to get going on the repairs. Quintas seems in a hurry to get his engines back together.” He left following Quintas and the other mercenaries and leaving Thurgod and Fastos in a mild state of shock. That was more then what Devano usually spoke in a week! Nothing was said of the chaos they had encountered and no one asked. They had their needs satisfied, and that was good enough for the moment.

At the boarding lock Thurgod ordered Extsu and three mercenaries to stay as guard. “Stay alert, we will be able to leave shortly, but no more passengers will be accepted. Don’t even bother to send a call up. Kill anyone and sound an alert if necessary! We will let you know when we are ready to leave.” The grim visaged troops nodded and swept the area with their eyes.

Satisfied for the moment, Thurgod followed the rest aboard, heading first to the engineering. There Quintas assured him that he would be ready on time. Satisfied again, he stopped at his cabin to change into his habitual space clothes. Even in this urgent time he could no more change his habits then could any of this superstitious breed.


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