
Chapter 12: Chapter Eleven. Back In Space

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On the bridge, Thurgod logged onto into the main computer, accessing the flight systems and let his eyes sweep the various stations. “Our guests?” he growled to Jenna who was running her own checks.

“In their cabins, I told them to stay there until we were under way so we don’t have any distractions.” Even without turning around, Jenna made her disapproval obvious.

Thurgod shrugged and turned to his right, engaging the holo screen on his workstation. Lista Thursta swung in her seat and with a puzzled look on her face said “Guests?”

Now we are for it. Thought Jenna and glimpsed a grin on Amard Petter’s face. He had somehow learnt who was onboard and was savoring the moment. Keeping her face blank while still giving Amard a speaking look, she spoke again; “Engineering reports that installation is complete, running tests now.”


Curious as to who else was onboard, Lista stood and took a step towards the bridge access hatch.

Turning back to Lista Jenna asked for status confirmation, “Do you confirm Lista. We can’t get the computers on line fully until all systems acknowledge.”

“I want to know who we have on board………..”

“Later.” Thurgod commanded, still looking at his holo screen. “I want to get out of here, now!”

“Who ……..”

“If you want to find out, get back to your seat and do your job.” Hissed Thurgod with naked menace in his voice as he turned to face her. “Otherwise if you wish to stay and greet the Legion, that works for me just as well.”

Cowed for the moment but with a ‘we’ll speak later’ look on her face Lista sat down and updated the status. “Confirmed” came with a smoldering undertone, not a pleasant one. I will find out just who we are carrying Lista thought.


One by one, the various systems reported, engineering included and Lista Thursta stood in for Fastos at communications.

“All systems reported in, Thurgod.” Jenna calmly told the bridge. “Computer now grants full access. We are ready for engine start. Lista, any updated Intelligence Reports?”

“None.” Came the grudging reply. “No sign of any imperial equipment in the system, at least according to the scanners.”

“We will have to take our chances, Amard close up the ship and Jenna, get the engines going.” Thurgod grunted.

Amard ordered the security at the main door to get on board, close the door and confirm. This was quickly done. Meanwhile, Jenna ordered Quintas to bring the engines online.

“Engines powering up, Thurgod, course? Where should we go?”

“Take us to the galactic rim first, I don’t want to leave an obvious track. We will decide from there. While I know where to go, we don’t want to be traced so we may make a few stops along the way perhaps. Do you know of an obscure planet which is not pirate related and unlikely to be on the Legions screen?”

While this was going on, Amard cleared the moorings and brought the maneuvering thrusters up. “Ready to leave dock.” he advised Thurgod. “Good, let’s go.” Came the reply.

“Thrusters at ten percent.”

No announcement was given although the thrusters would kill anyone who got too close. If anyone was around that was their bad luck, especially at a time like this.

Jenna had meanwhile been considering where on the galactic rim to go to. Searching her memory, her logs, as well as star charts she found a possibility. “I have one Thurgod, how about Quellar II?”

Thurgod paused, considering. “That is the new system mining operation isn’t it? Yes, good! That will do nicely.” He smiled, it was like a wolf showing his teeth. “OK, lock those coordinates in but keep the screens up.”

No surprise showed on Jenna’s face. The screens would not allow anyone to read their destination input. One could never be too careful and the conference held by Thurgod and the others most likely had not gone unnoticed. In any case, this was Thurgod’s standard procedure, based on his maxim, ‘Trust no one. Period.’

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“Locked in. Ok Amard take us out to the jump threshold. Angle us twenty degrees below the plane and orient us to the system of Quellar, 299 from zero.  Transit time will be about fifteen point five periods.”

Amard gave only a nod to acknowledge and this generated a sharp retort from Jenna.

“I can’t read your head Amard! Verbal acknowledge repeated back. Always! Do you want to kill us with a misread order?”

Amard repeated the orders back, adding that they were now at twenty five percent of thrust, but the look on his face was one of anger at the public rebuke. I will have to take him aside again. Jenna thought. Amard Petter was a good second pilot most times but carelessness like this could get people killed, including her and this could not go aside unchallenged.

Tyrone in the meantime had raised all shields and Master Moon was now in its element, in space.

“Scanners up. Checking for other craft and also for imperial probes.” Tyrone reported.


“Good.” From Thurgod. He thought; I do have a professional command crew. I will have to be very careful in the next few days. Where is Fastos, he is usually here at this time. Probably with that professor of his. I will have to have a chat with them both… These thoughts flowed across the surface of his brain as the crew brought the craft out of the dock and through the maelstrom which was the immediate area of Watchers Rock. Space Craft of all makes and types bucked, slid and slewed across space all picking their own way and departure points. Into this madness, strangely, other craft were arriving, Tyrone noted.

“Space craft arriving.” Tyrone announced with a throaty rumble, under which lay a chuckle. At the same time Fastos hurried in looking flustered for once. No one said anything, the jokes would come later.

“Fools, don’t they think that the Legion will be here sooner or later, and probably sooner!” Thurgod not being involved in piloting the craft was the only one free to respond. Jenna was monitoring Amard who was buried in his console, hands twitching on his instruments as he played his game of three dimensional chess. It did not get much better away from the asteroid as rocks joined in the game. If they were more spread out, they added the difficulty of not taking evasive action.


Even Lista Thursta concentrated on her console as the life and intelligence reports flowed back to her.

“No indications of Legion or Empire technology in the system.” She reported.

“Run further checks and keep running them. I want to know if there are passive systems reporting on departures and arrivals up to the time we make our jump.” Thurgod ordered.

“Ok.” The unprofessional response set Jenna’s teeth on edge. Amard shot her a sideways look which she returned along with a roll of her eyes.

“Nothing on the comm net.” Fastos put in.

“Clear of the belt, Forty percent thrust, increasing to maximum thrust, approaching jump coordinates, requesting main engine power.” Amard reported.

“Quintas, deep space drive requested, now.” Jenna, spoke over the com. “Taking control Amard.”

“Confirmed, Pilot in control.”

"Engines all working within normal ranges." Came the engineer’s response

“Coordinates set. Deep space drive engaged. Expect transit time point eight five standard days. Jump to engage in nine point two standard fractions. Confirm?” The report came crisply from Jenna of Christo’s. My old instructor would be proud, came the irrelevant thought.

“Confirmed, complete power transfer to main engines, but leave the shield till the very last.” Again Thurgod was showing the paranoia that had kept him alive all these years.

Quite reigned on the bridge as the countdown swept along to the moment of the jump.


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