
Chapter 22: Chapter Twenty Three Jenna, Ilisa Talk and Jenna Remembers More.

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Startled awake, Jenna reached for her sword. A hand touched hers first and stilled it. “What? Who’s there?” Jenna demanded as she fought towards awareness.

“Hush.” Came a soothing voice.

Swimming up from her confused deep sleep state, Jenna focused all too slowly it seemed, on the figure sitting on the bed beside her. As the dim light brightened automatically, it was with no feeling of surprise she saw that it was Ilisa, clad in a silky blue dress. The blond women smiled.

“I told you that we would talk later.”

“Ok, you are here. Now tell me how did you get in?” No one should have been able to get past Jennas security, she had designed it herself.

“You told me.”

“I did?” Doubt showed on Jenna’s face.

“Yes, when I touched you.” A ravishing smile came with the words as Jenna sat up and swung her legs over the edge of the bed, then grabbed the bedding to cover her nudity. A soft laugh sounded.

“No one will see us.” The blankets remained firmly in place. The blond woman stepped back off the bed giving the dark one room. Her hands touched her clothes but stopped as Jenna held up her hand. “Very well.” She said as she moved back to the bed.

Sitting on the bed, Ilisa smiled. “I told you we would talk,” she repeated.

Jenna choked out a laugh, “Talk any more like that and I forget who and where I am!” She smiled herself, the first time in a long time it seemed. The smile vanished, “There has not been anyone, not for a long time. No one I could trust, not one.” Why did I say that? Jenna thought.

“You have love to give little one. Your path is not as yet mapped out for you.”

“Let us not talk of that.” Came in a low voice. “Not now.”

“We must, this was between us, a long time ago, but not for this did I take passage with you.”

A sigh, then anger. “What is this then, a bit of fun for you?” Jenna grabbed at Ilisa. Her hand stopped in mid stroke, imprisoned in fingers of steel wrapped in flesh. She gasped. Other than her hand Ilisa had not moved.

“I am sorry, but what must be will be. Soon we will be in the tunnels and you must know. You must be ready, it is for this you have been prepared.”

“How can you be so sure? We may not even go in. If Thurgod is not satisfied, he will kill the professor and run.” Other questions tumbled through her mind. Prepared? The discussion that she had had with Fastos came forward as well. Just how did Ilisa fit into all this?

“I know what you mean, do not trouble your mind with Thurgod, with treasure in his sight, I doubt that he would turn back now. We are on a course, soon will be the arrival.”

“How do you know all this?” Jenna was fumbling, trying to make sense of this new situation. It was an uncomfortable feeling for her.

A laugh. “I have been a waitress passing drinks and food to you for more than a year now. One does not need special talents to know the nature of Thurgod Drista. Nor was the appearance of Professor Denner Venkriller unremarked, even in the chaos of the aftermath of the Legions attack. None of this should surprise you.”

“Is the treasure why you came with us? Or something else?”

“Both and more. Yours was the most likely to escape, the best prepared of all the ships and crews, the most reliable. But you were the main reason. You were the reason I was there in the first place.”

Jenna recoiled in shock, sliding out of her bed and gathering her clothes, reaching for her sword.

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“Still, you do not remember me little one?” Uncoiling from the bed, Ilisa moved to a chair “You have no need of the sword.”

Jenna hesitated, but Ilisa just sat down and waited. Slowly Jenna straightened dropping the sword to her side then down. Slowly she began dressing herself.

“That is better,” Ilisa said softly, “I will leave soon and we will not see each other again until we are on the planet. Listen carefully. I do not know all, but in the tunnel there are many pitfalls, many dangers, some obvious, some hidden. You, and only you must hold the carving which sings. I do not know why it must be you but it is so written. Next you must lead. If any separate from you, let them go, they will find their own doom.”

After a fractions silence, Jenna clearly puzzled, spoke. “How do you know all this? How am I to arrange this? What about Lista?” All this seemed unreal to Jenna. “What will the carving do?”

“It has been given to me to be your messenger. I was sent for this purpose. They who sent me did not tell me all, so that I could not interfere with events beyond my control.” Ilisa suddenly looked sad. “I too have been in exile, but with trust in each other we may find both our ways to our homes. As for the carving, it is the real guide.” She smiled, “And do not worry about Lista.”

Stunned by all the revelations, Jenna sat slumped in her chair. A thought crossed her mind. “Did you know of the Legion planning their attack?”

Ilisa shook her head no. “I can tell you no more. I do not even know if I will enter the tunnels with you. That knowledge too, is denied me.” She took a deep breath then stood. “I must go now, little sister.”

“Again you call ne by that endearment which only is used between those who are close to each other. And you have spoken many times, always to suggest that I should remember you. Where have we met, if indeed we have?”

A soft hand reached out, stroking Jenna’s face, “The Temple of Desire, little one.” At the name, recognition flared in Jenna’s eyes. Her hand went to her mouth. Then a finger touched her lips.

“We do not speak of it.” A rustle of a dress. The door whispered open and shut. Ilisa was gone. Jenna stumbled back to her bed. Memories arising from the depths of her subconscious.


Another women taking her hand. This was the Temple of Desire, she was now in her teens so it was only at this time that she was to be taught the secrets of a women’s body, something that had been previously forbidden. This was the temple that was whispered about amongst the younger girls after the lights in the dormitory were extinguished at night. There was giggling and fanciful tales spread with all sharing the secret fears of the unknown.

Arriving at the temple, the girls, now called youths, were given a personal guide, an older girl as was the usual custom. This was not the teacher, but a guide and a mentor, as the guide had been mentored before and Jenna would so act in her turn.

A conversation, half remembered, floated to the front of her conscious mind. Not one she was supposed to have witnessed or remembered.

“She is here?” An older women, the senior instructor?

“She is.” A younger women, a junior instructor? She could not remember.

Jenna laid back on her bed. The new memories overwhelming her.

“I am not sure, this is unlike anything our customs would permit.” The older woman seemed to be objecting but afraid, something Jenna never expected from a woman of Christos.

Another women, slim, dark haired but not, to Jennas stunned realisation, a woman of Christos. “This has been decided. It is for this we are here and another of us will take her by her hand, one who has been specially prepared for her.” A voice of authority. Of command. The other two bowed. “Yes my Lady. As you have said.”

The women smiled. “These are not my words, but His. He is the One who has spoken.”  She turned and beckoned. Another woman came into view. It was Ilisa.

The realisation flowed over Jenna and overwhelmed her. Clouds filled her mind. She fell into a dreamless sleep.

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