
Chapter 23: Chapter Twenty Four. Almost There.

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The alarms soft sound started Jenna awake. Looking around the cabin, she ran everything through her mind. Had it all been a dream? Rising, she went to her bathroom and showered. The rooms that the bridge crew and senior officers occupied were the original officers’ quarters and had a range of comforts that might not be expected on a pirate ship.

Refreshed and filled with the meal that corresponded to breakfast, Jenna braved the bridge feeling unsatisfied. Amard greeted her with a cheery good morning as he switched off his game; for his pains, he got a grunt in reply. Still engrossed in her thoughts about the encounter with Ilisa, she had little regard for Amard.

“Well, aren’t you the happy one, had a good sleep?”

“Yes, no one here yet I see.” Came the abrupt reply.

“You are the early bird. Thurgod was here a few periods ago, said to be called if anything happened. Nothing has.”

“So nothing to report?” Jenna confirmed.

“Nothing indeed.”

“Did you get some rest?”


“Good, I see that our arrival time is in four full periods and point four. I want you back on the bridge with the point four still remaining. So go eat if you have to and get some rest. But be here with point four remaining on the arrival meter. Understand?”

Somewhat sobered now by the reality of their arrival being almost upon them, Amard acknowledged and left.

Taking her accustomed seat at the pilot’s station, Jenna ran the tests that she was trained to do. She also called engineering and spoke to the third engineer, who had drawn that duty station. Again there was nothing, engines were working just fine. Moving to the scanner station, she called up several surveillance visuals. Interesting she thought, checking back she noted that several people moved around during the night. 

Starting just before she left the bridge, she watched Lista go directly to Devano’s cabin quite openly, returning only later to her own. Of greater interest, she noted that both Tyrone and Extsu had observed the tryst quite separately. Extsu having concealed himself from the weapons master. Interesting she thought, her lips curling. Flipping through the surveillance recorders she noted other movements around the ship, but these were all quite ordinary. Satisfied, she returned to her seat, lounging back and stretching out. Suddenly, eyes wide, she sat up straight. It was not something she saw, but something she did not see, Ilisa had not appeared on the screen at any time that she had checked.

Jenna shivered, running through her mind over all that the two of them had said to each other. Nothing that Ilisa had said gave any indication about what talents she may have. But she looked young, no more twenty five or thirty standard years or so. Yet, that could not be, Jenna knew this. What Ilisa said to her about when they had met, proved that it could not be so. Her memories in the night simply confirmed this, yet what part Ilisa had played in her education was still hidden from her. ‘Another part of the mystery.’ Thought Jenna. Then she shrugged, this whole trip was not to her liking. If she survived, then she would tackle Ilisa and see. Thinking of what had come out of their meeting, she smiled and chuckled to herself, surprising Fastos who had just arrived on the bridge.

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“You are in a better mood, I see.”

“Indeed the night was kind.”

“It must have been very kind, to see you in such a good mood. You did not imbibe some contraband now?” He laughed. Jenna laughed as well. Then sobered.

“I have been considering our talk last night.” The term ‘night’ was used loosely in this regard as time on a craft in transit had no meaning. “It seems to me that it is no use worrying over what might be or how we came to be involved. We are committed to this end, and with the Legion on our heels this may well be the best choice. They are unlikely to guess our destination in any case.” She shrugged. “One way or another, at least we will have a conclusion.”

The surprise that Fastos felt was clear from the expression that crossed his face. This was a different Jenna, both more adventurous and more fatalistic then he had ever seen. Where was the calculating pilot of old, the worrying woman from the previous night, both seem to have vanished. He decided to probe a little, “Very well, I would like to ask you something, who are you and what did you do with Jenna?”

A loud burst of laughter that came from Jenna reassured the counselor. “I am still here, I just thought things through. Look Fastos, the Legion is after us, if they catch up with us we will be killed without mercy. This you know. Pirating as a career is done, at least in this galaxy for the foreseeable future. If we are captured alive, well we all have death sentences on our heads. No future there.” This came with another laugh. “Taking this treasure may be the best option we have. At least if we survive, we will have enough funds with which to go into hiding.” Jenna stood and went to the meal dispenser and ordered a drink of Findus sparkling water. Waving expressively to Fastos she inquired if he wanted one.

“The same as you, thank you.” Fastos was always polite and rarely drank anything else.

“There are going to be many dangers in that tunnel. Who knows how many! So none of us may come out alive anyway, after all, no one else has, not really that last one, even.” A fatalistic shrug indicated acceptance. “Do you have a better idea?”

“I am afraid not.” Fastos took the proffered drink then pursed his lips and looked at Jenna keenly. “Is there anything else you may want to say?” His sharp eyes pierced her.

Jenna did not show her smile, little slipped by Fastos. “There is nothing you should worry about.” She replied.

Fastos nodded, Jenna would not put the ship or its crew knowingly in danger. If she considered Ilisa a menace it would be dealt with. If she did not, he was satisfied.

A chime sounded, “Coming up to arrival soon, half a period. Better start waking everyone up.” Jenna spoke from her board.

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