
Chapter 39: Chapter Forty. Jenna and Her Escort Leave Trilla.

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“Everyone is onboard, sir.”

“Thank you Commander Trist.” Commodore Traska, settled back in the captain’s chair. “Jenna of Christos?”

The commander looked a bit uncomfortable but answered. “Our passenger has been brought on board and is in sick bay. She is still asleep or unconscious and is being monitored.”

“Good, a room has been set aside for her and all her personal effects are there?”                

The commander sighed, he knew what the commodore was alluding to. “Yes sir, including her personal weapons.”

“Commander, Jenna of Christos has a full pardon granted her by our sovereign Master Himself, and I was a witness to the pardon. That means that Jenna of Christos is a free citizen of the empire and we will treat her as such!”

“Yes sir.” Commander Trist had realised that the Commodores words were not just for him but were for the ship as a whole. He had deliberately spoken loudly and clearly; the word would be spread quickly.

“Now let’s get going Pilot, if the balance of blue quad is ready to accompany us, take us to Rim Station Quadrant Twelve. We’ve spent more time here then we needed to.”


There had been a lot of work. Other than blue quad, Captain Quill had taken over Detachment T but the temporary camp had to be dismantled and the two pirates craft had to be piloted to the moon station where they were put on standby. Their eventual fate would be postponed by the necessity of downloading and review of all onboard records.

The pirates that had survived the tunnel been taken aboard one of the heavy cruising while Amard and Devano, the last still in shock from learning about Lista’s death, although he had been spared the gruesome details, were taken onboard another. The remaining pirates who had been captured in the legion assault along with the engine crews, were kept aboard a third. All the surviving pirates were to be transported to a legion base which held the facilities to hold a courts martial.


Aspen accelerated away from Trilla, the other three members of its quad in formation with it, heading to the hyper threshold, all four oriented towards their destination.

“Ready for the transit to hyper sir, requesting main engines now.” Aspen jumped to hyper. A fraction later the pilot reported: “Stable in hyper sir. All checks complete. Expected transit time to rim station is eleven periods, Christos is two days after that.”

“Very good pilot. Navigator, you have the watch.” Traska said as he vacated the captain’s chair and turned to leave the bridge. Commander Trist followed at the Commodores wave and, “Let us check on our guest.”

As the two officers left the bridge, those left behind exchanged glances, all had heard the stories, listened to with greater or lesser skepticism, and were intensely curious about their passenger. The interesting tidbit that they had been ordered by the Dark Lord himself to carry Jenna to Christos only added to the excitement that the whole crew felt. It was completely without precedent for a heavy cruiser and an officer, especially one of their captains’ rank, to be tasked for such a minor job. The legion did not normally act as a taxi service.


The sick bay was handy to the shuttle bay so that any injured trooper could be quickly moved from a shuttle for treatment. Being less convenient to the bridge, it took a bit longer for the two officers to arrive there. At their entrance Doctor Nina Du Ras looked up from the comm unit on her desk.

“Come to do a spot check?” She smiled, a smile that lit up her rather round face. Not a tall woman, she was a complete professional and Traska trusted her fully.

Traska scanned the empty ward with exaggerated care. “What do you think Commander Trist?” He asked, “Beds need making?”

“Could always be neater sir.”

Dropping the officious attitude, Traska came to the point. “I would like to check on our guest.”

“Of course sir.” Doctor Du Ras stood. And walked to the rear of the ward. “Not that you will see much.”

“Everything is normal with Jenna?” Commander Trist asked.

“Slightly elevated temperature and respiration is on the high side of normal for her but otherwise, she is fine,” came with a shrug.

The room normally used to either isolate seriously ill patients or observe those with unknown illnesses now held the sleeping Jenna of Christos. Standing at a window the trio observed for a fraction. The nurse on duty stood back.

“Her clothes?” Traska asked as he turned away.

“We put them in a bag for disposal sir.” The nurse answered, surprise clear.

“Have they been disposed of?” A frown went with the question.

“No sir.” The nurse glanced at Doctor Du Ras who was equally surprised.

“Have them cleaned immediately and ready for Jenna when she awakes.” Traska ordered. “Also have a set of clothes that we would normally provide as well. I want Jenna to be able to make a choice.”

“Yes sir.” The nurse hesitated.

“I will get an orderly in to do the job right now, Captain.” At the doctor’s gesture, the nurse went to her comm.

“Good, now I was there and it was about twelve point three four periods when … it happened.” Traska took a breath. “Now we left Trilla at fourteen point two seven and we were told that Jenna would sleep for about twelve hours or periods, so that is your timeline.”

“Yes Captain Traska.” Doctor Du Ras glanced back at the observation window.

Traska hid a smile as he could see that the doctor clearly wondered what had happened.

“All I can tell you, doctor, is that when Jenna was touched on the forehead by our Master, she screamed and passed out.” Traska spread his hands in the universal gesture of it’s beyond me.

Shaking her head, Nina Du Ras lead the small group away from Jenna’s room out into the main ward. “That is what I was told, in greater detail and with more colourful language.” A smile creased her friendly face which disguised the steel in her spine. “Some who had sustained minor injuries wanted to spend the night, but I sent them back to their quarters!”

“Good.” Commodore Traska said.

A tap at the sick bay door announced the arrival of the orderly. “”Doctor, I was sent for?” He glanced clearly puzzled at the presence of the ships two most senior officers.

The nurse emerged at Doctor Du Ras’s call with the bag containing Jenna’s clothes, passing it over she informed the orderly, “These clothes need to be cleaned and returned at once.”

Looking into the bag, the orderly recoiled. “Where have these clothes been?” He muttered.

“Somewhere you don’t ever want to be.” Commodore Traska replied then continued in the same calm voice. “And if they are not properly clean you will do them again, by hand.”

The orderly stared at the Commodore hoping to see a sign that he was joking, but was galvanized into action by Commander Trist’s “Carry on.”

With a ‘yes sir’ the orderly fled.

“Call me as soon as Jenna is awake. Don’t wait, I want to know straight away.” Traska made his orders clear.

With assurances ringing in their ears, the two officers left.


Back in his office Commodore Traska convened a department heads meeting. This was to review the recent action and confirm that all sections of the ship were at optimum levels for when Aspen arrived at the rim station. Every head and deputy had a chance to speak.

As the meeting drew to a close, Commodore Traska stood.

“That’s good, well done everyone, so we have only routine maintenance to carry out and we have two full days of travel to do it.”  He checked the time of arrival. “We have about eight periods before arrival so everyone get some rest. I will have the bridge set wakeup calls for the ship at one period prior to arrival.” He paused. “Any questions? Apart from our passenger, that is.”

There was laughter at that. “Well sir,” one said, “we are all curious.”

“And I don’t have any real answers for you except that both the Major and I were there and can confirm that Jenna of Christos received a full and complete pardon from our Master. Enough said.” At Traskas request, Major Amrk added his confirmation, strengthened with a pithy expression.

Taking a breath and running his eyes over the officers and senior NCO’s present, Traska was satisfied that the word would be passed. “Last item, we have about eight periods to go before arrival so everyone go and get fed then rest. We will spend as little time as possible at each stop on our way to Christos. I don’t know what to expect on our arrival there, but hope that it will be friendly.”

Standing he dismissed everyone. “That’s all people.” Turning he went to the bridge. There he informed them of his orders and told the officer of the watch to implement them. This was standard practise on long voyages and was quickly set up.

Seeing that everything was being handled to his satisfaction, Commodore Traska retired.


As her eyes flashed open, Jenna froze. Laying completely still, she let her eyes roam about the darken room. Ambient light coming from a flashing panel allowed her to see that she was on a hospital bed in a hospital room. Slowly sitting up, she realised that she was wearing a hospital gown of the type that the legion used. So that answered one question, but was she a prisoner?  Looking again at the panel, Jenna became aware that she was being monitored. Lifting up her left wrist she looked at the bio-reader which was displaying several tiny blinking lights. Sitting still she ran her eyes around the room seeing nothing to alarm her.

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At a hiss from the door, she snapped her head around. A short woman walked in, from the air of demonstrated competence, this was the doctor. “I am Doctor Du Ras,” just confirmed Jenna’s observation.

“You look good, but how do you feel?” The doctor said, even as she ran a professional eye over the readouts. “Everything in the normal range.” She reached out her hand, pulling a tool of her belt at the same time. “Give me your wrist please.”

Jenna hesitated and Doctor Du Ras smiled and raised an eyebrow at the same time. “I am just going to take the bio-reader off.” Taking hold of the electronic bracelet, the tool touched the correct spot and the silver coloured reader sprang open. Dropping it into a container the Doctor then stepped to the panel and switched it to standby.

After she returned the tool to her belt she turned back to Jenna, “Just relax,” she smiled and exited through the door and left. Passing her a nurse entered carrying a bundle of clothes.

“Your personal clothes, all clean and sanitised. Also we have included a full set of spare women’s wear including underwear and single suit. Your choice as to what you decide to wear.” The clothes were deposited on a convenient countertop. “I’ll leave you to change.”

The nurse went to the door to leave. “Wait,” stopped her.

“Am I a prisoner?” Jenna whispered.

The nurses unexpected reply, “No,” shocked Jenna. She stared.

“What am I then?” she asked, louder, stronger.

“An honoured guest.” Commodore Traska said from the door.


A couple of fractions later, Jenna stood in the sickbay, exchanging looks with small group in front of her. She was wearing her own clothes, preferring them over the ones offered.

“I imagine that you are hungry.” Traska broke the silence. With a nod and, “Doctor, nurse,” he waved Jenna out and the two left.

With a sigh, the nurse left to tidy up and clean the recently used room, the doctor to finish her notes. They didn’t discuss their guest.


Following Commodore Traska down the corridors and up the gangways of Aspen was a surreal experience for Jenna. At every step she expected to be arrested but any trooper or spacer they passed just stood aside and saluted, a salute that was promptly returned.  So they were soon at the officer’s mess, which to Jennas surprise was empty except for one other officer who stood as they entered.

“Jenna of Christos, may I introduce Commander Jal Don Trist, my second in command.”

“Commander.” Jenna did not extend her hand, but Trist knew that the women of Christos did not shake hands.

“Jenna,” Trist pointed to where the commodore was now. “The dispenser is over there, you just have to enter your name and it will come up with a menu that suits you.”

It didn’t take long and Jenna was back at the table, her tray, if not groaning, full.

The two officers made small talk as Jenna ate, and it seemed that in a very short Jennas plate was empty. Absently she noticed that other officers had arrived, all throwing glances at her as they collected their morning meals. One officer, a young looking woman, walked in and approached their table.

“Excuse me sir.”

“Yes pilot?” At Traskas reply, Jenna found herself assessing the officer in a new light. It amused Jenna that the pilot glanced at her with the same look. Pilot eh, show me just how good you are.

“Arrival in one period sir.” Lieutenant Corinna informed Commodore Traska.

“Good, make the arrival announcement and I will be there in a fraction.” As the pilot left, Traska turned to Commander Trist. “I have one thing to do, then I will join you on the bridge.”

“Of course sir.” The Commander followed the pilot.

“I will show you to your cabin, Jenna, then after we leave for the long hop to the fifth cluster, I will give you all the time that you want and answer any question if I can.” Traska stood and, first picking up Jennas tray, deposited them with other returns.

Jenna had just sat, surprised by the courtesy shown her, the first in years even before she had turned to the pirate life. “You didn’t have to do that,” she protested on his return.

“Well it is done.” Traska replied with a smile as he motioned her to follow him.

It was just a short distance to Jennas cabin, and on entering it, Jenna felt at home. It was almost the same layout as her old cabin on Master Moon, just a little larger and with its own sitting area. Seeing a tidy pile on the table, Jenna walked the few steps over and picked up the familiar object on the top. It was her broad bladed sword. Sliding it out of its scabbard, and holding it in her hand she turned to Commodore Traska, her eyes round with surprise.

“This, He took it from me,” she said huskily, “in His cave, in the tunnels, with a wave of His hand.”  As she spoke, she held the shining blade up to her eyes.

Traska didn’t show his surprise, he was getting used to such revelations. “It was in your cabin when I ordered that all your personal effect to be collected.”

“Thank you.” Jenna managed.

“On behalf of the Legions troopers, I accept.” Traska gave a small bow. “I must be off, I have duties to attend to.” At the door, he turned. “One word of warning,” Seeing Jennas sudden frown, he hurried on. “Major Amrk was really interested in your sword. He would like to examine it and may even ask for a demonstration. It’s up to you if you feel comfortable, you don’t need to if you don’t want to.”

The frown had turned to a smile. “I have had such requests before. Thank you.”

“I must see to the Aspen.” Traska nodded and left.

Looking around her cabin, Jenna ended up at her personal effects. I may as well put them all away, she thought to herself. Sorting through the small pile, she came across her special comm. Picking it up she wondered if it would still work or if it had been deactivated. Tempted to try it, she hesitated. Security was usually tight on a legion starship, for obvious reasons, so she decided to wait until she had a safer location to run a test. But she could turn it on and run through its settings; this she put off until after she had tidied up her space. Setting to with a will, Jenna had just finished the necessary work, including putting away her clothes and was sitting at her table with her special comm unit when the annunciator sounded. After a brief hesitation, she opened her door.

“Good morning madam, I am Space Rating Nimmos, your orderly for the duration of your visit to the Aspen. May I come in?”

“I have an orderly?” Surprise held Jenna immobile.

“Yes madam, if I may?” Jenna stood aside as the young woman wearing a light blue navy overall, stepped confidently in. Shorter then Jenna she was rather slight with the dark hair generally common to the empire and dark eyes.

“I see that you have put away your personal effects, madam.” The competent woman observed with approval. “Were you satisfied with the state of your effects madam?”

“First, they were fine,” Jenna felt like she was facing an earthmoving machine and decided to put it in neutral, even as she knew she couldn’t stop it! “Second, I am Jenna of Christos, not Madam!” She paused. “Call me Jenna! It’s my name.”

“Of course madam, now, if I may check the rest of the cabin, to make sure that it is properly set up for you.” Space Rating Nimmos clearly had an obsessive personality and also was hard of hearing. She disappeared into the bedroom and the washroom reappearing a fraction later, satisfied that all was well.

“Do you have anything for me madam?” Nimmos enquired, even as she cast her eyes around. Before Jenna could reply, the Space Rating spied Jenna’s sword.

“The sword should be in your armoury, along with any other weapons you possess.” Nimmos moved to a cupboard Jenna had noted but not explored. “If you will come here madam.”

Curious, Jenna joined the spacer.

“If you will touch it there, madam” At Jennas touch, the cupboard opened. “This cupboard is persona-locked and only you can open it.” Nimmos explained. “Would you like to put your sword in the armoury?”

“Not yet,” Jenna said after a pause, “I want to check it and some other items over first.” Reading the anticipation on her orderly’s face, she hastily added, “This is something I must do myself. It’s not a matter of trust but of making sure for myself that items my life may depend on are going to function properly.” A slightly bitter smile twisted Jenna’s lips as she finished. “I have had to depend on myself for a while now.”

Space Rating Nimmos eyebrows arched at the softly sad tone but all she said was, “If I may stay madam, I may be of assistance?”

“Of course you may.” Jenna actually felt better at the request by her orderly. It would be good to have another person that she could exchange conversation with. “Tell me about yourself, how long have you been in the legion?’’

Reluctantly, at Jenna’s urging, Nimmos sat as she explained how she had signed up without really thinking about it. “But the legion has been good to me and I have done more than I could ever had if I stayed on my home planet.”

The pair talked for a while until the announcement came to prepare for arrival, with a turnaround time expected of two periods. Glancing at the ships internal clock, Jenna remarked that Commodore Traska was in a bit of a hurry.

Ignoring the comment about being in a hurry, Nimmos stood. “If you will excuse me Madam, I have to go to my arrival station.”

“Of cause.” Jenna replied, “Is there a station I should be at?”

“No madam, but you should put you sword away. The captain insists on all personal weapons being properly stowed for arrivals.”

“I’ll attend to it right now.”  Jenna smiled. The smile died as Space Rating Nimmos left with a nod. As good as her word, Jenna’s sword along with other items were soon safely stowed in their proper place. A ping of her comm caught her attention, it was an invitation to the bridge.

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