
Chapter 40: Chapter Forty One. Christos.

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Commodore Traska greeted Jenna as she stepped onto the bridge. It was not the first time she had been invited to the bridge but it would be the first time in almost seven standard years that she would see her home planet.


Three standard days she had been on the Aspen, most of the time she had stayed in her cabin but she had made occasional forays to the bridge, and once to the troopers’ ready room where she allowed Major Amrk to examine her sword and demonstrated how she drew it and used it. This fascinated the legion officer and he took accurate measurements and assured Jenna that he was resolved to have an identical blade made. Some of the troopers also saw the potential in the short blade while others were firm in their preference for the swords that they were already using.

When pressed on which was better, Jenna simply said that they should use whatever they were most comfortable with and did the job. This was met with nods of approval.

She also had a long discussion with Commodore Traska who had come to her room a period after they left on the jump to the sixth cluster, this would be followed with a jump to the fifth cluster.

“I am here to answer your questions as I said I would.”

“Thank you for coming.” Jenna replied, “Please come in.” She led the way to the sitting room. “You just missed my orderly, she insisted on making my bed.” Jenna didn’t smile but her eyes sparkled.

“I was assured by the ships master that she would be a good choice.”

Rueful amusement coloured Jenna’s voice. “She calls me madam!”

Traska chuckled as he sat on the comfortable sofa.

“Would you like a drink of something?” Jenna asked.

“No thank you,”

Jenna to a seat opposite the commodore, they looked at each other for a fraction.

“What do you ...”

“How did you …”

They both spoke at the same time. Stopping, they both laughed and Traska said, “Lady’s question first.”

“How did you get to the Trilla system before us?” Jenna wondered. “We went to the rim first and then came back to Trilla. I wasn’t sure myself that Thurgod even would go there until he told me to.”

“Let me tell you slowly because I have to get it straight first.” Traska replied. Sitting back he explained that he had been given instructions on what he was to do when he was promoted to commodore. This was before the pirates were ambushed. Then came the attack on the pirate base and the race to Trilla.

Jenna sat silent while Traska talked and when he was finished, she slowly came to her feet. “Before?” gasped Jenna as she stood.

Traska watched as Jenna took several steps around the cabin. Puzzled, he waited for a fraction, than asked what he had said. “I thought that it was strange, the orders I had received, but assumed that there was a spy or perhaps a trap organised with leaked intelligence or something like that.” Traska continued, standing and joining Jenna who was now sitting at the table.

“The intelligence was leaked alright, starting years ago. Fastos was right,” Jenna remarked wistfully, remembering Fastos and what she had learned from Ilisa, “He as good as said to me that we were all being played, even the legion. I bet that you had orders not to interfere until we went into the tunnels. It was a setup to get me into the tunnels and lead all of us to Him.”

“Fastos?’ Traska frowned, “The first of the pair that our Master executed? What does he have to he do with this?” Traska had figured out who the ‘Him’ was so turned to safer ground.

“He puzzled it out that all that had happened was the Dark Lords doing. Even the artifact.”

“We had orders to capture you all alive. It was coincidence that you were all in the tunnel. I had no instruction about that except to stay out.” Traska wondered about the item Jenna mentioned. “What artifact Jenna?” Traska lent forward, curious, but Jenna just sat back.

“I cannot talk about that.” Jenna sighed, “It is to do with, with my upbringing.”

“I see.” Traska sat back in response. “I won’t pry.” Pausing for a fraction, he returned to Fastos. “I would like to know more about your counsellor, though. I never met him, only knew that he was an outlaw on the run. Thought it strange that he turned to piracy, he seemed too smart for that.”

“I wondered at that myself.” Jenna seemed happier now that they were on less dangerous grounds. “By the way we almost met a few years ago.” Jennas smile turned mischievous.

“Really?” It was Traskas turn to frown. “Where.”

“I was the pilot on Tapir Bull and we were carrying a cargo to Galactic Transfer Station Claxton Five. When we came out of hyper we almost hit you.”

“That was you?” Traska laughed, “Good reactions pilot.”

“Pilot,” Jenna spoke wistfully, “I wonder if I will ever be a pilot again.”

“Give it time, Jenna. You will be back, not the same way perhaps, but some way.”

“I wonder, did you find out why you were in stealth mode?”

“Yes, it was no one’s fault. A module had partly failed but being only partly, it didn’t send any malfunction alert.” Traska shrugged. “When we knew what to look for, it was obvious.” He smiled. “I was glad that no one was at fault.”

Jenna nodded, then with a speculative smile asked, “The Legion?”

Taken aback, Traskas eyes flared slightly, “There are certain, ah, restrictions Jenna.” Traska gently replied. “I wouldn’t want you to hold out hope there.”

Jenna looked away then looked back, eyes narrowed. “He touched me, maybe because He...”

Traska felt staggered at the thought but concealed his reaction. Briefly he ran through all he remembered that he saw on Trilla. “I don’t know,” was all he could manage.

“I still feel Him, He is still in me somehow.” Jenna had a faraway look in her eyes that matched her voice.

“This is beyond me, Jenna.” Traska replied slowly. “I have never experienced anything thing like this, and can’t help you.” A thought came to him. “Maybe when you get to Christos perhaps someone there can help?” Traska spread his hands apart.

They returned to the sitting area.

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“Perhaps …” A frown appeared. “I do have another question, Costos. Was he as much of a surprise to you as to us?”

“Oh yes, he was completely unexpected!” Traska laughed, he could laugh now, “So when he appeared I was afraid that someone would do something to break stealth mode and the whole operation would become a wash.”

At the thought of Christos, Jenna wrapped her arms about her body as if feeling a chill. “What happens when I get there?” She asked, seeming to look beyond the cabin.

“What I have in mind is that I will contact the proper authorities and ascertain what the position is with you. I don’t know if they will be aware of our master’s return but he may or may not have taken steps on your behalf to ease your return.” The Commodore shrugged as he finished. “But I will not release you to the authorities of Christos without them being fully aware that you have been pardoned by the Dark Lord, along with all that implies.”

Jenna sank back into the soft cushions of the couch. She had not fully taken into account the depth of this man and his devotion to duty as he saw it. He had been charged with returning Jenna to her home planet and would do that with full consideration for her and her safety. A whispered “Thank you,” was all she could manage. A chime from the door shook the out of their reverie.

“I’ve come to check your room, madam.” Space Rating Nimmos spoke with her usual sparkling voice, after throwing the Commodore a salute, “It’s almost time for lunch, ships time that is.”

“Thank you, yes I think that I will eat here.”

“Are you sure Jenna, you would be my guest?” Traska assured her.

“I have a lot to think about, but thank you.” Jenna replied then turned to Nimmos. “I will not be needing you after lunch until bed time.” Jenner didn’t really want her orderly at all but knew that this was a battle she wouldn’t win! The space rating had her orders and would follow them to the letter.

“Very well madam.” Nimmos was put out a little but hid it well.

Traska nodded his acceptance, he had actually expected this. “I will notify you when the next arrival is close,” nodded and left leaving Jenna with her orderly.

“I’ll check the other rooms if I may, madam,” Nimmos headed into the depths of Jennas cabin, leaving the pilot standing in the sitting area shaking her head, a bemused smile on her face.


“Entering orbit, Captain,” Lieutenant Corinna informed the commodore. “The rest of the quad is conforming, sir.”

“Thank you pilot.” Commodore Traska moved to stand beside Jenna as she stared at the slowly rotating planet below them.

“I have to call the planet now.” Traska said softly, “Don’t worry, I am sure that all will go smoothly.”

“Yes, I will wait in my room.”  Jenna answered equally softly and turned to leave then paused.

“Sir, a comm from the planet sir, ruling council, Grand Leader Maccana herself.”

“Patch me in.” Traska sat back in the captain’s chair and a ghostly image appeared in front of him.

“Grand Leader, it is a pleasure, I am honoured to speak with you.”

“Thank you Commodore Traska and congratulations on your promotion.”

“Thank you Grand Leader, but I come on an urgent matter entrusted to me by our returned Master.” Traska got down to business.

“Yes I am aware of both your mission and our Master’s return. Is Jenna there?”

“She is, do you wish to speak to her?” Traska was not surprised, he had suspected that the rulers of Christos would know. Slowly Jenna stepped over at the Grand Leaders affirmance.

“Sister Jenna, we welcome your return. I have much to tell you when you arrive back in Christos.”

Jenna answered, her expression part fear, part anticipation, “Grand Leader, you have something to tell me?”

“Some, sister, but not all. Only one could tell you all.” Jenna nodded in understanding.

Traska leant forward. “Grand Leader, I must emphases to you that Jenna has been granted a full pardon by The Dark Lord and she is a free woman under the laws of the Empire. Will Christos accept and abide by that? I must have your assurance as Jenna’s safety has been entrusted to me.”

There was a fractions silence as Grand Leader Maccana's eyebrows arched. It was likely that a man had never spoken so firmly to her. A smile flickering on her lips eased the tension Traska felt.

“I see that I have been well informed as to your commitment to follow your orders fully,” The Grand Leader observed, “I am impressed.” The smile vanished. “You need not fear for our sister Jenna. She will not be harmed in any way. I along with others have been waiting for this day for a long time.”

Traska nodded, “Thank you Grand Leader.” He turned to Jenna. “Are you ready Jenna?”

“I am,” She replied firmly.

“We will leave immediately, Grand Leader.”


The shuttle trip was taken in silence and the landing at the space port was simple for the experienced pilots. The ground crew indicated that Commodore Traska was to stay with the shuttle and only Jenna was to disembark.

With a quiet ‘goodbye’ Jenna stepped down with all her belongings and waited. “You are to go there,” one of the ground crew told her, pointing to a gathering of Christos women. With one last look at Commodore Traska, Jenna started walking.

Halfway there a young woman ran out and hugged her. Traska and the crew of the shuttle watched fascinated as Jenna was taken into the group.

“Okay, our job is done.” Traska told the crew and the pilot, “Let’s go.”

As the shuttle left, Traska thought over all he had seen and discussed the last few days, I wonder if I will ever see Jenna again? He smiled at the thought.


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