
Chapter 41: Chapter Forty Two. The Dark Lord Returns.

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It was late on Tihad and the State Palace was empty apart from security staff and a few live in administrative and support staff.  Palace security were stationed mostly on the perimeter but two or three pairs of guards patrolled the ground floors of the palace. All the rooms were locked, apart from living quarters, and alarms activated. Corridors were alarmed but interior doors were not secured, they were however monitored by camera. False alarms were not unknown although rare and also uncommon were criminal attempts at theft. Pranks by misguided youths carrying out an ill-judged joke or an intoxicated individual attempting entry were more of a nuisance and occurred on occasion. All too often the latter two went together.

So when the alarm went off in what was called The Imperial Bedroom, located in the public area of the ground floor, the palace security acted without undue haste, confident that this was simply going to be an annoyance.

The closest pair of guards walked swiftly, but without too much concern and a certain amount of boredom.

“Another one of these, what is the bet, student or troublemaker?” The senior guard chuckled.

“Student, they are always ready for a prank like this.” The second guard replied, then keyed his comm unit. “Control, what are the vids showing?”

 There was a pause, “Ahhhh control here, cameras seem inoperative. We are getting a very much fogged view. Exercise caution. Calling for backup for you.”

The two guards stopped, looked at each other and pulled out their main protection, stun guns. Without speaking they separated and moved cautiously down the corridor. The cameras would not act like that unless something was interfering with them.

Coming to the set of doors that was their target, they paused, signaled back and forth to decide who was going in first. The senior took the lead while the junior spoke quietly to control.

“Going in control, One Two. Got us?”

“We see you, caution cameras on far side still inoperative. Second patrol on the way.”

“Copy control.”

Nodding to each other, the junior took the handle quietly and firmly. Taking a deep breath, he turned the handle slowly then threw the door open wide.

The senior went in right to left, while the junior went in left to right. Stun guns up and ready.

The room that they entered was supposed to have been reserved for the Dark Lord alone. No one actually knew if he had ever used it.

Having executed their entry, the two guards were relieved to find a cloaked man standing at the foot of the bed and looking around. A quick scan off the room reassured the guards that there was no one else present, so they kept their stun guns aimed at the culprit.

“Hands where we can see them.” Called the senior Guard, while the junior guard reached for his restraints.

“The décor really needs to be updated. I will need to speak to the Head Steward.” The man said with a sigh.

“Hands where we can see them. Won’t ask again,” the senior Guard repeated.

Slowly the man turned around and raised his left hand. The stun guns flew out of the guards hand, were caught and laid on the table at the foot of the bed.

“You are just doing your job.” The man murmured.

Shaking themselves out of their shock, the two guards exchanged a quick look and began to move forward, batons now in their hands.

“Stop.” The man spoke in a soft voice. It was as though their feet were suddenly glued to the floor. “Contact the control office. Tell them I require the Head of Security here now. Also get the Head Steward here as well.” The man looked around the room, and, unlikely as it seemed to the two guards, appeared to look through the walls to other rooms.

Looking over his shoulder, he gave the two guards a look that seemed to both freeze them and loosen their feet at the same time. A soft “What are you waiting for?” Had them backing to the door, hands still holding their batons. Shocked, they watched as the door closed in their face.

“Who was that?” The junior guard stammered.

The senior was staring at the illuminated sign describing the room. He pulled out his comm unit. “Control, guard one. Emergency”

“Control here, state nature of emergency.”

“We have a very important visitor in the Imperial Bedroom. He has requested the immediate presence of the Head of Security and the Head Steward. We need both here now.”

“Control here please repeat? Request not understood.”

The junior guard had now realised two things. One he had his stun gun back in its carrier and, two, he believed that he understood who was in the room behind the now closed door. He snatched out his comm unit.

“This is guard two control. Confirm emergency and get those two people here, now!” There was silence from control for a fraction.

“Control, will get the call out, cannot predict response time.”

The second patrol came skidding up to the doors as this communication ended.

“Who is in there?” came from the senior of the new arrivals.

“No one you want to meet.” Was the terse response.

“Let’s do this.” The second new arrival said.

The senior guard shook his head slowly. “You really don’t want to go in there.” Picking up his comm unit again he queried control. “Control, status?”

“Why not?” Came with aggression from the senior backup.

The senior guard lowered hi comm unit. Stepping close to the two newcomers he spoke on a low yet harsh tone. “Listen, there is someone in there who is extremely powerful and wears black. Put it together!” Stepping away, he turned back. “I don’t know for sure, but I am taking no chances!”

Control came back to the guards. “Contacted Security Head, on her way. Head Steward can’t be bothered. Say’s any emergency can be taken care of by in residence staff.”

“Understood, send security to pick up Head Steward, he will be mad but happy in the long run.”

“Control, understood. Will do.” Control was now sounding very puzzled.

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The four guards all looked at each other. “What palace staff do we have living on the grounds?” The senior patrolman asked.

“Several office staff, couple of housemaids, several grounds men, some cleaners and a cook.”

The other guards all stared at the junior guard. “Hey some of those girls are really pretty. Don’t any of you talk to them?”

“And they are totally out of your league!” “I’m married!” The jokes continued for a fraction.

“So who should we wake up?” Brought them all back to reality.

“I think the head office person.” The junior of the four guards said. “She can talk to Him.” Indicating the doors with a jerk of his head. “Maybe she can figure out what he wants?”

“So who is this head office person?” The question went to the junior guard.

“Not sure, I heard one call her by her last name Dinsta, I think.”     

The senior guard activated his comm, “Control, request wake up office staff member Dinsta.”

After a fractions silence, a strained voice came back. “That is the senior administrator of the staff, she reports to the Head Steward,”

“Good, then he’ll have someone to chat to. Look we have a potential situation here. Wake her up and get her here.”

“OK, on your head, control out.”

The four guards stood in silence for several fractions until a midsized women of about one hundred forty years, came marching down the corridor. The guards looked her over with interest mixed with a certain amount of trepidation. Although it was late, almost midnight, she was still dressed suitable for the office. In a no nonsense manner she addressed the guards.

“I am Madla Dinsta. What appears to be the problem?”

“The problem is in there, a person who is of high importance or seems to be of high importance is in there.”

Madla Dinsta stared at the senior guard. “Are you mad or drunk,” she demanded.

Without answering, the senior guard led her to the door and opened it. Inside, now seated in a chair was the same man. He raised his head. “Hmm. You have done well, this one will do for the moment.” Standing with a sudden move. “Report back when the two I requested arrive.”


Turning to Madla Dinsta the man asked, “You know of the Room of The Ministers and the Hall of Hearing?”

The man’s aura swept the room and Madla Dinsta shook herself, “Those names have not been used for many centuries.” She stared at the man standing in front of her. “Do you wish to see them?” It can’t be, she thought.

“I do.” Still looking at her. “You know those names although few do.” It was a statement.


“Then we will see them.” Putting His hands in his pockets, He strode to the doors which swung open as he approached them. A hiss of in taken breath swept the room and the corridor. None of the five had any doubt left, this was the Dark Lord, now returned. Looking over the four guards the Dark Lord invited them to come as well. None refused.

They looked first at the one called the Room of The Ministers located of the main hall in a secured corridor. The lights had turned on as the doors swung slowly and silently open. In silence they stood there for a brief fraction as the Dark Lord surveyed the room. Leaving the room they turned and walked, still in silence, back down the main corridor to the Hall of Hearing.


Madla Dinsta turned to the Dark Lord. “No one has been in the Hall for centuries. I have no idea what state it is in.” The Dark Lord stopped and looked at her.

In his still, quiet voice that had yet an undercurrent of menace, he asked, “No one?”

“No sire.” She whispered

“Good.” Was the surprising reply. “I forbade it.”

They arrived at the great doors, the entrance to the Hall of Hearing. They were solid and unmoving. The Dark Lord stood still, silent then gave a quick nod. With a groan the doors swung inward. The hall was dark. Following the Dark Lord the five stepped inside, the first to do so in a millennium. “Let us have light,” was spoken in a murmur.

At the Dark Lords words the lights sprang on showing the accumulation of a thousand years debris. He turned to Madla Dinsta.

“You know how to set up these two rooms?

“I do Lord.” Came the trembling reply.

There was a nod in response. “Very good, the Room of The Ministers must be set up by the eleventh period. I will be meeting with the First Councillor and the High Council then. Oh, Marshal of the Legion Ress Lissor will also be attending, you know where to seat him?”

Madla Dinsta paused. “I am not certain, but I will find out.” Looking around her she considered the dust and accumulation of centuries. “This place?”

The Dark Lord gave a genuine smile. “This room, the Hall of Hearing can wait. The other room comes first.”

The guards moved closer. “Sire. What is it you want?” One asked.

The Dark Lord seemed to grow tall and terrible. A glowing nimbus surrounded his head and body. “I am the Dark Lord, The Master of Space and Time. I have returned,” He said, “and tomorrow at noon, I take back the reins of power!”


The End.

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