
Chapter 1: Ronia village

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It was late at night. Inside a small house, in the village of Ronia, around the outskirts of the Decartium Kingdom, two people were fighting verbally.

One of them, was a middle-aged man, who looked to be in his late thirties, he had blonde hair, and wore normal clothes, that made him look like a normal farmer. The other was a young boy, he was only 7 years old, and had blonde hair as well.

He also wore normal clothes, making him fit to be called a farmers' son, which he was. Beside the two of them, stood a beautiful woman, in her early thirties, she had her red hair tied in a ponytail, and looked bored with the fight going on between the two in front of her.

They were, a family of three, they worked as farmers, well, they didn't own the land, but instead, looked after it, with the help of others in the village. They had lived here now for over a eight years already.

Shouting noises coming from their house was common for the neighbors who lived nearby. Both father and son fought like this everyday, the contents, were quite simple. The young boy, who had only reached the age of 7 this year, wanted to go live, and study, inside the kingdom's main city, the capital, Dupium.

Their small village, called Ronia, was very close to the capital, and the young boy, named Matthew, wanted to live there, since he had proven that he possessed impeccable talent in magic.

He wasn't just gifted with magic, no, not only was he, way better than anyone inside the village, he had even been compared to the talent of young, elite nobles of the same age, by a passing Wizard.

That was what had made him set his mind to traveling to the capital, he knew that his parents wouldn't be able to afford to send him to school - And that was until he reached 18 years of age, only then could he study - neither could they provide him with a good teacher in the meantime.

Still, he thought, that with his father's connections, since he used to be a noble's Chief Guard in the capital, they might find some way for him to learn how to be a true Magician, just like the one that had passed by their village.

Unfortunately, his father refused, not because he didn't have money, or he wasn't confident in his son's ability. In fact, he knew that with his connections, he might really be able to send him on his way to become a formidable Mage in the future.

Still, he refused, why? Because of the reason he wasn't a noble's Chief Guard anymore, and instead, was now a farmer, who didn't even own the land he was working. His father was a genius talent when it came to the sword.

Of course, he was still very weak, and nothing in the grand scheme of the world, still, for a lowly orphan like him, his talent was something rare, it was with such talent that he landed a job, as Chief Guard of a lowly noble, still, a noble nonetheless.

Everything was going great for him then, he was only in his late twenties at that time. Unfortunately, everything turned bad for him.

One day, a noble came to visit his master, with him, came his bastard son, whom he favored over his legitimate one, after speaking to Ron's master (Matthew's father), they decided to make the bastard son the new Chief of Guards.

This was shocking to Ron, after all, he was way better with the sword than this fat bastard noble, so how could his master do this to him, he had already worked for him for two years at that time, but for another noble, and some money, he chose someone else to replace him.

That wasn't what made him mad, what truly did, was the fact that, the fat pig, wasn't only weak compared to him, but was weak even compared to the regular guards. His master told him that he would be the vice chief from now on, something that Ron couldn't accept.

That was the day he quit working for the noble whom he had called master for over two years.

And so, Ron wasn't really against his son going to study at another city, just as long as it wasn't the capital, after all, he had seen with his eyes, how common people were treated there, even he, who was talented with the sword, had been treated the same when his time came.

He didn't want his son, whom he knew, was a genius just like him, well, better than him, at magic instead of swordsmanship, to be wronged in the same manner as he was, especially, since magic was more important to the nobles.

For a common boy, to be a match to their noble sons, would never be allowed to happen, that would break their grand image in front of the other commoners, and would show, that it wasn't only the nobles who were gifted, something, that even the Green Mage was hated for.

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Still, Matthew, his son, didn't believe the same thing would happen to him, he said that he could get through it, that he could study in the capital, Dupium, and that it would all work out, After all, he was only 7 years old, what did he know about the world, about this harsh world he was living in?

He continued trying to convince his father every day, but to no avail. His dream was to become a famous Mage, like the ones from the stories his mother often told him at night, and to do that, going to a random city in the kingdom, wasn't going to cut it, he needed to go to the capital, Dupium, where heroes resided.

"But why can't I go? You keep saying all this complicated noble stuff, but that doesn't have anything to do with me, right mom? Tell him, I don't want to become a normal Wizard like the one that passed by our village last month!", said the young Matthew.

Before he continued, "I want to be like the Green Mage! Or, the Yellow Sun! That's what I want to be, though, I like the color red more, I mean, the fact that no one has chosen it yet, it just tells you more that I am destined to become great, the Red Mage! Or no, the mage thing has been used before, so, how about, the Red Sorcerer?".

His mother, spoke at this moment, a smile was formed on her face, as she said, "There is the Red Fist! He uses the color red as well!". But Matthew was quick to respond to her, as he said, "Yeah, but, he's not a Mage, so, it doesn't count!".

His mother chuckled, then laughed as she looked at him, he only pouted, and turned to look at his father, who had a strange expression covering his face at the moment, Matthew was just about to speak again, when his father, Ron, raised his hand to shush him, and looked outside the window beside him.

Matthew's mother, Jena, as well, turned to look at the window beside her husband, as her expression darkened, she, as well, was a fighter. She used her fists to fight.

Jena was once a member of a small gang, that was working in tandem with Ron's guards, to keep his former master safe.

Slowly, but surely, the two of them fell in love, and married, Jena stopped working for the small gang, and decided to work for the noble her husband worked for, but, before she could even try, Ron brought her the sad news, that is master refused her.

And so, at the moment, even though she had been late to pick up on whatever was happening, she still did in the end. Matthew was accustomed to his parent's spacing out, since many monster attacks were dealt with in this way by the two of them.

But, even he, felt it, that this wasn't a normal situation like, he could see the terror slowly raising in his mother's eyes, even her hands started shaking, it was at this moment, that, Ron, his father, took a hold of her shoulders, and said in a low voice, "You stay with Matt!".

He continued, "I will be in the front, we need to escape as soon as possible, do you understand? Jena, I am talking to you!". His wife, had spaced out, after hearing whatever was happening outside. Only now, did she return, and nodded heavily to him.

She quickly took Matthew's hand, and grabbed it, she said to him, in the most serious tone she had ever used with him, "Don't leave my side, stay with me, okay?". Matthew nodded, and started feeling that something was not right. In his entire life, he had never seen his mother scarred, or panicking this much.

Nor had he seen his father this serious. Ron took a sword that was hidden under a closet of theirs, and readied himself, as he said to his wife and son, "Don't be scarred, and stay with me!".

It was at that moment, that Matthew finally started to understand why his parents had been acting in this manner, because, from the window, he could see a person wearing a black, long, coat.

That person had summoned a big ball of fire, and had thrown it on a house nearby, the house burned in seconds, and the people inside awoke from their sleep, their screams reverberated in the entire village.

But, it wasn't only them who were screaming, no, many others were doing the same. Even the young Matthew would recognize people who wore those long black coats, they were members of the Black Tower.

This was an invasion, by one of the most evil groups in the history of this continent, and Matthew knew what would be happening to them next, they would be all massacred, just like countless other villages had before them.

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