Reversed Roles: Since when was this an Isekai?

Chapter 2: 2

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My name is David, David Woo, and it's been about a week since I woke up in this upside-down world.

"David dear, you’re spacing out again, are you sure you’re all right?" My 'new dad' asked in concern.

"Hmpf, leave the little prince be. He's been adamant that nothing's going on with him, so put it to rest." My 'new mom' said gruffly.

Yep, my 'mom' acts like a dad, and my 'dad' acts like a mom.

Dad was a Korean immigrant that fell in love with mom, who was suffering a massive heartbreak due to her recent divorce.

Mom had light brown hair, a fit body, and a pair of square glasses on her face as she read the newspaper.

Dad, to his side, was a bit shorter than mom's 6-foot hight, standing at around 5.8 feet, he had a skinny build with a slight curve by his hips, wearing short shorts, and a pink frilly apron.

"Sigh, I know... it's just... I'm worried."

Placing a hand on my cheek, he caressed it slowly.

"Ever since last week, when he abruptly asked us to dye his hair black, he's been in a... complicated mood."

Doing my best to suppress a shudder at the foreign intimate act, I look down at my plate of veggies.

This past week has been a week of discoveries, to say the least.

Even though I had the memories of the original David, it still couldn't prepare me for the sheer magnitude of the culture shock I got when I opened my room doors for the first time. (Partly due to the memories having more holes in them than Swiss cheese.)

Of course, I knew all the flipped situations that happened, were going to happen, but it still feels shocking to experience it first hand. (Kind of like seeing a picture from the top of a mountain, and actually being on top of said mountain.)

Things that used to be second nature to me suddenly became an unspoken taboo. Or things I would have never done in my past life abruptly became semi-mandatory.

The only thing I was truly adamant about was getting rid of my ridiculous pink hair.

... I still haven't found a good excuse to change my wardrobe though...


I also found out, after searching through the mess of memories I goy from OG David, that my 'cheats' didn't appear when I took OG David's place, OG always had the 'cheats' which he subconsciously used, to either get good grades or change his appearance.

This explains why my figure was so feminine, OG wanted to have the most attractive male body by this world’s standards, so his 'adaptable body' simply complied... I don't know how much effort it’ll take to make it less feminine, (Considering it’s been adapting to be this way for the past 6 or 7 years) but I sure as hell aren’t going to stay in this skinny and weak form.

Finishing the meal, I excuse myself from the table to go wash the dishes.

"Honey, can you be a dear and take your sister’s share to her, please?"

Mom asked, stopping me in my tracks.

'Right, my 'sister'.'

My sister is sort of a tough subject to my parents, mostly due to her being a shut-in, but also due to her 'not taking care of her body properly.'

And that's another thing that's weird about this world, the beauty standers are somewhat mixed up.

Like instead of a lean muscular guy being more attractive, the ideal body type is actually relatively skinny with only a few defined muscles, mostly on his lower body, and feminine curvy hips...

And a sexy woman is considered muscular and flat-chested to define her muscled chest, and chiseled abs to signify that she is able to give birth without any issue...

Don't look at me like that, I looked it up on the internet, I swear!

"Hehe, you got it, dad!"

Ugh... right, I'm also acting like the OG David in order to not let my parents get suspicious. Which means being a cheerful spoiled brat.

Walking upstairs, I gently knock on my sister’s door.




"Sarah! I brought your food!"


After knocking and calling out to her, I hear a startled yelp followed by a low thud.

As I said, my sister's a shut-in, and considered unattractive in this world. So due to this, her self-esteem is at rock bottom.

If I wanted to compare her to my old world’s equivalent, I'd have to call her the chubby loser type. The type of guy that doesn't even get a second glance by most women, the type of guy that usually spent all their time in their room either watching anime, playing games, or masturbating.

"I'm coming in~!"



And judging by how flustered she sounds, I guess she must've been flicking the been.

"You sure? That sounded like it hurt~"

I teased, earning a soft mumble from behind the door.

"Y-Yeah! I'm fine, just leave it by the door!"

Shrugging my shoulders I put the plate in front of her door.

"Sure, suit yourself."

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Making my piece, I stomp on the ground and make it sound like I'm walking away.

After my stomping stop, I stand at the side of her door, scrolling through my chat history on my phone to pass the time.

After a few minutes of nothing, I finally hear the doorknob turning.

Putting my phone away, I get ready to finally get a good look at my sister since 'I' took over.


The door slowly creaks open, and out came my sister... technically my step-sister.

"Got you!"

I cheered, taking her by surprise.

She quickly turned to me, shock clear on her face, panic slowly sinking in.

Panicking, she tried to rush back into her room, leaving the food on the floor.

"Hey, hey hey! I didn't mean to scare you! I just wanna talk..."

Rushing in after her, I grab her hand and enter the room behind her.

Finally getting a good look at her, I'm once again left confused at how weird this world was.

Granted, she might not be the most attractive by my old world’s standard, but she wasn't how the OG David or his parents describe her.

She had short brown hair and light green eyes with evident dark circles underneath.

She was wearing a black hoody with random Japanese characters written on it, and wearing baggy shorts.

Now the big, and I mean truly humongous elephant or elephants in the room. She had one of the largest pairs of breasts I've ever seen. My gaze lowered to her baggy shorts, noticing that no matter how baggy they were, they couldn't hide her massive prosterior. Granted, she is a bit chubby, but I've always been into chubby girls.

The only thing that breaks me out of my daze, was the slightly bumped lines I felt on her wrist.

Before I can get a good feel of them, she snaps her hand away from me, glaring at me in the process.

"What? Not going to make fun of me?"

She asked condescendingly, rubbing her wrist with her other hand.

"Sarah... I-"

I hesitated.

"You what? Bored and need someone to beat on?"

'Huh? The fuck did that come from. OG never bullied her... right?'

"Need more money to go out and do Goddess knows what?"

She glared, gritting her teeth at the end.

'Okay, Something's up. I just wanted to get to know the chick I'll be spending a portion of my new life with. Where did all this baggage come from.'

"Want to make fun of my games again... Insult my fat?! Call me names?!"

'O...kay... this is getting out of hand. The fuck did OG David do!?'

"Not like I haven’t heard it all before!!"

At this point she had small tears rolling down her cheek.

Taking a step closer to her, I force a hug onto her.

She tried to resist, to break our embrace, but at some point, she just broke down in tears.

'When was the last time she was hugged... when was the last time I was hugged in my last life?'

After a while, her sobbing stopped, and now she was just looking at me with a dazed expression.

"You good now?"

I asked squeezing her tighter, getting a slow nod in response.

"You wanna talk?"

I asked after a moment of silence.

She dazedly nodded.

'Okay, this wasn't how I expected my day to go, but in for a penny in for a pound  I guess.'



All right, I honestly didn’t expect it to turn out like that in the end, just sorta turned out that way. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Let me know what you think, and if you enjoy it so far feel free to tip.

English isn't my main language, so I use Grammarly to fix most of the mistakes, so take it easy on me. 

You can find story with these keywords: Reversed Roles: Since when was this an Isekai?, Read Reversed Roles: Since when was this an Isekai?, Reversed Roles: Since when was this an Isekai? novel, Reversed Roles: Since when was this an Isekai? book, Reversed Roles: Since when was this an Isekai? story, Reversed Roles: Since when was this an Isekai? full, Reversed Roles: Since when was this an Isekai? Latest Chapter

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