Reversed Roles: Since when was this an Isekai?

Chapter 3: 3

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Sarah POV

Life has been weird lately. Not a bad weird, just... weird.

We recently moved to another state because mom got a job opportunity that she just couldn't pass up, so we packed our bags and moved.

Not that it really mattered to me, I was all too happy to change schools, to get as far away from Jessica and her goons as possible.

At least the move took care of one of my tormentors, all that was left was-

"So what's this game called again?"


Ever since we met for the first time all those years ago, I swear, he made it his life's mission to torment me in any way he saw fit.

"It's called Celestial Combat, but I-I don't think you'll like it, it has a lot of blood and... 'Stuff' in it."

But he randomly decided to act like none of that happened, acting like he actually cared about me, acting like he isn't being forced by mom or dad to spend time with me.

"Hmnn~? You wanna bet how many tries it'll take me to beat you? Winner can demand anything from the loser."

And... I'm totally fine with that... even if it's only temporary, even if it's fake... having someone at least act like they’re interested in anything I do is-... it feels nice.

"C-cocky aren't you?"

Especially that hug... it felt so warm. He hugged me, even though he always complained about how bad I smelled. He stayed in my room, despite him always commenting on how messy and dark it always is.

"Heh, not cocky, just confident."

Looking at his smirking face, I can't help but get an overlapping image of that same smirk directed at me, but this time, instead of feeling my heart drop to my stomach, it's filled with a foreign sense of warmth instead.

"Al-alright, I bet you'll need a thousand tries before you can beat me."

I smirk back nervously, the warmth in my heart growing.

"Hmpf, you're gonna regret that, sis."

Even if it's fake, even if it's temporary.

"Haha, S-sure I will."

 This feeling makes it worth it.


David POV

'Damnit OG, why'd you have to leave me with such a huge problem here dude.'

These past few days I've been spending at least two hours a day playing and talking with Sarah. She was so starved for affection, she was acting like an ownerless puppy. As soon as I showed her the slightest bit of care, she held on to me like I was her only lifeline.

'Thank God it's vacation, otherwise, I would've been overwhelmed ages ago.'

The day I woke up in this world was actually the first day of summer break. So that means, starting from the first day I woke up, I have around 2 and a half months before the first day of school.

'Should be more than enough time to get myself ready.'

What exactly did I mean by ready? Well, a bunch of things really.

I actually have a mental list of things I want to do, and first on that list was to slowly change a few things about my character and appearance, slow enough for it not to be noticeable, but after some time, completely unrecognizable.

For example, changing my wardrobe, I won't be caught dead in a few of those... 'Clothes'


Another thing on that list was to get into shape, the problem was the fact that I had to keep it a secret from my parents. Because before I became 'me', OG was pretty adamant about how he wanted to stay skinny forever or some shit, though it did explain how skinny I was when I first got here.

Number 3 on that list was to take care of Sarah, I don't know why, but something inside of me just doesn't want to leave her be. Ever since I go looked at the slash marks on her wrist when she wasn't paying attention, that feeling exploded in intensity even more. I don't know for sure, but I think a friend or family member of mine in the past might have committed suicide...

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Anyway! Forth on the list was to make money! After doing some research, I found out that most games, shows or other types of entertainment from my last life don't exist in this one, which is obvious in hindsight, considering this is a world where everything that I consider common sense, is flipped on its head.

So taking that as a basis, along with the coding expertise I got from OG David, I should be able to make ‘flappy bird’ or some other game no sweat.

Yeah, apparently OG was a computer wiz, even got a full scholarship. It's not that surprising when you take into consideration that OG hated doing sports (Because he wanted to stay skinny), but also didn't want to do anything Sarah liked (Watching anime/Cartoons, reading Manga/Comics, and playing games), so he had to go looking for something else to spend his time on. Hence he landed on coding, among other things.

On top of that, subconsciously using his ‘memory manipulation’, he was able to speed through most of the coding knowledge you can find for free on the net.

Now that I think about it, I can combine 3 and 4, since I need someone to draw for the games anyway, I can ask Sarah if she's interested.

So to recap, I need to A) Make a game as a bonding experience with Sarah, And B) Make Bank!... That's the plan at least.

I should probably make sure nobody messes with Sarah while she's at school too, but how... I definitely can't fight her battles for her, no matter how much I want to. If I flip the situation and my 14-year-old sister saves me, an 18-year-old guy's ass, I'd die of shame. So that option is mostly out.

'Hmnn... Maybe I can pay a few people to rough up a few of her would-be bullies if they try anything.'

But that's only if people mess with her, hopefully by the time school starts again she'll actually want to go to school, and be a less viable option for bullying... That reminds me, she stopped going to school around halfway through last year, so she got held back a grade...


'*Sigh, I'll tackle that obstacle later, better to focus on the now.'

Resolving my thoughts, I go back to the task at hand.

'Finding some semi-decent porn...'

(...Don't ask me how my mind drifted from porn to... whatever I was just thinking about.)

I haven't been able to properly 'relieve stress' for a while now, and the lack of proper 'material' is pretty annoying.'

Almost all the porn I've seen so far put a heavy emphasis on the male in the video, and the only ones where the female is the main focus is when it's sub-dom play or just plain lesbian videos, and I'm not really that into Yuri...

'Pluss all the girls have basically the same body type.'

Thinking about body types, my mind flashes to Sarah's body.

After thinking for a few seconds, I decided to postpone my 'relieving' session for tomorrow, after I 'find' good material.

'At least there's one good thing about this body...'

I absent-mindedly look at the absolute behemoth that this little body is carrying making a tenet through my shorts. A monster around four fingers thick and 8 and a half inches long.

'Last time I was a respectable 7 incher, but this size is a real ego boost.'

I also did my research in regards to that, to make sure the average size isn't like 9 of something. Surprisingly, the average here is around 4 inches for white dudes, 6 for black guys, and 6.6 for Asians, which is weird, considering I thought the world would have flipped that over as well, but it just mixed it up.

'Though it doesn't seem like girls care about size.'


That reminds me of the biological differences between women here and my last life. Some things are just flipped concepts, like girls always being in a state of semi-horny, thus constantly being a bit wet. And some other things are just plain crazy, like girls being able to lactate starting at 15 years old, or it only takes 9 weeks instead of months to give birth. They also have far denser muscles, making them stronger than men.

'That does come with its advantages… well advantages for me at least.'

The same as girls having their differences, the guys here are biologically different too. Apparently, it's really hard to get a guy.. well... hard. And it only gets worse when taking into consideration that guys here usually cum once or twice and are done, not being able to get hard again for the next couple of hours up to a day. Thus increasing my chances of getting with different girls, due to my basically supernatural libido and volume.

'Probably has something to do with abysmal testosterone levels or something.'

Dismissing these thoughts, I start formulating a plan to get Sarah's indirect 'help' to 'relieve' myself.



I'll probably be doing 2 chapters per week, maybe on the same day, maybe separately, it really depends on how busy I am.

Also, I'm really considering patreon, so I'll probably have a definitive answer to if I'm doing it or not by the end of this week.

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