Reversed Roles: Since when was this an Isekai?

Chapter 4: 4

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This chapter is kindah weird, so I'm putting this warning here so that you guys don't get blindsided.



David POV

"Well, that's surprising..."

I muttered, looking at the crazily erotic video playing on the computer screen.

After deciding that my best chance to get proper material was to just record Sarah going at it, it took me a few days to slowly code something into her computer and Webcam, to allow me full control over their usage.

"Haaa~ mnnn~"

So here I am, looking at a live feed of Sarah pleasuring herself. But that's not the crazy part.

"Hnyaa~ David! Deeper~!!"

She was actually fantasizing about me while playing with herself. And don't even get me started on the source material she's using as the basis of her fantasy.

"Ooooh~ Fuck me harderrrrr~!"

After breaking into her computer, I found that most of the porn she watches is either NTR, mind break, tentacles, anal, shota, feet, smell, piercing, exhibitionism, S&M, hardcore, incest, rape, and this worlds equivalent to ‘Ugly bastard’. Yeah...some real degenerate shit going on in that head of hers.

"I'm-I'm- Mnnnnnn~~!!!!"




Not that I'm complaining.

"That was so fucking hot..."

Looking down at my cum covered tissue, I'm impressed at the volume and intensity that it sprang out.

"Sigh, This might be a problem though..."

I mutter, staring at my still fully erect penis.


Looking back up at the computer screen, I see Sarah curling up into a ball and start sobbing.

'Post nut clarity?'

"*Sob... I'm such a fucking loser, man *Sniff... Really? My own fucking brother? *Sob...sob..sniff.. Mom was right."

Listening closely, I hear her quiet apologies and her self-loathing-stricken words.

'Damn... should probably do something about that... I'm doing something about a lot of things lately.'


Eva Woo POV

"Can you tell me why you don't talk to Sarah anymore?"

Looking up from today's newspaper, I see little David looking at me earnestly.

"Hmn... why the sudden interest? I thought you didn't like the quote on quote 'The fat loser.'"

I responded sarcastically, earning me an ashamed look from David.

He's honestly been acting pretty abnormally this past week, starting with his change in hair color. He's been a lot more cooperative than usual as well, we usually have to pester him to at least wash his own dishes, let alone everyone else's.

"Ehem! I-I'm... I just want to get to know her better..."

He mumbled bashfully.

'Why I don't talk to her anymore, huh...'

My mind flashes back to a certain incident, an incident that stained my impression of my own daughter greatly.

"... If you really want to know, why don't you just ask her yourself?"

I pointed out, getting a flinch in response.

"... Or are you weary of hurting her feelings."

I scoffed, shaking my head at the fragility of that daughter of mine. I still don't know how someone that un-feminine spawned from my womb.

"If it's the latter, then there's all the justification I need. She needs to pick herself back up on her own, she just has to woman up and deal with her problems like a grown woman."


Flipping the page over in my newspaper, I catch a glimpse of a conflicted expression cross his face for a second before it's replaced with a resolved one.

He nodded, and made his way upstairs, not commenting on anything further.

'Hmn... he really has changed...'

My mind briefly flashes back to the incident... the time I caught Sarah 'relieving' herself, and the argument that proceeded.

'But who can blame me, not only was she enjoyed basically being a cuckold, along with that disgusting 'Ugly Bitch' thing, she even had the gal to enjoy that goddess-forsaken Japanese imitation of our cartoons as porn.'

I internally grumbled, accidentally crumpling the newspaper at the sides.

'And after I worked so hard for her to continue family tradition too, she just decides that she wants to draw manga instead. Hah!'

Sighing, I massage the bridge of my nose in annoyance even remembering the shouting session we had that day.

Granted, I might have said a few things that could be seen as too far, but it's to late to take anything back now... and it's not like any of them were lies either.


Sarah POV


Staring at the screen in front of me, I'm frozen in place at the 2nd place symbol screaming at me.

"Hahaha~ I told you I'd beat you! I guess that means I win the bet."

He won, he actually won, I thought guys were supposed to be bad at video games...

"Hey~ anyone home."

Waving his hand in front of my face, he breaks me out of the little trance that I was in for a second there.

"I- uh, yeah...what was the bet again?"

He just looks at me with an amused smirk on his face.

"I get to ask you to do anything I want, remembering now?"

He said, followed by the second part as he sees me pale slightly.

Before my mind can relapse into all the horrible he can make me do, he puts his hand on mine.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to ask anything excessive of you... I just want to ask you things to get to know you better." 

My heart skipped a beat at the sincerity of his words, all my negative thoughts vanishing with his touch.

'Why do I feel this way... this is bad... really bad.'

Calming myself down, I listen as he continues.

" I tried to ask mom-"


My heart nearly exploded at the thought of mom... What bad things did she tell David? Is he disgusted too? Will he go back to-


"Hey, Hey! Shhh~ Shhh~ Calm down, nothing happened, she told me to ask you, so calm down okay? I'm right here."


It was only when he started consoling me did I realize I was hyperventilating.

'... I really am pathetic aren't I?'

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What type of 18-year-old gets comforted by a 14-year-old kid? Their brother no less...


"You don’t have to say anything if you don't want to... We can take it slow, yeah?"

Looking at his comforting smile, I can't help but feel the warmth from before returning with a vengeance.

"You okay, Sarah?" 

Shaking my head, I forcefully drag my mind out of the gutter.



Sharply exhaling, I think about the options I have in Infront of me.


'I can either tell half of the truth and make sure he doesn't leave, or fully commit to telling him all the disgusting things about me, and guarantee that he leaves...'

Staring at his warm and welcoming expression for a few seconds, I sight in depression.

'Yeah... I don't deserve this anyway, might as well break things off before I grow even more attached.'

"No... It's okay...*Sigh"

Placing his hand on mine comfortingly, he encourages me to continue.

"...It all started when mom walked in-"


And so I told him, I told him about being too engrossed in my porn flick that I didn't realize mom was calling, about how she caught on to the types of things I liked, I told him about all the different disgusting, gag-worthy shit I'm into. I kept on with how I and mom got into an argument about how unfeminine I was for my porn, about how she said she didn't raise me that way, about how I retaliated and said that If she was actually there for me I wouldn't be the way I was.

At this point I started crying, just remembering the insults she threw my way.

I continued telling him about how she.. she backhanded me for my ungratefulness. And that, just to spite her, I said I wanted to work on Japanese manga instead of comics. This was also around the time that David started getting more and more aggressive, seeing as I lost favor with mom... Dad was also less friendly with me, always treating me with a hint of weariness. Mom probably told him about the things I'm into...

Things only got worse as time went on, about how David eventually leaked to the school that I was a disgusting pervert, making me public enemy number 1, increasing the already harsh bullying... After suffering for so long, I couldn't take it anymore, I stopped going to school, dropping mom's opinion of me even further. I was in a dark place, the thought of suicide plaguing my mind almost constantly, barely fading when I masturbate to clear my stress, only fuelling my degeneracy further.

After hearing that we were moving, I thought this was the opportunity I needed, to start over, to fix myself. After time passed, and David not doing anything to me since the move, it only fuelled my hope that I'd be able to make things right.

That is... until David ambushed me at the door when delivering food one day, feeling him grab my wrist, his hand passing over my suicide scars, all my dark emotions came spilling out. I exploded at him, spilling my negativity onto him... but he was different, he looked concerned, and he looked like he cared...

The only thing I didn't tell him during this entire confession was the fact that I masturbate to him frequently ever since his change... 


After my entire rant, after spilling all my dark secrets, after shedding all my tears, his gentle hand never stopped consoling me. His arm wrapped around me never recoiled in disgust.

After a moment of silence, he grabbed the side of my face, rubbing the tease from my eyes, the comforting look in his eyes never fading.

"You good now? Does it feel better to get that off your chest?" 

He asked, to my shock no condescension to be found.

"*Sniff... Y-You're not grossed out? Y-You're not *Sniff... Leaving?"


A look of recognition flashed in his eyes, scaring me a bit, bracing myself for harsh words.




Snapping my head in his direction, I look at him with a shocked expression, coming face to face with his amused one.

"You're not getting rid of me that easily, sis~"

He teased, lightening the tense mood of the room.

"I'm afraid you're stuck with me."

Smiling brightly, he pressed his forehead against mine.

"So if you have a problem, just lean on me, yeah?"

He reassured, making my heart beat audibly quicken, blood rushing to my cheeks.

"You can count on me, I'll never be disgusted by you, Nee-chan~"

And my ears exploded in smoke, making me nearly lose consciousness from embarrassment and arousal.




Eva Woo POV

'It should be happening today...'

It's been a few days since David asked me that question, and it seems like he'll be asking Sarah some questions today.

'I don't know why he waited a few days, but if his confrontation with Sarah doesn't make her get off her ass, I don't know what will.'


My ear slightly twitched at the sound of a set of footsteps walking down the wooden stairs.

'Only one set, huh?'


'I guess I shouldn't be too disappointed, my hopes were too high.'

I thought, assuming that the single pair of steps indicated that David was the only one walking down the stairs.

Lowering the volume on the TV, I turn to ask David how his time with Sarah went.

"Hey prince, did you manage to knock some sense into-"

Before I can continue my question, I come face to face with my daughter, Sarah...


...And the world froze.




Yo, I decided to do Patreon.



Since I don’t really have that much free time, it’ll mostly be one early chapter for each update, so 2 early chapters a week.


I have that for 2,50 since it’s 2 chapters each week, and have zero clue about how else to price it. Nothing more, for now, I’ll probably do more once I figure more things out about how Patreon works.


Most new characters will also mostly be displayed on Patreon, because the glossary on scribble hub is hella complicated. Though, I'll probably get around to posting them in the glossary eventually 


Chapter 5 is already on Patreon, so if your interested you can check it out.


Thanks in advance for your support.

You can find story with these keywords: Reversed Roles: Since when was this an Isekai?, Read Reversed Roles: Since when was this an Isekai?, Reversed Roles: Since when was this an Isekai? novel, Reversed Roles: Since when was this an Isekai? book, Reversed Roles: Since when was this an Isekai? story, Reversed Roles: Since when was this an Isekai? full, Reversed Roles: Since when was this an Isekai? Latest Chapter

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