
Chapter 104: Chapter 104: Search

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The elf behind the counter took a step back in reflex, some cold sweat started to appear on his forehead. The male elf forced himself to smile at Enora and said. "I'm honored, young majesty. I don't know what kind of questions it is but I'll answer to the best of my ability." The male elf gave her a deep bow, Fayeth walked around the store and glanced at items from time to time. 

Enora just stared at the elf with an indifferent expression, she said. "Moranor and… That human. What were they here for?" The male elf quickly answered. "Lady Moranor was searching for a new quiver and taught the boy a couple of things about how to check a crafter's quality… The boy on the other hand…"

The elf gulped seeing Enora's judgemental stare at him while the sound of Fayeth's soft footsteps from going around the room. The elf continued. "Just browsed around the store and looked through the wares." Enora stared at the elf for a moment, she said. "Did anything catch his interest?" The elf shook his head and said. "I can't say for sure… The boy is an odd one-."

The elf paused seeing Enora's pupils faintly glowed, the male elf faked a cough and said. "Excuse me. I mean, the boy is unique… When he spoke in flawless elvish it caught me completely off guard." Enora's eyes narrowed, she said. "Is that all?" The elf nodded and said. "Yes, young majesty."

Enora turned around and walked out of the store followed by Fayeth who didn't say a single word. The male elf let out a long sigh as he leaned on the wall, his legs gently wobbled as an old elf appeared beside him. The old elf was wearing a long green orb along with a long beard, the old elf said. "How courageous of you to lie to young majesty. And here I thought you wanted a peaceful and boring life." 

The old elf laughed to himself, the elf had a small smile on his face and said. "Technically I did not say a single lie." The old elf started laughing even louder, he said. "Technically you only spoke lies to her." The old elf patted the male elf's shoulder and said. "When that boy comes by again, be sure to tell me. I'll personally tend to the quiver before he gives it to Lady Moranor." The male elf nodded as his legs gave out as he landed on the floor making a soft thud. He let out another long sigh while the old elf started laughing again.


Shopping District

Reiki and Moranor were walking back to Elora's house. Moranor looked at him and said. "What were the two of you talking about?" Reiki let out a yawn and said. "Nothing special, just made conversation and wanted to try my luck with getting a discount." Moranor let out a scoff, she said. "That'll never happen." Reiki looked up to her and flashed her a small smirk, he said. "I was able to convince your mother to give you to me-." Moranor's right hand blurred as a loud slapping sound came from Reiki's back.

[System: User has received 83 Damage.]

Moranor rolled her eyes at him and said. "Enough out of you." Reiki looked up to her and noticed faint traces of blush on her cheeks, while rubbing his back he said. "When are you going to buy a new quiver?" Moranor looked at him from the corner of her eye and said. "Maybe in a few days, why the sudden question?" Reiki shrugged his shoulders, he said. "Just making conversation." As he maintained eye contact with her. Moranor's eyes narrowed as her eyes filled with suspicion, she said. "You have an awful amount of questions today…" 

Reiki flashed her a big smile and said. "I just like hearing your voice." Moranor didn't believe what he was saying, she said. "... Uh-huh…" Moranor glanced around the stalls that were selling food to elves, she looked at him and said. "You just want some food, don't you."

Reiki shook his head and said. "Surprisingly, no. I still have a good amount of burgers left and dinner is almost near, I don't want to spoil my appetite." Moranor let out a loud laugh which got some elves to stare at her, she said. "You, Have your appetite spoiled? I'd have a better chance of finding a phoenix." Moranor slapped his back again making a satisfying sound.

[System: User has received 21 Damage.]

Moranor wiped a single tear from laughing too hard, she said. "Thanks for the laugh, can't remember when was the last time I shed a tear from laughing so hard." Reiki rubbed his back again, he thought. Glad one of us is laughing… He looked up at her from the corner of his eye as a genuine smile appeared on his face, he said. "No problem." Moranor looked down at him as she noticed his smile, the words she was about to say were stuck in her throat as she was stunned by his fragile yet warm smile. 

Moranor suddenly stopped walking while Reiki took a couple of steps before stopping and turning to look at her. He said. "What's wrong?" Moranor looked at him for a moment, she walked closer to him and placed a hand on his cheek, she said. "... I can say the same to you… Is everything alright?..."

Reiki looked up to her and flashed her a bright smile, he said. "Yeah, with you by my side I don't have to worry as much anymore." Moranor was taken aback by his words as she playfully flicked his forehead, she flashed him a smile and said. "What did I say about honey words?" Without missing a beat Reiki said. "You wanted me to drown you with them?" Moranor placed her right hand near his forehead and flicked him again.

[System: User has received 53 Damage.]

Moranor rolled her eyes at him and said. "Wrong." She started walking towards Enora's house, without looking back she said. "Let's go."


At the Entrance Of Elora's House

Fayeth was standing by the door while Enora was walking around in circles. Fayeth stared at Enora who was staring at the ground pondering while walking, Enora said. "How credible do you think the elf's words are?" Enora glanced at Fayeth from the corner of her eye as she stopped walking, Fayeth gulped and subconsciously took a step back as her back hit the front door. Fayeth said. "I think he was telling the truth seeing how your reputation-..." She stopped seeing Enora's cold glare at her Fayeth faked a cough and continued. "Your status as royalty, they would stand to lose more by lying, although they gain nothing in return at least it's better than having the store turned upside down."

Enora shook her head, she said. "Vera." A hooded figure wearing black robes appeared behind Enora. Fayeth saw her as she froze on the spot as she intentionally slowed down and made her breathing as quiet as possible. The sound of Vera struggling to breathe could be easily heard, she said. "Elf… Lies…" Enora placed a hand on her chin as she turned her head to Vera, Enora said. "You think so too." 

Fayeth's forehead and back were starting to get covered in a cold sweat as she quietly gulped. Vera's hood nodded, Enora raised a brow and said. "From how you see it, what kind of information did that elf lie about?" Vera took a deep slow breath and said. "Boy… Items… Wants… Or… Needs…" Enora pondered for a moment, she raised a brow in interest and said. "And what makes you say that?"

Vera took a moment to control her erratic breathing, she said. "Boy… Unpredictable… Can't… Read…" Enora lazily stretched making her large chest slightly jiggle, she stared at the sky that was turning dark and said. "... True…" Enora lazily waved her hand and said. "Both of you are dismissed." Vera gave Enora a deep bow and vanished while Fayeth was stunned for a moment before bowing and hastily vanishing. 

Enora looked at the edge of the road as her pupils faintly glowed, she saw Moranor and Reiki leisurely walking and having a calm conversation. Enora let out an exaggerated sigh and said. "They're so slow…" She turned around and opened the door and walked inside the house.

Reiki and Moranor were nearing Elora's large house. Reiki let out another yawn while Moranor was glancing at him from time to time, she said. "Are you ready for tomorrow?" Reiki looked up at her and said. "Yeah, I think I can keep up with the restaurant orders. As long as there aren't too many at the same time." Moranor had an enigmatic smile on her face, she said. "Then there's going to be a show for me tomorrow." As she let out a chuckle, Reiki opened the door and let her walk inside first.


Somewhere In Osaka

Ketsueki was sitting alone on a bench with a crowd of people going about their day, dozens of buildings had already turned on their lights brightening up the streets. She was wearing a black baggy jacket along with baggy jogging pants with her legs crossed as she looked around her surroundings waiting for someone. Ketsueki glanced at a group of three men that were sneaking glances at her from time to time as they were whispering to each other for the last few minutes. 

One of them tried to subtly nod at her as the other hit the one wearing a simple red shirt with an elbow. The one wearing a red shirt looked at Ketsueki and took a deep breath and walked toward her, he said. "Do you-." Ketsueki gave him a deadly glare, she coldly said. "Not interested." Which took him by surprise, he let out an awkward chuckle and said. "I was going to ask for the time-."

Ketsueki said. "Time for you and friends to pack up your circus act and go to Shinjuku to hire cheap whores." The man barely maintained the smile on his face, he waved his hand and said. "M-My place is nearby and-." Ketsueki's pupils immediately visibly glowed, she coldly said. "Last warning before I set fire to all three of your balls so Japan wouldn't have to deal with your sorry excuse of a bloodline." 

The man immediately backed off seeing her pupils started glowing he immediately walked down the street followed by his two friends. Ketsueki let out an annoyed sigh as she rummaged through her pocket and pulled out a smartphone to check the time. 

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She pressed the power button on the side and thought. 18:02… They're late… Using the corner of her eyes she looked around and quickly swiped a couple of times on the screen and pressed a black phone app. It showed three contacts that were heavily censored, she tapped on the second one as the phone rang for a couple of seconds before connecting. Ketsueki said. "Sachi, how are things on your end?"


Near Reiki's Home

Sachi was walking down the street wearing simple clothing and was holding a phone close to her ear. She took a left turn and appeared on top of the multi-apartment Arashi was staying in to get a better view of Shiro who was doing her homework. Sachi said. "Didn't find any suspicious movements… How about now? Does this ease your mind that the rumors are true?"

A moment of silence passed as Sachi was looking at her nails that were freshly done, from the other line of the phone Ketsueki said. "A force their size doesn't get wiped off overnight… They might be up to something and I'm not taking any chances." Sachi observed Shiro who was wearing a simple white shirt and short pants as she struggled a little bit on her homework, Sachi said. "Then can you explain what we found then? Residual mana from fire and ice magic was off the charts… Especially in that meeting room where the scanner exploded… Namida and I have already paid for it, in case you were wondering."

Ketsueki and Sachi heard someone else join the call, Namida said. "I've done a thorough scan around the block and found nothing." Sachi sat on the top of the roof as she looked at Shiro who was rummaging through her backpack and took out a notebook. Sachi moved the phone further away from her as she let out a yawn, Ketsueki from the other line said. "Did you even try-?" 

Namida interrupted her, she said. "I made sure because you asked. I've searched each one of the member's mistresses, their home addresses, and the titty bar they always visit on special occasions. No missing posters, no search warrants from the police, let alone anything from the news. It's as if they've all up and vanished." All three of them were silent for a few seconds, Ketsueki said. "Then call off the search, I need to go back home before Shiro gets worried. Oh, and thanks for paying for the scanner."

Namida spoke in a confused voice, she said. "We did?" Sachi said. "You owe me ¥750,000." The sound of a can being opened was faintly heard from the call, Namida said. "The usual account?" Ketsueki suddenly spoke and with a hint of anger in her voice, she said. "You just opened a can of beer, didn't you?" Namida quickly said. "No, I didn't." Sachi and Ketsueki heard Namida take a sip. Ketsueki let out a sigh while Sachi chuckled to herself.


Inside A Traditional Japanese House

Namida was sitting on the floor cross-legged while in front of a table with a laptop, she was wearing a long oversized white t-shirt and quickly tapped on the laptop's touchpad that was showing live surveillance feeds all over Japan. Next to the laptop were five tall cans of beer, Namida was holding one that was opened with her left hand as she used her right shoulder to keep her smartphone near her ear. From the other line, Ketsueki said. "How do you guys see this situation?" 

Namida let out an exaggerated sigh and said. "They are gone! Shouldn't you be happy about this? You can finally rest easy knowing those thugs won't be there to harass Shiro and you're infamous little brother, who until this day you have not let us see him." A smirk crept onto Namida's lips as she continued. "But that will change soon, only a few more days until we meet him."

As she took another sip of beer and double-tapped the spacebar as the live feed turned off. Sachi was softly laughing, she said. "I wonder what he looks like." Ketsueki let out a scoff, she said. "Since this is over I'm hanging up, see you later. Sachi, flatty." Namida gritted her teeth.


Near Reiki's Home

Sachi moved her phone far away from her ear while holding it. Ketsueki let out a chuckle and hung up as Namida shouted. "Say that to my face! You shota loving! Incest preaching! Cow titty! Freak!" Sachi heard the sound of a tin can being crumpled from Namida, she shouted. "My laptop!" Namida immediately hung up as Sachi chuckled and waited for Ketsueki to return home and patiently observed Shiro.


Somewhere In Osaka

Ketsueki pocketed her smartphone as she stood up from the wooden bench she was sitting on, the crowd of people was slowly increasing as the night turned dark. She looked around the streets and stared at a local supermarket. She rummaged the pocket from her baggy jacket and took out a thick brown envelope that was a bit larger than a yen bill. Ketsueki opened the envelope and inside was a stack of ¥10,000 bills, she said. "... I might as well splurge on our meals now that we have the money for it…" She walked toward the supermarket disappearing into the crowd of people.


A Guest Room At Elora's House

Reiki was sitting on the bed he was assigned to staring at Enora and Moranor who were arguing with each other. Moranor had her arms crossed and said. "Shouldn't you be studying for an examination that's coming up?" Moranor didn't back down as she straightened her posture and shot a glare back at her, she said. "And here I was, expecting you to be soaked in sweat at this time of night training." 

Reiki turned his head to the right and stared at Enrel who was lying down on her bed comfortably reading a book, he said. "Can't you stop them? They've been arguing for the last nine minutes." Enrel flipped to the next page and said. "Let them be, they'll run out of steam eventually. If you're lucky the two of them won't argue for a whole thirty minutes." Reiki's eyes widened while Moranor's eyes turned cold as she glared at Enora. Moranor said. "I decided to have a short break, training every day would only drain myself mentally."

Moranor glanced at Reiki when she reached halfway through her sentence. Enora's eyes faintly glowed, she said. "And I don't need to review every little test they've prepared. I can take an accelerated course any time I please and graduate the next day." She flashed Moranor a confident smile. Reiki, who was still looking at Enrel said. "They can argue for an entire thirty minutes?" Enrel nodded and said. "Their longest record being two hours, something about treating teachers with respect. I didn't listen so I don't know."

The corner of Reiki's eye twitched as he looked at Moranor who said. "Then how come you're not doing it?" Enora let out a scoff which made her chest slightly jiggle, she said. "I like to go at things at my own pace." Moranor raised her hand and pointed at Enora. Reiki casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

Reiki appeared beside Moranor as he placed a hand on her forearm. Moranor turned her head to face him, Reiki looked up to her and said. "When is your birthday?" The atmosphere turned slightly heavy as Enrel raised the book she was reading higher to cover her face. He thought. Talk about picking the wrong topic… Moranor looked at him with an odd expression, before she could say anything Enora said. "Mine is in-."

Moranor glared at Enora who flashed her a bright smile. Enora continued. "Fun fact about-." Moranor's pupils started visibly glowing, she coldly said. "Zip it." The door suddenly opened as Melanor stayed on the outside of the room and leaned on the doorframe, she said. "Dinner is about to be served…" Melanor noticed the heavy atmosphere around the room, from the corner of her eye she saw Enrel stand up from her bed and vanished.

Melanor appeared beside Reiki and said. "What happened?" Reiki shrugged his shoulders and said. "I just asked Moranor her birthday and-." Melanor placed a hand on his mouth, she had a wry smile on her lips and said. "Oh. Oh… We'll talk about this in private." She lifted him by the collar of his tunic off the floor and said. "Ladies enough arguing, you two can continue when you have something inside your stomach."


Near Reiki's Home

Ketsueki was walking back while holding six large bags of groceries in each hand. She passed by the multi-complex as Sachi appeared behind Ketsueki when she was in front of the house. Sachi's eyes were glued onto the grocery bags, she said. "Are you planning to feed an army?" Ketsueki passed six of them to Sachi as she rummaged through her pockets, she said. "No, Reiki's appetite grew and I wanted sukiyaki so I bought a lot of high-quality meats and vegetables." 

Sachi held the six bags of groceries Ketsueki passed her, Sachi held three on each hand and looked through them. Sachi said. "Then how come I don't see any top sirloin?" Ketsueki pulled out a key from the side of her pants pocket, she turned her head to look at Sachi and said. "You need sirloin for sukiyaki?..."

The two of them stared at each other for a moment, Sachi let out a chuckle and said. "I'll call someone to bring some here." Ketsueki's eyes immediately narrowed as she stared at her wearily. A small smile slowly crept onto Sachi's lips, she continued. "Since I've gone all the time and effort you wouldn't turn me down. Especially since I'm the one bringing the meat for dinner." 

Sachi faked a yawn as she closed her left eye and kept her right eye open. Ketsueki stared at the grocery bags she was holding, before she could say anything the door unlocked from the inside as Shiro poked her head out. Shiro said. "Onee-chan, welcome back." Shiro's gaze wandered to Sachi who was standing behind Ketsueki. Before Ketsueki said anything Sachi said. "Hi, I'm Sachi. I'm one of your Onee-chan's friends."

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