
Chapter 105: Chapter 105: Sweets

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Shiro and Ketsueki were sitting in front of the dining table. On top of the table were four sets of bowls filled to the brim with white rice, glasses, a pitcher of water, chopsticks, and some steaming hot miso soup. In the center of the table was a very large pot on a portable stove that had the flame on. Ketsueki took the lid off revealing a gush of steam, she placed it on the side of the table as the broth was softly bubbling.

Inside the pot were sliced tofu, shiitake mushrooms, green onion, bean sprouts, napa cabbage, and sirloin. Sachi placed down a wooden container that was roughly the same size as a suitcase near the kitchen sink, she walked closer to the table, sat down, and said. "Feel free to keep the rest for your special little brother." Shiro was staring at the hotpot in awe as she was too shy to pick up her chopsticks and looked up to Ketsueki with a pleading look.

Ketsueki let out a chuckle and placed a hand on top of Shiro's head. Ketsueki said. "Eat up Shiro." Shiro happily picked up her chopsticks and said. "Itadakimasu." Ketsueki and Sachi simultaneously said. "Itadakimasu." Ketsueki started placing some meat into the boiling pot as the three of them started eating. Shiro picked up a slice of sirloin, she blew on it to cool it down, and took a big bite followed by some rice. 

Shiro chewed and looked up to Ketsueki with her eyes that were bright and wide from the taste, Ketsueki picked up a slice of sirloin along with some tofu. Ketsueki said. "Eat or talk Shiro, don't do both." Shiro nodded in agreement and went back to eating as she looked at the pot staring at a piece of green onion.

Ketsueki ate the slice of sirloin without blowing on it, she swallowed and said. "What's with the extra set of-." Before she could finish someone was knocking at the front door, Sachi had a small smirk on her lips. Ketsueki placed her bowl on the table, she said. "I'll get it." She stood up from her seat and walked toward the front door before she could reach for the doorknob from the other side Namida's voice could be heard from the inside. Namida said. "Guess who." 

Ketsueki let out a long sigh filled with stress, she pinched the bridge of her nose and said. "If I said the words, I don't know you, will you go away?" The door suddenly unlocked and opened revealing Namida wearing casual jeans and the same oversized white t-shirt that was tucked in. With a bright smile on her face, Namida said. "Wrong." She walked inside and started taking off her sports shoes as she showed she was wearing black socks. Namida opened the cabinet while setting her shoes aside properly.

Namida placed down a pair of white indoor slippers on the floor and put them on, she placed her hands on Ketsueki's shoulders. Namida said. "Let's eat." Ketsueki let out another sigh, she said. "Now I know why Sachi was so insistent on setting up the table…" Namida walked past her and sat on the seat that had an untouched bowl of rice, she said. "Itadakimasu!"

She picked up a pair of chopsticks and started eating while Shiro was staring at Namida with a curious expression on her face. Ketsueki sat back down on her seat and started eating again. Shiro looked up to Ketsueki, Shiro said. "Onee-chan is she another friend of yours just like Sachi-san?" Ketseuki looked at Shiro's eyes that were pure and had a hint of expectation in them. Ketseuki had a small wry smile on her lips and said. "These two are one of the few people I can call friends."

Shiro was about to take a bite of some rice along with some tofu, she placed it back on the bowl and placed down her chopsticks. Shiro gave both of them a slight bow and said. "Thank you for being friends with my Onee-chan." Ketsueki turned her head slightly as she stared at a wall with a faint blush on her cheeks, Shiro picked up her chopsticks and went back to eating. Sachi and Namida glanced at each other, both of them flashed Shiro a smile, Sachi said. "It's fine, she's helped us and vice versa."

Shiro had a grain of rice on her cheek, with a cute yet confused look she said. "Vice… Versa?..." Ketseuki placed down her chopsticks and rummaged through her pocket and pulled out a red handkerchief. Shiro saw the hanky in her older sister's hand as she moved her face closer to her, Ketsueki wiped Shiro's cheeks clean and said. "It means I also helped them." Ketsueki placed the handkerchief on the table beside her as she picked up chopsticks.

Namida waved her hand at her, she said. "How about we talk about something else?" Ketsueki's eyes immediately narrowed. Shiro slightly tilted her head sideways as she picked up another slice of sirloin, she said. "Something else?" Namida eagerly nodded, she said. "Usually we talk about… Adult stuff…" Namida glanced at Ketsueki from the corner of her eye and saw her glare. Before Namida could say anything Sachi said. "Shiro, how about you tell us all about your big brother?"


Luxurious Dining Room

Melanor, Elora, and Enrel stood up from their chairs while Enora, Moranor, and Reiki stayed sitting down. Elora said. "This was a pleasant meal but sadly we have to skip dessert for the day." Reiki was rubbing his stomach in satisfaction as he nodded without listening to them, Enora yawned and gave them a thumbs up while Moranor said. "Sure." Elora nodded and said. "Until tomorrow." As the three of them vanished from the room, Reiki let out a loud burp and said. "What's for dessert?" 

Enora let out a laugh while softly slapping the table repeatedly. Moranor rolled her eyes at him and said. "Is that the only thing you can think about?" Reiki shook his head, he said. "If I'm being honest that's the only thing I heard from what her majesty said." Enora started banging on the table louder as the corner of Moranor's eye twitched.

Enora laughing slowly died down, she wiped a single tear away from her eye and said. "What do you want?" Reiki lazily stretched on the chair, he looked at the ceiling as he saw a light sphere floating. He said. "Vanilla flavored ice cream." Enora moved her gaze onto Moranor. Moranor crossed her arms and said. "Dark chocolate jelly with plenty of-." Enora quickly waved her hand at her and said. "Cream and whipped cream got it…"

She took out a talisman from her pocket as it faintly glowed, Moranor glanced at Reiki from the corner of her eye as he let out a long yawn. Reiki placed his hand on the table facing palm-side down and said. "Kaita." A blue notebook appeared on the left side of his hand, Reiki picked it up and started flipping through the pages. Moranor and Enora saw the familiar thin blue adjusting ring in his pupils, Moranor slightly moved her body sideways to see what's inside.

Reiki glanced at her and placed the notebook on the table while flipping through the pages. Moranor was struggling to make anything out of the words while Enora had a small frown on her lips while glaring at him. Moranor said. "What are you reading about?" Reiki flipped through a few more pages before stopping and closing it, he said. "I'm checking to see if there was anything new on it since I read a new language." 

He picked up the notebook and threw it at the wall which made both Moranor and Enora stand up in horror as they watched it almost hit the wall before vanishing. Reiki let out a chuckle, Moranor sat back down, glared at him, and started pinching his cheeks.

[System: User has received 64 Damage.]

Moranor was carefully tugging his cheek but was making sure he was feeling pain, Reiki was moving closer to her. He said. "Ouch! What did I do?!" Enora was still staring at the wall where his notebook vanished, she stood up from her chair and walked toward the wall, and observed as her pupils glowed. Moranor's eyes narrowed, she said. "Don't act dumb, you know what you did." Enora's pupils went back to normal as she walked back to her chair and sat down.

Reiki was holding Moranor's hand that was pinching his cheek, he said. "That's one of the ways I get rid of it." Moranor let go of his cheek as Reiki almost hit the table with his face but managed to avoid it by landing on Moranor's thighs. He let out a sigh and noticed Moranor's expression was bewildered, Reiki said. "What?"

He stood up and sat upright on his chair to see a cold glare Enora was giving him. Reiki said. "What did I do?! Moranor was the one who started it!" Enora kept her glare on him as he let out a short sigh, the door suddenly opened as a female elf wearing simple clothing pushed a trolley in the room. On the trolley was a large bowl of vanilla ice cream, a tall glass that was filled with dark chocolate jelly, cream, and topped off with plenty of whipped cream. 

The other one had a cloche on top of it. The elf placed the dessert on the table near Reiki, as he passed the chocolate jelly to Moranor and passed the dessert that had a cloche to Enora. Reiki picked up a wooden spoon that can along with the ice cream and started eating along with Moranor who enjoyed her dark chocolate jelly.

Enora took off the cloche and revealed a Leche flan with whipped cream, fresh strawberries on the side, slices of kiwi, cubes of mango, and a scoop of blueberry ice cream on top with some biscuits that were crushed sprinkled all over the plate. Reiki stabbed his spoon into his vanilla ice cream and said. "Pudding a la mode…" He scooped up a big spoonful of ice cream but didn't eat it, his eyes slightly narrowed as he stared at her plate. Reiki said. "Scratch that, Leche flan a la mode." 

As he shoved the large spoonful of ice cream that was starting to melt into his mouth. Moranor raised a brow in surprise, she said. "Spanish meets Japan in dessert form." Reiki thought. It's originally from the Spanish called Milk flan. Leche flan is a heavier version made in the Philippines.

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Reiki glanced at Moranor's dark chocolate jelly and stabbed his spoon into the mountain of ice cream in the bowl. He said. "Wanna trade for a bit?" Moranor wiped some cream off the corner of her lip using her thumb, she said. "Sure." She placed the spoon she was using inside the tall glass as they switched while Moranor was enjoying her dessert watching the two of them. Enora held her plate using her hand as she vanished and appeared behind the empty chair next to Reiki. 

Enora pulled the chair back and sat next to him, Moranor was watching Enora from the corner of her eye as she ate a scoop of ice cream. In one spoonful Enora meticulously scooped up a bit of flan, whipped cream, and some ice cream. With a smile on her face, she moved the spoon closer to Reiki and said. "Ahh."

The wooden spoon Moranor was holding made a loud snapping noise which made Reiko turn his head and look. Enora used her free hand as she held his chin to prevent him from turning his head, she said. "Ahh." Moranor stabbed the wooden spoon on the top of the ice cream while her pupils were visibly glowing. Reiki looked at Enora's smile and the spoon near his face, he said. "Ahh?" Enora shoved the spoon into his mouth and said. "How is it?"

Reiki thought. I can feel her bloodlust just passing through me into you. He swallowed and said. "It's good but too sweet for my taste. It would've been better if they decided to add some powdered black coffee on the whipped cream to balance it out." Reiki looked at the spot of the table in front of him and saw that the glass of dark chocolate jelly was missing.

He looked to his left and saw Moranor was holding both the glass and the same wooden spoon she used to eat with. She scooped up some jelly, whipped cream, and cream in a single spoonful and moved it closer to him. Moranor said. "Ahh." Reiki stared at the spoon she was holding, Moranor had a small frown on her lips, with a hint of anger in her voice she said. "Ahh." He immediately opened his mouth as Moranor shoved the spoon inside, with a hint of expectation in her eyes she said. "What do you think?..." 

Reiki swallowed and said. "It's delicious, you just went overboard with the cream." Moranor pointed at him using the spoon in her hands, she said. "Now you're just speaking nonsense, there is no such thing as too much cream." As she scooped up a big spoonful and took a bite, Reiki crossed his arms and thought for a moment. He said. "Does your mom know how to make cream puffs?"

Moranor's eyes slightly widened, she said. "I don't know what that is but it has the word cream in it so it has to be good." For a split second, Reiki was surprised before a small smile appeared on his face. Before Enora could take another bite of her dessert she said. "What are you planning now?"


Inside Reiki's Home

Ketsueki was washing the dishes while Namida was standing next to her drying them with a clean cloth. Shiro was in the living room sitting on the sofa while watching a documentary about baby red pandas that were eating a stick of bamboo while being held by an assigned caretaker. The front door opened, while closing it behind her Sachi said. "I'm back." Without taking her eyes off the tv Shiro said. "Welcome back." Sachi took off her shoes and put on a pair of white indoor slippers. She was holding a large faintly pink foldable paper bag that had simple designs on the edges.

Sachi walked into the living room and saw Shiro was watching baby red pandas on TV, Sachi said. "Shiro, do you want some cake and doughnuts?" Shiro jolted while sitting on the couch, she slowly turned her head to look at Sachi who had a faint smile on her lips. Shiro's eyes were as wide as possible with an expectant look she said. "Can I?" 

While walking toward the couch Shiro was sitting on, Sachi let out a chuckle and placed down the large paper bag on the coffee table, and started taking out all sorts of dessert. She placed down four boxes of doughnuts, three boxes with a variety of cakes inside, and a couple of boxes of cupcakes. Sachi reached into her pocket and pulled out a brown pouch and took out an entire black forest cake. Sachi started opening all of them as the entire room was filled with the smell of sugar with a hint of vanilla.

Shiro's eyes were glued to the six large doughnuts that were inside the box, Sachi noticed she was staring at the strawberry flavored one. Sachi picked it up as Shiro's eyes followed, Sachi moved it closer to her and said. "Here." Shiro stared at the doughnut then moved her gaze onto Sachi who was smiling at her, she slowly moved her hand to take it away from her.

Shiro was holding the large doughnut in her hands, she looked up to Sachi and said. "Thank you." And took a bite out of it as some chocolate ganache came out of it. Ketsueki and Namida finished washing the plates and walked to the living room and saw Sachi and Shiro standing up eating doughnuts. Namida suddenly appeared near the coffee table as she searched for something, with a slight frown on her lips, Namida said. "Where are the brownies?" 

Ketsueki walked toward the table and picked up a cupcake with some dark chocolate frosting and sat down on the couch. Ketsueki patted the empty spot next to her as Shiro sat at the spot where her older sister patted. Sachi stopped herself from taking another bite of the doughnut she was holding, Sachi said. "They were out." Namida picked up a doughnut and a cupcake, Namida said. "Why didn't you order some in advance?"

Ketsueki looked at Shiro who was happily eating a doughnut while watching tv, Ketsueki said. "Is it good?" Shiro looked up to her older sister, with a mouthful she nodded and moved it closer to Ketsueki to take a bite. Sachi rolled her eyes at Namida and sat on one of the chairs near the tv, Sachi said. "How was I supposed to know I would end up buying this today?" Namida let out a scoff and appeared on the other side of the tv and sat on the empty chair, Namida said. "Don't you buy this every night?" Ketsueki took a bite of Shiro's doughnut and said. "Delicious."

Ketsueki moved the cupcake that had a couple of bites closer to Shiro. Shiro took a bite of Ketsueki's cupcake and gave the cupcake a nod of approval, Namida who was watching from the corner of her eye said. "Look at how sweet these two are. I can practically feel my blood sugar rising."

Ketsueki let out a chuckle, she said. "With how we've been eating this past year, I'm surprised all of ours are still normal." Sachi was holding her brown pouch again and took out a few plates, a cake knife, and a few silverware forks. Sachi said. "Girls don't get fat from eating sweets, period." Shiro quickly ate her doughnut as she stared at the platter of desserts on the coffee table.

Ketsueki saw her little sister staring and said. "Feel free to pick anything you want, Shiro." Sachi placed down the plates on the coffee table that was almost completely crowded. She took the lid of the cake off and cut it into eight large slices. Sachi used the knife and a fork and placed a large slice on a plate and passed it to Shiro, Sachi said. "Try this, it's amazing."

Shiro stared at the large slice of black forest cake, with a hopeful expression she looked up to Ketsueki and waited for her permission. Ketsueki patted her little sister's head and said. "No need to wait on me Shiro, eat anything you want." Shiro reached out both her hands and received the plate Sachi was handing out to her, Shiro said. "Thank you."

Shiro picked up the fork that was covered in some frosting and tried some while the three girls in the room waited for her reaction. Shiro's eyes widened as she started eating faster, all three girls let out a short laugh. Namida was rummaging through the pocket of her jeans and said. "This calls for…" Namida stopped seeing the cold glare Ketsueki was giving her, Namida forced a chuckle and said. "Maybe some other time…" 

Sachi was placing cakes on the plates and made sure each of them had one, she glanced at Shiro from the corner of her eye and said. "So, Shiro. From how you spoke about your Onii-chan you must love him with all your heart."

Shiro excitedly nodded when she heard her brother was mentioned, she quickly swallowed and wiped her mouth that had frosting and said. "I love him! Onii-chan is always there for me when I need him!" As she continued to eat cake, Sachi and Namida glanced at each other for a split second and nodded in agreement about something which made Ketsueki narrowed her eyes. A grin slowly formed on Namida's lips, while holding a plate she said. "Then when Reiki, am I saying that right?" 

Shiro nodded as Ketsueki placed her plate on the coffee table and crossed her arms making her large breasts pressed against each other. Before Namida could continue Sachi interrupted her and said. "How about this Shiro, the moment Reiki gets back. You tell your Onee-chan to call us and will bring the same desserts again."

Shiro's eyes sparkled as she had some whipped cream on her nose. With Sachi's signature sweet smile she continued. "And on the off chance, you think it's not enough food. I'll bring double the amount of what I bought today." Sachi slightly stood up from her chair and said. "Can't you picture it, Shiro? You and Reiki eating all the dessert you could ever want?" Shiro was daydreaming about the amount of dessert Sachi promised. Shiro snapped back to reality when Ketsueki coughed and said. "Reiki doesn't like sweets."

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