
Chapter 110: Chapter 110: Familiar

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Revilor nodded at Reiki and said. "I supposed I kept you waiting for a moment." Revilor reached into his pocket and took out a large parchment that was neatly rolled. Reiki raised his hand which made him stop, he walked toward the table, pulled out a chair, and sat on it. He held out his hand toward him with his palm facing up, Reiki said. "I don't run a charity." 

Revilor placed the parchment on the table, rummaged through his pockets. He took out a pouch and tossed it at him. Reiki caught it mid-air and took a peek inside, seeing it was filled with platinum coins. Revilor crossed his arms and said. "Fifty platinum coins, I'll give you the other fifty before you hand me the formation. You humans' greed knows no bounds."

Reiki reached inside his pocket and took out the pouch Enrel gave him, he said. "If you're good at something, never do it for free." From the pouch, he took out a few large parchments, an ink bottle, and a quill that had brown feathers on the tip as it slowly turned white. 

Reiki picked up the rolled parchment and undid it, placing it flat on the table. He started studying it while Revilor stared at him and said. "Then why not ask the others for payment for altering their formations?" Reiki let out a condescending chuckle, he said. "Then how do I show how capable I am?" Reiki opened the ink bottle, picked up the quill, and started altering the formation on the clean piece of parchment.


Melanor's Kitchen

Enrel appeared near her previous seat and sat back on it. She glanced at the table and noticed the number of cream puffs had gone down to six. Enrel looked at her plate and saw the same half-eaten cream puff on it and the glass that Elora froze her hot chocolate. Melanor had finished washing the plates long ago and was sitting next to Elora and her daughter. Enora had a bored expression on her face as she swirled the hot chocolate in her glass. 

Elora placed down the cream puff she was eating and took a sip of hot chocolate to wash it down. Elora said. "Did you drop him in the second-floor library?" Enrel nodded as she picked up the cream puff on her plate and ate it. Moranor had a surprised expression on her face and some cream on her cheek, she said. "You left him alone?! With Revilor who doesn't have access to the second floor!?"

Enrel flashed her a smirk while chewing, Melanor who was sitting next to her daughter patted Moranor's shoulder. Melanor said. "He'll be fine. It's the fact that Revilor has no access to it, if he gets caught he won't have an easy way out." Enrel swallowed while rummaging through her pockets, she said. "With cream on your cheek, I can't take you seriously." Enrel took out the three pieces of hot chocolate Elora froze and started eating it. 

Enrel waved her hand as one of the cream puffs on the table went to her plate. Moranor picked up a napkin on the table and wiped the wrong cheek, the other elves let out a laugh. Enrel chuckled and said. "Wrong cheek." Moranor wiped her other cheek wiping the cream off, she said. "What if Revilor does something drastic?" Melanor softly flicked her daughter's forehead and said. "Reiki will be fine, Revilor an elf who weighs the pros and cons of everything. He won't risk letting the entire village know that the Haemir household has a method to infiltrate the second floor."

Moranor still had a look of concern on her face, Elora let out a hopeless chuckle and said. "Don't forget he made Melanor use lightning." Enora let out a bored yawn, Elora said. "Albeit not a real fight but more of a measure of his ability." Elora waved what was left of the cream puff in her right hand and continued. "You're worrying about nothing, Mora. He'll walk back through those doors with a smirk on his face knowing he sabotaged the formation."


Second Floor Library

The glowing quill in Reiki's hands started to slowly fade as he wiped the ink off using the inside of his pocket. Revilor was about to take a step toward the table as Reiki suddenly held out his hand. Revilor stared at him for a moment before throwing another pouch at him. Reiki caught the pouch mid-air and looked inside, seeing more platinum coins. Reiki said. "Consider this deal done." Revilor waved his hand as the untouched formation quickly rolled itself and went into his pocket. 

Revilor walked toward the table and picked up the altered formation and started examining it. Meanwhile, Reiki emptied both the pouches on the table and started counting and stacking the platinum coins by ten. Revilor glanced at him from the corner of his eye, while stacking the coins Reiki said. "I don't know why you're acting like that since you're the one who doesn't have any access to this floor."

Revilor pupils slightly dilated, as he carefully rolled the formation in his hands and disappeared. Reiki finished stacking the platinum coins, he said. "One hundred and fifty coins." He looked at the fifteen stacks on the table as a smirk formed on his face, Reiki continued. "Looks like the head of the Haemir household gave me a peace offering…" 

He let out a chuckle and took out his tattered pouch. Reiki took out the pouches Arashi, Igai, and Yuko gave him. He thought. A hundred platinum (¥36,000,000) coins from Arashi. Fifty from both Igai and Yuko that makes another hundred (¥36,000,000) coins. And an extra fifty elven coins from the Haemir's bribe (¥27,000,000)... Hopefully, Elora will give me at least a hundred (¥54,000,000) coins… 

Reiki crossed his arms and said. "Even without Elora's funds, I have about a hundred million on me in yen…" He glanced at the platinum coins he stacks on the table and let out a helpless sigh, Reiki said. "Moranor comes first." He picked up one of the empty pouches and placed a hundred platinum coins and fifty in the other one. Reiki placed all the pouches except the one that had a hundred platinum coins inside his tattered pouch and placed his tattered pouch on the table.

Reiki shook his head and said. "That can wait, I need to make the five remotes first." He picked up the quill and rummaged through the pouch Enrel gave him. Reiki took out five pieces of parchment that were in the shape of a talisman, he thought. They prepared everything… He dipped the quill in ink and started making the formations.

~Twenty Minutes Later~

Reiki lazily stretched while sitting on the chair, he looked at the five identical formations on the table and said. "That solves the Haemir problem…" He started packing everything on the table and wiped the ink on the quill using the inside of his pocket. Reiki stood up and said. "A hundred elven coins for a quiver… She better use it." 

As he let out a laugh, he placed his tattered pouch in his pocket and picked up the last on the table. Reiki said. "It should be south-east of the shopping district…" He shrugged his shoulders and continued. "Worst comes to worst I'll ask for some directions." Reiki walked toward the door and walked out of the room making sure to close it on his way out.


Melanor's Kitchen

Enrel, Enora, and Elora were sitting on the chairs while Melanor was doing the dishes. Moranor was leaning on a wall while softly tapping on the floor repeatedly. Enora was playing with a floating ice needle that traveled between her fingers that she controlled. Elora's pocket glowed as she took out a talisman, she said. "Reiki left the library a few seconds ago." 

The looks on Moranor and Enora turned serious as their long and pointy ears barely twitched as they started to listen intently. Enrel smirked as she waited for a show to happen, Elora continued. "And right now he's headed toward the leather store Moranor brought him." All the elves on the table glanced at Moranor from the corner of their eye while Enora glared at her. Melanor finished drying all the plates as she used the same cloth to dry the plates with her hands.

Melanor walked behind Elora's chair and stood there. Elora had a surprised look on her face which all the other elves saw. Moranor's eyes had a hint of worry, she quickly said. "What happened?" Enora moved her gaze onto her mother waiting for her response. Elora said. "He found the elf who was monitoring him…" 

Enrel started laughing loudly while Melanor had a smile on her lips, Moranor and Enora's expression froze for a moment, Enora had a smirk on her lips while Moranor let out a scoff. Elora continued. "Reiki told the elf to go home…" Moranor said. "Tell the elf to-." Elora cut her off and said. "I told the elf to have the day off." Enora started chuckling while Enrel started softly banging on the table. Melanor was helplessly shaking her head sideways while the corner of her daughter's eye twitched.

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Inside A Leather Store

Reiki walked into the store making sure to close the door behind him, he didn't bother scanning the room and just walked toward the counter. Before he could do anything the same elf appeared and said. "Give me a minute." And vanishing, leaving him alone in the room not even a few seconds later the elf along with the old elf appeared behind the counter. 

The young elf was about to say something when the old elf cut him off and said. "I'm guessing you want that quiver over there." The old elf pointed at the expensive quiver using his chin, Reiki nodded and rummaged through his pocket and took out the pouch Revilor gave him. The two elves stared at him with a hint of interest in their eyes as Reiki placed down ten stacks of platinum coins on the counter. Reiki looked up and said. "A hundred platinum coins, feel free to check if they're real or not."

The old elf nodded at the young elf next to him as the young elf picked up one of the coins and pretended to examine it. The old elf looked at Reiko with a hint of interest in his eyes, the old elf said. "This kind of money isn't something a boy would be able to earn in a single day.' Reiki let out a small yawn and said. "Her majesty personally requested my help." The young elf continued to pretend to examine the coins while listening to their conversation. 

The old elf smiled at him and said. "What's the quiver for? A boy your age should be busy with his eyes glued to the most dazzling sword on display." Reiki thought. If you're going to check the coins, at least pretend you're doing something… While glancing at the young elf, Reiki said. "It's a gift." The old elf let out a genuine laugh, he somehow managed to stop himself and said. "That's mighty generous of you." Reiki slightly tilted his head in confusion, he said. "Thank you?"

The old elf smacked the young elf's shoulder and said. "Stop making a fool out of yourself, the boy is too sharp to fall for things like that." Reiki let out a short laugh, while the young elf frowned and placed the platinum coin back. The young elf said. "Then why make me do it in the first place?" The old elf started laughing again, after a moment the old elf said. "Boy, I forgot to ask for your name." Reiki looked up at the old elf and said. "Reiki. Akihito Reiki." 

The old elf gave him a hearty nod and said. "I hope you don't mind me calling you Reiki." Reiki shook his head as the old elf said. "I have a good idea who that quiver is for." The elf gave him a meaningful smile and continued. "It's for lady Moranor, isn't it." Reiki nodded and said. "Yeah, they lent me clothes, put a roof over my head, and made sure I was well fed. It's not much but it's my way of saying thank you."

The old elf started laughing again while the young elf standing next to him glanced at the old elf from the corner of his eye and let out a long sigh. The old elf said. "Consider your purchase done, drop by here after lunch. By then I should be finished doing all the final touches, hell I'll even add in a few freebies." The young elf placed both his hands on his hair as if he was on the verge of pulling it off, he said. "Master Maeglin! You need to stop giving freebies whenever you please! At this rate, the shop won't last!" 

Maeglin let out a scoff, he said. "It's MY shop. Whether I sell everything for one copper or burn it to the ground is my decision. Orb you should be worried about your craftsmanship." Maeglin pointed at the flimsy quiver Moranor showed him last time and continued. "With goods like that, I'll be bankrupt by how you waste leather and the quality of them."

Reiki looked at the young elf and said. "Orb?" The young elf pretended to cough and said. "My name is Orbryn, but you can call me Orb." Maeglin tapped the top of Orbryn's head and said. "Don't mind us Reiki, go back to the elf you fancy. We're just babbling like there's no tomorrow." Reiki nodded at both of them, he said. "Thank you." Reiki turned around and headed out of the store while walking he heard Maeglin speaking to Orbryn. Maeglin said. "Bring me that quiver while I check the storage for a few things."


Melanor's Kitchen

Enrel was already missing in the room leaving the two pairs of mother and daughter alone. Melanor said. "That's the plan." She glanced at her daughter and continued. "Her majesty, Enrel, and I will kill the old factions along with their clan. Moranor will be responsible for that pathetic excuse called barrel." Elora and Enora let out a chuckle while Moranor said. "Valen." Melanor let out a scoff and said. "Same thing. Enora will be responsible for making sure nothing escapes the net." Moranor looked at her mother and said. "When do we take action?" 

Elora smiled and said. "Two days." Moranor and Enora were surprised for a moment as both of them nodded in agreement. Moranor moved her gaze onto the ceiling in a daze, Melanor smiled at her daughter and said. "How does it feel to know your future is in your hands alone?" Elora moved a few stray strands of hair away from her daughter's face to the side. 

Elora said. "In two days tops, the two of you are free. Free to make your goals a reality. Free to pick your beliefs." Elora's lips turned into a smirk as she continued. "Free to pick a suitor." Moranor slightly blushed while Enora let out a laugh that was quickly followed by a short daze. Enora shook her head slightly and said. "W-What is that supposed to mean?" Elora gave her daughter an enigmatic smile, she said. "It is what it is." 

Moranor and Enora turned serious all of a sudden as their long pointy ears slightly twitched. Moranor's lips turned into a smile as she suppressed it herself keeping a straight face, Enora for a brief second had a look of expectation. Enora slowly inhaled to maintain her nonchalant expression as she looked at her neatly cut nails. The four of them heard footsteps slowly headed toward their location. Elora looked at Melanor from the corner of her eye and stood up, Elora said. "With everything going smoothly for once, I would like to take this opportunity to relax. Nora, if you need me, I'll be in my room."

Enora was too busy listening to the sound of footsteps as she nodded at her mother without knowing what she said. Elora smiled at her daughter and patted the top of Enora's head, Elora said. "Honey, go get him." Melanor also stood up and pinched her daughter's cheek which got no reaction. Melanor said. "Just a little more and he's yours." Melanor didn't even glance at her and said. "I'll do the chores when I have some spare time." 

Melanor let out a chuckle as both Melanor and Elora vanished from the room. The door was opened making a clicking sound as Reiki walked into the room, closing the door behind him. He looked around the kitchen and saw Enora and Moranor sitting on opposite sides of the table. Reiki walked next to the empty seat next to Moranor and sat on it, which made Enora frown. He said. "What did I miss?" Moranor turned her head to face him and flash Reiko a smile, she said. "Nothing much-."

Reiki suddenly disappeared next to Moranor and appeared by the empty seat next to Enora on the other side of the table. Moranor pupils instantly glowed as she glared at Enora who ignored her glare and stared at Reiki with a smile. Enora said. "Other than some plans of killing some old senile elves? Not much." Enora patted the empty chair next to her. Reiki stared at the seat for a second and sat next to her, he said. "On a serious note, those two forgot these." 

He took out his tattered pouch and rummaged through it and took out the five talisman-shaped formations on the table. Reiki placed his tattered pouch on the table and passed them two each, leaving one near him, he said. "Make sure to give one to your mothers." He pointed at the last one in front of him and continued. "I don't know which one of you is willing to deal with Enrel-san." Enora quickly took the formations of the table and smiled at him, she said. "I'll do it, the musclehead's timetable over there will forget the moment she starts training."

Reiki thought. Now that's just full-on aggressive. Moranor pupils slowly turned back to normal as she slowly stood up from her seat and picked up the small wooden stool with her hands. Enora flashed her a taunting smile while Moranor deliberately walked to the longer side of the table avoiding Enora. Moranor placed the seat on his left and sat next to him as if nothing happened, she said. "What took you so long?" Reiki looked up to Moranor and said. "Oh, I went back to the leather store and wanted a few things." 

For a split second, Enora's pupils glowed an icy blue before turning back to normal. Moranor placed her left elbow on the table and lazily rested her head on her left palm and said. "What did you buy?" Reiki pretended to think for a moment, he said. "Nothing special, just a few handguards and some of those pouches that go on your belt."

Before they could continue the conversation Enora picked up by placing her hands on his waist and placed him on her lap while facing Moranor. Enora placed her hands in front of Reiki placing his head in between her large bust, Enora said. "Then you should have called me." She glanced at the tattered pouch he placed on the table and continued. "I could've made everything you wanted custom made and replaced that old pouch of yours with a decent one." Reiki thought. That old pouch is worth more than the entire human economy. 

While looking up to Enora he could feel her intentionally moving her chest forward, Reiki said. "It's fine, I'm a growing boy so it would've been a waste of resources in the long run." Moranor's pupils had lightning coursing in them as some faint sound of crackling around her could be heard.

Moranor slowly inhaled to calm herself as she quickly tried to think of something to get him off her lap. Moranor said. "Reiki, aren't you curious why I fed Enora cat food?" Reiki could feel one of Enora's hands clenched into a fist, he moved his gaze onto Moranor and said. "Wasn't it a prank?" Enora's eyes widened in realization while Moranor shook her head and said. "Aren't you curious why it was cat food? Not something she hated, like okra." 

Reiki thought. I also don't like okra. Before Moranor could say anything Enora hugged him closer, forcing his head deeper into her cleavage. Reiki's hearing was slightly dampened, Enora said. "Reiki, would you like a chance to have a familiar?" Reiki pretended to struggle to get his head out of Enora's chest, he said. "You mean one of those lifelong friends?" Moranor glared at Enora who smiled at him, Enora nodded and said. "Don't worry, depending on the intelligence of the familiar they are also called pets." She rummaged through her pocket and took out a talisman as it faintly glowed.

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