
Chapter 111: Chapter 111: Accurate

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Enora placed the talisman on the table and looked down at Reiki who still had his head smothered in her bosom. Enora said. "Give me a minute and I'll give you the chance." Moranor waved her hand as Reiki disappeared from Enora's lap and appeared standing next to her. Moranor moved the chair he was sitting on next to him and grabbed Reiki's long sleeve making him sit next to her. Moranor said. "So what familiar are you expecting to call?" 

Reiki was confused for a moment, he said. "If you have the means to call a familiar, then how come neither of you has one?" Enora was about to answer but was interrupted by Moranor who said. "Simple, I called a lightning eagle. Since I don't have the time nor the resources to build it a habit to rest in, my mother and I decided to let it go back to the wild. But when we have the money to spare I'll call it again when I have the time."

Enora rolled her eyes at Moranor and said. "An eagle, how crass." Reiki and Moranor moved their gazes onto Enora who continued not before intentionally moving her chest making her breasts slightly jiggle. Enora said. "I on the other hand called an ice sprite with wings. The poor girl was too shy to interact with elves being as young as she was so I decided to wait for her to overcome her fear of strangers." 

The confusion on Reiki's face became more apparent, he said. "You call them? Not summoned?" Moranor and Enora looked at him with an odd look, the two of them glanced at each other. Moranor said. "Reiki, summoning magic is scarce…" He could feel the looks the elves were giving him pierce through his skin, Reiki said. "It was worth a shot." As he shrugged his shoulders.

Reiki looked up to Moranor and said. "How does it work? Does it need a peace offering or something?" Moranor was just about to answer his question when Enora said. "Yes and no, technically. All it needs is some ink on the ground and a drop of your blood." Reiki moved his gaze onto Moranor, she said. "A formation using ink." 

Reiki nodded as the talisman started glowing, all three of them glanced at the talisman and stood up from their seats. Enora pocketed the talisman and said. "Shall we?" Enora suddenly grabbed Reiki's hand as the two of them immediately vanished. The mana around the kitchen suddenly surged as Moranor's hair started to float, she was on the verge of screaming. Moranor said. "That elf!"


Somewhere In Elora's House

Reiki and Enora were in an empty wooden room, on the floor was a simple circle that had a simple star on the inside. Reiki was looking around the room, he said. "And I thought my room was humble." Enora dragged him near the circle while holding his hand, she didn't notice the spring in her steps. Enora said. "Hold out your hand above the circle." Reiki did as he was told while Enora rummaged through her pocket taking out a familiar dagger.

[System: User has received 542 Damage.]

[System: The user has tier-II bleeding effect. The user will receive 567 damage every 5 seconds.]

[System: User has bleed 567 Damage.]

[System: User has been healed for 542.]

[System: Tier-II bleeding has been cured.]

Enora gave Reiki's middle finger a fairly deep cut, a few drops of blood dripping to the floor before suddenly stopping. Enora's gaze narrowed as she observed him not reacting to pain, she glanced at the dagger that had some blood and the drops of blood on the floor. Reiki thought. Figured she'd do that. He looked at his finger that had some blood on it and moved it around. Enora had an intrigued smile on her lips, she said. "Do you feel pain? Or are you able to manipulate your pain receptors? It's a spell!" 

Her eyes widened as if she solved the question, Enora continued. "It's a spell that allows you to numb certain parts of your body-." The door was suddenly violently kicked open as it smashed into the wall breaking the silver doorknob. The door had a footprint on it showing it was kicked in the middle, Moranor had a smile on her lips while standing on both her two feet. Moranor said. "I thought I lost you two for a moment."

Reiki was staring at the door and thought. Holy shit… Those anime about elves being frail were off… Moranor was standing next to Reiki as she placed her hand on his shoulders, her pupils were glowing as she was checking for something. Enora had a frown on her lips while Moranor let out a sigh of relief. From the corner of her eye, Moranor saw some blood on his hands and the floor. 

Moranor took a deep breath to calm herself, she looked at Enora who had an indifferent expression along with a frown she didn't even bother to hide her displeasure. Moranor said. "Did you have to use a dagger on him?" Moranor moved one of her hands away from Reiki's shoulder as she pointed at the amount of blood on the formation on the floor. With her other hand, Moranor was moving Reiki behind her back. Moranor continued. "You could've easily used a needle and it would have sufficed."

Enora rummaged through her pocket and took out a silk handkerchief and used it to wipe the blood off her dagger. Enora said. "It's fine, this dagger is enchanted with regeneration. It's mostly used for tortu-." She exaggerated a fake cough and said. "Medical examinations. Mainly for seeing how deep a foreign object is, as long as an organ isn't involved." 

Moranor crossed her arms as she shook her head in disapproval, she said. "It doesn't matter what it's used for, just don't use it on Reiki! Is that a clear line for you? Or do I have to write another twenty-page essay for you to understand?" The two elves glared at each other as the mana in the room turned unstable, before it could get worse Reiki immediately said. "Don't want to burst your bubble. But if the two of you want to fight, do it outside away from me. A fragile human." Enora let out a chuckle as she placed an arm around his shoulder pressing his head on her large chest. 

Enora said. "Not to burst your bubble, but you're anything other than a fragile human." Moranor grabbed Reiki's left arm and pulled him out of Enora's grasp. Moranor fixed his clothes somewhat and said. "Don't worry about it, we both know we're not allowed to have an actual fight." Reiki looked up to Moranor and said. "Since we have some free time, do you have anything you want to do?"


Outside A Large School

There were dozens of students around the same age as Shiro walking out wearing uniforms with the same color scheme. Shiro was walking with two girls beside her that were roughly the same height as her. One of them looked like she needed to comb her hair more while the other was growing her hair out. The tomboyish girl had short and unkempt hair, she covered her right eye with her bangs, a healthy brown skin paired with dark brown eyes and pants that she wore under her skirt that could easily be seen. 

The other girl had white skin with her hair neatly brushed as she was almost constantly having to brush her bangs away from her eye blocking her view. Shiro looked at the tomboyish girl and said. "Yuki, what was your score for the test?" Yuki let out a yawn not bothering to cover her mouth, she said. "I only got eighty-nine." Yuki and Shiro looked at the other girl, Yuki said. "Mio, what did you score?"

Mio moved her bang away from her eyes, she said. "Ninety-three." Mio and Yuki looked at Shiro who was pretending not to notice their gazes. Yuki and Mio glanced at each other, Mio said. "Shiro?" Shiro didn't say anything as the two of them stood by the front gate waiting for something. Yuki smiled as she playfully poked Shiro's cheeks, Yuki said. "Spill it out, It isn't fair if only the two of us share." Shiro tried to smack Yuki's hand that poked her but Yuki managed to move her hand away. Shiro softly said. "... Ty-five…" Yuki and Mio raised a brow, Mio said. "Can you say that again? We didn't hear it." 

Shiro started to faintly blush as her cheeks had a faint color of red on them, she said. "... Seventy-five!..." Yuki started patting Shiro's back in an attempt to comfort her, she said. "That isn't too bad…" She glanced at the other boys and girls commuting with a dejected or pale expression on their faces. Yuki continued. "Some even failed scoring below a sixty. A few boys even managed to score a ten."

Before they could continue their conversation a black limo had parked in front of the school near them. Mio gave Yuki and Shiro a wave goodbye, Mio said. "I'll see the two of you tomorrow." Shiro and Yuki returned her wave as a man wearing a black suit that couldn't hide his large muscles that stretched the suit itself. The man walked out of the driver's seat and quickly opened the door to let Mio in and went back in the driver seat as the car quickly drove off. 

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Yuki spread her arms out as she gave Shiro a bear hug and slightly lifted her from the ground, Yuki said. "I'll smell you later." Yuki let Shiro go as she started jogging down the street waving her goodbye while she stared at her. Shiro kept waving at Yuki until she took a right, she looked around and noticed her senpai's that still had various clubs were still in the school. Shiro let out a sigh when she felt a hand touch the top of her head, she immediately panicked and froze on the spot.

Shiro slowly looked up and was relieved when she saw Ketsueki wearing her usual baggy jacket and pants, Ketsueki said. "Did you forget anything Shiro?" Shiro shook her head as she gave her older sister a bright smile, she said. "Nope, one of the teachers gave us a simple spell to practice so I was able to do most of my homework during class." Ketsueki ruffled Shiro's long white hair which made her pout at her older sister, Ketsueki said. "We're having yakiniku with my friends you've met before." Shiro's eyes brightened up as she nodded her head in agreement, Ketsueki continued. "Do you want to go back home to change your clothes? Or are you fine wearing your uniform?" Shiro quickly fixed her hair as she grabbed her older sister's hand, Shiro said. "I wanna change clothes!" She started dragging Ketsueki by the hand as Shiro eagerly headed home.


Somewhere In The Forest

Reiki was standing in front of a tree with three apples that were balanced on his head. Enora and Moranor were fifty feet away from him, while Moranor was aiming an arrow on the top of his head as she was using a short bow, Reiki thought. I'm not even surprised anymore… Enora quietly stood behind Moranor who was taking her time, Reiki said. "Can someone tell me why and how this turned into a competition?"

Moranor maintained her focus as she suddenly let go of the bowstring, Reiki saw the arrow getting close and predicted its trajectory. He thought. The first apple on the bottom. The arrow made a soft whistling sound in the wind as it hit the apple that was resting on top of his head. The arrow went clean through the apple hitting the tree without making it move, Moranor passed the short bow to Enora. Enora pushed the bow back to Moranor, Enora said. "This is child's play." Enora's eyes brightened up as her lips turned into a smirk, she said. "How about we make this interesting?"

Reiki was still standing by the tree and could hear everything, he said. "I'd rather not." The two elves ignored him as Moranor's eyes narrowed as she glared at Enora, Moranor said. "What are you-." Enora interrupted Moranor, Enora said. "How about we increase the distance to five hundred feet? No magic, just aim and shoot." Before Moranor could say anything Enora said. "Loser can't approach him for three hours, the winner can decide when the three hours start." Moranor let out a scoff, she said. "Reiki is not a prize you win-."

The smirk on Enora's lips grew, she said. "Why? Musclehead isn't confident in her archery skills?" The corner of Reiki's eye twitched, he said. "Must be nice since neither of the two of you are the targets." Moranor let out an exaggerated sigh as she shook her head, she said. "I'm not playing your game Enora. Every time you pull this even if I win you'll always bend the words so it wouldn't even matter in the end."

Enora let out a chuckle as she puffed her chest out making her breast bounce, she said. "Scared you'll lose by your own game?" Moranor clenched her hands into a fist, through gritted teeth she said. "Did you even hear a single word I said?" Enora let out a laugh and started rummaging through her pocket and took out her pouch. Enora said. "I heard the word yes." From her pouch, she took out another red apple and appeared next to Reiki who took the arrow out of the apple and was already eating it while holding the other two apples with his left hand. 

He swallowed and said. "Isn't shooting bows here in the forest a hazard? What if another elf comes and gets caught in the crossfire?" Moranor quickly appeared next to Enora who was trying to balance the apple on the top of his head. Enora was trying to find the center of gravity, she said. "This part of the forest, at least for this village, is the firing range."

Reiki glanced around using his eyes only, he said. "I thought it would be more open." Enora slowly let go of the apple on top of his head as he passed her the second one. Moranor was shaking her head in disapproval, she said. "It's more realistic this way, not every fight will take place in an empty area nor would it be during the daytime. Why did you think I needed to practice my aim in the dark?" 

Enora was slowly let go of the second apple that was on top of the first one on Reiki's head. He said. "Point taken, think you could give a few pointers on how to use a bow?" Reiki passed the third apple to Enora who was trying to place it on top, Moranor raised a brow and said. "Are you sure? Learning how to shoot a bow requires patience." Reiki almost nodded, making the two apples on top of his head wobble, Enora playfully slapped his shoulder and said. "Stand still." Reiki rolled his eyes at Enora, he said. "It's fine even if it's just the basics." He thought. I mean… for an entire month I once stalked someone so that I could memorize their schedule…

A smile formed on Reiki's face, he said. "I just wanted something to remind me of you." Moranor was surprised for a split second as her eyes widened before a faint blush appeared on her cheeks. Moranor faked a cough and said. "I-I'll reluctantly make some spare time for you…" Enora's smirk vanished as she placed the third apple on top, she grabbed Moranor's hand that was holding the short bow. Enora said. "I hope you're ready to lose." 

Reiki took another bite of the apple he was holding as he looked up trying to see another three apples on top of his head, he thought. Hopefully, I won't be needing an elf well versed in healing magic… When he looked in front of him, Reiki noticed that both Enora and Moranor were already gone.

Moranor and Enora appeared five hundred feet away from Reiki, Moranor didn't even squat as she jumped onto a tree branch that was able to carry her weight. Enora didn't react as she floated and softly landed next to Moranor on the branch. Enora pointed in the direction where Reiki was still standing and had already eaten half of the apple in his hands. Moranor also looked in the same direction and saw Reiki who's posture was as straight as a sword. Enora said. "The arrow closer to the middle of the apple gets one point. The first wave of three shots is yours." 

Moranor rummaged through her pocket with her free hand and took out a pouch. Moranor passed the pouch to Enora who took out a total of six arrows. Enora passed one to Moranor, with a gloating expression Enora said. "Don't miss." Moranor took the arrow from her hand as she placed it on the bowstring and slowly pulled it back reaching her cheek.

Her eyes were completely focused as she slowed down her breathing and tried to calm down her heartbeat.

Reiki was eating the entire apple in his hands including the seeds, he thought. Wait, I don't know the rules-. Before he could finish, Reiki heard three arrows whistling in the wind, all three arrows simultaneously hitting the three apples on top of his head. The three arrows cleanly went through all the apples and hit the tree, He thought. What the fuck-? 

Reiki didn't even process what happened as he heard another three arrows whistling through the wind. Reiki could feel some juice from the apples dripping down from the top of his head and partially damping his unkempt and scraggly hair. He moved away from the tree and looked at the arrows that hit the apples, Reiki saw six arrows that hit the same spot in the apples. All three apples were hit in the middle with two arrows, Reiki thought. That level of accuracy is scary…

Moranor and Enora appeared behind him as both of their gazes were on the three apples on the arrows. Moranor had a proud smile on her lips while pointing at the arrows she said. "I win." Enora shook her head in disagreement, she pointed at the arrows that split the first volley and said. "If you look closely, you can easily tell that the second volley was closer to the center." The two elves glared at each other as the mana around them turned heavy. 

Reiki scratched the back of his head, he raised his hand and said. "I have an idea." Moranor's expression instantly turned soft as a small smile crept onto her lips, she said. "What-?" Enora immediately cut her off and said. "Go for it." As she flashed him a smile, Reiki moved his hand back down, he said. "How about we cut the apples in half?" Both the elves raised a brow in confusion, Reiki continued. "Since both arrows hit the middle, cut the apples and the arrows in half. The closer said arrow is cut in half wins the point."

Moranor thought about it for a minute and said. "Then how would the point be distributed?" Reiki pointed at Moranor and said. "Easy, in the same apple, compare it with the other arrow that was cut in half. If the other half of the arrow is too big or small then it means that the arrow wasn't close enough in the center." Reiki carefully took the apples off that were being held in place because of the arrows. Enora smirked as she was about to reach and grab Reiki's left shoulder. Moranor caught her hand and glared at Enora. Reiki slowly pulled the last apple from the tree without making the arrows move, he turned around and said. "Let's go."


Yakiniku Restaurant

Namida, Sachi, Ketsueki, and Shiro were sitting down and had the entire table covered with plates of meat with beautiful marble of fat in them. The four of them were in a private room and the center of the table was a charcoal grill that was embedded in the table itself, Namida chugged down a large glass of beer in one go while Sachi was enjoying her tall glass of ice tea with a small wedge of lemon.

Shiro's eyes were glued onto the charcoal that was filled with all sorts of cuts of meat that were being cooked. Namida and Sachi glanced at each other as the two of them smiled. With her signature smile, Sachi said. "While you wait for the meat to cook, you tell us all about Reiki." Ketsueki flipped the meat on the charcoal grill on the table as she glared at the two of them which they ignored.

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