
Chapter 118: Chapter 118: Cleanse

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Somewhere In Osaka

The first crack of dawn just showed itself while Reiki neatly folded the scarf and placed it in his tattered pouch. He looked around the streets and appropriated the lights that were still on, he said. "I'm back." Cherry was on his right shoulder as she let out a caw, Reiki looked at her and said. "You want to fly around?" Cherry flapped her wings expressing her excitement, Reiki nodded and said. "Stay close." Cherry turned into a streak of white as she flew in the air, Reiki looked up and thought. Hopefully, she won't get lost. He turned around, Reiki said. "She's gone now."

He rummaged through his pocket and brought out his tattered pouch and placed his hand in, an elf wearing a brown cloak appeared right in front of him. The elf let out a long sigh and said. "... I hope you had a pleasant trip…" Reiki took his hand out of his pouch and tossed three coins at the elf, which he easily caught with one hand. 

The elf looked at the coins and saw all of them were platinum, Reiki started walking down the street and said. "Thanks for dealing with Cherry." The male elf stared at the coins at his hand before he hastily placed it inside his cloak, he gave Reiki a curtsy bow and said. "It was my pleasure." As he suddenly vanished.

While walking down the street he noticed a few students were already up and were already heading to school. He suddenly heard Ender say. What do you think is going to happen? Reiki thought. From what I've gathered… I would say it would be a purge but that would require both sides to be equal in power… It would be more appropriate to call it a cleanse, after this, the elf town would be united and head into prosperity. 

Reiki took a left and saw a man wearing a grey business suit letting a small yawn as he covered it with his hand that had a watch on his wrist. Reiki glanced at the watch and thought. A few minutes before six. Ender didn't reply as Reiki walked down the streets in silence enjoying the scenery, he thought. I've forgotten what it's like to be able to show your face in public…


A Large Meeting Room

There were at least eight dozen elves sitting on wooden chairs, all of them were indifferent in front of Elora who sat in front of all of them with Melanor on her right. Near the door, twelve old elves wearing dark green robes appeared, they walked toward the back and stood. Most of them used their hoods to hide their faces, the few that didn't show their parts started turning gray, one of them spoke with a hint of sarcasm. "Your majesty. To what is our pleasure of being called? And may I be bold to ask why only our factions have been summoned? And none of the royal family?" 

One of the old elves who hid his face said. "I also heard rumors that you gave a human access to the second floor." The door suddenly opened as Valen, who was wearing a long green robe with a wave of his hand as the door behind him closed.

Valen walked toward the old elves wearing the green robes as he gave them a bow, he said. "Ancestors, let me handle this." Valen cleared his throat as he placed both his hands behind his back. Melanor and Elora watched all of them with an indifferent expression before Valen could say anything, Elora looked at Melanor and said. "Is this all of them?" Melanor placed her hands behind her as strings of lightning started to appear between her palms, she said. "Yes, your majesty." 

Elora nodded as she slowly stood up, she said. "Me letting a boy on the second floor is the reason for this meeting." A sweet smile slowly formed onto Melanor's lips, one of the old elves interrupted her and said. "Can we take this as the admittance of your treason?" Elora's pupils glowed an icy cold blue, she said. "Kill them all."

With a snap of her fingers, the entire room was enveloped in a layer of ice. Melanor's hands were bathed in lightning as she slowly walked to the elves, the sound of crackling was almost deafening. Immediately the elves closest to Melanor aimed at her as they started casting fire, wind, and water. One of the old elves screamed from the top of his lungs, saying. "HER MAJESTY HAS STARTED MUTINY! SIZE HER!" 

Elora lazily waved her hand as a thin layer of see-through ice appeared right in front of her and Melanor blocked all the spells. Melanor hands were coated with thick strings of lightning, she clapped her hands as she broke the sound barrier making a shock wave. All the elves in the room started casting at the two of them.

"Fire Ball!"

"Water Ball!"

"Wind Slash!"




"Wind Bullet!"

A barrage of spells surrounded Melanor and Elora, no matter what direction the thin see-through layer of ice would always move to protect them. A few elves reached into their pockets and took out bows and swords as they tried to rush them. Melanor clapped a second time making another shock wave which made all the elves in front of her drop their weapons and place their hands on their ears. 

All of them had blood coming out of their ears as a few even collapsed from the sound. Elora looked around and shook her head, she said. "Looks like thirteen got away." The lightning on Melanor's body slowly subsided but a few thick strings of lightning still traveled around her, she let out a chuckle and said. "You mean you intentionally let them get away, Blood Witch can easily kill them."

Elora placed a hand on her chin, with a hint of nostalgia in her eyes she said. "Blood Witch… I haven't heard that title in a while…" Melanor let out a laugh as the two of them ignored the elves on the groan letting out whimpers of pain. Melanor said. "That's because Enrel hates it." Melanor's eyes turned cold as she glanced at the elves who were slowly getting up, she said. "What should we do with them?" Elora didn't even glance at them and said. "No survivors." 

The strings of lightning around Melanor started to grow bigger and travel faster, she lazily waved her hand as lightning hit one of the elves. The elf screamed from the top of his lungs, creating a chain reaction. The lightning traveled around all the elves turning their skins into a dark black filling the room with screams of pain, agony, and the scent of burnt flesh.


Somewhere In The Hallway

Valen was sprinting down the hallway passing Enrel without noticing her. Enrel rummaged through her pocket and took out a talisman as it faintly glowed, the entire room was enveloped in a layer of mana. All of a sudden twelve old elves wearing green robes flew by, three of them hit an invisible wall which made the other stop in their tracks. One of the old elves using a hood to cover his face said. "Get back, I'll-." 

The elf's hands were gathering mana in the surroundings as it looked like blue fog visible to the naked eye. Enrel appeared behind them as she looked at them with an indifferent expression, she said. "No need to waste your breath. I'll be sending all of you to your graves."

One of the elves that were closer to Enrel suddenly blurred and appeared behind her and with one swift motion tried to kick her spine. Enrel's dark blue eyes turned blood red, the elf behind her suddenly collapsed as the blood in him started to seep through his skin and float above Enrel creating a ball. The ball of blood slowly grew bigger as the elves stared at Enrel in fear, one of them pointed at her and said. "B-Blood Witch! Didn't the rumors say you died?" 

When the elf finished his sentence his entire body instantly dried up like a mummy as his corpse fell on the floor. The corpse behind Enrel slowly turned into a dried husk as thick strings of blood were quickly being formed into a ball of blood. The ball of blood was roughly the same size as a basketball, It grew dozens of tendrils and started lashing at the old elves.

The old elves seeing this lined up horizontally as all of them formed a wall of mana, a couple of old elves didn't react in time as the tendrils whipped at them. The old elves watched in horror as they heard the sound of tendrils breaking the sound barrier every time. One of the old elves was hit in the calves and couldn't stand up, he said. "Help me!" His entire face turned pale as he instantly turned into a dried mummy. 

The other elf quickly ran toward the elves and said. "Make room for me, you selfish bastards!" The tendrils stabbed his heart and head as the old elf dried up, the corpse walked a couple more steps before falling to the floor. The ball of blood above Enrel slowly grew bigger as she stared at her perfectly trimmed nails without a care in the world.

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The blood tendrils started lashing at the mana wall as it destroyed the floor, walls, even the roof from its speed. Cracks started to appear on the mana wall one of the old elves said. "Pour more mana into it!" The old elf next to him said. "No! We need to cast a-." The tendrils went back into the blood ball as if they were never there. The blood ball turned into dozens of spears that were identical, the spears turned into a streak of red and sliced through the barrier as it was made out of tofu. The old elves were stabbed multiple times in different locations, some were stabbed in the leg being impaled on the ground, a few were stabbed in the chest, as a couple was stabbed in the heart as the light in their eyes slowly faded. 

Enrel started twirling her index finger around, manipulating the blood as it enveloped all of them as they drowned. Their bodies slowly dried up at a visible rate the longer they stayed. Enrel waved her hand as the blood turned into shackles revealing dried corpses underneath. The blood shackles latched onto all twelve of the dried corpses.

Enrel took out the talisman as it slowly lost its glow, the room around her started to bend and turn back to normal as if nothing happened. Enrel lazily stretched and said. "How rude, calling me a witch." The other end of the blood shackles went into Enrel's hands as they merged into one, she said. "Elora wanted proof that all of you are dead." Enrel started walking down the hall as she dragged the mummified corpses. Her blood-red eyes slowly turned back into her dark blue color.


At The Edge Of The Building

Valen was still sprinting not looking behind him, his clothes had seest in them as he saw the door leading out. He laughed like a mad man, he said. "I-I escaped!" Valen reached the door as he felt his legs go soft, he leaned on the door with his back as he felt a sudden wave of fatigue overcome him. Valen looked at the never-ending hallway and said. "You'll regret the choice you made! Amthir's! Qinleth's! The day will come when you will beg for your death!" 

All of a sudden he noticed the entire room radiated a faint glow of mana which made him frown, Valen said. "What the-." He noticed something white that was heading toward him. Valen's eyes suddenly widened as he turned around and tried to open the door but didn't budge. He kicked it a couple of times before turning around seeing the white light rapidly grow in size. Valen calmed himself as his entire body was covered in a thin layer of mana, he said. "Regenerate-!"

The moment the white light barely touched Valen it made a loud crackling noise that made his ears bleed as he placed his hands to cover them. The white light turned into a solid sphere of plasma the same size as a basketball as it emitted dozens of strings of lightning destroying everything it touched. Everything in a 50-foot radius was being constantly hit by lightning as it broke the entire entrance of the building. 

Valen was standing in the middle, with his pupils glowing he tried to dodge but was hit by lightning behind his right leg. Valen looked behind him and saw that the back of his right leg was completely charred and was on the verge of falling apart. He said. "H-Heal! Regenerate!" The charred skin on his right leg slowly fell off his skin as he tried to stand up with most of his weight on his left leg.

Everything in a 50-foot area around him was already turned to ash, when he turned around to the door he noticed a valley of grass. Valen was stunned as he tried to escape when all of a sudden the lightning sphere doubled in size as it started to rain bolts of lightning. He looked around and saw every direction was blocked by lightning, Valen gritted his teeth and clenched his hands into fists. He screamed from the top of his lungs. "MORANOR!" 

Valen was struck by another bolt of lightning in his stomach which ruined his clothes and pushed him onto the burnt ground. He quickly reached into his pocket, took out his pouch, and brought out a dozen red vails inside the pouch. Valen said. "We'll see who'll last long-." The plasmasphere doubled in size again as everywhere he looked he was surrounded by thick strings of lightning.

Valen's legs were struck by two bolts of lightning charring his skin until his bone as he couldn't move his legs. He turned pale as he started opening vails and chugging them one after the other, after the third vial. Valen said. "Heal! Regenerate!" The plasmasphere started gathering lightning as it made deafening sounds of crackling which made his ears bleed even more. 

Valen looked up and saw a swarm of lightning above him, it looked alive as if it was targeting him specifically. Valen quickly opened the rest of the vials and downed everything in one go, he said. "Regenerate! Cure!" The burnt area around his legs started to fall off and heal, the swarm of lightning steered right above Valen as it touched his head. Valen let out an inhuman scream as all of his hair was instantly singed, his entire head had bloody cracks around it as it looked like it was about to explode but at the same time, it was healing at a rapid pace.

His entire body was bathed in lightning as his skin white skin turned burnt. The plasmasphere suddenly shrunk to the size of a coin and exploded creating a shock wave. Valen was staring at the bright blue sky that didn't have a single cloud, his entire body was burnt as parts of his skin were glowing red. The ground beneath him was emitting a bright yellow glow, Valen forced himself to inhale, he said. "C-Cur-." 

He saw another white light heading toward him which made him stop as it hit him square in the face. Valen screamed with a hoarse voice as his face was enveloped with lightning. When the plasmasphere solidified his head was instantly vaporized as his charred body turned limp all of a sudden. The plasmasphere started raining down lightning on his burnt corpse as it destroyed Valen's remains.

Somewhere down the hallway, Moranor was wielding a longbow, and using the dark brown quiver Reiki bought her. Moranor's pupils were glowing as she stared without blinking, she said. "Consider yourself getting off lightly."


Large Meeting Room

Melanor was piling all the burnt bodies in the middle while Elora watched, the door suddenly opened as Enrel walked in dragging twelve dried corpses that were shackled by something red. Enrel pinched her nose and said. "This room stinks." Elora let out a chuckle and said. "You'll get used to it." Enrel walked toward Elora passing by Melanor who moved the last burnt course in the middle. Enrel patted Melanor's shoulder and said. "Great job, like always." 

Enrel waved her hand as all twelve mummified corpses were presented in front of Elora, Enrel said. "Here I present to you, your majesty. Are the corpses who-." Elora rolled her hands at her and said. "I get it, I'll make sure to send funds for your help both here and the breakthrough in formations." Enrel rummaged through her pockets and said. "Appreciated."

Enrel took out a small glowing test tube that was barely one-third filled with blood. The blood shackles on the corpses turned into a ball as Enrel waved her hand as the ball went inside the test tube barely moving the blood inside. Elora stared at the test tube in Enrel's hands and said. "How many liters of blood does that hold?" Enrel pocketed the test tube and casually said. "About fifty thousand, give or take. I spent a fortune getting this enchanted." 

Melanor suddenly appeared beside Enrel, Melanor said. "Did you leave Valen for my daughter?" Enrel nodded before she could say anything she smelled the stench of burnt bodies and pinched her nose again. Enrel said. "Can we please go somewhere else? These rooms smell awful, you two better cast a cleansing spell on yourself." Elora lazily stood up from her seat, she said. "We just need to wait for-."

Moranor suddenly appeared next to her mother and said. "Your majesty, I've finished my task." Moranor looked around and continued. "Where's Enora?" Elora raised a finger and said. "She's catching all those mice who got away-." Enrel interrupted them as she waved her hands, she said. "New room. Now."


Behind Elora's House

Enora was sitting on an ice throne that was a dark blue color, in front of her were a dozen elves that were frozen from the neck down. The ground in a twenty-foot radius was covered in a layer of ice connecting to the frozen elves were in the middle of trying to wield their bows as their teeth chattertered from the cold. Enora let out a long sigh, with annoyance in her voice she said. "My only question is why? Why does that whore of an elf get a gift from him and I don't?" 

The elves didn't respond as Enora continued. "I'll never be able to guess what he sees in her. I'm better no matter how I compare myself to her… Body, power, wealth, status… Yet how come I didn't get a gift?!" Enora stood up from her throne as she stomped the ground beneath her once creating cracks that slowly spread to the frozen elves whose eyes slowly widened in panic.

The temperature around Enora dropped as her eyes turned an icy blue, she said. "What's so special about her that he willingly spent a hundred coins?! Not only that, she had the audacity to let him kiss her forehead!" One more stomp on the ground as the cracks grew, it reached one of the elves as it broke. The elf's lower body crumbled as the body hit the floor yet he was still alive looking at his lower body that was shattered in ice. One of the elves managed to speak, saying. "Y-Young m-majesty, I-I t-think-." 

Enora raised her hand as she shook her head, she said. "It doesn't matter what you think because you're all dead anyway…" Enora looked down at the cracks and whispered. "Can't believe I have to share Reiki with Moranor…" With one more stomp the cracks grew everywhere the ice shattered along with the bodies of the elves except for their head as they landed onto the ground that was slowly starting to thaw.


Somewhere In Osaka

Reiki was walking down a familiar hallway as he noticed Cherry's faint shadow on the ground as she flew past. He let out a yawn as the first crack of dawn started to appear, from the corner of his eye he saw a few missing posters. Reiki looked to his left and thought. Oh yeah… Those guys are alive and I forgot to kill them… 

He walked past the multi-complex apartment next to his home and ignored the luxurious house from across the street where Kiru lived. Reiki walked to the door and tried to turn the doorknob and noticed it was locked, he thought. Onee-chan should have unlocked it by now… From inside the house, Ketsueki said. "I wonder who it could be? Especially around this time of day?"

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