
Chapter 119: Chapter 119: A Bribe

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Reiki froze as he subconsciously gulped, he said. "O… Onee-chan." He could hear Ketsueki's voice from the inside of the house. "Onee-chan? I don't recall having a disobedient little brother who goes missing for days." Reiki thought. I don't want to die… He faked a cough and said. "Onee-chan… I-If you are willing to be so kind to let this boy in the house. I'll happily explain my absence." Reiki slowly moved his hand away from the doorknob.


Arashi's Apartment

Arashi was lazily lying down on the couch staring at the flatscreen that was turned off. Most of the floor was littered with bags of fast food and chips, Arashi let out a yawn as she moved her gaze onto the ceiling. She noticed her pocket glowing as a talisman Asami gave her flew out of it and floated right in front of her. 

The talisman faintly glowed as Asami's voice could be heard from it, she said. "Look outside the window." Arashi did a front flip from the couch as she landed on the floor by the window as her large chest jiggle, she rubbed her left eye and looked out the window. Her eyes widened in delight as a big smile formed on her lips, Arashi placed a hand on the window making it crack. Arashi said. "Reiki!" She watched and saw him speak with a stiff smile on his face.


Inside Reiki's Home

Ketsueki was standing near the doorway without taking her white indoor slippers off, she placed her hands on her hips as she wore her signature baggy pants and jacket. From outside, Reiki said. "Onee-chan? I-I'll give you and Shiro a message along with a foot rub." Shiro, who just woke up was wearing a black t-shirt and white shorts, she walked next to Ketsueki and tugged on her jacket, Shiro said. "... Onee-chan… What's happening?..." 

As she let out a long yawn and used her hand to cover her mouth. From outside Reiki heard her little sister's voice, with a hint of hope he said. "Shiro!? It's me Reiki! I'm back and I have something special for you!" Shiro's eyes slowly widened, she excitedly tugged in her older sister's jacket and said. "Onee-chan, I'll let Onii-chan in."

Shiro let go of Ketsueki's jack as she trotted her way to the door, before she could place her hand on the doorknob her older sister stopped her by holding her hand. Shiro looked up to her older sister with a confused expression, she said. "Onee-chan?..." Ketsueki placed a finger on her lips making a shushing gesture, she said. "We can't let him in." Shiro cutely tilted her head as she stared straight into her older sister's eyes, she said. "Why?..." 

Ketsueki paused for a moment as she glanced around and said. "Because…" Her eyes suddenly brightened as she continued. "He's being led away by another girl that's trying to take him from us. If we accept his gifts." As she gave her little sister a meaningful look, Ketsueki said. "We have to give him to her." Ketsueki pretended to have a crestfallen expression on her face as she faked a sigh.

From the corner of her eye, Ketsueki observed her little sister's expression. Shiro's eyes widened for a moment before she frowned and crossed her arms, she stared at the door and said. "Onii-chan, you can forget about getting back inside!" As she pouted, Ketsueki hid her smile as she nodded in approval.


Outside The House

Reiki had a forced smile on his face as he felt his entire back was covered in a cold sweat, he thought. I still have a chance, as long as Shiro is willing to listen-. From the inside of the house, Ketsueki said. "Shiro, take the day off. I'll call your school and say you have a small fever." Reiki heard a small hop from the inside followed by Shiro saying. "Really? Onee-chan? Thank you!" The sound of small footsteps quickly went deeper into the house while Reiki thought. … Fuck… 

He scratched the back of his head and said. "Onee-chan, I… I…" Reiki looked around as he tried to think of something in a hurry, Ketsueki said. "You want our forgiveness? Then how about staying outside for the day?" Reiki stared at the door and thought. Then there's only one way I can get in there… 

Reiki suddenly turned around and started sprinting toward the luxurious house across the street as he effortlessly vaulted over the small gate. Ketsueki opened the door as her eyes were filled with anger and a hint of confusion, she thought. This boy of mine… What in the hell is he wearing?... Ketsueki's gaze narrowed as he stared at Reiki who was banging on the door with both his hands.


Arashi's Apartment

Arashi saw Reiki sprinted toward Kiru's house as she immediately opened the window, making the cracks break. Arashi said. "Oh no, you don't." She jumped from the fifth-floor landing on the ground as the ground she landed on cracked as she ran toward Reiki who was waiting for the door to open.

Reiki was staring at the door and thought. They're doing this on purpose. He turned around, Reiki said. "Since you won't help, why bother." He saw Arashi was right in front of him looking down at him with a sweet smile on her lips. Reiki thought. I know that smile half a mile away. He slowly looked up and said. "How's it going?" Arashi maintained the sweet smile on her face, she took a step closer to her as she took a couple of sniffs at him. 

Her eyes narrowed, Arashi said. "Hmm… Five. Six. Seven… Maybe even eight… Tell me, where have you been these past few days?" Reiki rolled his eyes at her and said. "Can this conversation wait? I have to-." All of a sudden Arashi appeared behind him, Reiki saw everything around him blurred as he subconsciously placed both his hands on the top of his head. He thought. She's not playing around! While he felt an imaginary dagger being placed above his head.

Reiki felt the back of his hands softly hit the ground while Arashi wrapped her arms around his chest as she casually did a german suplex on him. Arashi balanced herself using her feet and her head, she noticed his lack of reaction as she gave up. Arashi let him go as he lost his balance and twisted his body as he landed on his back. Arashi crossed her arms as she easily stood up without using them while Reiki watched as he slowly stood up. He thought. Nice core… 

Reiki patted his head to get some dust out of his hair and said. "Was the bloodlust necessary?" Arashi raised a finger as she was about to say something as her gaze wandered to his green tunic and brown pants. Arashi said. "What are you even wearing?..." Reiki used the long sleeve of his green tunic to wipe some cold sweat on the side of his face, he said. "A few men tried to kidnap me so I ran into a forest and met a few elves. They also treated my wounds."

Arashi's eyes turned cold, she said. "What did they look like?" Reiki shook his head and said. "Their body is already riddled with arrows and should be helping the trees grow right about now." Arashi crossed her arms making her large breasts press against each other as Reiki didn't even bother hiding his gaze that went up and down on her. 

She was wearing a grey t-shirt along with black jogging pants that hugged her figure. He looked down and noticed Arashi was wearing indoor slippers, Reiki pointed at them and said. "You're not wearing shoes." Arashi let out a small scoff, she moved her hand closer to his head and flicked Reiki's forehead.

[System: User has received 101 Damage.]

Reiki was pushed back a couple of steps as the spot his forehead was flicked turned slightly red, he said. "Ow!" He thought. That fucking hurt. He looked up at her, Arashi said. "Since you claim to have met elves you should have something to back you up." As she held out her hand, Reiki took out his tattered pouch from his pocket and took out the dark green scarf. 

Arashi's eyes widened as her eyes focused on the big gold letters, Reiki took a better look at it and thought. The letters should be about two inches in length and width. He placed the dark green scarf onto Arashi's hand as he rubbed his forehead, Reiki said. "Here." A couple of seconds after Arashi held it the scarf immediately turned pitch black as the gold letters turned red.

Arashi stared at the scarf in a daze when the front door of the house behind them suddenly opened revealing Kiru. She was wearing a simple red sweater that reached to her thighs paired with black stockings along with white flat heels. Arashi ignored her while Reiki let out a sigh when he saw Kiru from the corner of his eye. Arashi said. "Y-Your friends with elves?..." 

Reiki nodded his head and said. "Yeah, I got to know them better and I also managed to get in the library." He moved his gaze onto the pitch-black scarf, Reiki thought. I wonder… He casted. God's Eye. Information was sent into his brain

『God's Eye Has Been Activated.』


Requirement: Friend Of The Elves.

Mana imprint: Akihito Reiki





Calming Mind.

Quality: High-grade Epic                              』

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Reiki thought. That's it? Where's the durability?... The more I learn about this game-like world the more questions I have… Arashi was observing the black scarf in her hands as her eyes had an interest in them while the two of them ignored Kiru. Kiru cleared her throat and said. "Excuse me." As she placed her hands on her hips while slightly tilting her hips sideways. Reiki glanced at Kiru and said. "You're excused." The corner of Kiru's eye twitched, she walked beside Reiko and started pinching his cheek.

[System: User has received 43 Damage.]

Kiru pulled on his cheek with a sweet smile on her lips rivaling Arashi's, Kiru said. "Very funny little brother." She let his cheek go as she crossed her legs and slowly squatted down, Reiki saw a glimpse of black lace panties through Kiru's black stockings. Arashi 'accidentally' hit her elbow with the back of his head.

[System: User has received 87 Damage.]

Reiki rubbed the back of his head and looked at Arashi who was trying on his scarf as she wrapped it around her neck. Arashi said. "What do you think Lil bro? I think black suits me." Reiki had a slight frown on his face as he pondered for a second, he shook his head and said. "I think red would look perfect on you." Arashi raised a brow as a small smile formed on her lips, she said. "You think red would look good on me?" 

Reiki stared into her eyes, without missing a beat he said. "I think red was made for you." Kiru slowly stood up and faked a cough, she said. "Don't forget the two of you are in my house." The two of them looked at Kiru, Arashi glared at her while Reiki said. "If you want to get technical, we are in front of your house."

Kiru rolled her eyes at him, she said. "I'm not the one who was both sisters as a living time bomb." While she flashed him a smirk. Reiki's eyes widened as he immediately walked into the house, he said. "Oh- snap! I almost forgot! Where's Kanzei-san? I need his help in making some doughnuts, a cake, along with a few more things! If you have an item with time properties, let me use them for a moment!"

Kiru crossed her arms making her breasts press against each other as she rolled her eyes, Kiru said. "At least use indoor slippers!" Kiru was about to walk inside as she felt a hand on her shoulder. Arashi passed by Kiru as she went after Reiki, Kiru said. "Change your shoes!" Without turning her head or stopping, Arashi said. "What do you think I'm wearing?" Kiru glanced at Arashi's foot and saw she was wearing indoor slippers. Kiru's eyes widened as they contained a hint of anger, she said. "Those need to be replaced! You've used them outside!" With a wave of her hand the front door closed.


Inside The luxurious House

Reiki didn't even glance at the enormous living room with a large flat screen embedded in the wall surrounded by a large rounded U-shaped couch. He thought. Overpriced paintings, check. Expensive rug, check. Latest furniture that could be displayed on the front of the catalog, check. Arashi and Kiru were behind him, Kiru pointed at a door that was on the other side of the room at the left and said. "Kitchen is over there and I've already, called Kanzei." 

Arashi looked around the room from the corner of her eye, with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. Arashi said. "Nice place you got here." Arashi thought. Dragon was supposed to let me live here… A small frown formed on Arashi's lips which made Kiru let out a chuckle. Kiru said. "Thanks, it only cost me about ¥40,000,000 to renovate it overnight. Not accounting for the express delivery."

The two girls glared at each other while keeping up with Reiki. Kiru said. "Hothead." Arashi clenched her hands into fists as the sound of knuckles cracking was audible, she said. "What are you without money?" The three of them reached the door as Reiki opened it and saw a kitchen with the newest appliances inside complete with a large metal table in the middle. Reiki thought. Wow, This would put any Michelin star restaurant to shame… 

He went straight to the large industrial fridge and opened it seeing a variety of ingredients neatly packed inside. Reiki glanced to his left, staring at a large and wide metal door, he thought. That's one big meat locker… How about some whipped cream-filled doughnuts with some nuts on top of a layer of melted chocolate on top and… Black forest cake… Better make it four layers… Peanut butter cupcakes and maybe some brownies along with some soft chocolate chip cookies with chunky chocolate…

Reiki started taking large containers of cream, a few cartons of eggs, a few large sticks of butter, and large bricks of chocolate, he thought. Sure is nice to be rich… He started looking through the cabinets to look for the rest of the ingredients he needed while the two girls continued with their argument. 

Kiru placed a hand on her cheek, she said. "Hmm… If I think about it, I'm a scholar in a making, a master of both lightning and ice magic, business savvy, self-made multi-millionaire, soon to be billionaire, I graduated from both Harvard and MIT at the same time as a valedictorian if I might add, food connoisseur that specializes in wine, I also have an M.D. and a Ph.D. Just because I was bored and I did it in six months."

Arashi froze as a smirk slowly crept onto Kiru's lips while Reiki continued to search for ingredients. Kiru said. "How about you? What do you have without the tiger clan?" Arashi glanced at Reiki who was placing down large bags onto the metal table along with dozens of stainless steel mixing bowls. Arashi cleared her throat and said. "I-I'm a martial arts master and…" 

Arashi saw the smug grin on Kiru's face as she gritted her teeth and raised her hand forming it into a fist, Arashi said. "Wipe that grin off your face, before I do it for you." The door suddenly opened as Kanzei, wearing his usual black suit, walked in holding a pouch in hand and appeared beside Reiki. While placing a couple of kitchen knives on the metal table, Reiki said. "Do you have something with time properties?" In front of Reiki was a large pile of ingredients from vanilla bean to powdered coffee.

Kanzei showed the pouch in his hands and said. "One minute to thirty minutes ratio, ojou-sama already told me." Reiki nodded as he passed him a kitchen knife, he said. "Good, we're making some doughnuts, four-layered black forest cake with chocolate ganache, peanut butter cupcakes, brownies, soft chocolate chip cookies with chunks of chocolate. I'll make more than enough for everyone so make sure to keep up… And we need some mixers." 

While unwrapping a brick of chocolate Reiki moved his gaze onto Arashi who's eyes were glowing a dangerous gold color while Kiru was standing in front of her with a smile. Reiki said. "Kiru stop rubbing her fur the wrong way and Arashi if you're going to fight I want my scarf back." As he pointed at them with a knife. Reiki used the knife to cut open the bag of flour and started pouring it into a mixing bowl without looking. Kanzei pulled out his phone searching for some recipes while opening a few cabinets for some equipment.

~Thirty Minutes Later~

Reiki was using a plastic spatula to spread a layer of chocolate ganache on the third layer of the black forest cake. Arashi was next to him pretending to watch as her hand was slowly moving onto the bowl with the chocolate ganache. Reiki said. "Don't touch anything when I'm in the kitchen… And when are you planning on giving me my scarf back?" He looked at Arashi and noticed she wasn't wearing his scarf anymore as he swatted her hand with his.

[System: User has dealt 1 Damage.]

Arashi moved her hand away as she placed her other hand on top of the hand Reiki slapped, with a fake pained expression she said. "Now I'm hurt, the only thing that could…" Arashi started reaching for the bow of chocolate ganache again which led to Reiki swatting her hand again.

[System: User has dealt 1 Damage.]

The table was covered by dozens of trays filled with chocolate chip cookies with visible chunks of chocolate, brownies, cupcakes, and doughnuts that were next to a big bowl of whipped cream along with a couple of empty piping bags. Kanzei suddenly appeared near the door, he was carrying a few large biodegradable containers and walked to the table. Kanzei opened one, he said. "I bought a few spares just in case." Kanzei started placing half of everything on the table in separate containers. Reiki was carefully placing the fourth layer on top, he casted. Flash. 

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

Reiki appeared near the empty doughnuts as he picked up the large bowl of whipped cream along with the empty piping bag. He casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

Reiki appeared back to the black forest cake as he placed some cream in the piping bag, Arashi was watching with interest as Reiki started covering the cake with whipped cream. While he turned the plate the cake was on, Reiki said. "Now you can eat the chocolate-." Before he could finish Arashi's left hand blurred as she was already holding the bowl with a spoon in her right hand. Reiki raised a brow and said. "Where did you get the spoon?" 

Arashi scooped up a large amount of ganache as she formed it inside the bowl, she said. "I may or may not eat a few things." Reiki stopped piping the half-covered cake, he said. "So that's why they were missing bowls at the beginning?" Arashi didn't answer as she ate the ganache with content.

Reiki looked around, he said. "We're missing a person." Kanzei waved his hand as a few porcelain plates appeared in front of him that were neatly stacked while placing a few of them down. Kanzei said. "Ojou-sama is currently picking a new outfit before meeting your elder sister." Kanzei started placing the remaining sweets onto the plate and with a wave of his hands, they vanished from the table. Kanzei said. "I'll clean up the used dishes." 

Reiki sprinted to the fridge and quickly opened it. He took out a jar of preserved cherries and placed a few of them on top of the black forest cake. Reiki said. "Kanzei-san, pass me a knife and some-." Before he could finish there was already a knife and a couple of bars of dark chocolate in front of him. Arashi watched the two of them while eating the bowl of ganache, she swallowed and said. "What's all this for?"

Reiki opened the chocolate bars, took off the tin foils, and placed them upside down on the metal table. He picked up the knife and made long rolls of chocolate, Reiki said. "A bribe." Which made Kanzei and Arashi look at him oddly.


Inside Reiki's Home

Ketsueki was inside the house by the front entrance, her eyes were cold as she held her smartphone in her hands and glanced at the time. Ketsueki said. "Reiki better has a good explanation for why he's taking so long." She pocketed her smartphone as placed her hands on her hips, she heard footsteps behind her which made her turn her head sideways. 

Shiro's hair was still a bit damp as she had a sky blue towel around her neck while trying to dry her white long hair, she said. "Onee-chan did Onii-chan apologize yet?" Before Ketsueki could say anything someone knocked from the outside, the two of them could hear Reiki say. "Onee-chan, I made some cupcakes." Ketsueki took a small sniff and smelled something sweet while Shiro's eyes widened in delight.

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