
Chapter 134: Chapter 134: Pancake

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Arashi's sleeveless shirt was slightly damped with sweat while she took big slow breaths. Asami didn't even break a sweat as the two of them stood at the front of Ketsueki's house. Reiki slowly got up from the puddle of sweat under him, his shorts and t-shirt were soaked in sweat. While panting he tried to wipe some sweat off his forehead but only managed to spread the sweat more. Arashi crossed her arms, she said. "I'm impressed you managed to do all of that without collapsing." Asami observed Reiki from head to toe, she said. "I was half-expecting your body to break halfway if I'm being honest."

While trying to control his breathing Reiki reached into his pocket and took out the pouch Arashi gave him, he looked at the two of them and said. "Thanks… For the… Vote of... Confidence…" He placed his hand in the pouch and took out a large greatsword which he struggled to lift. Reiki stared at it while Asami had a small smile on her lips, she said. "Two hundred kilograms." He gave her a nod, he casted. God's Eye. Information was sent into his brain.

『God's Eye Has Been Activated.』


Damage: 1,750-2,250

Quality: Common                               』

Reiki thought. No strength requirement and it doesn't even show its durability... This world is weird in some ways… Asami continued. "You didn't bother about the quality so I just went with something mass-produced." Reiki placed the greatsword on the ground as he took out the other one from inside the pouch, taking out an exact copy as the other one. He casted. God's eye.


Damage: 1,743-2,243

Quality: Common                               』

Reiki thought. These are mass-produced alright. While he pocketed the pouch Arashi had a smirk on her lips, she said. "That's enough stalling start your thousand slashes." Reiki squatted and picked up the greatsword on the ground, he took a deep breath as he wielded one greatsword on each hand. He slowly moved his hand above his head while the two women made some distance between him and stood next to each other. In one swift motion, he swung the sword down vertically at full power creating a gust of wind. Reiki said. "One." He slowly moved his left hand above his head and swung it at full force, Reiki said. "Two."

~Two Hours Later~

Reiki swung the greatsword in his right hand, creating a gust of wind. He said. "One thousand nine hundred ninety-nine…" He forced his left hand above his head as it was visibly shaking, with a deep breath he swung it down. Reiki said. "Two thousand…" His breathing was completely ragged as his shirt stuck to his skin, underneath him was a puddle of his sweat. His arms were constantly shaking, looking like they were about to fall off any moment. Arashi had a hint of worry in her eyes, she took a step forward but was stopped by Asami who placed her right hand in front of her. Asami didn't even glance at her and said. "What are you doing?" Arashi turned her head and looked at Asami's indifferent expression. Arashi said. "He's pushing himself too much." The two greatswords Reiki was holding were visibly shaking as he took a deep breath, he turned his upper body sideways to the right as he swung the sword horizontally. He said. "One."

The swing of the sword in his hand created a small gust of wind as he forced himself to turn his upper body sideways to the right. Asami kept her gaze on him while her eyes were filled with approval, she said. "I say he hasn't pushed himself hard enough." Arashi's eyes narrowed as she tried to take a step forward but suddenly stopped when Asami placed a hand on Arashi's shoulder. Reiki swung the sword in his right hand creating another small gust of wind, he said. "Two." Asami glanced at her from the corner of her eye, she said. "Don't do anything stupid, Tora. This is an order." Arashi formed her hands into fists as her knuckles cracked, through gritted teeth she said. "Fine! But when he breaks I'm blaming you!"

~Two Hours Later~

Reiki slashed his greatsword horizontally as he created a small gust of wind, he said. "Two thousand." The puddle of sweat under him grew bigger as his breathing was completely erratic as he was heavily gasping for air. Asami's eyes were glued onto him, with a hint of expectation in her eyes she said. "Don't stop now, Reiki. Only slanted slashes left." Arashi crossed her arms with her eyes filled with worry. Reiki tried to control his breathing, between batted breaths he said. "You… Don't… Have… To… Tell… Me… Twice…" The two greatswords were pointing at the ground almost touching it, the veins on his hands were so prominent it looked like it was about to pop. He slowly moved his right hand above his head and placed it at a 45-degree angle, he slashed it downwards in a slanted line. Reiki said. "One."

~Two Hours Later~

Reiki swung the greatsword in his left hand in a slanted line, he said. "Two thousand." The moment he finished his grip on both of them slipped as they fell to the ground creating a loud thud. The sun was beginning to rise while his arms were constantly shaking, he thought. It's been a while since I felt this numb from training… He took a deep breath as he made his way out of the large puddle of his sweat. Arashi was suddenly beside him while Asami casually walked up to him, Arashi said. "Are you okay, Lil bro?" Reiki forced himself to nod, he said. "... Yeah… Help… Me…" Arashi placed her hands on his shoulders ignoring the dampness, she said. "With what?" Reiki turned his head sideways and glanced at the two greatswords on the floor that was on the puddle of sweat, he said. "Can… You… Place… Those… Inside?..." Asami reached the two of them as she casually waved her hand as the puddle of sweat suddenly vanished while the two swords were enveloped in a thin layer of mana.

The greatswords floated mid-air while Asami reached into his pocket and took out the pouch, with a wave of her hand the two floating swords were cleaned. Asami opened the pouch as the two greatswords went inside, she passed the pouch to him and said. "Here you go." Arashi was stunned by Asami's actions while Reiki slowly reached out his shaking hand, he said. "... Thanks…" He placed the pouch in his shorts that were soaked in sweat, he looked up to Asami and said. "Do you… Have water... On you?..." Asami reached into her pocket, she said. "I'll give you something better." She took out a red see-through tough plastic bottle that was filled with water visibly sparkling from time to time. She twisted the cap off and held it in her hand and passed it to him. Arashi was still in disbelief while Reiki quickly took the bottle off her hands and started chugging it down in one go.

Arashi snapped back to her senses when she saw him chug the water down, she said. "Lil bro, wait!" Reiki already downed the last bit of water as he let out a long and satisfied sigh, he looked up to her and said. "What is it?" Asami took the plastic bottle off his hands and put the cap on, she said. "How do you feel?" Reiki wiped the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, he said. "Tired… Thanks for the mana water or whatever it's called. The elves gave me some during my stay." He slowly made his way back to his older sister's home. Reiki turned his head sideways and looked at the two of them, he said. "I recommend disappearing, if Onee-chan catches you here it'll be hell." Asami nodded while Arashi was about to say something but couldn't as Asami placed a hand over her mouth. Asami said. "Until next time."

The two of them suddenly vanished while Reiki tried to place a hand on the doorknob and turned it. Before he went inside he looked at his sweat-soaked clothes, Reiki thought. Bathroom. He slowly squatted down and tried to untie his shoes as the front door suddenly burst open. Reiki froze and looked up and saw his older sister who's eyes were half-opened, Ketsueki said. "... Reiki… What are… You doing… So early in… The morning?..." Reiki slowly exhaled in relief, he thought. I forgot, Onee-chan isn't a morning person. He stood up and said. "I did some light training." Ketsueki tried to open her left eye and saw his soaked clothes, she said. "Just make sure…" She let out a big yawn and covered her mouth, Ketsueki continued. "To mop the floor clean, okay?..." Reiki nodded and said. "Understood, Onee-chan." Ketsueki suddenly stopped and turned her upper body to look at him, which made his heart rise. Ketsueki said. "What's for… Breakfast?..."

Reiki almost let out a sigh, he said. "Pancakes." Ketsueki gave him a lazy nod as she walked into the house followed by his little brother. Ketsueki let out a big yawn and covered her mouth using her hand. Reiki walked inside and took off his shoes, he placed them on the side and ran beside her. Reiki looked up to his older sister and said. "Onee-chan, I'll go on first and prepare the bath for you." Ketsueki lazily groggily nodded at him as he started jogging up the stairs. Ketsueki looked down on the floor with trails of sweat coming off from his little brother, she thought. I'll just sleep on the couch for a few minutes, rather than slamming my face onto the floor… She turned around and made her way to the couch in the living room. Ketsueki let out another yawn, this time not bothering to cover her mouth, she heard faint sounds of a shower sprinkling water onto a floor in the bathroom on the second floor.

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Ketsueki thought. It's been a while since the last time he picked up a kendo sword… Maybe I should buy one for him… The sound of running water suddenly stopped as she slowly closed her half-opened eyes, Ketsueki continued her train of thought. Him and his cold showers… A small smile formed on her lips as she closed her eyes.


Second Floor

Reiki opened the bathroom door wearing a dark blue t-shirt and shorts, he had a towel wrapped around his neck that covered his mouth and nose. His hair was straight from the water as droplets ran down his hair and onto the towel on his neck, Reiki thought. I need to get started on breakfast. I also have to make the bento's with whatever's left in the fridge… Before he could take a step he looked at his left and saw his sweat-soaked clothes which he wrung dry during his shower and picked them up. He made his way to the first floor and saw his older sister sleeping on the couch, Reiki thought. Onee-chan needs to stop relying on the coffee she buys during her commute to work. He made his way to the shoe compartment and slid the door open. Reiki poked his head inside and saw a foldable plastic rack that was hidden in the side.

He moved his head back and placed his arm inside and tried to get the foldable rack outside. Ketsueki slightly opened her left eye and saw his little brother struggling as a small smirk formed on her lips. Reiki had a slight frown on his face, he thought. Now I remember why I hated hanging laundry. He felt the foldable rack loosen up as the force from his pulling made him hit the floor with a loud thud.

[System: User has received 5 Damage.]

Reiki stood up as he rubbed his slightly numb butt, from the corner of his eye he saw Ketsueki change her sleeping position as she turned to face the tv. Ketsueki had a big smile on her lips as she placed a hand on her mouth to prevent herself from laughing. Reiki stared at the back of his older sister, he thought. She's awake… He looked at his shoes that were still soaked in sweat, Reiki thought. I should've asked them to dry these… He took out a pair of white indoor slippers and placed them on the opposite side of the soaked shoes. Reiki opened the door and walked outside with his bare feet and unfolded the plastic rack and set it up. A hint of realization appeared in his eyes, he said. "I forgot to get some hangers…" He casted. Flash.

『Flash has been Activated. Mana cost: 6,250.』

He appeared in the middle of his room, Reiki thought. I need to hasten my paste or else the living room would smell like sweat. He quickly made his way to the worn-down closet and opened it, he stepped inside of it and reached out to grab a few plastic hangers.

『Flash has been Activated. Mana cost: 6,250.』

He appeared back at the front of the house and pinned his damped clothes between his arm and chest. Reiki grabbed it by shirt edges and snapped it as drops of water spread across the ground. He placed the hanger inside the shirt and hung it on the foldable rack while repeating the process for his shorts and underwear. An old man passed by wearing simple attire, with a smile on his face, the old man said. "Working hard in the morning?" Reiki flashed him a smile, with an energetic tone and said. "Yes!" The old man walked by as he laughed to himself and said. "How nice." Reiki hung his underwear and walked back inside the house, he looked under the sole of his feet and saw it was clean. He put on a pair of white indoor slippers and looked at Ketsueki who was still lying down on the couch while making his way to the kitchen, Reiki said. "Maybe if Onee-chan stopped drinking coffee, she'd be more awake in the morning." He let out a chuckle as he pretended not to feel Ketsueki glaring daggers behind his back as he walked into the kitchen.

Ketsueki placed a hand on her chin, she thought. How did he… Know?... She heard the sound of drawers and cabinets being opened from the kitchen. Reiki said. "Onee-chan, are you done pretending to sleep?" Her eyes widened in surprise before a cold glint appeared in them as she slowly stood up from the couch and made her way to the kitchen. Halfway through the walk, she smelled something good and subconsciously quickened her pace. Ketsueki saw Reiki and a single pan that had some melted butter and a pancake that had one side of it being cooked. She saw his little brother holding a large bowl of pancake batter with a whisk in it and another large bowl of pancake batter with a ladle inside that was next to a pair of pink oven mitts. She took a couple of sniffs, Ketsueki said. "That smells good." She let out a big yawn and covered her mouth with a hand. Reiki saw bubbles forming on the raw side of the pancake, he picked up the handle of the pan and moved it around making sure the pancake wasn't stuck to it.


Reiki put on one of the pink oven mitts as he casually flipped the pancake in the air as it landed back on the pan raw side down, Reiki turned his head to look up to his older sister. He said. "I'll set up the table, wake Shiro up, and by the time you're done eating. The bath should be ready for you." Ketsueki looked at the two large bowls of pancake batter, she said. "I'm pretty sure we don't have enough syrup or butter for this..." Reiki let go of the handle of the pan, he said. "I'll use what butter we have sparingly. I still have to make both of your Bentos too…" Ketsueki let out another yawn as she stared at the pancake in the pan, she said. "What's on the menu?" Reiki placed the hand that had the oven mitt onto his chin, he said. "Since I didn't prepare anything yesterday, It'll be simple… How about tonkatsu… I'll make a quick potato ball salad, some pickled vegetables you made, thinly sliced cabbage… How about it, Onee-chan?"

Ketsueki glanced at the oven mitt he placed on his chin, she said. "Sounds good to me, but we don't have anything to use as a mini container for sauce." Reiki moved his gaze back onto the pan, he said. "I'll make sure the chicken is tender, don't worry." Ketsueki gave her little brother an odd look, she said. "Isn't that mitt hot?" Reiki nodded and said. "Yeah…" He moved the oven mitt away from his chin and grabbed the handle of the pan and flipped the pancake in the air, Reiki said. "One pancake down." Reiki squatted and opened a cabinet, he took out three plates and stacked them on top of each other. He picked up the pan by the handle and tossed the pancake in the middle of the plate at the top. Reiki turned his head and looked up to his older sister, he said. "I'm sorry, Onee-chan. Can you wake Shiro up for me? I know I said I'd do it but if I still have to prepare both of your Bentos." He closed the cabinet using his left foot.

Ketsueki flashed him a smile and said. "Sure." She let out another big yawn and covered it with her hand. Ketsueki slowly turned around and made her way to the second floor leaving his little brother in the kitchen. While walking up the second floor she heard her little brother speak, he said. "Even if we run out of maple syrup honey would work just as well, Onee-chan!" Ketsueki reached the second floor as she placed a hand on her chin as a pondering expression formed on her face, she said. "Maybe I should lay off on coffee…" She walked in front of a door leading into Shiro's room and opened it. Ketsueki saw her little sister sleeping on the bed with a blanket over her, with a smile on her lips she made her way to the bed. Ketsueki squatted down and tried to gently shake Shiro awake, Ketsueki said. "Shiro, wake up."

Shiro let out a long tired hmm, she turned to her left side and exposed her back to her older sister. Shiro said. "... Five more minutes…" Ketsueki gently shook her little sister again, she said. "Are you sure about that, Shiro?" Shiro moved her hand out of the blanket and covered her head. Ketsueki stood up and placed her hands on her hips, she slowly turned around and made her way to the door. Ketsueki said. "Then more pancakes for me and Reiki then." Ketsueki was halfway to the door when Shiro suddenly sat up straight on her bed with wide eyes. She quickly got off the bed and put on her pair of white indoor slippers by the edge of her bed and quickly made her way to the door. Ketsueki walked through the door without closing it, she said. "Don't forget to make your bed." Shiro stopped and ran back into her room as she quickly made her bed by tidying the blanket as ran past the door and closed it behind her.

Ketsueki made her way to the already prepared table as she pulled her seat and sat down, on the table were three plates with tall pancakes on each of them. In the middle were a bottle of syrup and a couple of sticks of room-temperature butter. Shiro made her way to her seat as she pulled it back and sat down, she reached out for the bottle of syrup in the middle when the sound of footsteps caught both their attention. Reiki walked to the table carrying a large bowl of whipped cream with a wooden spoon in it, he said. "Whipped cream?" Shiro immediately stretched both her arms out toward him as her gaze locked on to the bowl in her older brother's hands. Reiki let out a chuckle and said. "I'll take that as a yes." He placed the bowl on the table while Shiro immediately picked up the spoon and placed a generous amount on top of her pancakes.

Ketsueki had a smile on her lips as she reached for the bottle of syrup and one of the sticks of butter. She undid the wrapper and used her fork to place a knob of butter on the top of the stack of pancakes followed by a large amount of syrup. Shiro started happily eating while Ketsueki turned her gaze at her little brother, she said. "Not gonna eat, Reiki?" He shook his head and said. "Not yet, Onee-chan. I still have some more pancakes to make, fry some tonkatsu, and mop the floor. Feel free to start without me."

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